[Chapter 287] The four palaces are a fart

In the kitchen of Zhuang Huiyuan.

Tiansuo’s mother is cooking.

A young man in a colorful casual suit was looking at each other on the kitchen counter with a cigarette in his hand.

The kitchen smelled of cigarette smoke, which made Xie Jun frown.

For chefs, smoking in the kitchen is definitely a taboo, it is a great disrespect to the ingredients and cooking.

This young man was about twenty years old. He seemed to sense that someone was coming in, and he didn’t look back. He said angrily: “Didn’t I tell you not to come in and disturb me?”

Tian Suo’s mother stopped what she was doing and turned her head to look at the door. After being stunned for a while, she called out nervously, “Xiaohui, classmate Xie…how did you come in?”

She knew the identity of the young man in front of her, and an ordinary person like herself had no way to disobey the other party’s orders, but she didn’t want to bring her daughter in.

Only then did the young man realize that something was wrong, he turned his head to look at Xie Jun and the two, frowned, “Who are you? Where are my people?

“If you’re asking about the dead dogs outside? They probably won’t be able to get up now!”

Xie Jun sneered and walked towards the other side.

“Xie classmate, don’t be impulsive.”

Tiansuo’s mother seemed to have a foreboding.

Although I don’t know what happened outside.

But 180 can be judged from Xie Jun’s tone, the bodyguards outside seem to have been knocked down by the other party.

She was afraid that Xie Jun would act on the man in front of her on a whim, and things would be serious.

The background of the other party’s extremely terrifying, ordinary people like them would definitely not be able to offend them.

“Don’t worry about Auntie, it’ll be all right soon.”

Xie Jun said softly, seeing that Tadokoro Megumi’s mother was not hurt in any way, he couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Knowing the general passage from the onlookers just now, he was really afraid of what this person did to Tiansuo’s mother.

Now it seems that this guy is still a bit sentimental, he did not start directly, but first watched the other party’s cooking.

I just want to do something with the little secretary’s mother. This guy really doesn’t know how to write dead words.

Xie Jun rarely gets angry, but at this time he feels very angry.

Knowing that his bodyguards were all knocked down by the person in front of him.

Sigong Yun Ying felt strange.

All around him were bodyguards carefully selected by the Shinomiya family.

Everyone is stronger than ordinary people.

But the other party was able to solve it all in such a short period of time.

Looks like a trainer.

But Shinomiya Yunying didn’t care too much.

He is a member of the Si Gong family, and he really doesn’t believe that anyone dares to do anything to him.

As the third son of Shinomiya Yanan, although he is only 21 years old now, although he does not have much real power, he is born with a sense of superiority.

“You shouldn’t be from this small hotel, right? I’m Shinomiya Yunying of the Shinomiya family. I advise you to think about it before you decide what to do?”

Si Gong Yun Ying sneered and said sternly, his tone was full of arrogance.

As a member of the Sinomiya family, he never paid attention to these commoners.

Whether it was a whim decided to build a surf center here.

Still came to this small hotel for dinner and met a beautiful young woman like Yamato Nadeko.

As long as it is what Si Yan Yun Ying wants to get, he has never missed it.

He believed that this time would be no exception, and the reputation of the Si Gong family was enough to scare everyone away.

In fact, with the education of the Si Gong family, it stands to reason that there should be no such playful children.

However, Si Gong Yunying’s eldest brother controls the main things of the family base, and the second brother manages the family business overseas all year round.

He knew very well that the age difference between himself and these two people was too big, and he had absolutely no strength to compete for the position of the next generation’s head of the family.

If that’s the case, then it’s better to have fun.

Anyway, the assets of the Si Gong family are endless, even a small part of it can make him live well.

Shinomiya Yanan has three sons and one daughter, and the age difference between the children is huge.

For example, there is a difference of at least twenty years between Si Gong Yun Ying and his eldest brother Si Gong Huang Guang.

Such a huge age difference is enough for Si Gong Huangguang’s power to develop (abdf) to the point where Si Gong Yun Ying can’t match.

In this way, he might as well break off his thoughts of fighting for power and profit and become a rich second-generation with peace of mind.

Because of this, many times the Si Gong family would not care about this guy’s mischief outside.

Perhaps due to this age difference, Yunteng Si Gong has a very strange hobby.


Obviously only a 21-year-old young man, but he has a special liking for the plump young woman of the old age.

I have nothing to do today, and I heard that Zhuanghuiyuan has the best cuisine in this area.

Si Gong Yunying suddenly became interested, but when he saw Tian Suo’s mother, he couldn’t help being shocked, and that’s why these things happened later.

Xie Jun didn’t know about Si Gong Yun Ying’s affairs, so he didn’t dare to be interested in them.

When he heard that the other party reported his family background, he didn’t even frown.

The second son of the Sigong family, he doesn’t even care about Sigong Yan’an, let alone Siyan Yunying.

Xie Jun is now full of anger and has nowhere to go.

“The Sinomiya family is a piece of shit!

Xie Jun sneered and raised his leg directly.


Shinomiya Yunying was carried directly from the cooking table and flew up, and slammed into the wall not far away.

A clatter suddenly sounded, and the kitchen utensils hanging on the wall sparsely fell down, and immediately hit Shigong Yunying.

Perhaps because of his youth, Si Gong Yunying’s body is still strong, and he did not pass out on the spot.

After a while of mourning, the severe pain instantly hit Si Gong Yunying’s entire body, and he only felt that every bone in his body was about to be broken.

Tian Suo’s mother exclaimed subconsciously, and then raised her hand to cover her mouth.

She really didn’t expect that Xiao Hui, a classmate who seemed to be honest and gentle, actually had such a violent side.

How much strength does it take to fly a young man who is over 1.7 meters tall with one foot?

After a moment of astonishment, Tian Suo’s mother couldn’t help but be shocked and said: “Xie classmate, you are so impulsive, the big family like Si Gong, we ordinary people can’t offend!”

Tadokoro Megumi also looked at Xie Jun with some concern.

But my heart is more grateful.

Just think of what might have happened to your mother.

She couldn’t help but feel a sense of fear in her heart.

Fortunately, there is Xie Jun, so that his mother can be safe and sound.

Tadokoro Megumi is fairly familiar with Xie Jun’s life experience.

I just don’t know the name of the family of chef gods far away in the Xia country,

Can you overpower the Shinomiya family, the local power of the Neon Kingdom?,

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