I'm in Food Wars: Starting a Food World

Chapter 552 Change (For Subscription, For Support)

"We were able to get this honor because of everyone's hard work. Everyone worked hard today. Come on, cheers!"


Everyone happily raised the cups in their hands, which naturally contained colorful and delicious rainbow juice.

"Okay, let's eat quickly, it's been so hard today."

After Li Xuan gave an order, everyone moved their chopsticks. Today is indeed very hard, for Nakiri Erina and the others.

But Li Xuan's original physique is much stronger than Tadokoro Megumi's, and their usual workload is not even less than this, so it's not bad.

Kobayashi Gendan was eating plum fried rice in her own bowl. It was not the first time she had eaten this fried rice, but it was the best dish for her who had been shopping for a day and had a lot of food in her stomach.

The unique sour taste that makes the mouth water "267" stimulates the tongue like a sucker.

The fresh and sour taste, mixed with the salty and sweet fried rice and scrambled eggs, is definitely a bomb that stimulates the appetite!

Originally, the stomach that Kobayashi gentian had eaten for a day seemed to have regained its vitality. This fried rice with plums can not only stimulate appetite, but also better help digestion.

Sober and refreshing fried rice, without the greasy feeling of ordinary fried rice, this kind of fried rice is what Kobayashi Gendan needs most now.

"Xiao Lin, you have eaten for a whole day today, so don't eat too much, just eat a little of this refreshing fried rice, and you can taste the rest a little bit, otherwise your stomach will be full tonight."

Li Xuan said to Xiao Lin Long Dan that this plum fried rice was specially made for her, and it wasn't that Xiao Lin Long Dan didn't want to eat it, but that this guy had eaten enough today, if he ate any more, he really wouldn't sleep tonight.


Hearing Li Xuan's words, Xiao Lin Long Dan didn't refute, he was obedient and obedient, and she was not some ignorant little girl, Li Xuan's words were obviously concerned about her.

It’s true that I didn’t eat less today. After all, it sounds amazing to try all the restaurants in the Yuexiang Festival, but in fact, it’s because of the difficulty that everyone will admire it.

But knowing that Li Xuan is also coming to the Moon Festival to open a store, Xiaolin Longdan will not be so stupid tomorrow. I just chatted with Elma, and Xiaolin Longdan knows that Li Xuan and the others will buy the Moon Festival at noon and night. After eating the food at the stall, I feel like joining it.

It's not to join Li Xuan's restaurant to help out, but to do the logistical work well. She doesn't have to be busy these days. Her only job these days is shopping and shopping.

Go to various stalls and imitation stores to buy their dishes in advance, and then wait until Li Xuan and the others are resting to eat together?!

With so many people, not to mention five days, two days are enough to eat all the dishes.

Taste each one, taste it, and buy the ones that are delicious later, and forget about the average ones or those that don’t meet their taste.

The more Rindan Kobayashi thinks about it, the more he feels that his plan is feasible. Anyway, everyone has the same idea, and the power of many people is great!

After dinner, Li Xuan asked Tadokoro Megumi and the others to go back to rest first, and they will not be needed for the finishing work later. After a busy day, take a good rest, and have to continue tomorrow.

Tadokoro Megumi and the others were naturally unwilling at first, but in the end they couldn't hold back Li Xuan and the others, so they went back obediently, because Li Xuan also said just now that there is not much work

It's just cleaning.

At most, one can clean the cooking utensils and tidy up the kitchen. Li Xuan and the others don’t have to worry about the dishes and chopsticks. They have outsourced them to other people, that is, the cleaned and sterilized tableware will be delivered every day.

They will be taken back at night, and new ones will be delivered the next morning. This is one of Tōtsuki's businesses, so don't worry.

The reason why Sakaki Ryoko and the others were asked to go back to rest, apart from the fact that they really didn't have much to live, and they were asked to go back to rest, was that they didn't want to be lazy in Li Xuan.

You don't think that Li Xuan and the others will clean it up very simply and seriously, do you?

What is the magic you learn used for? Isn’t it just to free your hands and be lazy!

If Nao Sadazuka and the others don't go back, it's not easy for Li Xuan to use magic. There's no way, why is this simulated shop not being taken over by the system like Li Xuan's restaurant, otherwise there is no need for magic.

Li Xuan and the others waited for Tadokoro Megumi and the others to leave, closed the door, and several of them used magic to clean up an area, and the task was completed in a few minutes.

"Let's go!"

After Li Xuan came out from the kitchen, he said to the girls.

Generally speaking, the kitchen area is basically organized by Li Xuan. After all, this is his stage and his world. He has to know how to place and place things, and it is also convenient for him to pick up and cater to his habits. ..…………………

A few people left the store, and when they left, Li Xuan deliberately looked at Yukihira Sōma's booth over there, and found that there was nothing there, and Yukihira Sōma was nowhere to be seen.

I don't know how much the other party's turnover is, anyway, it is definitely not in the top ten. After all, I didn't hear it on the radio.

And let alone the first ten miles in the original timeline, Li Xuan remembered that he even lost money. Besides him, Ha Shanliang, Kurokiba Ryo, and Nakiri Alice's shop also lost money.

It's quite funny to say that the champion, runner-up, third runner-up, and quarter-finals of this autumn's trials actually lost money, no wonder it was published in the newspapers.

Now Yukihira Sōma is supposed to be a chicken thief pulling his own cart around Tōtsuki, selling his own dishes, and collecting opinions and suggestions from customers, right?

If there is no accident, Yukihira Sōma should still lose money today, right?

Originally, there was only one Jiuga restaurant on the opposite side and it lost money, not to mention Yukihira Sōma, which is now sandwiched between Li Xuan's restaurant and Jiuga Teruji's restaurant!

And just relying on a pepper cake and an unimproved Danzai noodles, it is more difficult to win Jiuwo Zhaoji.

The main reason is that the guests were attracted by Li Xuan and Jiu Wo Zhaoji, and another point was the quantity and speed of serving meals.

According to a long time ago, there was a whole bald head from the Chinese Research Association helping Yukihira Sōma in 0.1 Ji, and Yukihira Sōma was the only one here, and there was a big difference in the comparison of shops.

But the addition of Li Xuan, for Yukihira Sōma, is pressure, but also a kind of help.

Don’t forget, the dominance of Regen Cuisine affects not only Yukihira Sōma, but also Kuga Teruki’s restaurant next to the Regen simulation shop!

Judging from today's ranking, it can be seen that Li Xuan's restaurant is far ahead, taking a lot of the turnover that originally belonged to Teruji Jiuga.

Today Kuga Teruki is only ranked second, maybe in the future Yukihira Sōma can overtake Kuga Teruki?!

With Li Xuan, a butterfly flapping its wings, no, it should be said to be a giant dragon, everything might become completely different. .

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