I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 196: Chika Fujiwara’S Clinginess And Clara Wanting To Leave (Please Subscribe~)

Ye Mu played games with Chika Fujiwara and Kaihei for a few hours. In the middle, Kobayashi Ryodan and the others joined in and played two games, and then Chika Fujiwara was taken away to rest.

Chika Fujiwara had no reluctance and left happily. Ye Mu looked confused the whole time, what was going on? Why was Chika Fujiwara suddenly so happy?

However, this incident did not bring much impact to Ye Mu. He was happy when something good happened, so there was no need to worry about it.

But in the next few days, Ye Mu didn't know if it was an illusion. In addition to Alice, who was always very active with him recently, Fujiwara Chika was always clinging to him. The most outrageous thing was... Himuro Iris and Ye Mu has a lot to say, but Himuro Iris' communication skills make it easy to see that she is just looking for something to say.

Ye Mu expressed doubts, but didn't say anything. After all, you can't ask about this, and the most important thing is, even if you ask, can you tell?

"Jun Ye, do you think I can learn international commercial law well?"

"It depends on how you arrange it, but why do you think of studying international commercial law? Isn't international relations bad?"

"Well...because I think it's better to handle your hotel for Mr. Ye."


When Ye Mu was looking at the direction of the stock market that day, Chika Fujiwara clung to her as always, still holding Ye Mu's arm with a carefree look, and she was a bit coquettish.

While Ye Mu and Fujiwara Chika were chatting, they suddenly heard someone making a voice call to themselves. Ye Mu was a little surprised that this person turned out to be Kraqi.

Ye Mu didn't think much and chose to answer the call directly. Kraqi on the other side of the phone also said quickly: "Mr. Ye?"

"It's me, is there something wrong with Miss Kraki? Can't I find her somewhere?"

Kraqi coughed slightly and said, "That's right, Mr. Ye, I'm going back to China the night after tomorrow. In order to thank you for your help, Mr. Ye, and I think we can be considered friends, so I want to invite you tomorrow night." Have a meal to express your gratitude, please don’t refuse.”

Chika Fujiwara puffed up her face, looked at Ye Mu and was about to speak when she heard Ye Mu say with a smile: "It's a good thing to be invited to dinner, so I'll see you tomorrow night. As for the address and time... I'll leave it to Miss Kraqi. The will is done.”

"No problem! See you tomorrow night!"

After hanging up the phone, Chika Fujiwara said with a resentful look on her face: "Mr. Ye! Who is this woman? How can a girl invite a man to dinner alone at night, and she has only known her for a short time?"

"So thank you."

"Huh! It's definitely not just a simple thank you! How can a girl thank a boy for inviting us to dinner? It's such a late night! I don't believe you!"

Ye Mu sighed and looked at Fujiwara Chika who looked serious, pinched Fujiwara Chika's face and said angrily: "Have you read too many comics recently? Or have you watched too many Chinese TV series?"

"How did you know!"

Sigh... It seems that Kiroli often recommends works that are a waste of time..."

Fujiwara Chika scratched her head and said: "Huh? I think it's quite interesting. Except that the male protagonist and female protagonist and some supporting male and female roles are redundant, the plot is pretty good!"

"It's true that these are redundant, but if you remove them, what will you see?"

"It's fun to watch passers-by shouting. At least the plot of passers-by is not weird, and the acting is better!"

"Hmm...that makes sense...by the way, where are Fengshi and the others?"

Chika Fujiwara was stunned for a moment, and then shook her head after thinking for a while and said: "I'm not sure. Sisters, some of them seem to be practicing cooking, some are working out, and some are writing planning books and the like."

"So you have nothing to do?"

"I'm here to accompany you! Are you touched?"

Ye Mu sighed and said: "It seems that you really have nothing to do, so don't be idle and go get me a glass of water."


When Chika Fujiwara came back with the water, Ye Mu was still staring at the computer screen in front of her. Chika Fujiwara put down the water and walked behind the sofa, pinched Ye Mu's shoulders and said with a smile: "Whatever, it has to be me."

"Strength is okay."

"Of course, when I used to please my mother and grandpa at home, I would definitely get a massage or something like that. How about it, make me look like a good wife!"

Ye Mu was stunned for a moment, raised his head and took a look. Because he was blocked, he couldn't see Fujiwara Chika's complete face. Ye Mu said with some confusion: "It depends on what kind of cognition it is."

"What do you think, Mr. Ye?"


"Everything is fine! Huh? Mr. Ye, is this a stock? It doesn't look like it, but use it."

Ye Mu shook his head and said: "No, what was just now is stocks, what is now is foreign exchange, can you understand?"

"Well... I can understand a little bit, Mr. Ye, you are buying a lot of stable things. How much can you make from this."

Ye Mu didn't say anything. As time passed slowly, Fujiwara Chika only saw that the money sometimes decreased a lot and sometimes suddenly increased a lot. It was not until Ye Mu stopped that Fujiwara Chika said blankly: "Thousands of dollars." Thousands and millions...Ye Jun...you are too outrageous (Li Hao)! How do you know when the price has risen so much?

When will you become a singer?"

"It's good to be familiar with each other... But why are Ringtong and the others still silent? Let's go and have a look. Do you want to go?"


At the same time, in the hotel on the other side, Clara also held up her mobile phone with a serious look on her face and said: "Declair, I have made an appointment with Mr. Ye. I will take a flight the night after tomorrow. If you are free, then Come pick me up at the airport.”

"Don't worry, I decided to ask some valuable questions this time, and I also know that Mr. Ye will return to Tōtsuki soon, so I think I will gain something."

"Of course! How could I miss it so easily!"

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