I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 999: Family trust

Nokia is headquartered in Esbjerg, west of Helsinki. Espoo is almost connected to Helsinki and left the Vantaa airport. It took only over 20 minutes for the people to reach their destination.

Eric is only planning to stay in Finland for three days, and it is not possible to come often in the future. Therefore, he is not too tossed in terms of residence, but chooses to stay at a hotel near Nokia headquarters.

Jorma Ollila and others sent Eric to the hotel, agreed to a welcome lunch at noon, and left.

Sending away Yoma Ollila and others, Eric returned to the room, Caroline and Meyer were taking out new beds from the suitcase to help him decorate the bedroom.

Calculating the time, now the United States is just midnight, sitting for ten hours, Eric is also a little tired, with the script of "the public enemies" sitting on the sofa in the suite living room for a while, Caroline and Meyer The bedroom was roughly arranged and Eric walked in.

Caroline walked into the bedroom with a pillow and saw that Eric had already smashed his shoes and lay on the big bed, putting the pillow on the bed and saying, "Eric, are you going to sleep for a while?"

"Well," Eric nodded. He wanted to let Caroline wake up at noon. Seeing this beautiful girl standing on the edge of the bed, she couldn’t help but feel a little heart. She reached out and said, "Come, hug. ""

Caroline’s face suddenly became red. After the night in Lone Pine Town, it was difficult for her to get courage and be close to Eric. After subconsciously looking at her eyes, Caroline shook her head in a panic: “No, no. Mary is still there."

Carolyn’s voice just fell, and Meyer’s apparently deliberate voice came out: “Boss, there is nothing else, I will go back to the room first.”

Hearing the sound of the door that came from outside, Caroline stood by the bed and quickly blinked a few times, his face more rosy.

Eric looked at Caroline’s shy appearance and had to take a picture next to him. “Well, don’t hold it, sit down and chat with me.”

Caroline was very ladyly sitting on the edge of the bed, and the blind man looked over and said: "Eric, go to London on weekends, will you go to see your aunt?"

Eric hesitated and felt the expectation in Caroline's eyes and said, "Well, she lives in London now?"

"Well, my aunt moved back, she lives in Paddington."

A few days from Olivia to Los Angeles, the two did not have much communication. Eric was inevitably more curious at this time and asked: "What did she do in Greece before?"

Carolyn got down and realized it. He said, "My aunt said in her letter that she opened a small shop and sold her own clothes on Mykonos Island in the Aegean Sea. The island is very beautiful. Some people say that it is the closest place to heaven. The aunt lived on the island most of the time. However, after the aunt felt that the tourists who came to the store to buy clothes were too vulgar, they closed the store. Other times My aunt likes to travel, carrying a picture frame and painting in many places. My aunt graduated from the Cambridge College of Art. She now has a gallery in London. After a few days, we can see the aunt's paintings."

If you don't think about other things, listening to Caroline's narrative, Eric feels like listening to the life of a proud and casual aristocratic lady.

"That, does she need to earn money to support herself?"

Caroline blinked and bent at the corner of his mouth. "No, there is a copy of the aunt in the family trust that Grandpa has left."

"Oh, this world is really unfair," Eric waved his hand and said, "Go away and I am going away from your decaying aristocratic class."

"Oh," Caroline smiled softly, boldly reaching out and holding Eric's hand, and quickly released it shyly, whispered: "The aunt told me privately, although you don't I will care, but in the future, this trust fund is still going to be left to you."

Eric pretended to be excited: "How many?"

"I don't know too well," Caroline shook her head and thought about it. "Probably, about 100 million pounds."

If ordinary people suddenly hear that they have 100 million pounds of property to inherit, it is estimated that they will be crazy. At this time, Eric is not too concerned, but he is still somewhat surprised by the Wilson family: "According to this standard, It seems that I will be better for Little Carly in the future, otherwise you may accidentally speculate on my boss's squid at any time."

Caroline’s mouth curled up again, with a hint of tenderness in her expression: “I’ve thought about it for a long time.”

"Well, time is almost up. You should go back to the room and have a rest. We will go to dinner together at noon."

"Well," Caroline nodded, her eyelashes flashed, and she took the courage to lean over and kissed Eric's face, which left her face red.

If you follow the shareholding distribution, Nokia has long been a Finnish company. However, Nokia's place of registration, global headquarters, tax settlement, major management and even a large part of the industrial chain are concentrated in Finland. The National Bank of Finland is also the second largest shareholder of Nokia after firefly investment. Therefore, Nokia actually Still a Finnish company.

In recent years, with the rise of Nokia's telecom equipment and mobile phone business, the company has become increasingly important to Finland as a whole. Therefore, Erik, the actual controlling shareholder of Nokia, caused a sensation throughout Finland.

The noon reception was attended by not only the majority of Nokia’s management, but also a number of Finnish governments and officials of the Espoo City Council. Several TV stations in Finland also reported on the reception luncheon.

In the following two days, Eric, under the leadership of Jorma Ollila, visited Nokia's headquarters campus in Espoo and participated in Nokia's board meeting, which confirmed Nokia's next management candidate.

It’s been busy until Friday morning, and Eric is free to go shopping in Essex and Helsinki with Caroline.

Whether it is Esbjerg or Helsinki, the feeling for Eric is two words, just casual. The streets of the two cities have no sense of planning, and the twists and turns are different. There are all kinds of messy trees or shrubs on both sides of the road. The houses and office buildings of various styles also seem to have no sense of direction. The southeast and northwest are indiscriminately facing each other. At the same time, the whole city seems to silently tell everyone a subtext: everyone can do it.

The only cathedrals in Helsinki that are worth seeing are not very attractive to Eric, a non-believers.

After all, Finland is really not a good place to travel.

Just for a long time, Eric completely lost interest. Carolyn would be very satisfied if she could get along with Eric alone, but felt that Eric’s interest was lacking, and Caroline offered to return. Hotel.

After eating lunch, Eric gave a speech to Jorma Ollila.

At two o'clock in Helsinki, Eric took a line of entourage and boarded a private jet to London.

The plane just took off, and Meyer, who did not follow Eric in Helsinki in the morning, told Eyre a message that AOL CEO Steve Case called AM at the hotel where Eric was. Others have already arrived in London and want to see Eric in private.

These days, the firefly investment side and the US online management have been secretly playing games, and now has reached the final stage of the showdown, Eric did not expect Steve Case to take the initiative to find.

Sitting in the cabin study, Eric asked: "Are you talking about other things besides meeting?"

Meyer shook his head. "No, Mr. Case is on the phone just asking to talk to you face to face."

"Then tomorrow morning."

After thinking for a moment, Eric nodded and then looked at the one-foot-thick document on the desk in front of him.

These are the R&D project materials of various R&D centers that Eric has prepared for Nokia, and they are only non-confidential projects. Still in a confidential state of research and development project, Eric yesterday only took Caroline and listened to the executives of Nokia's technical department to make a simple oral presentation, and signed several confidentiality agreements.

Nokia currently employs 60,000 people worldwide, and one-third of them are technical developers.

Nokia's 17 research and development centers, a total of more than 120 project research and development groups, research and development goals are large until the GPRS data transmission standard is small until the lithium battery is fully charged, the color change of the indicator light is all-encompassing. Nokia has been involved in technology such as Symbian, Bluetooth technology, wireless application protocol (WAP), and mobile device processor chips that are familiar to all mobile phone users.

It can be said that in the technical field that the smartphone era needs to be applied, Nokia has already had technical reserves since the late 1990s. Compared with Nokia, the newly developed firefly electronics can only be regarded as a toddler.

Just a little recall of the mobile phone products that Nokia has launched in the past few generations, and Eric found that Nokia’s various technologies for investing in research and development, more than 90%, may not be able to use. Go to Nokia's new products.

Picking up a reference to the GPRS data transmission standard, Eric has some intentionally pushed the pile of documents in front of him to Meyer: "Hey, take it first, read it. Report to me and talk about what you think is based on the needs of developing a smartphone, which of these technologies need to go deeper and which projects can be cut."

During the two days of visiting Nokia, Eric has already explained to Meyer the idea of ​​developing a smartphone in his own vision.

Meyer heard the words, but his expression was hesitant: "Eric, my understanding of Nokia is still very limited, let me judge this, I am afraid it is not appropriate."

Eric smiled and said: "You just need to write according to your own ideas. I just want to see how your judgment is. You don't think I will follow your ideas."

Meyer smiled a little and nodded. "That's alright."

The private jet landed at London Heathrow International Airport three hours later. The time difference between London and Helsinki was only two hours. The time was just past three o'clock in the afternoon.

The car sent by the British branch entered the city of London and looked at the buildings on both sides of the street. Eric felt a lot more comfortable. Although the styles of different streets in London are different, but in many streets, each villa is neat and uniform, no matter the style or color, it is a paradise for perfectionism obsessive-compulsive patients.

It may be due to municipal law, and there are no huge billboards in the streets of New York or Los Angeles. Therefore, but the car passed a movie theater, Eric was easily attracted by a wide-scale "Matrix" poster outside the theater. Even though in the afternoon, there was still a long queue outside the cinema, and Eric could also see a few young people who mimicked Keanu Reeves in the trench coat sunglasses in The Matrix.

Today is the day of the release of "The Matrix 2".

"Matrix 2" was produced by Ann Berlin Pictures, but the release was the collaboration between Ann Berlin and Paramount Pictures. Although the Berlin Films use the "Matrix" series to expand its distribution channels, the strength of the other side can only be guaranteed to be issued independently in the United States. Most overseas markets rely on Paramount's distribution channels.

Looking at the situation, Paramount did a good job in synchronizing the film overseas.

According to the time difference, the east coast of North America should have just begun to show in the morning, and the information of the box office at midnight has probably been released.

However, since it is already pouring water, Eric did not care too much about "Matrix 2". If you follow the Wachowski brothers script, the fans still buy it, and Eric has nothing to say.

It is the second week of the "After the Day" box office, it is estimated that it has been sent to his work mailbox.

A group of people arrived at the mansion of Kensington Garden Street. Eric got out of the car and looked at Caroline, who came down together. "I let Carter send you home. I will finish the busy things tomorrow, week. Would you like to go to see your aunt again?"

"Well," Caroline nodded and said goodbye to Eric, and got on the bus again.

Eric yelled at Carter Moen and watched him drive Caroline to leave and send the other three bodyguards away. Kensington Garden Street is arguably the most secure block in London. The bodyguard always lives by the side.

When Eric left, Eric noticed Meyer next to him.

"Forget you," smiled. Eric said: "There is no need to go to the hotel again. I will stay here tonight. This apartment is still very big."

Meyer's small heart jerked a few times, feeling that his cheeks were slightly hot, but he nodded in obedience.

Because Eric is coming over, the mansion was cleaned yesterday, and it seems to be spotless.

Eric opened the door and, along with Meyer, moved in a few simple pieces of luggage, and took Meyer upstairs to arrange room for her.

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