I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 1000: good news

With Meyer coming to the second floor, Eric pushed open a room door and turned sideways towards Meyer. He said, "Hey, you live here these two days, there should be a brand new in the bathroom cabinet. Washing utensils, what are missing, you have to buy it yourself."

Meyer took the suitcase and walked two steps towards the room. It was a very spacious bedroom with bright white finishes, a separate terrace and bathroom, and the furniture styles of the bed, closet and desk were very simple. However, it is obviously exquisite and expensive, and there is a 21-inch LCD computer that is rarely seen on the desk.

After looking around, Meyer turned and saw Eric standing at the door, and did not come in. The expression paused and suddenly did not know what to say.

Eric noticed Meyer's expression change and smiled and said: "That's it, I went to the study room upstairs, you are free. There is a library and entertainment room on the first floor, the home theater is the basement, I want to go out for a walk. If you open the car, the car they left behind will be fine."

When Meyer saw Eric to leave, he finally found a topic and said, "Eric, then, do you need me to prepare dinner for you?"

“Oh, there is a Lijiang restaurant in the Jiekou Garden Hotel. You can call and book the location. We can go there to eat at night.”

Mayer didn't know the ordering phone of the restaurant in Qijiang, but she didn't ask much. She could still get this little thing, so she nodded.

Looking at Eric leaving, the figure disappeared on the opposite stairway, Meyer closed the door, stood in the same place for a while, opened his suitcase and began to pack up.

Eric did not sort out the baggage, and Shantou arranged everything in his private house. This mansion has his full set of daily necessities, even if the pencils on the desk of the study are placed according to his personal habits. This is almost his other home.

After the placement of Meyer, Eric came to the study on the third floor.

Open the computer, Eric click on the Yahoo browser icon on the monitor desktop, and skillfully put the URL of the Google search engine in the address bar.

The familiar search engine page jumped out immediately. In addition to the web search, there were additional images, emails, maps, and a dedicated Yahoo! home through train. Compared with the original beta, the official Google search engine made some fine-tuning. But the overall change is not big.

Yahoo's current business focus is also on the portal. Although it has been determined that the search engine will be the focus of its business in the next few years, Yahoo has not promoted the launch of a separate Google search engine. After all, Yahoo's upcoming IPO is dominated by the concept of Internet media.

Click on the row of buttons above the search box, Eric will log in to his work mailbox directly through the browser to find a new week's box office data report.

From June 12th to June 18th, the second week of "The Day After Tomorrow", the film fell 43% compared to the first week, the box office was 63.69 million US dollars, and the cumulative box office reached 175 million US dollars. The second place in the annual North American movie box office list, the first name of the "Austin Powers 2" released in the Easter season, the final box office of this spoof film was fixed at 186 million US dollars.

In addition, due to the fact that most of the overseas ticket warehouse countries have been synchronized, the overseas box office of "The Day After Tomorrow" has reached 226 million US dollars in two weeks. There is no doubt that "The Day After Tomorrow" will be another overseas box office. Hollywood blockbuster.

Combined with the box office data for the previous two weeks, the firefly issuing department will give a forecast of "the day after tomorrow" of the North American box office will be between 230 million and 250 million US dollars, overseas box office between 400 million and 500 million US dollars, the global box office is expected to be 600 million. It is about $700 million.

Although it can't be an outbreak, there is no doubt that "The Day After Tomorrow" can definitely be said to be a global sale. It is calculated according to the production budget of the film of 120 million US dollars and the issuance budget of 50 million US dollars. It is only a global box office, and the day after tomorrow can be recovered. Net profit of more than 100 million US dollars.

Scanning the box office information of other films in the box office data report, Eric’s attention turned to Matrix 2, which was officially released today.

Although the sequel to the "Matrix" was sold out, the fireflies still retain the development power of the "Matrix" series of goods.

Compared with the long-term videotape and TV broadcast rights operation, the peripheral products of the movie produced benefits almost simultaneously with the film's release.

"Matrix 2" is released, regardless of the outcome, it will definitely bring a wave of sales peaks to related products. Although the perimeter of the "Matrix" series is not as rich as an animated film or "Jurassic Park", this part of the income, fireflies earned very easily, almost no investment resources.

Although Eric was not particularly embarrassed, the assistant office sent the information about the "Matrix 2" that had already been arranged to his e-mail address.

Eric opened the mail and saw the box office data of $9.9 million at the midnight of "The Matrix 2".

Nearly $10 million in the midnight box office, once again broke the North American midnight box office record. Last year, Eric's "007 Royal Casino", the midnight box office was only $5 million.

However, Eric did not feel too surprised. The 007 series has become a symbol of popular film culture. Although the popularity is very high, there are not many die-hard fans, so there will not be too many viewers who will watch the midnight scene.

However, the "Matrix" series is different. The stunning part of the film directly makes this series be held on the altar, gathering a lot of diehard fans, and it is not difficult to understand the high box office at midnight.

However, "The Matrix 2" broke the record at midnight and there are also factors in the natural growth of the North American film market. Not to mention the "Star Wars Prequel" that will be released at the end of the year, even if it is half a month later, "Chou Jiaowa 3", it is possible to refresh this record again.

Looking at the notes attached to the data at midnight, Eric turned to the comments of the film, which is what he cares about.

The email first listed the praise of "Hacker 2".

"I like this film very much and I recommend it to you very sincerely. However, this film has already lacked something that can touch me in the first part." - "New York Observer"

"Compared with the first part, the Wachowski brothers' skills are more mature." - "Salon"

"You don't have to understand the deeper meaning of the "Matrix" series, you can enjoy this movie very easily." - "Hollywood Reporter"

“Although some new elements have been added, the film is no longer as amazing and exciting as the first one.” – Variety.

Although it is a good review, Eric clearly feels that many media and film critics can only be regarded as an accreditation of "Matrix 2", but from these words, it is definitely not the first such praise. This argument is also in line with Eric's memory of the previous version and the senses he had seen after the two sequel scripts of the Wachowski brothers.

After reading the favorable information, Eric skipped a series of short negative comments and found a long comment and read it carefully.

"Considering the start of the "Matrix" series, you will definitely expect the same for the sequel, right?"

"However, many people may be disappointed. At least, I personally feel this way. In this sequel, many excellent ideas and highlights in the first film have been diluted, and even can be said to have been very bad. Part of it. Although the film still looks cool on the surface, it is actually far less than the first one. The vague and ambiguous philosophical thinking that the Wachowski brothers deliberately joined is only in my opinion. I was disappointed with everything in this film. Everything seemed to deviate from the track, leaving only a bunch of so-called hot action scenes.

“The first will always be a film special effects milestone. It will change the special effects movie forever. It also brings us a philosophical proposition about truth and illusion that can be considered for many years. However, this sequel obviously begins to flow. In vulgarity, considering that this is a series of two episodes, I can hardly imagine what the third part will look like, and it may give us a worse ending. If you are a fan of the Matrix, you must I don't want to see this happen. However, I think it would be difficult for the Firefly Group to avoid shooting according to the two sequel scripts set by the Wachowski brothers, even if they don't hesitate to sell the film. What are the expectations of the three departments."

The more professional point of the North American film critics is that they will not give the audience an early spoiler.

After reading this comment, Eric can't see the critics' analysis of the sequel's plot, but think about what he felt when he saw the Wachowski brothers' script, and he was able to guess what the other party was. mood.

At the end of the mail, after statistics, the comprehensive score of "Matrix 2" is only 7.3, which is far less than the first part of 8.7.

Compared with the great situation created by the first one, the score of 7.3 is only barely passable.

After reading the email in front of him, Eric puts the matter of "Matrix 2" behind his head. It is still the same sentence. Since it is already pouring water, it is useless to pay more attention.

Eric’s $300 million income from the sequel to the sequel to Eric was directly invested in the Shamrock Fund, even if the Shamrock Fund held a total value of $16 billion in stock, the money had doubled. More, when the stocks are sold in the next year, the $300 million in revenue may exceed $1 billion.

For the two sequels of "The Matrix", Ann Berlin has invested more than $600 million in principal. Even though "The Matrix 2" global box office reached $1 billion, the box office of "The Matrix 3" is still excellent, but considering In the early stage of the huge investment, the profits brought by these two sequels to Ann Berlin will never reach 1 billion US dollars.

Turning off the email page of "Hacker 2", Eric continued to check the unread mail in the work mailbox, and soon saw a good news from Kasenberg.

After a full year of grinding, Cameron finally planned to start the production of "Spider-Man".

Kasenberg said in the mail that he had just discussed the details with Cameron and Jon Landau yesterday afternoon. At the end, he jokingly asked Eric if he would not personally choose the "Spider-Man" actress.

Although away from Los Angeles, Eric has been paying attention to the rough progress of Iron Man. He and Jos Verden will talk about the editing details of some movies by phone or email almost every day. It is expected that Eric will return to Los Angeles. The first version of Iron Man will be completed, and will enter the most important special effects production stage.

Compared with Iron Man, the project of "Spider-Man" is slow to make people feel that if Cameron really drags on for too long, Eric will have to change directors. He can't let "Spider-Man" delay the whole. The process of the Marvel movie universe.

Fortunately, Cameron is finally going to start making it.

As long as the project enters a substantive production phase, Cameron can't go slow even if he delays.

Thinking of this, Eric has picked up his mobile phone and dialed the phone number of Cameron in Los Angeles.

The phone was quickly connected, and the Cameron people were in the Firefly Studios. They sneered a few words. The two talked about "Spider-Man", from script to special effects to starring candidates, and talked for an hour. Eric only hangs up.

According to the plan in Cameron's discourse, "Spider-Man" completed the preliminary preparations such as the selection of the corner in the second half of the year, and will be able to start shooting at the beginning of next year. At the latest, it only needs to wait until the summer of 2000 to be released. This progress is still in Ereli. Ke's tolerance range.

It ended the conversation with Cameron, and handled the work email for a while. The sky was dark and unconsciously disappeared.

After flying for more than half a month, Eric’s biological clock began to be a bit confusing. When he noticed the time, it was seven o'clock in the evening.

Turning off the computer, Eric left the room and it seemed quiet in the darkened villa. I went down the third floor to the second floor circular corridor and saw the lights in the small living room downstairs. Go down the stairs. Meyer sat on the small living room sofa and obviously watched TV with some absent-mindedness.

The sound of the TV was very small, and Eric couldn’t take it lightly. Meyer quickly felt that someone was approaching, turned his head and smiled slyly. “Eric, I was thinking about when to shout. You are suitable."

"Hungry, let's go," Eric said, waiting for Meyer to stand up and see her still in the shape of a light gray professional suit, saying: "Would you like to change clothes?"

"Okay," Meyer nodded. "You wait a moment."

Eric walked into the small living room, sat down on the sofa, patiently waited for five or six minutes, Meyer changed a very beautiful fire red knee-length dress downstairs.

Most women find it difficult to hold up red clothes, but this set of clothes is worn by Meyer, but the girl who is still somewhat green has suddenly become a little more attractive to the workplace.

Eric couldn't help but look at it a little more and praised: "It's beautiful."

"Thank you," I heard Eric’s words, and Meyer, who had been a few minutes away, relaxed and said, "That, let's go."

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