I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 998: Good gathering

"Your job is to meet my needs, so it is so pleasant to decide," Eric hit a snap, then put a hand on the two women, said: "You go to rest, these things can be seen by myself. It is."

Before the recognition, Caroline never showed a similar little emotion in front of Eric.

However, confirming the relationship between the two, Carolyn, who is pure in nature, directly regards Eric as his loved one, so it is no longer buried in the heart as in the past. However, the small land made the next temper and expressed some inconvenience, but at this time I heard Eric’s words, Caroline’s little head turned and I could not find a reason for the rebuttal.

Looking at a folder that she had just deliberately piled up in front of Eric, Caroline suddenly felt that she was too much, wearing a small high-heeled toe on the carpet, and she lowered her voice to hide opposite Eric. Eyes, said: "That, Eric, do you want coffee?"

Meyer stood by, and heard the words of Caroline, and turned a big white eye directly.

Little Carly, you have to remember that you were just angry.

Eric’s mouth couldn’t help but smile. He really wanted to reach out and pinch Caroline’s face. Of course he didn’t take it anyway, or else he had to be chased by Caroline to apologize: “Well, pure water. That's it."

Noticing the reaction of the two people beside him, Caroline was even more embarrassed, and fled the study room with her small head.

Eric looked at Caroline and fled, thinking of something, and staying with Meyer, who was leaving, told her to sit down on the opposite side of the sand and asked: "I have asked you to organize the Nokia Research Center projects. How is the data prepared?"

Meyer sat down on the sand and said: "I contacted Nokia on the other side last week. However, Nokia has set up a total of 17 technical research centers of various sizes around the world. There are hundreds of them. They say that it takes a week for the project data to be sorted out, which is probably completed on Thursday."

Eric nodded, but there was some emotion in his heart.

Nokia has not yet reached its peak, and it already has 17 technical research centers. It can be imagined that in the most prosperous period, Nokia’s technical strength will be strong. Such a carrier-class industry giant has collapsed in just a few years, and the reason is absolutely impossible to be technical.

After a moment, Eric looked at Meyer and said, "Have you thought about what to do in the future?"

When I heard this question from Eric, Meyer’s mind immediately appeared in the mind of Meier’s mind.

Firefly Electronics' focus this year is overseas business. Melanie left Eric and was directly placed in the position of the new vice president of overseas operations of Firefly Electronics. It is almost equivalent to a long time after reaching a lot of people for at least ten years. Power level.

Some time ago, Eric suddenly transferred himself to the side. Although Mayer had been somewhat confused, he could realize that the opportunity he faced was absolutely not necessary for Melanie.

Fingers licking the corners of the professional skirt, Meyer's thoughts are very clear, seriously: "Eric, I have recently started a postgraduate thesis on artificial intelligence, the theme and Yahoo just launched 'goog1e' Search engine related, I think, I am more suitable for technical research work in this area."

"I originally wanted you to go to Yahoo." Eric smiled and said: "However, Yahoo's business is now on the right track, although technical research will never stop, but the basic exhibition route has been finalized. Yahoo! The future is to expand the scale as much as possible, and even to achieve globalization. If you go to Yahoo, you can't use much space, so I want you to come to Nokia."

Eric suddenly talked to her about future plans. Meyer had already had some faint expectations. Hearing Erik confirmed that Meyer’s expression was hesitant: “Eric, I, I didn’t. I have thought about going to work in Finland."

"No," Eric shook his head and saw Caroline walked in with a glass of water. He paused and took the water cup that Caroline handed over, indicating that she was sitting opposite, and continued: "You In the future, I only need to work in the United States, and the location is probably in Silicon Valley. I hope that you can combine the technical resources of several companies such as Nokia, Yahoo, Qualcomm and Firefly Electronics to create a smart phone and a smart phone. You should know this concept. ?"

"Well, I was in the assistant office this year and I have been exposed to some relevant information, but it is not very detailed."

Meyer immediately nodded, and he was a little excited. He set the product strength of several major technology companies invested by Firefly to open a product. The position of this product in Eric’s mind is absolutely very important. Think about the current fire1yer player. As you know, as long as this product is successful, its position in the firefly system should not be much worse than the number of executives of Firefly Electronics.

"Detailed information, I will give you back later. What you need to do next is to fully understand Nokia. I will let you collect information about the Nokia Technology Research Center project. This is what I want to see, but I also I hope that you can thoroughly understand these things in a few days, and you will be able to understand it."

Meyer nodded and promised: "I will, Eric."

The matter is almost the same. Eric just planned to let Mayer leave and feel the excitement of Meyer. He added: "There is one more point. It is not only Nokia that wants to open this plan." Firefly Electronics will also launch this project at the same time. I don't intend to put the eggs in a basket. If you don't do well in the future, you will still get nothing. Of course, if you do well, your advantage is also very obvious, Nokia. Already have a very strong global mobile phone sales network, the products you make can be more easily occupied by the market."

Meyer heard some loss, and then relieved.

It’s hard to get Eric’s responsibility for her. If he puts all his chips on himself, that’s not normal.

After talking about the matter and leaving the two women to leave, Eric turned his attention to a pile of documents in front of him.

The first thing to pay attention to is the box office information last week.

The performance of "The Day After" box office is still strong. For a commercial blockbuster with a high weekly box office, the box office drop of the weekend is 42%, which is still very rare.

Subsequent "Zorro's Mask", although the film's media evaluation is good, but the weekend's three-day box office is only more than 18oo US dollars, in no way threatened "the day after tomorrow", several other movies, "The World of Truman", The Patriots and Deadly Weapons 4 are far from being thrown away.

After roughly sweeping the box office list, Eric put the form aside and skipped the less important documents such as the list of roles in the Broken Head Valley. Eric directly opened a group's bond financing plan.

The Nasdaq index is getting closer and closer to 2ooo. In the Eric plan, the Nasdaq index will reach 2ooo, and the clover fund will completely stop buying tech stocks.

In the past six months, the amount of funds that the Shamrock Fund has withdrawn from the Firefly Group for technology stock purchases has reached $200 million. In the past three years, the Clover Fund has invested a total of 700 million U.S. dollars in the Nasdaq stock market, which is 100 million U.S. dollars more than Eric’s original plan.

Three years to withdraw 700 million US dollars of cash for stock investment, even if the Firefly Group is big, the profitability is far from other Hollywood media groups, but at this time, along with the launch of the internal Marvel movie universe, "The Lord of the Rings" three The production of songs, the implementation of the '42oo' program, and the construction of the Firefly Studios theme park, the cash flow of the group began to tighten.

Although the investment of 700 million US dollars before and after, but the total value of all the stocks held by the clover fund has reached 1.6 billion US dollars, compared with the input of the principal, the return rate has exceeded 1oo%, even if only a part of the stock is sold, the Firefly Group Cash flow hunger can be relieved immediately.

However, Eric did not intend to do this, but chose many companies to face the most common financing methods when cash is lacking.

At the end of May, the management had already begun to develop a financing plan, which was finally finalized.

Firefly will open a $200 million five-year corporate bond in early July.

The current corporate credit rating of the Firefly Group has reached the highest level of 3a. Therefore, the annual interest rate of the bonds raised this time is only 4.2%, which is 1.3 percentage points lower than the annual interest rate of the bonds when the fireflies acquired the ab group. It seems to be inconspicuous, but it can save $20,000 million in interest expenses for fireflies every year. It is 100 million yuan in five years.

Although the annual interest rate is low, the Firefly Group's bonds are still very popular. According to the hand, Morgan Stanley, who is in charge of the bond, has already determined a distribution share of 5%.

The reason for this is that, in addition to the safety and profitability of the Firefly Group's bonds are very secure, many investment institutions on Wall Street want to become the creditors of the Firefly Group, which is also a large part of the factors.

As a non-listed company, the only opportunity for Wall Street Capital to intervene in the Firefly Group is to buy bonds from the company.

In this case, once the operation of the Firefly Group is in trouble, the Wall Street capital as a creditor will have room for operation.

Of course, although the performance of the Firefly Group's film business will not be as bright as it used to be, Eric will not easily give some people a chance.

Even if it is not the stocks held by the Clover Fund, in addition to the film business, the company's TV business, theme parks and toys, and even the increasingly powerful digital field, the operating conditions are excellent, and the profitability is very stable.

The two Boeing 747-4oos ordered by Eric will be equipped with a communication system, but the Boeing 767 at the moment does not have this configuration.

It took a few hours to finish the documents in front of me. Although I was puzzled, I couldn’t immediately talk to the Los Angeles side by phone. I had to wait until I arrived in Helsinki.

Although the private plane flew from west to east, it was only a short-lived night after exploding to the Arctic Circle, which was in a state of extremes, and the porthole lit up again.

Eric and Caroline had a ‘dinner’ on the plane, rested for a few hours, and woke up again, Boeing 767 had arrived over Helsinki, Finland.

Looking through the porthole, Eric’s Vantaa Airport in Helsinki is very visible and occupies a large area north of the city. At first, I still had some doubts, but I quickly realized that it was not that Vantaa Airport was too big, but that Helsinki was too small.

The area of ​​Finland is not much different from that of California. However, the total population of California is close to 4ooo, but the whole of Finland is less than 50,000. Helsinki, as a Finnish capital, has a population of only over 500,000. The Boeing 767 crossed over Helsinki. Looking up at the city from a close distance, it feels more open, even in the city center, many places are large areas of woodland.

Eric took the flight with his entourage, and Nokia eo Yoma Ollila greeted him with a few people.

"Eric, welcome to Finland," Joma Ollila enthusiastically embraced Eric, and began to introduce him to several Nokia executives who followed him in English.

Eric shook hands with a few people. One of the more familiar ones is Olli Carras Suo, the current Nokia financial officer. The other is a native Finnish, so the name is a bit sloppy, and Eric just remembers that the other A very interesting translation called Kang Peikai.

Kang Peikai is the next eo candidate recommended by Ema Ollila for Eric. As for Joma Ollila, the plan will still serve as a board member of Nokia after leaving the company, but will no longer hold the actual position at Nokia. It is said that the other party is interested in running for the Finnish president. Erik is not too aware of the situation.

In fact, if you want to retain, the fireflies can continue to retain Joma Ollila, but Eric does not mean this. Accelerating the turnover of Nokia's management also helps Firefly to take complete control of the company faster. Once Joma Ollila continues to be in Liu Renxiu District, the influence of the other party in Nokia will only become stronger and stronger, and it will become increasingly unfavorable for Firefly to take back the management rights of Nokia.

Of course, although they will leave next year, the two sides will be well gathered.

Eric does not want Jorma Ollila to continue to be Nokia's eo, but will never deny the contribution that Jorma Ollila has made to Nokia over the years. If it wasn't for Joma Ollila's efforts to promote Nokia's dominant gsm communication technology, this small company in Northern Europe could not be transformed into today's international mobile communication equipment giant. 8

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