I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 1001: Really rare

Meyer is a person who doesn't like rainy days, so when she feels the faint earthy smell that comes when it rains, she quickly opens her eyes from her sleep.

The floor-to-ceiling windows leading to the terrace pull the curtains, but still feel the gloomy sky outside the window, apparently it is raining.

For a moment, Meyer slammed up from the big bed and picked up the watch on the bedside table. It was already 7:45. Although Eric said that there is nothing particularly important today, she still knows she has overslept.

Walking into the bathroom with bare feet, Meyer squeezed the toothpaste, stood by the washstand, took some water from the cup and just slammed it, noticed that the cheeks in front of the mirror had some faint red hair when I woke up. Girl, she couldn’t help but stay.

I had dinner at the Lijiang restaurant last night and returned to the villa with Eric. What Mayer thought would happen, knowing that Eric clearly liked the way she wore the red dress, but The result is nothing that has happened.

I can't tell if it is fortunate or lost.

Meyer is a very strong person, she still hopes to get the career prospect she wants by herself. However, the boss of her own temperament did not have any thoughts on her. It was inevitable that Meyer would have a little frustration. She did not reject what happened with Eric. After all, the world There are also a few women who can resist Eric’s people who are desperate for all those who look up.

The little tangles in my heart made her turn over and over in bed for a long time, or else she would not overslept now.

After washing, I changed my daily black professional suit. After thinking about it, she added a necklace with a silver diamond pendant before she walked out of the room.

Eric got up and was sitting in the living room downstairs and called, seeing Meyer appearing, just nodded lightly, and talked a few words to the opposite side, then hang up the phone and got up and said to her: "You just get up, Let's go, Steve Case is waiting for me at the coffee shop in the north street, let's have breakfast."

Meyer did not respond, he nodded and followed Eric.

Out of the villa, outside with fine rain, Eric held up a black umbrella and said: "The rain is not big, we can use one."

Meyer lifted his hand and wanted to take the umbrella over. He said, "Eric, let me come."

Eric shook his head and smiled. "No, this is London. I don't want to be accused of being a gentleman."

Meyer had to hide under the Eric umbrella, but still kept a small distance.

There are dense shades on both sides of the Garden Street. Most of the rain is blocked outside, but there are large drops of water that occasionally drip from the gaps in the leaves. Meyer is hit by the water drops several times. Leaning against Eric, he occasionally touched his arm. The smell of Eric was very weak, but Meyer felt that his cheeks were getting hot.

Kensington Gardens Street is Kensington Avenue to the south and Bayswater Avenue to the north. Steve Case calls the other person in the Diana Cafe on the north side of the street. The two went out of the mansion and walked north along the Garden Street, leaving the Garden Street in a few minutes.

It may be that on Saturday morning, it was raining again. The traffic on the Bayswater Avenue was very poor. Erik took Meyer through the street and easily saw a cafe decorated with a red door.

When I heard Steve Case tell the name of the coffee shop, Eric felt a little strange. When I walked into the coffee shop and saw a lot of photos of Dai Dai hanging on the wall, Eric understood why it was called here. Diana Cafe'.

Dai Wei is still alive and well, and the world is doing charity. I don’t know what it is to have with this coffee shop.

There are only four guests in the cafe, a middle-aged couple, an old man, and Steve Case.

In addition to getting up to Eric to greet Steve Case, the other guests just looked up at Eric and looked at their own things. The 50-year-old old man regained his gaze. It was a little weird to smile at Eric, and it made Eric feel a bit incomprehensible.

Steve Case and Eric shook hands and said politely, "Good morning, Eric."

"Early, Steve," Eric released his hand and said, "This is Mary."

Steve Keys and Meyer shook hands and said, "Hello, Miss Meyer, we are on the phone."

Meyer politely greeted Steve Case and the three were seated. There is no special waiter in the coffee shop. The owner is a fat middle-aged man. Although he recognizes Eric, he just greeted him with a hurry and asked what Eric wants to eat.

The three people ordered breakfast, and when the owner left, the atmosphere fell into a faint stalemate.

During this time, although Eric was out of the game, the internal battles within AOL have reached a feverish level. One party is a firefly investment holding a large number of AOL shares, and one party is the management team that has made great contributions to the rise of AOL. Although both parties are very tacitly concealing this dispute as much as possible, the media with a keen sense of smell has begun to increase. Reported on this matter.

At this point, AOL has determined that it will hold an extraordinary shareholders meeting at the end of the month, which will also be the final showdown moment.

After a moment of silence, Steve Case finally said: "Eric, you have to know that there can be only one media company on the Internet. AOL will develop into the media industry and will not affect our own network. The identity of the service provider. If you can acquire Time Warner, AOL can get a layer of cable TV operators, which can greatly help the TV business of Firefly, MGM and even Fox. I really don't understand why you insist on opposing these?"

Eric took a cup of hot coffee from the owner and thanked him. After the other hand gave me a cup of coffee from Meyer, he stirred the coffee in front of him and said, "Steve, you may I feel that I did this for the Yahoo!, but in fact, I did not think that any company owned by Firefly Investment will become an Internet media company. I have never thought of this idea, whether it is Yahoo or AOL. Pure online media companies have no future. The Internet is an extremely open platform. As online users continue to increase by a factor of ten, it is impossible for any online media company to provide billions of users. Enough diversity, so I always hope that Yahoo and AOL will become technology companies that provide services and platforms to users, not media companies."

Steve Case said: "Although you said so, there is no doubt that both Yahoo and AOL are enjoying the benefits of the online media concept, aren't they? Wall Street is now more recognized by the Internet. Media shares, usually, Wall Street's judgment is not wrong."

"Wall Street is chasing only the high stock price brought by the concept of Internet media. Once the bubble bursts, they will only avoid it." Eric shook his head. "So, if you follow Wall Street's ideas, the result will be very bad." ”

"It seems that we are absolutely unable to convince each other," Steve Case sighed and turned to esotericly Eric, saying: "Eric, I want to know if the shareholders meeting at the end of the month, fireflies once Lost, what are you going to do?"

"This is the real purpose of your coming to London?" Eric smiled and said: "Do you want to know if I will choose to lose both?"

The so-called stocks, on the one hand, represent the ‘shares’ of capital, and on the other hand, the ‘vouchers’ that represent attitudes. Investors show their attitude by buying and selling. Therefore, the more shares a company holds, the greater the impact on the company in the process of buying and selling. This is the fundamental power of shareholders. Where it is.

As the largest shareholder, the AOL stock held by Firefly Investment is enough to determine the life and death of the company, so Steve Case will be so cautious at this time.

"If the firefly investment choice is desperate, it is not good for all of us, isn't it?"

Eric shook his head and said: "This is not necessarily the case. AOL is smashing. I can just continue to support a company that can develop according to the idea of ​​firefly investment."

Even if the fireflies fail, Eric will never choose to lose both, but if you are honest with Steve Kastein, it would be silly.

Sure enough, when I heard Eric, Steve Kay’s expression suddenly became cloudy.

At this time, the owner just happened to bring up the breakfast for the three people.

Steve Case did not have the interest to stay with Eric for breakfast. He said to the owner: "Can you pack the breakfast for me?"

"Of course," the fat shop owner nodded, carrying Steve Case's breakfast and returning to the kitchen.

Eric did not stop Steve Case's action, thought about it, or "Turman, anyway, thank you for bringing AOL to today's industry position."

Steve Case didn't like Eric's master-like tone and whispered retorted: "AOL is also mine, he is like my child."

Eric nodded and said: "Yes, many fathers want their children to grow up according to their own ideas, whether their ideas are true or not."

The owner quickly packed Steve Case's breakfast and took a bag out of the coffee shop. The weather was still gloomy and the rain seemed to be more detailed. Steve Case didn't take the umbrella and walked quickly. Parked next to a Lincoln car on the side of the road, this is the delivery car of his residence.

The driver gave him the door attentively, and Steve Case got in the car. When the car started, he took out the phone and dialed a number. After connecting, he said: "I am, Bob... Yes, so You should follow the plan we discussed as soon as possible."

In the coffee shop, after Steve Case left, Eric asked for another glass of milk and looked at Meyer, who was always absent-minded. He asked with concern: "Is there a rest for last night?"

Meyer thought that Eric had sneaked through his mind and was shocked. He quickly shook his head and said, "No, no, I have a good rest."

Eric smiled and said: "It seems that there is no rest, and we can make up for it when we go back. We will go to the Viking record in the afternoon."

Meyer did not say anything, just nodded.

Eric thought about AOL and didn't pay much attention to Meyer's expression.

The two were eating breakfast slowly, and at the end of the day, the glass door of the cafe was pushed open, and a soft female voice rang behind Eric.

“I often have breakfast here, Maggie, the food here is very good, the coffee is better.”

The tone of the female voice is very special. Without going back, Eric recognizes the owner of the voice and suddenly understands why there are so many photos of Dai Dai here.

When Ess was approaching, Eric was slightly sideways, looking at a light blue women's suit with elegant temperament Dai Dai, laughing: "I don't think you like to eat in a place full of photos, this is really weird. The hobby is good."

Western celebrities often give their photos to some shops with better friendships, and Eric’s words are just a ridicule.

However, the guy who suddenly emerged shocked Dai Dai, and the woman subconsciously licked her mouth, waiting to recognize Eric, and the scorpion suddenly became big, and the expression of Erik was screaming in a word.

Instead, Dai Dai’s woman wearing a black long-sleeved dress enthusiastically took the first two steps and said, “Hey, Eric, this is really amazing.”

Eric looked at Madonna and had some accidents. She quickly got up and hugged her. She looked at her in a serious dress and took a British lady's hat. She couldn't help but jokingly said: "Maggie, I don't think you are serious. This is really rare when I wear clothes."

"You guy, it's too mean," Madonna was not angry. She smiled and gently slammed it on Eric. "Where is Wang Hao, don't be too rude. But how come you are here?" ”

Eric pointed to the opposite Kensington Garden Street and smiled: "I and Wang Hao, should be considered neighbors."

Dai Hao finally reacted at this time, still screaming: "I don't want to be a neighbor with you guys."

Eric spread his hands innocently: "Hey, there may be some misunderstanding."

"Oh," Madonna smiled and rounded the field and turned his attention to Meyer on the other side. Eric quickly introduced it.

Looking at Dai Wei, who continued to send out a wave of eye attacks, Eric did not continue to stay in vain, and the breakfast was almost the same, and he got up and planned to leave.

Just walked to the door of the store, Madonna remembered something, but chased it over and asked: "Eric, let's say, the party at Viking Records tonight, you will definitely participate, right?"

Eric nodded and said: "Of course, I mainly came here for this."

"That's fine, then we will see you at night," Madonna said, his eyes pointing back and saying, "I am very curious about some things."

"Reassured, I won't tell you anything."

"In this case, I don't want to tell you something," Madonna also made a threatening look. "You are estimated to have trouble here."

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