I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 1002: The beginning of the recession

Eric’s trip to London this time, in addition to a recent photo of the Viking record management that just completed the acquisition, mainly participated in the celebration party of the Spice Girls’ first album, Spice.

After half a year of pre-heating of popular singles, the Spice Album's first album, "Spice," was released in April and the second generation of Fireflyer, and adopted the strategy of simultaneous release of physical and digital records.

Some senior executives of the company also worried that the simultaneous release of digital records would affect the sales of physical records, but this has not happened. Since the listing, "Spice" has swept the album sales list of Europe and the United States.

It is already the 11th week of the album release. However, when Spice was released in the ninth week, global sales exceeded 20 million for the entire record industry.

Among them, "Spice" in the UK's eight-week record of 2 million albums, but also broke the record of the Beatles' record of the fastest record of 2 million records in the UK that was created decades ago.

As the world's largest music market in the United States, "Spice" record sales have easily broken through 10 million, as of last week has reached 13.5 million. Other countries such as France, Germany, Spain and even the Far East, Japan, South Korea, Singapore and other countries and regions, even more than two months, "Spice" sales are still high on the record sales list.

As a behind-the-scenes pusher for the Spice Girls group, Eric not only produced the first single "Wannabe" music MV for the Spice Girls, but half of the songs on the hottie's debut album were provided by Eric. At this time, the babes' combination achieved such dazzling achievements, whether it was the media of the parties or the top of the fireflies record, all the credit was undisputed to him. This celebration feast was supposed to be held last week. In order to cooperate with Eric’s schedule, it was specially moved to this weekend.

Eric went to the headquarters of Viking Records in the afternoon and met with all the management of the company under the recommendation of Simon Fuller, who has been promoted to the president of Viking Records. The group's record subsidiary does not have a CEO. Barry Weiss is the president of Firefly Records, which is responsible for all of Firefly's record-related businesses. Simon Fuller is the head of Viking Records. The group does not intend to abandon the Viking record brand, but plans to integrate all overseas music business resources into the company. In the future, Viking Records will be responsible for the business of Firefly Records outside North America, including Europe, the Far East and even Latin America. The Firefly Record Division will be primarily responsible for the North American market.

The summer in London is very long, and the party at night is set to start at 8 o'clock. The location is also chosen at the Albert Hotel near Kensington Gardens Street. This is not to accommodate Eric, but many of London's top hotels. They are all concentrated around here.

Because the party started late, Eric had dinner with Simon Fuller in the evening and went back to the mansion in Garden Street.

It was not until the party began that Eric took Meyer to the nearby Albert Hotel.

Simon Fuller is very grand to this party. In addition to the executives and artists of the Viking record series, a large number of celebrities from all walks of life in the UK are invited. The hotel also has a red carpet on the outside. Full of media reporters in the UK and overseas.

A large number of stars, such as the Spice Girls, Rolling Stones, Elton John, Hugh Grant, and Rachel Vichy, also starred in the red carpet.

Meyer, the white evening gown of Eric Carat, got off at the end of the red carpet, and the spotlights on both sides flashed wildly.

Although I got the embarrassment in advance, when I saw Meyer, the reporters on both sides were pressing the shutter quickly, and some people couldn’t help but ask aloud.

"Mr. Williams, is this young lady your new girlfriend?"

"Mr. Williams, can you introduce this lady?"

"Mr. Williams, have you seen "The Matrix 2"?"

"Mr. Williams, how does Firefly intend to deal with disputes with AOL management?"

"Mr. Williams, it is said that "Bond 19" is still in the casting stage. Can this film catch up with next summer's summer?"


Eric ignored the questioning on both sides, but waved his hand to the outside crowd with a smile, and took Meyer into the hotel.

Entering the party hall with the welcoming Simon Fuller, and seeing the guests at the party surrounded by nails attracted by magnets, Mayer couldn’t help but feel guilty if he was really Eric’s girlfriend. Ok, even if it’s just tonight.

However, she knew that she was just the embellished vase next to Eric tonight.

This fact is really frustrating, and Meyer even wants to escape from the wild, and at the same time can not help but give Eric a bit of shallow resentment. This guy, so hot to other women, even tangled with his cousin, but completely uninterested in his own appearance, this is really irritating.

Eric’s careless attention to the female assistant was the first to greet the protagonist of the party tonight, the five girls of the babes’ group, and then greet the other guests who came over, and chilled for a while before they were idle. .

At the buffet table, Simon Fuller and Eric took a glass of champagne and raised a toast at Eric. Simon Fuller said: "Eric, I carefully considered the singer you picked up in the afternoon to select a real person. The show is very feasible. However, if it is only held in the UK, the scale is not too small. Why don't we make it directly in North America?"

"I will definitely bring this reality show to North America, but now whether it is ABC's "survivor" or Fox's "Who will be a millionaire", the ratings are good, two TV networks in recent years Some other reality shows have also been introduced, so there is no shortage of this type of program for the time being," Eric took a sip of champagne and smiled. "And, I don't want to give this reality show to NBC. Or CBS, so I plan to do it now in the UK. You can also get enough time to polish the program."

Simon Fuller nodded and said: "However, really, this type of music reality show should not be able to create a singer who is too popular, because if we want to take care of the viewing effect, it is unlikely to keep Absolutely fair, some outstanding players are likely to be eliminated in advance. These people have the title of 'loser' and it is not so easy to pack them."

Eric said: "If you care a little, you should still be able to pick out a few good seedlings in the previous sessions. Yes, this time you should pay attention to the player's own songwriting ability. When I chose the Spice Girls group, I was I forgot to remind you of this. They have a lot of singing and dancing skills, but their creative ability is not satisfactory. Fortunately, they can now find enough outstanding producers to write songs for them."

Simon Fuller also recognized the nod.

Whether in the past or in the future, any singer or combination that has become famous in the music industry has basically a good ability to create music.

However, with the decline of the entire record industry, the singers with outstanding creative ability will become more and more prominent, because the decline of the industry will definitely lead to the shrinking of resources, and the record companies will rarely organize a team to pack only one pair. A singer who has a good voice or a good skin but has no creative ability.

Eric and Simon Fuller chatted and squinted around, just to note that the 007 series female producer Barbara Brockley was not far away, looking to herself, opposite Barbara Brockley. Standing tall woman in a lilac halter evening gown, Eric didn't recognize who the other person was, just feeling that Barbara Brockley looked at his own eyes with some help, so he and Simon? Fuller greeted him and Eric walked over.

Barbara Brockley is a standard singleton. Eric originally thought that she was wrapped up by the female lily. When she entered, she found that the woman standing opposite her was glutinous rice? Moore.

Demi Moore noticed the change of Barbary Brockley's expression, turned and saw Eric, his face immediately showed a surprise expression, reaching out: "Hey, Eric, I just said that I want to You say hello, just see you chatting with Mr. Fuller."

Seeing glutinous rice? Moore extended his hands to himself, Eric had to smile and hug with each other, feeling that the woman's entire body was unmasked and posted on her body, and my heart could not help but feel blues Willis three seconds Zhong, the poor old cloth booth on such a wife, did not know how many times green on the head, but the two should now be considered to play.

"So, glutinous rice, how can you be in London?" Although the two were unfamiliar, they still saw several faces at some parties. Although Eric did not like each other, he did not show too much, and after releasing the other party. Eric asked politely.

"I am filming a movie in London called "Notting Hill"," Demi Moore pointed to Hugh Grant, not far away, and continued: "The actor is Hugh, telling a story that happened in Notting Hill. Love story."

Eric immediately remembered that Julia had acquired the Polaroid because of Seagram, and the distribution rights of Notting Hill were attributed to the world. So she gave up the script and did not expect it to eventually fall on the glutinous rice.

"Notting Hill, I happen to know this script, a very good story," Eric praised politely.

With the success of "Four Weddings and a Funeral", Hugh Grant successfully promoted to the box office star, and because of the historical changes, he successfully escaped the scandal that should have happened. Hugh Grant can be said to be very popular in recent years. Welcome to the English warm man.

After Julia’s exit, Polaroid seems to have contacted Hollywood veteran Meg Ryan, but Meg Ryan has taken Warner’s “Electronic Love Letter”. The final choice is far less popular than Julia's glutinous rice? Moore is the heroine, probably also out of confidence in the popularity of Hugh Grant.

Recalling the "E-Love Letter", Eric is inevitably somewhat helpless. "Electronic Love Letter" is a product of Warner's cooperation with AOL. It is obvious that the two sides have long started pulling. Because of the disagreement with the fireflies on the development route, AOL did not even mention the "emotional love letter" with the fireflies, which has become one of the recent media evidence of a dispute between AOL and the major shareholder of firefly investment.

"I didn't expect it, it was really surprising." Hearing Eric knew the script of "Notting Hill", Demi Moore was really surprised, it was only a production cost of less than 30 million US dollars. Ordinary love film, but she quickly thought of who took the opportunity from her own, and then relieved, but some envy of Julia? Roberts and Eric's close relationship, looking at Eric The eyes are inevitably a little more eager: "Eric, can you please dance?" So, 黛米? Moore also smiled at Eyre's side with a small vase of Meyer. , said: "This lady will definitely not mind if I borrowed Eric for a while, right?"

Meyer nodded politely, and secretly spit in my heart, do I mind useful?

Eric just smiled and refused: "Sorry, glutinous rice, I have something to talk to Barbara."

"Oh, it doesn't matter, I can wait a little longer," glutinous rice? Moore did not show any loss, did not give up, lifted the hand and said: "Let's talk about it first."

When the glutinous rice? Moore walked away, Eric asked Barbara: "What happened?"

"Nothing," Barbara Brockley shook his head and smiled. "Bond 19 is not in the election recently. She also participated."

Eric nodded and understood something roughly. He said: "Speaking of this, just a reporter asked me. Looking at the current situation, "Bond 19" may not be able to boot this year?"

Barbara Brockley had a little grievance on his face and said, "Yeah, you guys took the box office of the previous one so high, and now they don't care, we have a lot of pressure."

Eric smiled and retorted: "I don't care, I have carefully read every version of the script you handed over."

"Bond 19" was originally planned to be released in the summer file next year, but after the "World Casino" global explosion, facing the great situation of the agent movie universe, MGM everyone is very cherished and cautious, just "Bond 19 The script of MGM has been polished for a whole year. In addition, since the protagonists of the three series in Bond 19 will all be assembled, the contract of the relevant actors will take a lot of effort to finalize.

Judging from the current situation, the release of "Bonder 19" may have to be pushed a whole year. However, the large volume of 007, the production interval of three years, is not a problem, no one will mess up the word of the entire agent movie universe just set up in order to catch up.

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