Xia Yi returned to the room he had just cleaned up. It was the place where he used to live in Japan. It was unused and uninhabited. Xia Yi spent a lot of money to find a Japanese gang to complete the fake identity of Japan and the purchase of this residence.

Xia Yi now belongs to the secondary identity of Japan. The black ball gantz also recognized Xia Yi's current identity, so Xia Yi was teleported here after completing the task this time.

Not long after returning, Xia Yi disguised himself as a normal person and put on a windbreaker and walked on the street. There were basically not many people on the street now. The light drizzle made the whole Kyoto city a lot fresher. Soon Xia Yi came to a barbecue restaurant, walked in and ordered a few wagyu barbecues, and then sat there quietly reading the news on his mobile phone.

The mobile phone was also looted by Xia Yi from Ginza. It was a completely new mobile phone and mobile phone card. Xia Yi's space warehouse could be said to have everything he wanted. There were even dozens of luxury sports cars and RVs, and they were all brand new without license plates.

Of course, there were countless gold, silver and jewelry, so Xia Yi didn't have to worry about anything. Soon Xia Yi's wagyu barbecue arrived.

Xia Yi was eating and watching, and soon saw that there was a major accident in the subway before, with a large number of casualties. As for the cause, it was still under investigation.

This was probably the subway locomotive they had fought before. At this time, a blurry video appeared on the news, and Xia Yi's extremely eye-catching Space Emperor costume could be vaguely seen on it.

Immediately, many Japanese official police began to suspect whether the person in this costume was the organization of the guy who stole from Ginza before. They only captured Xia Yi in the Space Emperor costume from very few pictures, but they couldn't see his face at all, so they couldn't prove whether they were in the same group. Xia Yi, who was eating Wagyu barbecue, naturally didn't care at all, and continued to watch with a smile.

Xia Yi swiped his phone to check other news again, and there was nothing to pay attention to.

After eating some dinner, Xia Yi returned to his residence and had a good rest. In a blink of an eye, Xia Yi woke up the next day, turned around and came to the black ball gantz safe house, summoned the Space Emperor mask armor, and waited for the arrival of other members.

Soon the time came, and everyone was summoned by Black Ball Gantz as expected.

This time, a new face was added, a black man with big lips! His rough and loud voice, howling directly in the safe house, was almost the same as a gorilla. Ryohei, who was wearing the enhanced Black Ball Gantz suit, frowned and asked Xia Yi in confusion:"Boss, can foreigners enter here?"

"I think I can get in. Strictly speaking, I am also a foreigner.", Xia Yi, who was wearing the Space Decade Mask, said to Liang Ping with a smile.

Liang Ping waved his hand and responded,"That's right, but that's not right either. After all, the Japanese also have ** blood, hehe"

"You clever ghost." Xia Yi nodded with a smile, without any objection.

At this time, the black ball gantz began to sing the previous song again. A new morning has arrived, a morning full of hope. Open your heart to welcome joy, look up at the endless sky, listen to the music on the radio...

Everyone turned to look at the big black ball gantz this time. Now everyone's expression was not as nervous as before, because they were very confident in Xia Yi's abnormal ability.

The black ball gantz continued to sing,"Stretch your healthy heart towards the oncoming wind! Come on! One! Two! Three!"

Not long after the music stopped, Black Ball Gantz slowly popped up a message. Black Ball Gantz continued to remind everyone who came into this room was dead, and new life was controlled by the black ball. You can only accept it and return to your original world after completing it. If you want to go back, please kill this guy!

Black Ball Gantz mission released, mission target:

Dong! A special sound was made, and two words popped up: Huapiao and his avatar, and the importance of this mission was listed. The fight must continue until one dies, and he must be killed within the specified time!

Seeing this Huapiao avatar, Ryohei next to him said in surprise:"This is, this is the one that Big Sister Muyouye saw!"

"Really? Did you remember it wrongly?"Xia Yi quickly turned around and asked Liang Ping, Liang Ping nodded and said:"It's this monster, it looks like an ancient monk, bald, and the earlobes are very big like Buddha statues." Kishimoto next to him frowned and said:"Oh my God, this is troublesome, the whole thing looks very tricky."

Xia Yi, who was dressed as the Time and Space Emperor, turned his head and looked over. There were several black ball gantz mission release information.

The characteristics of the target slippery are cunning, brutal, tough, and like wine and beautiful women.

"What level is this?", high school student Xiaolin frowned and pointed at the mission target and asked everyone.

Then there was another loud"bang!".

The black ball gantz split, and a set of energy equipment and weapons with black ball gantz characteristics popped out. Everyone began to pick up the equipment they needed.

At this time, the black rough man shook his head and walked over, looking at the pile of strange weapons and equipment curiously, and asked in a European and American accent:"Oh, what are you doing? What is this? A toy gun?"

Soon everyone who was not wearing the black ball gantz enhanced suit was ready to put on the black ball gantz enhanced suit. The black strong man here was not ready to wear it at all. He sneered and thought that this place was a trick for him.

The black rough man turned around angrily and grabbed the collar of the nagging Uncle Suzuki, shaking Uncle Suzuki like a chicken.

He asked angrily:"Don't tell me what to do? Old man! Tell me what's going on! ?"

As he said this, Uncle Suzuki threw it aside, then smashed the glass with his equipment box in his left hand,"Bang!"

There was absolutely no problem with the glass of the safe house. It was like an independent space, with similar characteristics to the space confinement cage released by Xia Yi, so it was impossible to destroy the safe house with violence. The black man's heavy smash turned out to be no problem at all. He stood there in shock, and his big black head couldn't figure out what was going on for a long time.

"Hehe! Hehe, do you think this black man is a fool?", Ryohei, who was wearing the black ball gantz enhanced suit, said to Xia Yi with a smile

"Haha, who knows."

Ryohei in the black ball gantz enhanced suit held his stomach and laughed,"Haha, an idiot trash like him should always be the first to die, right, boss?"

The words of Ryohei in the black ball gantz enhanced suit were heard by the black man, who turned around angrily and asked,"Little guy, what are you talking about? Idiot? Trash!"

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