I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 1003: Proceeding lawsuit

Eric is chatting with Barbara Brockley, and Madonna has come from afar.

"Good evening, Maggie, why come over at this time?" Eric and Madonna hugged and said: "This is Barbara Brockley, producer of the 007 series."

"I had dinner with the executives of Warner Music Europe, so I was late," Madonna explained, warmly shaking hands with Barbara Brockley and chilling two words, saying: "Ire Ke, our girls, I have to say hello to them first."

"Then we have time to talk again," Eric nodded to Barbara Brockley and made a gesture of asking, "Go, let me know them, but you can't bully this big sister." Younger generation."

When Madonna followed Eric, she smiled and said: "I only envy. For so many years, I have never sold 20 million new albums. The only breakthrough is that this is just a compilation. This is just a compilation. See how eccentric this guy is, just write a song for me."

"It's not the same. I'm not a music producer after all. They started from scratch, and everyone likes their image very much, so it's only popular now. But your image has been shaped, I don't have the ability to take you this. Madonna became another Madonna. What's more, your new album, now sales should also exceed 10 million?"

It’s hard to make a superstar by writing a few popular songs alone. Eric’s songs from the first Vimy show all had a big impact in the past, but the Firefly record This few newcomers, but did not stir up any waves.

The entertainment-oriented new pop music style represented by the Spice Girls group just caters to the preferences of the current stage of the people, so it will quickly become popular. Eric has only played a catalytic role in it. Madonna has been debuting for so many years, and it is hard to add any feelings to the audience.

Madonna naturally understands the truth. Listening to Eric’s recent album, her mood has become very good.

After the selection of the album in 1990, Madonna’s several albums released these years, the global sales are only on the data of six or seven million, this sales is still unattainable in the eyes of other second- and third-line singers, but For her, it is already going downhill.

But this time the new album is only released for more than three months, and the global sales volume has exceeded 10 million. Warner Music predicts that the total global sales volume in the future is likely to reach 15 million. The sales of 15 million albums are enough to bring her career back to its peak.

Although Eric only provided a single in the process, Madonna still felt that the success of this record, Eric, a little man who can't swallow it, undoubtedly brought her a lot of luck. The sudden rise of the hot girl combination has made her stand firm in her mind.

Accompanied by Eric, Madonna’s five girls, who were hotly combined with the babes, chilled each other, and the woman took Aricra aside.

With a glass of red wine, Madonna looked at Eric with a sigh of relief and asked curiously: "So, now you can talk about it, how do you provoke you to wear it, do you want to chase her, and the result is self-defeating?"

Eric must not be able to tell Madonna what she had thrown out of her mansion, just watching her two arms with obvious muscle lines outside the blue low-cut evening gown, shifting the topic: " I suggest that you don't want to be so crazy again in the future. I am worried that you will suddenly hit me and beat me."

Speaking of it, Madonna is not ugly at all, dressed up, and even quite pleasing. Just, with her two thick arms, I suddenly gave the feeling of a diamond Barbie.

"Where are I willing to beat you, little boy," Madonna licked her red lips and said, "I want to eat you."

"Well," Eric reluctantly raised his hand and surrendered. Eric was usually the active side when he was with a woman, but in front of Madonna, he found that he had no power to fight: "You Doesn't the morning say that I am in trouble, what is it?"

Madonna also knows how to stop, and converges her expression. "Is you concerned about the record sales of several major companies in recent times?"

Eric shook his head faithfully, but he was concerned about the operation of the firefly record, but not too carefully.

In addition, Firefly Records, in addition to the original sound recording business of the group's production of films, the singer's popular youth market, has been on the rise in recent years, Eric did not feel anything wrong.

Madonna did not sell off, said: "Luo Ames last week saw the record sales of Warner Records in the recent period, and sent a whole day of temper, I happened to meet that day. It is said that because of the impact of Internet pirated music, Warner Music In the first half of this year, sales revenue was reduced by 30%, and 30% of the performance was down. It was enough for Roger Ames to resign. The other major record companies are not doing well. I think they want to keep their positions. It is definitely necessary to introduce the responsibility. The Fireflyer player on your side is selling more and more, it is the best scapegoat."

Although Universal Music after the acquisition of PolyGram is the world's largest record company, Warner Music, Sony Records, EMI, the traditional record industry giants, no matter which one, the volume is better than the firefly record Huge and large, the operating status of these major record groups almost represents the overall development trend of the record industry.

30% of the record sales plummeted, even though it was very clear that the record industry's decline trend has long been known, Eric heard this data, it still feels a bit shocking.

After years of brewing, the impact of the Internet on the record industry has finally emerged, and it appears so imposing as soon as it appears.

However, in the face of another wave of related lawsuits that are bound to come, Eric is not too worried.

From the release to the present, in the past two months, the number of sales of the second generation of Fireflyer has just exceeded 5 million units, and the sales volume of the previous generation has exceeded 10 million units.

No one would think that the more than tens of thousands of Fireflyer players will be able to afford the **** pot that the entire record industry's sales plummeted by 30%.

The plunge in physical record sales, in the final analysis, is the result of the explosive expansion of the Internet industry in recent years. With a few taps of the keyboard, you can find any music you want, and it's free, so people are no longer willing to pay a big price to buy a record.

Of course, Eric does not deny that the emergence of MP3 players has also greatly promoted the general trend of digitalization of music.

I was thinking about reminding the firefly electronics management to pay attention to this matter in advance. Eric said with a soft tone to Madonna: "If you want to sue, I think they should first file a lawsuit against PC makers such as IBM, Hewlett-Packard and Dell. Our Fireflyer player is dedicated to promoting genuine digital music, but IBM's personal computers are free to download free music resources from the Internet. Moreover, if sales, this year's global PC shipments may break through. One hundred million units, compared to the Fireflyer player is still far away."

Madonna should be regarded as one of the victims of the rise of Internet pirated music. However, by the status of her current rivers and lakes, she is not too concerned about the sales revenue of simple records, the high-end advertising advertisements of various big names and the concert revenue of every few years. It is her main source of income.

"These words, you said to me is useless," Madonna smiled and said: "In any case, I have already reminded you, you remember to owe me a favor."

Eric nodded and said, "Okay, please come and have dinner."

Madonna glanced at Eric again: "It's boring to eat, don't you have no time tonight?"

"No," Eric said resolutely, and with a bit of timidity, swept his eyes on Madonna's arm: "I'm afraid you beat me."

Madonna is actually only a small man in the early 1 meter, and his height is 20 centimeters from Eric. Even if the body is over-trained, the natural physical disparity between men and women makes it impossible for her to pose any threat to Eric.

What's more, remembering that Eric had arbitrarily pressed her under her body and only served him with his mouth, Madonna knew that the other party was definitely a very strong side in bed.

Fantasy scenario they have been fiercely clean up, but not by Madonna body slightly fever, hear Eric ridicule, she only rolled his eyes and said: "You guys, I really want to beat you a It’s over.”

What did Eric just want to say, and the glutinous rice that disappeared for a while? Moore came over again and blinked at Eric. He said, "Eric, the music is starting, don't forget that you can owe me. Just dance."

Eric can't remember when he owed these things, but he didn't mean to make glutinous rice too embarrassing on the spot. He was going to promise, but Madonna was a little unhappy about glutinous rice? Moore suddenly plugged in and said: "Oh, glutinous rice. If I am going to accompany you to dance, I am the best at dancing."

"Oh, Maggie, you must be joking," Demi Moore faced Madonna with no words, words refused, and looked at Eric with gaze.

In front of the two women are not fuel-efficient lights, Eric is half a host after all, do not want to see the two women pick up on this occasion, and quickly rushed to the glutinous rice? Moore reached out and said: "So, we go to the dance floor Well, there is Maggie, talk freely."

Demi Moore handed the little hand to Eric's hand, and glanced at Madonna with a slight sigh of relief. He blinked and followed Eric to the dance floor.

Madonna is still somewhat proud. It is just that Eric is constantly screaming in words. Demi Moore and Eric enter the dance floor with a slightly dim light, but they are directly attached.

Feeling the two groups sticking to his chest, Eric felt a little weird.

Judging from the memory of Eric on the original version of "The Ghosts Are Not Ghosted", 黛米? Moore was definitely a flat chest before, but now suddenly becomes D or more, and what he did is self-evident.

Eric prefers women to be more natural, but at this time he is still a bit curious, and the whole hand feels like this.

Demi? Moore didn’t know if it’s a ghost that made Erik’s mind comprehended, or deliberately teased, sticking to him and slowly dancing with slow music, suddenly snapped to his ear and said: “Eric, I let The man opened a room upstairs, are you going to see it?"

Eric smiled, and although he gave birth to some thoughts, he was even more afraid of trouble. From the beginning of the glutinous rice? Moore entangled Barbara? Brockley knows that the purpose of this woman is very clear, she hopes to become the Bond Girl of Bond 19.

Because there is no such thing as "The Ghosts Are Not Ghosted", Demi Moore has not been so hot in the past few years. Most of the time, he can only be in Hollywood as a wife of Bruce Willis, and he is barely a second-line actress. .

In the setting of "Bond 19", the authentic girl girl is very important. If it participates, the influence will be no less than that of the previous "Casino Royale" that impressed the audience. Linde.

But this is also the case, Eric will not rashly hand over the role for the eve of the night, he can not do the kind of thing that does not recognize the trousers, so he shook his head and said: "still forget it. I am not suitable for this time to leave."

黛米? Moore refused to give up easily, the body posted a little tighter, whispered: "Why not, no one cares about these details?"

"This is not necessarily the case," Eric was unmoved. At the end of the song, he took the glutinous rice. Moore walked out of the dance floor and turned away in the eyes of the woman's resentment.

It was not until the end of the party that Eric left the Albert Hotel.

Back to the villa in Kensington Garden Street is close to the early morning, although because of drinking some wine, some drunk, Eric is not too sleepy, sitting down on the living room sofa, lazy to open the TV, free to jump a channel Then, to Meyer, "Mary, can you help me with a glass of water?"

Meyer nodded and walked to the kitchen. At the moment, her heart was somewhat inexplicably small. Her boss was entangled with various women tonight, and she still came back with herself.

Although, well, it seems that there is something wrong with it.

Meyer quickly took a glass of water and slid in front of Eric and handed the cup over.

Eric was a little thirsty, drinking the water from the cup in one go, and placing the glass next to it, just noticed that Meyer was still standing in front of him, waiting for the little maid to be ordered.

The night was quiet, the wine was half thick, and suddenly there was some heartbeat. Eric made a gesture to Meyer and whispered, "Come here."

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