I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 1004: Sleepy Valley Township

Meyer's eyes flashed, obeying the ground and trying to sit next to Eric, but he reached out and stopped in front of him.

Eric raised his hand to block Meyer, but the hand did not take it back, gently stroking the girl's calf wrapped in a thin silk dress, slowly began to swim.

Meyer only felt that a few restless little villains walked up and down from their calves gently and unscrupulously, and there was a numbness and tremor in the past, which made her breathing gradually become more and more urgent.

Carefully took a deep breath and calmed down the mood. Meyer suddenly felt that even if he was willing, he should not let his boss do anything in his own way. He felt that the strange hand had swam to his waist and seemed to have changed course. Looking forward to the mountains, Meyer lifted his hand and gently pressed it up, as if whispering: "Eric, already, it is already late, and, tomorrow morning, Carly will come over."

When the words were just exported, Meyer suddenly realized that he absolutely said a very stupid word.

Why do you want to mention Caroline at this time?

Sure enough, I heard that Meyer said that Eric’s action had come to an end, and that the thoughts of Caroline’s resentment and resentment were so small that Eric’s desire to rise had dissipated. The other women have to pay for it. Meyer is basically going to get along with Caroline. If she knows that she has slept Meyer, Carolyn will be very sad even if she doesn’t say anything.

Thinking of this, Eric took back his hand and got up and kissed me on Mayer's cheek. "So, go to bed early, good night."

"Well, good night," Mayer nodded, waiting for Eric to disappear on the stairs, Meyer suddenly fell on the sofa, picked up a pillow and looked like a cat, and slammed I hit my head on the pillow a few times: "Marissa Mayer, you are a big fool, big idiot big idiot big fool."

London is always rare to have any good weather. On Sunday morning, although it is no longer raining like yesterday, the weather is still gloomy.

Wilson Manor, Eric’s bodyguards arrived early in the morning to pick up Caroline.

"Don't worry, Mom, I will take care of myself. Eric is also very good to me," once again hugged with her parents. Caroline got on the car under Mrs. Wilson’s concern and pressed the window. Reluctantly waved his hand to his parents, and told the driver to leave.

Looking at the car that drove out of the manor along the ramp, Wilson Earl, who had just taken the father's stance, suddenly said to his wife: "There must be something for us to be with us."

Mrs. Wilson glanced at her husband and said, "It should be Jane's thing. Carly and Jane's relationship is very close."

"No, I don't think so," Earl Wilson heard his wife mentioning his sister's name, frowning, and sighed. He whispered dissatisfiedly: "Since I came back, I didn't say it." Some things, what gallery to open, she thought she was Picasso?"

Mrs. Wilson took her husband's arm and walked to the castle behind him. He said, "What do she like to do? It is always..."

Halfway through the words, I noticed that my husband’s face became even worse, and Mrs. Wilson did not say anything.

Carolyn was relieved to the car in the city of London. She originally thought that her parents knew about Eric, but the two were not clear. The aunt deliberately told her not to tell her parents about Eric, and she did not take the initiative to mention it. However, she faced some parents in the past two days, but she always had some care. To be honest, she still hopes to let her father and mother know that Eric is her cousin.

The car did not take Caroline to Kensington, but rushed to the vicinity of Regent's Park. Carolyn saw Eric and Meyer in a coffee shop in the north of Regent's Park.

The tabloid paparazzi in London is notoriously difficult. Even though several gossip newspapers owned by News Corp. will not chase Eric, the paparazzi of other tabloids have no scruples. If there is nothing else at the time, just to visit Olivia today, Eric will have to avoid the media's vision.

Therefore, it took a lot of thought in the morning, and Eric completely broke the entanglement of the paparazzi.

Olivia's gallery is near Regent's Park, although not far away, but for the sake of caution, the three still drove past the car.

A few minutes later, the car stopped outside a four-story white European villa. Eric got off the car with Caroline and Meyer and swept around. It was a seemingly secluded street around There is no store at all, even if it looks like a luxurious four-storey villa, it looks more like a private residence than a gallery. Not only does it have no signboards, but there are fences and steps outside the door, revealing a deliberate rejection of passers-by. The alienation of the door.

Eric also had some doubts about finding the wrong place. The villa door was pushed open. Olivia came out from the inside. It was still dressed in a pair of black shirts and white slacks with a faint smile.

Carolyn saw Olivia, fluttered intimately, hugged with her aunt, and then turned to stand next to Olivia.

Eric also stepped forward, gently hugged with Olivia, and introduced the next Meyer, and Olivia walked into the villa with them three.

The villa looks like a normal residence from the outside, but the interior is a standard gallery layout, empty hall, white walls, soft lighting. There is a realistic watercolor painting on the wall. The content is mainly based on scenery. The farms in the morning, the castles in the mountains, and the towns in the seaside have different contents, but they are obviously from the same person. Eric knows little about painting, but he also knows that all artists who have achieved success have a very strong personal style.

Olivia quietly stayed with Eric, waiting for him to walk through the hall. Several people walked up the spiral staircase to the second floor. There are still various paintings, and Olivia carries Eric. Coming to the lounge area on the second floor window, a few single sofas surround a large coffee table with a small bar next to it.

Carolyn didn't come for the first time. She ran to give coffee to a few people. Olivia and Eric sat down on the sofa together, perhaps feeling Eric's doubts and explaining: " I don't like strangers to bother, usually a familiar friend or agent comes with a guest."

Eric remembers Carolyn’s mention of Olivia’s fun shop on the Greek island of Minox, and she generally understands what attitude she has towards this gallery. She does not need to rely on this gallery to live, laughing. Laugh, said: "This is not bad."

Olivia followed with a smile and said, "How are you busy during this time?"

Eric took the coffee that Caroline handed over and held it in his hand. He nodded: "I have been flying around. I came from New York last week, then I will go to Australia, then fly back to Los Angeles, just around the earth." A circle."

Olivia also held a coffee cup and reached out to help Caroline next to the blond hair in the ear, then looked at Eric. "You have done a good job, there is no need to make yourself so tired."

Eric just nodded. Olivia also knew that Eric now wants to let go of things, but it is not so easy. I don’t mention it any more. Just ask Caroline and Mayer to take care of Eric. life.

Very casual chat, unconsciously already arrived at noon.

This villa is the property of the Wilson family. The two floors downstairs have been converted into galleries by Olivia. The third and fourth floors are Olivia's residences. Unlike the one or two-storey galleries, the layout of the third and fourth floors is very Warmth is completely a feeling of home.

The women prepared lunch together. After eating, Eric proposed to go to the pine forest studio in the afternoon.

The Sleeping Valley town set in "Decapitated Valley" was built in a farm near the Songlin Studio. Tim Burton himself is also in London. As a big project with over 100 million investment, Eric must still Take a look.

Caroline and Meyer naturally won't object, Olivia nods and agrees, and everyone will start soon.

More than an hour later, with Tim Burton at the Pinewood Studios, the group rushed to a nearby farmhouse, where it was completely built to build a tens of acres of sleeping valley town.

In the afternoon, the sky is still gloomy, but this atmosphere just sets off this Gothic town, standing at the entrance of the town, watching the town houses, churches, wooden bridges, immersed in a special strange atmosphere. In the building such as the tower, Olivia, standing next to Eric, suddenly couldn’t help but say: "It’s beautiful here."

Eric does not agree with Olivia's point of view. Although the atmosphere is a bit strange, the architectural layout of the town has been carefully designed to fit the beauty of the film composition. The photos taken here can be directly used as movie posters, even Eric can feel that as long as the film's photographer is good enough, the film is shot, and every frame of the future, according to the memory, is completely computer wallpaper level.

The film is scheduled to start in September, and several other sets and various props are being produced. However, the photographer's candidate has been fixed, just happened to be Emmanuel Lubesky. Although many people later learned Lubesky through the long shots in Gravity or Birdman, in fact, Lubesky's use of natural light lens is even better, which is exactly what Needham Valley needs. Photography style.

Tim Burton is a eccentric, lonely, genius who likes to immerse himself in his own small world. In addition to movies, Eric does not have many other topics when he gets along with the other side. While visiting the Sleepy Valley town, Eric listens. Tim Burton explains his shooting ideas.

Tim Burton originally wanted the film to be dark, but it didn't fit the tone of a commercial film, not to mention a big production that invested over 100 million. Therefore, the script ended up with a rather warm ending. The two sides reached an agreement on the script, and Eric did not interfere too much with the meaning of Tim Burton.

After spending the weekend in London, the next day, Eric set off again and rushed to Queenstown, New Zealand.

This trip is far more than the previous flights, from the UK near the Arctic Circle to New Zealand in the Southern Hemisphere, the linear distance is close to 20,000 kilometers.

At present, there is no passenger aircraft that can reach 20,000 kilometers. The Boeing 767-200ER that Eric rides is the farthest voyage of the 767 series, but it has only 12,000 kilometers of battery life. Therefore, from Departing from London, it is necessary to stop at Singapore during the first XN journey. The entire travel time is expected to exceed 24 hours.

XN's time is 11 hours faster than London. Eric departs from London Heathrow Airport on Monday afternoon. When it arrives at XN Australia, it is already at 5 o'clock on Wednesday morning according to XN local time.

New Zealand is far from being a Middle-earth tourist destination that has been ignited by the "Lord of the Rings" series. The entire country has no decent airports. Whether it is Wellington Airport in the North Island or Queenstown Airport in the South Island, it is not enough for the medium-sized Boeing. The 767 aircraft took off and landed smoothly.

Leaving Boeing 767 at XN International Airport, Eric borrowed a small Gulfstream III jet from the Elizabethan family before taking off from XN again and arriving in Queenstown on the South Island of New Zealand.

When Eric was a trapeze, North America, the first three-day box office of "The Matrix 2" was released. After creating a record-breaking $9.95 million midnight box office data, count the next three days of the weekend. "Matrix 2" eventually reached a total of $86.66 million at the box office in the first weekend.

Although it did not break through the box office record of the first weekend of $007 million created by Royal Casino of 007 last year, it easily surpassed the box office data of $37.75 million in the "After" two weeks ago. The first week of the film broke through 100 million. What everyone is paying attention to is whether "Hacker 2" can maintain enough box office stamina.

In the third week, influenced by "Matrix 2", the "After the Day" weekend's three-day weekend fell to 55%, the third week of the weekend, the box office slipped to 18.91 million US dollars, the cumulative box office of 194 million, although this week's box office It is able to break through 200 million steadily, but according to the current box office trend, the "North America" ​​box office of "The Day After Tomorrow" is difficult to break through 250 million US dollars.

From the current situation, the first week of the "Matrix 2" box office opening will not be much worse than last year's "007 Royal Casino", or "the day after tomorrow" the first weekend box office is no more than last year's "007 Royal The casino is much worse. The first week of the three movies can exceed 100 million US dollars. The key to the film's North American box office is the next box office drop.

Due to the bursting reputation, last year's "Royal Casino of 007" had a box office drop of 30% for several consecutive weeks. The same start, it seems that the gap is not a big drop, the impact on the final box office is very obvious. . Assume that the same first 100 million US dollars in the first week of the box office, according to the 30%, 40%, 50% decline figures, the total box office is completely the difference of 400 million, 300 million, 200 million.

However, although the future box office trend of "Matrix 2" is still unclear due to the polarization of word of mouth, but the box office of more than 80 million US dollars in the first weekend, enough media has ridiculed the fireworks to give up the sequel to the "Matrix" series. Something.

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