I'm in Food Wars: Starting a Food World

Chapter 510 The Long-Lost Ten Company (Please Subscribe, Please Support)

"System, let's do ten consecutive draws to wake up!"

After breakfast, Li Xuan, who was a little overworked last night, sat on the recliner, half-closed his eyes and said, starting his twenty-fourth ten consecutive draws.

Speaking of which, there has been no lottery draw for a while.

Maybe it's because little Lin Long's gallbladder came yesterday to irritate Thor and the others?

They are the ones who didn't use the wrong words, singled out Li Xuan and dare to say that they will not be afraid of any dragon at all, but it's a pity that they don't talk about martial arts!

Li Xuan, who swarmed up, 1v3, was able to get up on time this morning to make breakfast for Kang Na, which is already very impressive.

Tired is a bit tired, but the effort always pays off, what is a happy planet, this is a happy planet!

"One million yen has been deducted from the host's account. Congratulations to the host for winning hard-shell crabs, quail scallions, Yuheng mapo tofu recipes, drink acorns, silver chopsticks ten pots, mutton assorted pot recipes, pork ribs and lobsters in this lottery. , Stuffed Squid Recipe, Cabbage Cheese, Coin Toss Calamari!"

Listening to the voice of the system, all ten companies have been shipped this time, there is no shortfall or consolation prize, thank you for your patronage, and there is no money of one hundred yen or one thousand yen.

Three recipes, one cooking technique, six ingredients!

Let’s take a look at the most concerned recipe first, Yu 170 Heng Mapo Tofu, which is the mapo tofu that Xiaodangjia learned from the founder of Mapo Tofu, Chen Jia, when he was looking for Jialou Luodao.

This Yuheng mapo tofu is also called extremely spicy mapo tofu. The difference from the mapo tofu learned by Xiaodangjia can be seen from the name, the degree of spiciness!

Mutton Assorted Pot is a dish made by Seven Star Knife Rennes in the desert and the blue-eyed tiger Mira in the Five Tiger Stars when they were eating halberds.

The last piece of stuffed squid is from our old friend Takumi, as is the bimonthly sparkling pizza that we just finished eating.

It seems that the system also likes Takumi very much, otherwise why is it always staring at him alone?!

Politeness System: You?

The rest of the cooking skills are worth ten pots, and the system also thoughtfully provided the props used for it, two pairs of silver long chopsticks, as a matching set.

I didn't take out these two pairs of silver chopsticks to make a prize in a lucky draw. It's very conscientious and worthy of encouragement!

The food system said that he didn't want to talk to his host at all, and he still talked so much after drawing a prize, your friend cdff will be offline from the food system!

Li Xuan didn't care about the slander of his own system, but looked at some key points of this cooking skill with ten pots of silver.

Monkey King Zhu Qi was able to use two pairs of long silver chopsticks as kitchen utensils with the physical fitness of an ordinary person, light ten pots at the same time, and cook different dishes in ten pots at the same time.

Relying on the rhythm, the usual exercise of arm strength, and some small skills.

These are what Li Xuan does not have. Although he can cook several dishes at the same time every day, it relies on his strong physical fitness as a support, plus some previous experience.

But now it is the limit to control four or five pots at the same time, and after learning and returning to ten pots, after a little practice, ten pots is not a big problem, and you can even break through to fifteen pots, and twenty pots are temporarily enough. It's an extravagant wish.

Chinese cuisine is different from other cuisines. Don’t look at how Yukihira Sōma was able to control sixteen pots at the same time during the co-education study, and he was able to spare his hands in the middle to prepare ingredients.” I think he is better than Li Xuan and Zhu Qi.

That's not the same, Yukihira Sōma makes souffle omelette, the only process on the stove is to pour the egg liquid, then cover and wait.

There is no need to do any work in the middle, but it is different to cook ten pots, which is to cook ten different dishes at the same time.

It requires constant stir-frying, adding ingredients, and seasoning, which not only tests the chef's speed and hands-on ability.

It also has high requirements on the chef's logic and memory, and at the same time, the familiarity with the dishes, what ingredients are needed for each dish, the cooking method and order, which step has been carried out, and what to do next. . . . . .

In the previous life, Li Xuan tried it when he invited friends to dinner. Even if the ingredients were prepared in advance, but being able to make both sides at the same time, making a soup at home that does not need to be watched constantly is already the limit!

Even if the car was overturned a few times in the middle, a mechanical repetition of a process is carried out at the same time, which is completely different from the one-pot return of silver with one mind and multiple uses!

The cooking speed of Yukihira Sōma's soufflé omelette back then, in the previous life, no, it can even be said that the stall owners of many food stalls can do it.

For example, grilled sausages, small octopus balls, egg burgers, and grilled oysters are the most typical!

It is a repetitive and mechanical movement, and after a period of practice, they can reach their level.

Of course, Yukihira Sōma's sixteen pots at the same time is also very good, but now, Li Xuan who has learned how to return ten pots with silver chopsticks is even better!

Li Xuan continued to look down at other rewards, that is, six ingredients, and the ingredient of quail scallions is more interesting.

It looks like scallion head, um, this ingredient is also a kind of ingredient owned by Donghuang.

When I was young, Li Xuan went to the vegetable market to buy sour radish during Chinese New Year, and would secretly eat a few pieces when he bought it. It was sour and spicy, not to mention appetizing!

At first, Li Xuan thought it was garlic and soaked it like a sour radish, but later he realized that it was not garlic, but another plant, which can also be said to be a relative of garlic.

After all, whether it is the underground part of the scallion or the leaves on the ground, they are very similar to garlic and onions.

It's just that this quail scallion, doesn't mean that this scallion has the taste of quail meat, it still looks like a scallion, and it also grows in the ground.

However, the skin of the scallion head has spots similar to quail eggs, and the inside of the scallion head is fresh quail eggs, so this quail scallion head is actually a quail egg with a scallion head shell!

Maybe the quail eggs will have the special fragrance of scallions?!

Li Xuan hasn't tasted it, but when Kang Na comes back at night, I can take her to make a sour onion head and marinate it in a can or two. Usually, it can be used for stir-frying or with porridge.

Next up is the drink acorn, a juicy acorn filled with flavors like milk, cocoa, cream soda, orange juice and more.

Well, Li Xuan has more drinks in his hand, and he also wants to eat directly.

Thinking of Li Xuan, he took out a drink acorn from the super backpack, plugged in a straw, well, luck is very good, it’s orange juice!

It's just right for post-meal relief, not cream soda or cocoa. .

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