I'm in Food Wars: Starting a Food World

Chapter 553 Taro Boiled Cowherd Shop (Please Subscribe, Please Support)

Li Xuan and the others walked out of the restaurant and walked out along the main avenue area. At this time, many shops are still open.

Some of them were not sold out, and some of them focused their customer base on those who came after get off work at night.

It's a bit like the eight immortals crossing the sea, each showing their magical powers.

Anyway, as long as you come to Tōtsuki and participate in the Yueyong Festival, there will always be simulated shops and delicacies here that can satisfy you, meet your ideas, and capture you.

From the delicacy of roadside stalls, the fireworks of small shops in the alleys, to the luxury of high-end restaurants, it's all here!

Breakfast, lunch, dinner, supper, snacks, drinks, desserts, novelty hunting, medicinal meals. . . . . .

The cuisines of these more than 100 simulated restaurants are only what you can't think of and dare not think of, which is why the Moon Food Festival can attract more than half a million tourists every year.

In addition to food, there are also various attributes such as lively, curious, knowledgeable, and fun.

Li Xuan and Thor are not in a hurry to go back to the restaurant, anyway, the restaurant is not open at night, and it is still 29:00 in the Dimension restaurant.

Although I had to taste the food today, I didn't have to walk around to feel the atmosphere.

Everyone has different hobbies and hobbies, but shopping is definitely a common hobby for women!

There are so many shops in front of us, and the prices are not expensive, even with Li Xuan's net worth, they can still afford it, but Thor and the others don't do this.

But the store in front of me is completely trivial. Thor, Kanna, Elma, and Lukya, one counts as one, and they all started the crazy shopping mode.

Fortunately, before buying a certain dish in large quantities, they would have tasted it and bought it only if they thought it was delicious. Otherwise, Li Xuan's super backpack might have a bunch of dishes that didn't quite suit them.

Unpalatable is definitely not unpalatable. It is undoubtedly difficult to find unpalatable dishes at the Moon Festival, and it can only be said that it does not meet your own taste.

Just like some people love durian, some people love stinky tofu, some people love zheergen, and some people love snail noodles. . .

You can't deny that those dishes and ingredients are not delicious. They have been passed down for so many years in Donghuang, a big gourmet country, and they must be delicious. You can only say that you don't like them.

Elma and the others bought so much that they were not afraid that they would not be able to eat them all. Leaving aside Li Xuan's super backpack, they each had their own means.

Also, they bought so much to share with their friends at the Dimensional Restaurant later.

Li Xuan is also happy that he doesn't open his mouth, just follow them, and of course they won't be stingy to share the delicious food with Li Xuan, so Li Xuan just takes care of the food.

After eating and drinking happily like this, Li Xuan felt that the gourmet cells in his body that had been silent for a while began to activate.

It is improving bit by bit, even if the rate of improvement is very weak, but this is enough!

On the way, Li Xuan and the others wandered around the Polar Star Dorm and saw Isshiki Satoshi's taro cooking shop.

At this time, the taro cooking simulation shop was closed for rest, of course Li Xuan knew that he just came to have a look at Isshiki Satoshi, a "cowboy" shop.

I have to say that for this taro cooking meeting, Isshiki Satoshi and the others really worked hard, and they really dug a small river with a hoe.

Why do we have to create a small river? That’s because taro cooking, to be precise, is a seasonal event, which is basically held by the river or on the river beach. “Without a river, you lose your soul.

The taro cooking meeting is actually an activity to deepen friendship, which can be regarded as team building and dinner parties, and is usually held in spring and autumn.

Taro cooking is a kind of cooking, a big pot of rice with taro as the main ingredient, but it is not taro rice, but a kind of big mess stew, add pork, shiitake mushrooms, meatballs, cabbage, tofu and other ingredients in the pot, that is, you can put whatever you like What.

It is similar to Donghuang's big chaos stew, that is, all the ingredients are cooked together, but taro is the main ingredient, basically accounting for one-third or even one-half.

Different places have different ingredients, and some places will hold it together with barbecue.

Isshiki Satoshi chose to open a store here at Polar Star Dorm, no doubt because of the vast space here, which can accommodate dozens or even hundreds of people dining at the same time.

Whether it is the main avenue area or the central area, it is impossible to have such a large area, and it is also possible to dig a small stream by itself.

Li Xuan and Thor didn't go there. Polar Star Dorm bothered Tadokoro Megumi and the others. After a busy day, let them have a good rest.

After looking at the layout of the restaurant for a while, Li Xuan mainly looked at the huge photo wall at the front of the mock shop, and felt that Isshiki Satoshi is really a talent.

It's a good moon food festival simulation shop, and he created a Niu Lang shop that is almost the same style as a maid coffee shop.

Why do you say that, just look at the introduction on the photo wall, and the Daxue written on the photo wall: You can designate staff to deliver meals for you!

The corner with hidden surname - Satō Shōji

Sight is like a sharp dagger - Aoki Daigo

Mysterious and charming - Ibusaki Shun

Intellectuality is the embodiment of masculinity- Marui Zenji

Looking at these reviews, do you think this taro cooking simulation shop 823 is serious?

Li Xuan also specializes in taking pictures, such an interesting event must be recorded by taking pictures!

Strolling around, looking west, eating and drinking again, when Li Xuan and the others returned to the store, it was almost nine o'clock, which was about the same as the usual closing time for the store.

Thor and the others went to wash up first, while Li Xuan sorted out the newly purchased dishes in the super backpack, which ones to eat later, and which ones were the gifts Thor and the others were going to bring back to their friends.

Over there, Kang Na was sharing her happiness today with her good friend Lizi Caichuan with her mobile phone. Because the phone was turned on and expanded, Li Xuan also heard Lizi Caichuan's voice, full of envy.

Compared with attending classes in school, it is more enjoyable for Kang Na and Li Xuan to directly participate in the Moon Festival.

But Sai Chuan Lizi also said that when the weekend is off, she will go to play with Kang Na, and of course Kang Na is very welcome.

She even ran over to apply for a half-day vacation with Li Xuan, because she planned to go to Tōtsuki with Saichuan Lizi and other friends at that time.

Of course Li Xuan agreed, anyway, there is no shortage of people in the store now, and the reason why Kang Na was asked to take charge of the cash register was to take care of her.

Not to mention it's only half a day, it's perfectly fine these days. .

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