I'm in Food Wars: Starting a Food World

Chapter 547 Constant Disputes (For Subscription, For Support)

Li Xuan, who started to get busy, saw Yukihira Sōma in the kitchen eating the food he ordered, and then left with a happy face.

Li Xuan, who is busy, doesn't have time to take care of him now, and it's almost lunch time, and the number of customers in the shop slowly began to increase.

Many customers who had been wandering around Tōtsuki for a while were a little tired, and now they must be looking for a place to sit for a meal, take a good rest, and solve lunch at the same time.

Because Li Xuan saw a lot of customers here, and Li Xuan's service was very good, so it also attracted many guests.

All the old customers who came into the store ordered the three new dishes, potato cold noodles, braised duck with walnut sauce and flame roasted suckling pig!

"This potato cold noodle, why didn't Boss Li add it to the menu before "050"! The faint pumpkin aroma, obviously looks like transparent and slender noodles, but there is nothing to say about the round elasticity.

The noodles with excellent elasticity, and the chili that seems to be too spicy, but it is a perfect match with this cool cold soup, which makes the spicy taste extraordinarily smooth.

The icy cold soup has a slight sweetness of pumpkin, and it is as cool as drift ice. I used to be hot and dry after shopping, but I feel like I have come back to life after eating such a bowl of cold potato noodles!"

An old customer with a relatively 'burly' body said that when the dish he ordered was served, the potato cold noodle dish was undoubtedly the first thing he valued.

We all know that fat people are more afraid of heat and prone to sweating. After walking around with their wives and children for so long, they are already sweating. In addition, although they didn’t eat big meals when they were shopping, they still ate snacks.

Therefore, when the meat was served just now, he didn't pay much attention to it. The goal was the cold potato noodles.

Sure enough, the moment he ate his stomach, the coolness instantly spread all over his body.

"No, no, for the old man, this stewed duck with walnut sauce tastes better, and the potato cold noodles tastes good too, but it is too cold and too spicy, which is not friendly to the old man.

On the contrary, this stewed duck with walnut sauce is very good. The duck is cut into thin slices that are easy to eat, and it is paired with nutritious walnuts. The moment you eat it, you feel infinite strength pouring out of your body.

I felt tired after walking around in the morning, but I was full of energy again, and I was able to continue shopping for a few laps in the afternoon. The meat of the duck meat is delicious, coupled with the aroma of walnuts, it’s not to mention how delicious it is!”

"No, no, if you want to eat meat, it must be this roasted suckling pig!"

When it comes to meat, the guests who ordered the flame-roasted suckling pig definitely have a say!

The flame-roasted suckling pig just delivered, as soon as it is delivered, you can smell the tangy aroma, the bright yellow color, and the skin of the roasted suckling pig is covered with a layer of beautiful sugar color.

The pork skin is so crispy that it looks like amber, and the skin is still sizzling and oily just after it comes out of the oven, it will make people appetite!

"This roasted suckling pig with ruddy color, crispy skin and tender meat is definitely a boon for meat lovers! It tastes fat but not greasy when you eat it, and it also has a special aroma of beef in your mouth. You can feel the pork when you chew it The inner layer is fresh and tender.

You can’t feel the joy of eating meat like this in other dishes!”

Radishes and cabbage have their own favorites, everyone has their favorite dishes, old customers are arguing over the three new dishes, and new guests who came to Tōtsuki from other places to participate in the Moon Festival don’t care about the old and the new. All feel delicious!

The young couple next to them listened to the quarrels of the old customers over there, and they thought they were hired by Li Xuan, and there were all kinds of rainbow farts.

It is also rare for them to take time off from the Moon Festival to travel and relax. They walked up the main avenue area at the foot of the mountain, and it was just time for lunch.

The nearby restaurants of Li Xuan and Jiuga Zhaoji seem to be more suitable for them, but there are more people in Li Xuan than the restaurant next door Jiuga Zhaoji.

Seeing that there were still vacancies, plus the free tea service outside, they naturally liked Li Xuan's restaurant more, so they chose Li Xuan's place.

For two people, I ordered a comet fried rice, a shark fin siu mai and a fried crab bucket.…………

The young couple quietly listened to other people's compliments on these dishes. Judging from their appearance, they should not be fake, which also made them look forward to their own dishes.

With the efficiency of Li Xuan and the others, Arato Hisako did not make them wait long, and while they were still immersed in other people's evaluations, Arato Hisako served their dishes.

For a while, they were still immersed in other people's evaluations. After all, in this kind of world, they felt like food critics per capita.

The three dishes are placed in front of you like a hundred flowers blooming!

The golden fried crab bucket, the green emerald-like comet fried rice, and the crystal clear shark fin siu mai, at least on the outside, these three dishes did not make them feel like they were stepping on thunder.

"Wait a minute, don't worry, I haven't taken a picture yet!"

Hearing his girlfriend's words, the boy put down his chopsticks helplessly, and gave her a doting look. If the dishes didn't look so tempting, he wouldn't be able to forget his girlfriend's little habit of taking pictures for a while before eating to post to friends lock up.

"Okay, my dear, it's time to eat. I can finally eat it. I just heard from them and smelled the aroma of those dishes. I'm so hungry. I bought a lot of things and ate a lot when I was shopping just now. of!"

"Okay, then eat quickly, here are your chopsticks!"

The boy handed over the chopsticks 3.5, and at the same time picked up the bowl in front of her to serve her the emerald-like comet fried rice.

As for the many things the girl said she bought just now, he did not deny that it was true, but after buying it, he tasted a few mouthfuls, and taught the boys to eliminate the rest.

Perhaps for a girl, a boyfriend has the function of a second stomach besides carrying a bag when she comes out?

Girls ate at most one-third of the snacks they just bought, and boys ate the remaining two-thirds.

But even so, when these three dishes were served, he was the first to move his chopsticks, so it can be seen how good Li Xuan's dishes are!

Obviously there is no feeling of hunger in the stomach, but the mouth and hands moved involuntarily. .

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