I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 1012: Temporary problem

Frank Marshall repeatedly persuaded a few words, and the prudent Spielberg refused to let go of the "Matrix 3" schedule in early November, he had to give up, and could not help but sigh. .

Thinking of the last time he discussed with Microsoft about the second injection of Anbert's film but was rejected by the other party's cash flow, Frank Marshall once again thought of leaving.

Now that Microsoft, with a market value of more than 200 billion US dollars, may be short of money, it is obvious that the other party found that the development of Anbert's film industry is far lower than their expectations, and no longer expects the company.

In the past, DreamWorks can also be said to have been tossed for a few years, once considered a threat by Hollywood traditional studios.

But only a few years later, the three partners, David Geffen, Steven Spielberg and Kasenberg, although seemingly still bearing the name of DreamWorks, actually have parted ways. The continuous losses have also shunned the capital that was initially chasing the attempted shareholdings.

Now that the film of Ann Berlin has changed in all aspects, it is obviously still on the old road.

When the Berlin film industry was arguing for the release of "The Matrix 3", the Prea Vista Firefly Studios, Eric and Cameron were also in dispute.

Today is the day when the "Spider-Man" actress auditioned. Fireflies have been following up on this project, so Cameron said that he plans to start shooting, and many jobs are advancing very quickly.

The audition was originally started at nine o'clock, but it was already at 9:30, and more than 30 alternative girls were either excited or waiting in the corridor outside the audition. The two big cockroaches in the audition room were temporarily "running the problem". Leave everyone alone.

It turned out that in recent days, Cameron suddenly developed the idea of ​​shooting "Spider-Man" directly using a 3D camera.

Cameron has always been very enthusiastic about Firefly's RealD program, so he also made a lot of suggestions during the promotion of this plan.

According to the progress of the production, "Spider-Man" will naturally be released in formats such as 3D and IMAX.

While continuously improving and perfecting 3D conversion technology, the digital field is also developing corresponding dual-machine 3D cameras, but the progress in this area is far less than that of the RealD projection system.

Therefore, when I heard Cameron’s thoughts, Eric was naturally terrible.

"Spider-Man" has been dragged down for a whole year. If you have to wait for the development of 3D cameras to complete, it will be until the Year of the Monkey. Although the relationship between the two is very good, but the film is not good. Conveying, inevitably arguing.

"Jim, although the current 3D conversion technology in the digital field is definitely not perfect, there is no perfect thing in the world. Moreover, the complete set of technical specifications in the digital field from production to screening will not fall behind even after ten years. This is definitely the best industry model for 3D movies."

"Eric, I don't deny that the dual-machine polarized 3D in the digital field is many times more powerful than the traditional red-blue 3D, but it is not really 3D after all, only the 3D picture taken with the 3D camera is more perfect, is it you? Wouldn't you want to be more perfect?"

If you don't know much about 3D movies before, Eric may agree with Cameron's point of view, but now his understanding of 3D movies is no less than the other: "Jim, in my opinion, there is no such thing." What is true 3D and fake 3D, you have seen the prototype of 3D camera, you should know that the lens shot with 3D camera also needs to be processed, not to mention, those pure CG lenses can not be shot with 3D camera. 3D The fundamental of the film is 3D visual reconstruction. Whether it is 2D conversion or direct use of 3D camera material, as long as it can give the audience a powerful stereoscopic effect, it is a good 3D. Using a 3D camera is more like shortening the production process. 2D conversion is equivalent to making bread step by step with wheat. 3D camera shooting is equivalent to taking flour directly."

Cameron’s hand gestures and raises his voice. “It’s not like this. There are big gaps between the two methods. The Jurassic Park clip you converted, the size ratio of different characters in some pictures is completely confusing. If you shoot with a 3D camera, this problem will not occur."

Due to the need to split the original screen into two, and re-create the three-dimensional depth of field, 2D conversion does have the ambiguity that Cameron said, and some scenes in the converted lens will be out of proportion.

"This kind of problem is not obvious, it can be completely eliminated through technical improvement. The technical studio has set up a technical public relations team. Moreover, you have not used a 3D camera to shoot a movie. How can you determine if it is not? The same problem will occur, not to mention the fact that with the current technical level of 3D cameras, forced use of this method for a short period of time, the possibility of problems is higher. If the 2D conversion is 80 points, the short-term 3D shooting technology only Can count 60. It takes at least two or three years to get fully mature 3D photography. Are you planning to wait another three years?"

Cameron understands that Eric is basically a fact. In the face of a guy who knows more than him, it is impossible to fool each other.

So the momentum was finally weaker, and he knew that Spider-Man couldn't be dragged for another three years.

Eric had indulged him to spend more than 200 million shots on the Titanic. Although the film eventually created a box office miracle, he also kept this person in mind.

Although pursuing perfection, Cameron is not unreasonable. On the contrary, he is a very loyal person.

However, Cameron was unwilling to admit defeat for a time, and sighed with a sigh of relief: "I can afford it."

Eric saw Cameron's appearance, and he smiled and said: "Well, we will talk about it later, so many people are waiting, try the mirror first."

Saying, no longer waiting for Cameron to answer, Eric said to the casting director: "Let's get started."

Everyone in the room was relieved. Although it was quite a long-term experience to listen to the two big disputes, even if I was sitting next to Jon Landao, I was worried that the two would really fall out.

When the casting director heard Eric’s words, he did not hesitate to go out in person. After a while, the first audition girl came in, but it was Kirsten Dunst.

Kirsten Dunst is a Hollywood child star, regardless of age, shape or performance experience, in line with this audition standard. In fact, the girls who can enter this round of audition are basically the same. Opportunities at this level are rarely open to newcomers.

Although inexplicably waiting for more than half an hour, Kirsten Dunst’s expression did not show any difference, and he did his own self-introduction: “Mr. Williams, Mr. Cameron, Mr. Landau, And everyone, good morning, I am Kirsten Dunst..."

In Hollywood, everyone is not strange, simply introduce yourself, and the audition begins.

Compared with Lolita in the "Vampire of the Night", Kirsten Dunst's slim and thin body at this time is only inconsistent with Eric's aesthetic.

The former Mary Jane is still the first impression of Kirsten Dunst in Eric's heart.

However, these do not have much impact on today's audition.

Whether Kirsten Dunst is also suitable for the role of Gwen Stacey, but also depends on her audition effect today and the degree of fit with the actor Stewart Langkel.

Although it is a superhero movie that does not pay much attention to emotional drama, if the male and female protagonists have a good sense of CP, they can still bring unexpected bonuses.

Patiently watched a few performances of Kirsten Dunst, and several people asked some questions, and the audition ended soon.

It’s natural to leave more than 30 girls today, and it’s natural to leave too much time for each girl.

When Kersten Dunst left the room, Cameron seemed to have completely forgotten the dispute with Eric. He professionally commented: "The appearance is good, the acting is enough, just, I think her temperament and Gwen. Stacy is not very suitable, but it is more suitable for Peter Parker's other girlfriend."

Eric smiled and said, "Mary Jane?"

Cameron nodded and said: "If she wants, this role can be handed over directly to her."

In the newly set script, although Gwen Stacey is the absolute first actress, Mary Jane, who is a Peter Parker neighbor, also has some appearances.

According to the long-term plot setting, after the death of Gwen Stacey, Mary Jane’s play may increase. However, this is not absolute. After all, the future plot will conform to the arrangement of the entire Marvel movie universe.

However, at this time Cameron said that Kirsten Dunst is suitable for Mary Jane, naturally it will not be the same reason as Eric, but in the comic setting, Mary Jane is a relatively ordinary girl. However, Gwen. Stacy is at the school flower level. In this way, Kirsten Dunst is not beautiful enough.

After discussing a few words, Eric naturally will not oppose Cameron’s proposal. Mary Jane is not a role that needs to be discussed repeatedly. This is a certainty.

As for whether Kirsten Dunst will agree to star in this supporting role, there is nothing to worry about at the venue.

Although Kirsten Dunst is famous, but strictly calculated, her current coffee in Hollywood can only be barely in the second line. If she participates in the "Spider-Man" actress, the other party can only get a 300,000. The basic pay for the dollar.

What's more, after the "Titanic", the stars who refused to participate in Cameron's film are not many in Hollywood, even if it is a small supporting role.

The matter was finalized, the audition continued, so it was close to noon, and when the last audition girl came in before lunch, Eric’s eyes could not be seen.

The girl in front of me is not too tall, but the proportion is very good, wearing a pink jacket and blue jeans, a beautiful blonde, the most important thing is the sweet face with a little bit of baby face.

Well, Eric is really immune to the baby face.

The girl stood in front of the camera and introduced herself generously. "Hello, I am Kelly Russell. I have had several years of performance experience at the Mickey Mouse Club. In recent years, I have also participated in the Ukrainian Dr. Long and other films, I have been very fond of watching comics since I was a child. I hope to try some of Gwen.

In the introduction, Kelly Russell can be said to be a pure Disney star, and Dr. Oolong is also a Disney comedy for the previous two years, but her age is a few years older than Britney and others.

At first, Eric invited several children from the Mickey Mouse Club to visit the Sharp Corner Manor. There was no Kelly Russell. Think about it. The rehearsal of the children’s drama that day, Kelly Russell may be older. Did not participate in the performance.

Looking at the girl in front of her, Eric remembered that the other party seemed to have appeared in "Mission Impossible 3", but the character was unlucky and was killed by a miniature bomb implanted in the brain.

Kelly Russell introduced herself and the room was quiet for two seconds. Jon Landau turned and glanced at it. Cameron happened to be writing on a notebook, Eric looked down at the file in front of him. The clip seems to be a thoughtful look, he said first: "So, Miss Russell, let me talk about your understanding of the role of Gwen Stacey."

Kelly Russell is also a bit worried, she was originally confident, but the two most important big men in this room were clearly off, which made her inevitably nervous and flustered.

Kelly Russell didn't know much about Cameron, but she was somewhat connected with some of the partners in Mickey Mouse Club. She even knew some of Christina's close relationship with Eric Williams.

Originally, I mentioned my experience in the Mickey Mouse Club just to pull in the relationship with Eric Williams, but now it seems that it has not worked.

"I don't know about the screenplay. However, as far as comics are concerned, Gwen Stacey is a very smart and confident girl, but at the same time, like many comic characters, she also has some shortcomings of her own... ”

As she was prepared in advance, although her mood was disturbed, Kelly Russell replied smoothly to Jon Landao's question. However, the mood was no longer easy, and the tone of speech was inevitably dry.

Cameron was influenced by the last audition girl, and suddenly thought of some scripts to modify the inspiration, worried about forgetting, just rushed to write down in the notebook.

Put down the pen, pay attention to the girl in front of me, listen to the other party's obvious emotions are not stable, and I am a little disappointed.

Eric also quickly returned to look at Kelly Russell with Cameron. He also noticed the other party's problems, but Eric did not take responsibility for himself and Cameron.

It should be regarded as the basic quality of any interviewer. If you can't do anything, you can't blame others.

For Kelly Russell, Eric is only very interested in generating interest. Naturally, he will not make any plans to open the door because he has a lovable baby face.

After Kelly Russell finished his understanding of Gwen Stacey's role, Eric asked the assistant to randomly draw a line and hand it to the other party, saying: "Kelly, then let's try a performance first. ""

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