I'm in Food Wars: Starting a Food World

Chapter Five Hundred And Eighty Ix Delighted (Please Subscribe, Please Support)

If you take a quick look, you will actually feel that the jar meat is somewhat similar to Dongpo meat. After all, they are all pieces of pork belly with skin, bright red in color, and they are also packed in pottery jars and jars. One is bigger and the other is smaller. .

But the two are completely different. Dongpo pork emphasizes "slow fire, less water, and it will be beautiful when the fire is full", that is, it is the original taste of pork.

There are also relatively few ingredients, basically skin-on pork belly, plus onion knots, sugar, ginger slices, soy sauce and Shaoxing wine.

The method is also very simple, first stew and then steam, mainly to use time to let its deliciousness completely evaporate.

The jar meat is different, Li Xuan looked at the jar meat in front of him, besides the square cut pork belly [there are also fried pork balls, eggs, chicken, ham, fish, golden hook, winter bamboo shoots, mushrooms.

Looking at the plentiful ingredients, you can see the fundamental difference between jar meat and Dongpo meat.

Compared with the simple and clear method of Dongpo pork, jar meat is more cumbersome, and the taste is not simply to taste the delicious pork, but more diverse!

In fact, the jar meat is not like Yoshino Yuuki's long fish in a soft pocket, it is just a special famous dish in a certain place.

The dish of jar meat has three origins, one is Nanji, one is Sichuan and Shu, and the other is Yanggui.

The cooking method of jar meat in each place is also slightly different, but in this era, people don’t pay as much attention to recipes as in the old days, coupled with constant communication, so the jar meat made by Mito Ikumi should be said to be the latest mainstream.

Pork, chicken, and pork bones also need to be boiled in a boiling water pot for a few minutes before being removed and replaced with a knife. Eggs also need to be boiled first, then peeled and then wrapped in soybean flour and deep-fried.

Other ingredients should also be cut into strips, cut into pieces, and soaked in bubbles.

Next, Litanzi Meat is the same as Dongpo Meat. The ingredients are put into the container, and in order to prevent the pot from sticking and sticking to the pot, things must be placed on the ground to separate the ingredients from the bottom of the pot.

Dongpo pork is generally made of bamboo mats, which will give the pork belly a slight bamboo fragrance, and it is also for understanding the greasy taste.

But the meat in the pot is different. The pork bones that have been blanched before are used, which can not only play an isolation role, but also allow the ingredients to absorb the mellowness of the pork bones during the long-term stewing.

Then put all the ingredients into the pot, add salt, soy sauce rock sugar, crushed ginger, scallion knots, and pepper that were packed in gauze bags.

In order to make the taste of the jar meat more rich, it is even stewed with fresh soup instead of clear water.

And no matter where the jar meat is made, fermented glutinous rice juice is absolutely indispensable!

Fermented glutinous rice juice is actually what we usually call sweet wine. The main ingredients are glutinous rice and sweet wine koji. After steaming the glutinous rice, pour sweet wine koji and water into it. Seal it well and ferment for 40 hours.

It has a faint smell of wine, a sweet taste, and it also has the effects of nourishing qi and blood, promoting body fluids to quench thirst, and enhancing immunity. Many people in Donghuang will brew it at home.

With fermented glutinous rice juice, the taste of these ingredients will be neutralized, and the flavor of the wine will be enhanced at the same time.

After putting all the ingredients and seasonings into the jar, seal the mouth of the jar tightly with tin foil or other materials, and then leave it to time.

In fact, if there is only Mito Ikumi for the jar meat, it will be too late to catch up with tonight's cooking, but with the help of others, Li Xuan also made his own cooking just now.

At the same time, I also tasted the stinky mandarin fish of Nao Sadazuka first, so that the jar meat had enough time to cook!

The first thing Li Xuan ate was the fat pork belly. The essence of this dish is also here. Whether the jar meat is authentic and delicious depends on the pork belly!

Li Xuan exerted a little force, and the pork belly at the top of the chopsticks was not cut open by the chopsticks like Dongpo pork, crisp and rotten without losing its shape. This standard was fulfilled.

The color is also rosy and bright, close to the special fragrance that can be smelled and mixed with several ingredients.

"This pot of meat is moderately salty, fat but not greasy, and at the same time fragrant and delicious, very good`". "

While commenting, Li Xuan scooped out the soup in the jar with a spoon. The soup in the jar is also a standard for measuring this dish.

“The soup is thick and the meat is rotten, and the taste is fragrant. It is really a perfect choice with rice!”

After thoroughly mixing the soup, a piece of pork belly and rice into his mouth, Li Xuan commented that this dish of pork belly fully demonstrated Mito Ikumi's ability.

Although I still focus on meat dishes, instead of just staring at high-quality meat as before, I learned to enhance the taste of meat through matching!

"Although I haven't tasted Erina's cooking yet, I am very happy so far, not only because of the progress you guys have made in cooking.

It is more because you help each other, and you are not stingy at all, and the other party needs to help you without any complaints.

Of the six dishes I tasted tonight, the marinated stinky mandarin fish, the soy sauce in the fragrant glutinous fish lips, and the fermented glutinous rice juice in the jar meat must have given you some pointers.

There must be a lot of communication between Hisako and Xiaoji for the two dishes of eel porridge and soft pocket long fish. Erina must give her own opinion on the combination of ingredients for Genghis Khan barbecue

This is just what I have tasted from the cooking. I don't know more about your private communication, but I can feel it. This is the reason for my happiness. "

Li Xuan paused for a moment before continuing: ""||When he was studying in the dormitory before, Dojima Gin said something similar. On the road of being a chef, many like-minded people will slowly fall behind.

The road of being a chef is destined to be a lonely road, but I don't want you (how about it) to be the same, but I hope you can support each other and make progress together.

One person counts the short and the other counts the long. Even if you may not understand the principle of comprehension now, you will definitely understand it in the future.

When your culinary skills reach a certain level, you will find how lucky it is to have a friend by your side to improve, compete and learn together!"

Tadokoro Megumi and the others nodded, and did not say that they did not understand what Li Xuan said.

To tell the truth, since they studied with Li Xuan, although they have different focuses, they have really worked hard and worked hard together during this time.

Being able to improve so quickly really depends on the strength of the group. Compared with before, they naturally discovered the benefits of this method now.

And Kobayashi Gendan and the others over there are even worse. After all, they are running around to find ways to help their cooking skills increase.


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