【Chapter 286】The big crisis in Zhuanghuiyuan

The salty sea breeze gently brushed Tadokoro Megumi’s cheeks.

There was a helpless smile on her face.

That kind of rich man” thing.

It’s not something that a douchebag like her can participate in.

“Don’t worry, the boat will go straight to the bridge, maybe things won’t be too bad?”

Xie Jun gently patted Tadokoro Megumi’s shoulder and comforted her softly.

He doesn’t know much about this matter, so it’s hard to make any comments.

However, Maria could arrange for someone to investigate a little.

After all, it is the matter of his own little secretary, Xie Jun takes it to heart and will lend a helping hand when necessary.

After wandering around the beach for a while, the two walked in the direction of Zhuanghui Garden.

Only when the two came to the gate of Zhuanghui Garden, they found that it was crowded with people.

Xie Jun was stunned, and a bad premonition arose in his heart.

The same goes for Tadokoro Megumi.

Although the family has a good relationship with the surrounding residents.

But there is no reason why so many people gather around their door.

Zhuang Huiyuan, something must have happened!

Tadokoro Megumi trotted over with an uneasy heart.

“Uncle Yoshida, what happened to my house?”

“Xiaohui is back, don’t worry,

An uncle looked at Tadokoro Megumi with some embarrassment, as if he didn’t know how to explain it.

Tadokoro Megumi found out only then.

There were two burly men in black suits and sunglasses standing in front of their house.

Like two door gods.

“Who are you? What are you doing standing in front of my hotel?”

Tadokoro Megumi, who was worried about her mother’s safety, changed her usual timid personality and questioned her sternly.

If the two men blocking the door did not hear it, they turned a blind eye to the girl in front of them.

Xie Jun frowned and strode up.

Blocked at the door of other people’s houses, you can turn a blind eye to the host’s questioning.

The owners of these two dogs look very arrogant?

Looking at Xie Jun walking past him, Tadokoro Megumi’s beautiful eyes showed deep gratitude.

She knew that it was impossible to deal with this kind of thing by her own ability alone.


One of the men in black said sternly.

Xie Jun didn’t bother to pay attention to this lackey, and threw a punch directly.

With his current strength attribute of 50 points, it is enough to kill the big guy in front of him with one punch.

It’s just that Xie Jun, who usually doesn’t like killing, deliberately restrained some of his strength.

Rao is so, under one punch.

The big man in front of him didn’t even have time to make a sound, so he fell into a coma.

The other person was shocked and wanted to rush forward, but it was too late.

With a straight punch, his end was as unmanned as the previous man.

All the onlookers at the venue were shocked by Xie Jun’s violence.

No one would have thought that the classmates that Xiaohui brought back would be so powerful.

With just two punches, two apparently professionally trained bodyguards were knocked to the ground.

It’s just that the trouble the Xiaohui family encountered this time cannot be solved by force alone.

“Xiaohui, let’s go, go in and see which idiot is so arrogant.

Xie Jun said lightly, and greeted Tadokoro Megumi to go in together.

It is rare to come out to relax, but encountering such troubles, Xie Jun is in a bad mood now.

However, looking at it from a different perspective, luckily this time, I came here to play with Tadokoro Megumi.

Otherwise, it would be a bit dangerous for the Tiansuo sister to encounter this kind of thing alone.

There were still a few men in black sitting in the restaurant, but they didn’t see the mother and the master.

When several bodyguards saw Xie Jun come in, they rushed over immediately.

Just the result won’t change anything.

These guys instantly followed in the footsteps of the first two.

At this time, some courageous people have followed into the “Zhuanghui Garden”.

God, “Xiaohui’s boyfriend is too powerful, isn’t he? Isn’t he a student of some martial arts school?”

“No, I heard that it is Xiaohui’s classmate and also a student of Tōtsuki Academy!”

“”, No way, are all the chefs so good now? It’s like a martial artist. ”

“This boy looks a little familiar, where have I seen it?”

“I remember, the champion of the top group of THEBLUE competition, I have seen his picture in the newspaper!

Oh my god”~~~ He’s the youngest top chef in history~~~

“I didn’t expect Xiaohui to actually know such a legendary character.

A group of onlookers started talking.

Although these people usually pay little attention to the food industry.

But there are still a small number of people who have seen the news about the THEBLUE contest.

After recognizing Xie Jun’s identity, they couldn’t help but have a glimmer of hope in their hearts.

Maybe this legendary character has a way to help Xiaohui’s family?

(The ones who got the money) Actually, they were also a little speechless.

Who would have thought that the person who was going to contract this harbour would come to “Zhuanghuiyuan” for dinner, and also fell in love with Tadokoro Megumi’s mother.

In the face of such a wealthy young man with several bodyguards, these small townspeople dare not speak out, and can only be anxious like ants on a hot pot.

And the identity of the other party also makes everyone feel fear, that family is extremely powerful in the Neon country and even the whole world.

It is far from what ordinary people like them can compete with.

At this moment, everyone is looking forward to Xie Jun, the youngest top chef in the legend, to let the other party give a little face and let the Tadokoro Megumi family go.

They don’t pray that Xie Jun can suppress each other in terms of identity, after all, that’s a bit unrealistic.

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