I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 195 Chika Fujiwara Is Very Happy About Yumeko Snake’S Arrangement (Please Subscribe~)

In the end, Chika Fujiwara decided not to tell Ye Mu yet and wait to talk to Ye Mu about what happened today. Anyway, her identity was confirmed, so this would be the best.

"Hey! I almost forgot!"


Chika Fujiwara stood up quickly and said: "As agreed with Ye Jun, we will play black games tonight!"

Chika Fujiwara said and disappeared. At this time, Ye Mu was still chatting with Yumeko Snake Gho, who was also reporting on her situation at the King of Flowers.

Ye Mu nodded thoughtfully and said: "I probably know the matter... But having said that, Mengzi, how do you think the final battle for the president will end if this continues?"

"I don't know. Anyway, I will just do whatever you ask me to do, Mr. Ye. I really have no interest in other things."

"It seems like, Mengzi, you have no intention of competing at the end of the battle for president."

Snake Mengzi sighed and said: 26 "It's useless for me to ask for the position of president, and the president will not lose. Otherwise, the president will not have the face to see Ye Jun, let alone the vice president. , Huangquanzue-senpai, Ishima-san, they all have very interesting perspectives.”

"Shima Shima... This is indeed a bit beyond my expectation, but it's not a big deal. Mengzi, is there anything you want?"

"Well... then after graduation, Mr. Ye, please arrange a job for me."

Ye Mu was stunned for a moment, then smiled and shook his head and said, "So Mengzi, are you planning to come to China in the future?"

"Jun Ye, you mean you want to be a betrayer. You don't want to eat the king's meal and leave me like this.

"Have you watched any strange comics or TV series recently?"

"Not really. The president sent me a lot of movies and TV series and asked me to learn how the girls in them get along with their boyfriends. It turned out to be quite fruitful.

"I'll make a blind guess, it should be a TV series from China."

Snake Mengzi was stunned for a moment and said: "Eh? Mr. Ye, how did you know?"

Ye Mu sighed and said: "All over the world, Korean dramas really want to make you cry in an unorganized way. Chinese TV dramas are trying to find ways to popularize science and give you positive energy at the same time. They arrange a lot of painful scenes, as if they don't have to be bitter at all. It’s like I can’t go down anymore, so...that should be the case.”

"Ah, Mr. Ye, you are right. It is indeed a Chinese TV series. To be honest, when I saw the heroine and the hero getting along, I really wanted to say, why hasn't the hero changed? As for a person, does anyone really like a girl like this?"

"So, what did you learn?"

"A lot, but I must have learned it from the supporting characters. I have watched a lot of TV dramas where the heroines have no brains and no emotional intelligence... Well... they are not subjective or shameless."

Ye Mu raised his eyebrows. Like Kitagawa Uimuo, he learned from the supporting characters. The protagonists are really not impressive, but the way they do things is not as good as the monkeys in the animal world.

Snake Mengzi tilted his head and said: "Then let's just say it, Mr. Ye, I will rely on you for the rest of my life."

"I feel like it might have been better to pretend not to notice you when the hospital saw you."

"Eh? Mr. Ye, you can't hide from me, because I will definitely meet the president when I go to the King of Flowers. The president will definitely win over me, and I will know your existence. Then... there is no difference. .

"Okay, okay, let's take a good rest during the next summer vacation.

"Of course, it looks like someone wants to find Mr. Ye."

Ye Mu turned around and saw Chika Fujiwara running in. She didn't dare to look up like she did when eating, as if nothing happened.

No, it can be seen that Fujiwara Chika was very happy, very happy, and ran directly to Ye Mu with a catapult.

"Huh? Qianhua, what are you..."

"Hey...Ye Jun! Don't forget what you promised me! You want to play black games! I came here after a long time. Mengzi, have you finished talking?"

Snake Ghoul Mengzi said with a smile: "We've finished chatting, Sister Qianhua, you can take over."

"Okay! Mr. Ye!"

Ye Mu looked at Fujiwara Chika's unavoidable eyes, sighed and said, "Okay, Mengzi, do you want to come together?"

"No, no, I still have something to talk to the president about. Bye."

Snake Ghoul Yumeko said and ran away. "Fujiwara Chika said with a naive smile: "Hey! Ye Jun! Let's go quickly!"

"Okay, I understand, but...don't you think about it?"

Chika Fujiwara puffed up her face and said: "Ye Jun! You must learn to be grateful! How many people beg me to hug me but I still don't do it! And... and n... eh, you have to be sincere anyway!

Ye Mu sighed and said nothing, just held Fujiwara Chika's waist and walked towards the entertainment building. Fujiwara Chika was hanging on Ye Mu like a koala.

"Hey... Since you are so sincere, I will give you a reward 673!"

Before Ye Mu could recover, he was kissed on the cheek. Chika Fujiwara also said with a slightly blushing face: "This reward is not bad, so, Mr. Ye, if you behave well in the future, the reward will be small."


"I always feel like you suddenly become a lot more lively."

"Then I'm not like this with everyone. Anyway, don't worry about it. I'm just happy. Well... Ye Jun, did you and Mengzi just talk about the King of Flowers again?"

"Yeah, what's wrong?"

"It feels weird. Mengzi and Qiluoli don't seem to be the same group, but they still seem to be the same group. It's weird... Well, I don't care about that much. Ye Jun, we have agreed, from now on I After graduation, I also want to come to China."

"It's okay to say nothing, as long as you come, I won't leave you behind.

"Hmm! Well...Ye Jun..."


"Well...I mean if...if I ask you to go out on a date with me, will you agree?"

"It depends on where you go."

"Eh? Pfft... you are so real!"

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