I'm in Food Wars: Starting a Food World

Chapter 546 A Flash Of Inspiration (Please Subscribe, Please Support)

"What are you talking about, so happy?!"

While everyone was chatting and tasting the pastry Mapo Tofu, Li Xuan came out with the fried twice-cooked pork and spicy fried shrimp risotto.

"We are discussing this pastry, Mapo Tofu. Brother Li Xuan, it really has to be you. A Mapo Tofu can be improved into this."

Yukihira Sōma admires Li Xuan from the bottom of his heart, and he has been struggling with how to surpass Kuga Teruji's mapo tofu, or make a different mapo tofu, but there has been no result for so many days.

As a result, Li Xuan made it out after three times, five times and two divisions, and whether it was taste, shape, or concept, it all beat the Ma-po tofu next door Jiuga Zhaoji!

"Haha, so the chef must let go of his head, be bold, and be innovative. This is the most important thing. Okay, let's not talk so much, here is your order of double-cooked pork and spicy fried shrimp risotto, Enjoy it.

Then go back and run your own simulation shop well, and get rid of that guy who just thinks that Chinese food is only spicy and spicy!”

Li Xuan encouraged Yukihira Sōma, seeing Li Xuan supporting her so much, Yukihira Sōma was also very happy.

From the moment he challenged Kuga Teruki, almost everyone looked down on him, thinking that he would lose in all likelihood, except for some hardcore friends.

For example, Takumi, Ryo Hayama and Ryo Kurokiba are now recognized by Li Xuan, Li Xuan is one of Yukihira Sōma’s idols, to be encouraged by him, Yukihira Sōma is naturally full of confidence!

"Okay, you have a good taste, I hope my cooking can give you some inspiration, we are going to get busy now!"

While Li Xuan was talking with Yukihira Sōma, customers have already entered the store one after another, which means that Li Xuan's mock shop is about to officially open.

Li Xuan took a look, hey, most of them were familiar faces, regular customers.

As for how they know about Li Xuan's shop?

Li Xuan didn't open a restaurant, so of course he would post an announcement on his restaurant's small ordering program, and at the same time tell them the location of the store, after all, it was closed for five days.

This has never happened in Li Xuan's restaurant. If there are customers who miss Li Xuan's cuisine, they can naturally come here to find him.

It's just that Li Xuan really didn't expect that his first wave of customers were all regular customers.

And Li Xuan just looked over, because this wave of customers came to the store, there was a sense of drainage.

People in any country have the mentality of following the crowd. Whether a product is good or not depends on how many people buy it. The more people there are, the more people will be attracted.

Even if the next door is the same product with the same quality and even lower price, people would rather go crowding, grab and fight than buy next door.

Just like the match between Yukihira Sōma and Kuga Teruji in the original timeline, it was obviously on the opposite side [People would rather stand in line for two hours than go to Yukihira Sōma's store at first.

If it wasn't for Yukihira Sōma who later discovered Teruki Kuga's flaws, improved his cooking, and targeted it, it would have been very difficult for him to win.

The same is true here for Li Xuan, because these old customers entered the store, making the store look popular and attracting other passing new customers to come in.

Not only them, Li Xuan also went out to eat with his friends in the previous life, seeing the kind of empty shops with no customers, unless it was a restaurant that had been there several times and thought it was good.

Otherwise, Li Xuan would not want to step into it, to gamble on whether it is delicious or not.

People are always wary of the unknown!

For the old customers who supported him, Li Xuan was not stingy, and gave each of them a bottle of rainbow juice to express his gratitude.

These guests originally wanted to try some of the new dishes that Li Xuan said, but they didn't expect to get a bottle of rainbow juice, which made them even happier.

"Is this the well-received Rainbow Juice from Brother Lixuan's shop? It tastes really good, but I'd better try these two dishes, and the mapo tofu that I made is even better than my senior Jiu!"

Yukihira Sōma in the store naturally also got a bottle of rainbow juice, but the rainbow juice is delicious, but the most important thing for him now is to come up with dishes that can defeat Teruki Kuga.

The first thing Yukihira Sōma looked at was Twice-cooked Pork. The status of Twice-cooked Pork in Sichuan cuisine is no less than that of Mapo Tofu, so he hoped to find some inspiration in this dish

Green garlic, red pepper, browned meat slices, the domineering aroma that belongs to the big fried twice-cooked pork tempted Yukihira Sōma to put it in his mouth.


Bright red color, fat and thin pork belly, from its curly appearance, and the burnt surface, it can be seen that the heat of this pot of pork is enough!

There is no scorched black on the surface, which means that the heat is strong enough, but Li Xuan has completely controlled it.

Yukihira Sōma is naturally a fast-food eater who knows how to eat twice-cooked pork. Mix green peppers, garlic, and sliced ​​meat together, and put them in your mouth with the glistening oil to taste the most perfect taste of twice-cooked pork.

The first impression of twice-cooked pork is that it is fragrant and satisfying!

The unique taste brought by the pork belly after being fried over high heat, the outside is burnt and the inside is tender, and the happiness brought by the fat.


Accompanied by crisp green garlic and green and red peppers, this twice-cooked pork has a touch of sweetness and refreshingness in the spicy.

The original aroma of pork belly, green garlic, chili and other ingredients, such a dish of twice-cooked pork with a bright color, fat but not greasy, and a strong aroma makes Yukihira Sōma happy, satisfied and refreshed!

Paired with the spicy fried shrimp risotto, Yukihira Sōma thinks that the 11,000 yen spent today is really worth it!

Spicy fried shrimp risotto, yellow and red are one of the strongest colors perceived by humans, so they are very eye-catching when they come into view.

At the same time, the golden fried rice and the bright red shrimp and tomato gravy form a perfect contrast, and the spicy gravy complements the refreshing fried rice.

There is me in you, and you in me, complementing each other, the deliciousness bursts out during the chewing process, layered on top of each other, coupled with the refreshing and natural sour taste of tomato, this dish is perfect!

This also reminded Yukihira Sōma of his own mapo tofu, a question he has been thinking about for the past few days.

That is Jiuga Teruji's mapo tofu. The spicy and spicy are indeed top-notch, and I seem to be unable to see the goal if I want to surpass it.

His own restaurant also has mapo tofu dish, but the numbness and spicyness in it are not as overbearing as Jiuga Zhaoji's, and he didn't know why.

Now that Li Xuan also tasted this harmonious fusion in this spicy fried shrimp risotto, he finally understood that he had grasped that flash of light!.

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