Glancing at the silly Orange, Ming Long said that he didn't want to talk to a fool, so he rolled his eyes and said,"In short, only the fifteen Heisei Knights including Gaim can stop the conspiracy of the Badan Empire. What are you going to do?" As soon as the voice fell, the figure slowly melted into the white curtain and disappeared on the spot.

Watching Ming Long's figure disappear, Kadoya Shi was thoughtful, and his deep look made Kuzuya Kota dare not disturb him.


"Young man, the fruit platter ice cream you ordered!"The store manager placed the delicious food in front of Kadoya.

The latter's eyes instantly sparkled and he became energetic. Then...As if forgetting everything that happened just now, he started to eat heartily.

Who isn't a foodie? With a frown on his face, Kuzuya Kota coughed twice:"Ahem, I still don't know who you are!"

"Oh? Haven't I introduced myself yet?" Tasting the delicious food bit by bit, Kadoya Shi didn't take it seriously and replied casually:"As that guy said, I am the destroyer of the world, you can call me Kadoya Shi"

"So, Mr. Kadoya, what should we do next? Although I don't know why you brought me along, but now that the crisis is imminent, we can't just sit there and wait for death!" Kuzuya Kota ignored the so-called world destroyer and talked about business.

"What else can I do? Go and gather other knights~" Kadoya lowered his head to taste the delicious food, revealing a happy look.

"but....There are quite a few troublesome people among those guys!" He smiled meaningfully and said


"Like me, there are many arrogant guys in there. It's not as easy as you think to get them to cooperate~" Kadoya Shi showed a playful smile

"But even if it's troublesome, we have to do it! We can't just sit there and watch the so-called Badan Empire destroy our world!" Kuzuya Kota argued

"That's true, so is there any other information at the moment? For example, about the young man who is the key to everything~" Kadoya Shi suddenly stood up, holding the big cup of fruit ice cream and walked in front of Hiiragi, examining him with eyes like sharp swords.

Hiiragi was a little scared by the look of the strange uncle and hid behind.

Seeing this, Kadoya Shi didn't care. He turned his head to look at Xia Yi, and the scrutiny in his dark eyes did not disappear.

This strange man gave him a very awkward feeling. Although he couldn't tell what was wrong, it made him very uncomfortable!

Being stared at with such a scrutinizing gaze, Xia Yi didn't have the slightest intention of avoiding it. He looked at him with a faint smile.

"Is there anything wrong?"

Seeing Xia Yi so calm and composed, Kadoya Shi felt even more strange, but he did not pretend that nothing had happened for the sake of Zhang, and slowly asked:

"Can you elaborate on what happened when you met him?"

"Okay, that's probably what happened......"Xia Yi did not hide anything and told Kadoya Shi about Hiiragi's situation and the appearance of Hongo Takeshi.

"Anyway, this is probably the case. Hiiragi's words may be the source of all the strange events happening in Zema City now.~"

"I see, so No. 1 and the others have also started to act~ Then we don’t have much time left, it’s time to act." Kazushi Kadoya suddenly showed a smile

"Yoshi! Let's go quickly!" Kuzuya Kota looked impatient. Kadoya

Shi suddenly shook his head:"No, leave the matter of recruiting the Heisei Knights to me, and what you have to do is to protect Hiiragi! He is very important and cannot be lost."

"Eh? But...."Kuzuya Kota was slightly startled, and hesitated to speak.

"Don't worry, although those guys are troublesome, they are knights after all. They will not sit back and watch us fight alone. Kamen Rider smiled and prepared to summon other Heisei knights.

But at this time, another voice suddenly rang out.

"I'm going too! In order to gain more power, I want to go with you!" Ao Jiao walked in with crisp steps and said bluntly

"Oh? Who are you? Kadoya was slightly startled and asked back

"Armored Knight Baron, the Exorcist Ring Fighter!" Ao Jiao answered seriously.

"Baron? Well, you can come with me. Kadoya didn't think much about it, he chuckled and nodded and took him away.

After Kadoya and Kaito left, Kuzuya Kota looked at Hiiragi and fell into deep thought.

"Badan....Why did you take away Shu?"

Although the voice was very low, Xia Yi still heard it. He smiled meaningfully and said,"Maybe it's because of his special ability.~"

"Special abilities?"Ge Ye Hongtai's expression froze, but he couldn't think of any clues.

Xia Yi didn't want to explain any more. Anyway, as long as the earth didn't explode, he would slowly earn points. The errands should be left to Wang Xiaoming, who likes to wander around.~

"But since he has entrusted Hiiragi to you for protection, I will leave first. Xia Yi stood up slowly and said

"Forehead..."Okay." Kuzuya Kota nodded without thinking too much.

Gao Siwu, who was standing next to him, showed a bit of reluctance when she heard that Xia Yi was leaving.

It was a pity to part suddenly after spending so much time together.

But she didn't stop him, after all, they lived in the same apartment and didn't have to worry about anything............

As soon as Xia Yi left, suddenly an evil purple light shot up into the sky, filling the city with an ominous atmosphere!

"That is....."Badan can't bear it anymore?" Xia Yi raised his lips and headed in that direction.

At this time, two cadres from Badan appeared in that position.

Needle, a porcupine monster who looked like the one that was hammered to death by Kuuga!

Sanying Eisuke, a tiger-shaped robot!

Behind them���The soldiers were laughing like wild beasts and wreaking havoc in the city.

"Not aliens? What are these?!" The first to arrive were Wudao Guihu and Wudao Guangshi from the World Tree.

The latter looked at the monsters he had never seen before with surprise.

As if hearing his question, everyone in Badan introduced themselves:"We are the underground empire Badan, and from now on this world will be ruled by us!!"

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