I'm in Food Wars: Starting a Food World

Chapter 439 Respective Partners (For Subscription, For Support)

"Brother Li Xuan, have you collected all these legendary kitchen utensils?"

Hearing Li Xuan's detailed account of the effects of the eight legendary kitchen utensils, Yoshino Yuuki couldn't help asking curiously. After all, if you know so much, you can't justify just hearing about it and investigating it.

Moreover, the Dragon Turning Pot and the Mosheng Bronze Ware in Li Xuan's hands proved that he has mastered the method of finding the legendary kitchen utensils. If there are two, there must be three, so four, five, six, seven, eight are not a big problem.

There is nothing to hide, Li Xuan nodded, and said: "I have other legendary kitchen utensils, and if I haven't got them yet, I have a way to get them together. When you use them It's time to bring it to you.

In fact, in a sense, for you at this stage, I don’t want to use the legendary "750" kitchen utensils for you, for fear that you will become dependent on them, and you will no longer be chefs, but users of kitchen utensils. "

Even in the world where the chefs are more powerful and powerful, there are many chefs who cannot control their dependence on the legendary kitchen utensils [and eventually become slaves to the kitchen set.

Who doesn't want to be able to become a master without having to work hard to lie flat?

Especially Tadokoro Megumi and the others are still in the accumulation and learning stage of chefs. It is not a good thing to rely too much on legendary kitchen utensils, which will make them lack of experience accumulation.

The journey of a chef is not smooth sailing, and success and praise are not the only nutrients. Sometimes failures and lessons can make chefs grow even more!

All the girls are smart, so they naturally understood the meaning of Li Xuan's words, and they all nodded seriously. The way they looked just now is just because they have just been exposed to legendary kitchen utensils.

"Okay, let's get busy first, Liangzi and Xiaonai, you should familiarize yourself with the Dragon Pot and the Mosheng Bronze Vessel first, and I will go down first.

Li Xuan looked at the time, it was almost time for business, and the rest of the time was up to them.

In addition to the teachings of Nao Sadazuka and Ryoko Sakaki this morning, as well as the confirmation of Nakiri Erina's plan, Tadokoro Megumi and the others have not yet, so we can only talk about it in the afternoon.

The business at noon was as hot as ever, and Arato Hisako and the others who sneaked down to watch were shocked. It was really full of seats. Li Xuan and Thor were like assembly line workers, sending away table after table of guests.

And Li Xuan's restaurant is different from other restaurants that are full of customers, and those restaurants have kitchen and service staff that can be counted by tens.

But here Li Xuan relies on him and Thor in the kitchen, and Lukoya and Elma in the service area. Four people support the store, and it seems that there is more than enough.

But don't be fooled by their effortless demeanor, Tadokoro Megumi has the most to say about the intensity of work at Li Xuan's restaurant.

At noon, Tadokoro Megumi and the others had their own lunch, of course, with so many chefs around, how could they still starve themselves?!

Even Nakiri Erina was afraid that she would be too bored, and said that she would be responsible for the lunch and dinner in the next few days, otherwise she would still be a little unfamiliar if she didn't practice for a week.

After resting in the afternoon, Li Xuan found Arato Hisako and Tadokoro Megumi and gave them guidance, because in a certain way, the cooking paths of these two people can also be used for reference and overlap.

In Li Xuan's opinion, Arato Hisako's medicated diet has nothing to say in terms of nourishing effect and taste, but it lacks in other aspects.

Arato Hisako can do a good job in color, fragrance and Italian food, but he has not made much achievements in terms of artistic conception, or in terms of culinary heart.

Lack of talent in cooking like Tadokoro Megumi, and because she has always been sad about cooking, she only wants to follow Nakiri Erina through cooking, but she doesn't understand that cooking has long been an indispensable part of her life .

This time, under the guidance of Li Xuan, Arato Hisako realized that cooking is already so important to him, not just a tool.

The love that she has been lacking for a long time has finally awakened, and with the influence of Tadokoro Megumi, Arato Hisako will usher in a transformation.

As for Tadokoro Megumi, compared with Arato Hisako, it’s the opposite. Her color, fragrance, and style are good, but what she lacks is her gentle cooking heart.

But if it can not only warm the heart, but also nourish the body like Arato Hisako's medicinal food, then Tadokoro Megumi's cooking path will be more open..

At the same time, Tadokoro Megumi and Arato Hisako learn from each other. To be honest, in Li Xuan's opinion, their cooking is too limited, a bit like Ryoko Sakaki and Nao Sadazuka.

They all need to expand their own cooking pool. Arato Hisako can’t always rely on monotonous medicinal food, but also needs to extend it. Tadokoro Megumi also needs to expand his cooking pool. The warm and elegant local cuisine is very good, but he still needs to learn more about other aspects of cooking.

The remaining Yoshino Yuuki and Mito Ikumi of course form a group, there is no better partner than them!

Both of them are chefs who have conducted in-depth research on meat dishes [Zhong, but the directions of their research are somewhat different.

Mito Ikumi relies on his family background and studies high-end meat cooking, while Yoshino Yuuki is cooking game meat, and the two can learn from each other.

And speaking of meat, where is there more and better meat than here at Li Xuan?

Hankrilla bird meat, Kaila giant crocodile meat, gem meat of Ligaru mammoth, and highly poisonous blowfish whale meat. . . .

There are also a variety of strange and strange mixed flavors such as crab pig, persimmon oysters, edamame high fish, etc.

The current Mito Ikumi is not the one who was led astray by Yukihira Sōma on the original timeline. At that time, Mito Ikumi turned into a meat bowl expert at 1.1 years ago.

Originally, it was very limited to take the road of meat cooking alone, but later it became more specific in the meat bowl, just look at Mito Ikumi's cooking later.

It's not that rice bowl cooking is not good, but that no matter how well you play, meat rice bowl is still meat bowl rice bowl, you can't get out of this circle after all.

It can only be said that Yukihira Sōma led him astray, and Mito Ikumi was also unlucky, but now that he meets Li Xuan, this situation will naturally not happen again!

After arranging all the girls, Li Xuan's pressure was reduced a lot in an instant, and the next step was to proceed step by step.

Let's see if these seven days can make them have a gorgeous transformation from chrysalis to butterfly!.

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