I'm in Food Wars: Starting a Food World

Chapter 554 Respective Progress (Seeking Subscription, Seeking Support)

"This mapo tofu can be made into a pastry, it is really impossible to imagine.

"Yes! What's more important is that eating like this doesn't feel awkward at all. If we hadn't tasted the original appearance of Mapo Tofu before, we might have thought that Mapo Tofu looked like this."

In the evening, Mira and the others tasted the cakes and mapo tofu that Li Xuan had prepared for them. Of course, there was an indispensable dish that Thor and the others bought at the Moon Festival, and the table was also full.

So the first thing you do when you come to the store tonight is to be called to the table to sit down and taste together.

Compared with the spicy mapo tofu, which is tender and smooth, this pastry mapo tofu is less hot, but its shape like dim sum cakes also adds a lot of color.

Coupled with the noble and fresh delicate taste, the slender tofu melts in the mouth, and the feeling of the jelly-like mapo melting in the middle is also a different feeling.

There are also some delicacies brought back from the Moon Festival, which also opened their eyes.

The taste of Feng Yong inside is pretty good, and Li Xuan also likes fried bee pupae very much. If he could eat it once when he was a child, he would earn money.

There is nothing to be afraid of here, even the youngest Lisanna is not the kind of flower in the greenhouse. People may not have been killed, but they must have been injured, and monsters must have been killed.

Besides, the bee pupae are actually not that scary. After being deep-fried in the pan, each one is golden and crispy, not to mention how fragrant it is in the mouth. There is no psychological pressure to overcome, and there is no such thing.

Even Li Xuan and the others bought several copies and ate them all in a short while.

Here, Kang Na shared with her little friends the fun things she saw in the store today, such as the young couple who were shocked by Li Xuan's cuisine.

There are also old customers' disputes over the dishes, and the scenes seen when visiting the Moon Festival after closing.

Not to mention, Kang Na's eloquence is really good, and she speaks clearly and logically, making Lisanna's heart itch, wishing she could become Kang Na.

On the side, Amano Haruna and Doma Bui also interjected from time to time to share about events similar to the Moon Festival in their world.

After chatting and chatting, it became sharing the sacrificial activities and party activities in their respective worlds.

Speaking of which, a month or two has passed in a flash, and many things have happened in everyone's world.

Just like our Mr. Tony Stark, there is another member in his team, that is our Doctor Strange, Doctor Strange.

There is nothing else for the time being, and after the last fight with the US team, no other major things happened.

Oh, yes, to be precise, a big event really happened, that is, our Mr. Tony Stark became a father!

That's right, Tony and Pepper are married, and they have a child. The child who was born as a child is still a girl, and the name is still Morgan.

Maybe the daughter that Li Xuan told him about loving you three thousand times came to this world ahead of time to accompany him.

Tony had a baby, and no one was happier than him and Pepper.

Not others, but Wanda and Pietro, two brothers and sisters!

Especially Wanda, it was like a motherhood explosion.

I used to live with Pietro, even though I was stubborn, but in fact Pietro is really an older brother, and she took good care of her when the two of them depended on each other.

But there is still a heart that wants to be an older sister!

When Morgan was born, the little guy in front of him became the heart and soul of the two of them.

It's a small one, so cute, not to mention how cute it is.

Although Wanda and Pietro have just grown up, it does not prevent them from loving this little sister.

Brothers and sisters who are a few years apart may fight fiercely, but if they are more than ten years apart, then basically there will be no such problems [let alone a cute, well-behaved and beautiful sister!

Of course, other people are also happy, Dr. Banner and Peter Parker are all very happy, even Rogers, who had a conflict before, came back specially.

This should be regarded as the second generation of heroes who are loved by thousands of people!

Who makes Morgan the first junior in Tony's generation so far?

Wanda and Pietro are also considered, but when they saw them, they were not too young. I don’t want Morgan, who is a little one. Everyone can witness her growth from infancy to adulthood.

Isn't it a kind of luck for people like Tony to have a younger generation born?

In the eyes of others, they are superheroes with extraordinary power.

But only they know the pain inside, if they can, they don't want to live this life of blood and fire, quietly, just like ordinary people, get married and have children, work and live, that is what they dream of.

But they can't do it. Once they enter the rivers and lakes as deep as the sea, it is too difficult to return to normal life.

Sometimes, if you don't look for things, things will come to you.

So now there is a happy event on Tony's side, and everyone is happy.

As for Sam Witwicky, it can be regarded as formal and Optimus Prime and the others have taken control of the beautiful country.

There's no way, it's not good if you don't cooperate with Sam and the others. This time, the Decepticons showed their strength, not bad!

More importantly, Sam stole the Tinder Source, and experienced some things in the middle. Anyway, now Sam's status has increased dramatically, and he is different from the naive male high school student before, completely reborn.

Hermione's side has entered the third school year, or the third school year is almost over.

This school year should be regarded as a relatively peaceful school year, because things don't have much to do with her.

James Potter, Sirius Black, Pettigrew Peter, Lupine, Snape, none of them have anything to do with Hermione.

And the dementors couldn't do any harm to Hermione, and now Hermione has also learned the Patronus Charm, and summoned her own Patronus, a silver-white otter.

Dementors are nothing in front of the Patronus, so Hermione had a very happy school year.

In addition, she has also been lifted from the restriction of going to Hogsmeade this school year, and she can go to Hogsmeade to relax from time to time, and go to the Three Broomsticks to have a glass of butterbeer.

Or go to the Honeydukes Candy Store to buy some candies to eat, such as Chuibao Super Bubble Gum, Bibi Multi-flavored Beans, Chocolate Frog, Toffee and so on.

Hermione did not buy less, and brought a lot to Li Xuan to share with everyone, and also gave a lot to Li Xuan and Kang Na.

Among them, the chocolate frog that bounced like a living one was Connor's favorite candy, so basically Hermione would buy a lot of it every time she went to Hogsmeade. .

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