I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 1013: what do you think

what do you think

Kelly Russell got a screenplay and prepared a little. The assistant next to him began to read the words: "Don't ignore him. My uncle is a very strange guy. He likes nonsense. He admits the wrong person."

This is a scene in which Peter Parker has a dispute with people after being awakened by the super power. After being asked by the parents, he encountered Gwen Stacey.

Kelly Russell took the script in front of her body and shook her body with shyness, but tweeted: "So, you don't have my photo in your room?"

"Oh, yes, I took a photo of the debate, there is you inside, so, probably..."

Kelly Russell reveals a shy and ridiculous smile and pursues it: "What is it?"

"Nothing, he must have seen me often, um, touch it."

Kelly Russell laughed out: "Haha, touch it... touch it."

"Well, I think I can't explain it."

Kelly Russell shifted the topic in a timely manner and said, "So, have you been dropped out of school?"

"No, no, just being punished for labor."

When the conversation went here, Eric shouted.

This episode comes from the former "Amazing Spider-Man". After Eric proposed it, Cameron also found it very interesting and naturally added it.

However, compared with the stone sister, Kelly Russell's performance is somewhat green. The styles of the two are not the same. The stone sister has a kind of temperament, and Kelly Russell is more shy of the girl next door.

After picking up two shots for Kelly Russell to perform, Eric sent the other away and asked Cameron next to him: "What do you think?"

Cameron nodded slightly, saying: "The image is very compatible with Gwen Stacy, but the acting is still a bit green."

Eric said: "This is actually a no-brainer. The male and female protagonists are all set to high school students. The age of the actor has to be limited to 20 years old. This age group, Kirsten Dunst and Kay Li Russell, the actors who are born in these children's stars, are excellent, and most of them don't have the rich performance experience.

Cameron naturally sees that Eric feels good about Kelly Russell, and he is actually quite satisfied, saying: "Let her enter the final round of the list."

The two chatted a few words and had already arrived at the lunch break. Everyone took a break and went to the restaurant on the big boat.

Fireflies have prepared free lunches for those who have not yet left at noon today. These small details are not going to be awkward.

However, Eric and Cameron left the audition office together, and most of the girls in the corridor have not yet gone. Obviously, they hope to have a face with Eric and others.

Eric did not dislike the girls’ thoughts and politely responded to a series of greetings.

Kate Hudson, who saw Gotti’s daughter, who was also a girl’s girlfriend, waited in the crowd and looked forward to herself. Eric laughed: “Kate, just right, go eat with me. Let's have lunch."

"Okay," Kate Hudson walked out of the crowd in the envious eyes of the girls, and boldly held Eric's arm directly. Eric also held graffiti in their manor. Party, Kate Hudson knows that Eric is actually a very good person.

Feel the girl bird falling on himself, Eric said with a smile: "First, I will not open the screen for you in the afternoon."

"I didn't think so before," Kate Hudson smiled and said that although she couldn't inherit the sweetheart temperament of her mother Gotti Han, the genes were there, and the appearance was not bad. Kate Hudson swayed Eric's arm and said: "Eric, you haven't been with Drew for a long time to play with everyone. How about this weekend?"

Eric is undecided, saying: "Look at the situation, what do you want to do to find Drew. What are you doing recently?"

"It’s boring to make a movie, a heroine who makes it alone."

"Oh, your words are heard by actors who have not necessarily got a decent role in a year or two. It is estimated that they are vomiting blood. Since they don't like filming, why do you want to play Gewen Stacey? You must know, Jim's harshness can really force people to vomit blood."

Eric said that Cameron on the other side was unwilling: "Eric, when did I force people to vomit blood?"

"I still remember going to Mexico a few years ago to watch the Titanic filming. Someone jumped directly from the ship's side."

Cameron turned his eyes and said: "That is obviously my own."

Eric joked: "So I said that you are too embarrassed, even you have not let go."

Listening to Eric’s anecdote about Cameron, everyone couldn’t help but laugh.

After lunch, the audition continued, Eric and Cameron finally identified six candidates for the final round of audition. Next, we will pick the final candidate for Gwen Stacey.

After finishing the day's work, Eric rushed to the mansion of Elizabeth and Julia at the top of Beverly after work. Yesterday Elizabeth called Eric to come over and said that there was something to discuss.

Deliberately took the spare key and opened the door into the mansion villa. Eric found that Elizabeth and Julia had arrived home, but Julia’s little wife was busy preparing dinner in the kitchen. Elizabeth was sitting leisurely in the living room. The sofa flipped through a thick artwork.

Julia ran out of the kitchen and hugged it with Eric, and ran back again, and there was a scent in the kitchen.

Eric pulled off his tie and, by the way, untied a button on the shirt. On the sofa, Elizabeth was still a leisurely and leisurely look. She walked over with a smile and blocked a kicking short stocking. Rick's Taishan pressure top pressed the girl under her body.

The whole sofa slammed down, and Elizabeth screamed, pushing Eric, who was riding on himself, dissatisfied: "You guy, this is really awful."

Eric ignored the girl's complaints, but instead found a more comfortable posture, and then took the picture that she looked at in her hand: "What is this, um, plane?"

"The Boeing that I decided with Julia has already begun to design the interior," Elizabeth said, pushing Eric again. Seeing that he didn't move, he had to give up and said, "How about the progress on your side?"

"I have also seen the design draft, very good, it should be faster than you," Eric flipped through a few pages of the artwork, and left it aside, said to Elizabeth: "Remember to pack a big bed."

"Ah, you guy, I know all these things all day."

Eric reached out and kissed Elizabeth’s face and smiled. “Hey, let me see if you want to.”

After pondering for a moment, it was time to confiscate what was too special, but both of them lay down on the double sofa.

Holding on Elizabeth's thin waist, Eric asked: "Right, didn't you say something yesterday?"

"If I say nothing, are you not planning to come over?"

"Of course not," Eric shook his head without hesitation, saying: "I was planning to come over today."

"I believe that you are only a ghost. Someone saw you eating with Gotti’s daughter at noon."

"So, what is the most abominable thing about gossip," Eric said with a smile. "Obviously, your paparazzi's professional habits have become ill-advised. Didn't they tell you that there are Jim and Jon. person?"

Elizabeth was not ashamed of it. She lifted her chin: "That is not professional. The gossip news must of course pick everyone who likes to listen."

Eric smiled and raised his hand and lost a five-hair on the girl's hip.

Elizabeth’s face snorted rosfully, and after a while she said: “They plan to hold a wedding next month, my dad should invite you, um, you’re definitely not available next month, right?”

Said, Elizabeth also revealed a threatening little look.

Eric knew that Elizabeth was talking about the wedding of Murdoch and a strange woman. He smiled and said: "I am very curious, maybe I can go and join in the fun."

Elizabeth rolled her eyes and said, "I don't want to go."

Eric knew that Elizabeth was serious this time, and he took the initiative to compromise. Anyway, it doesn’t matter if he goes to the wedding. He will definitely have a chance to come across: "Okay, okay, you don't want me to go, I won't go." ""

The little-haired kitten immediately softened again and sat down satisfactorily on Eric's face. Elizabeth remembered a lot of news about AOL recently and curiously said: "Eric, you are planning to put Are all American online stocks sold?"

"It's unrealistic to sell all of them. Now that AOL's share price is already too high? Just a large amount of money can be cashed out."

"I also feel that maybe the Nasdaq will collapse someday. Now that many technology stocks have a price-to-earnings ratio of more than one hundred times. It’s crazy. I and Julia have cleared all of our stock accounts at the end of last month. ""

Eric’s face has some appreciation. If he can’t see the future at all, the person who can decisively get rid of the stock during the rapid rise of the stock is still very rare. However, he still regrets: “Sell early, if you can By the end of the year, the income will definitely be more generous."

"This is not necessarily the case," Elizabeth disagreed with Eric's point of view. "Some people say that Yahoo's listing may be the last straw to crush the camel. Wall Street's current valuation of Yahoo has exceeded $50 billion. However, compared with other companies with the same market value, Yahoo's revenue can only be described as poor."

"Yahoo is still in the accumulation period. The operating costs of Internet companies are not too high," said Eric. "When Yahoo is completely becoming an industry giant with strengths far superior to other manufacturers of the same type, everyone can see the scale effect. Strong."

Elizabeth has some doubts: "Isn't Yahoo now a spoiler in the Internet industry?"

"Of course, the biggest weakness of the current portal Internet media concept is that the model is very easy to copy. Because a large number of users also like to obtain different information from different portals, the Internet media group with the portal as the core of the business. It is difficult to form the Matthew effect on the scale, but it will naturally be impossible to lose the user.

Elizabeth nodded thoughtfully and said: "But, the search engine you have been talking about, technical aspects should not be so difficult, and now many websites have their own content retrieval system."

"This is totally two concepts. What's more, Yahoo is not creating a simple keyword search engine system, but a complete content search ecosystem, including image search, map search, music search and even the next few years. Video search system. As long as all aspects of search engine services provided by Yahoo have been leading the competition with other competitors, users are gradually getting used to this search engine tool. The power of habit is strong. Once this is done, even if it is better in a short time. Yahoo’s technology has emerged, and it’s hard for the other party to **** too many users from Yahoo.”

Eric is talking to Elizabeth, inadvertently looking up, seeing that Julia has no idea when it appears on the other side of the double sofa, kneeling on the back of the sofa and looking down at the two.

Seeing that Eric finally noticed himself, Julia whispered softly: "The topics of the two of you are really boring, and you have to keep talking about work when you go home."

"Oh, my fault," Eric laughed and rolled over, lying on his back and reaching out to Julia. "Come, hug."

Julia's face immediately had no small complaints, like a kitten that only heard the owner's call, his eyes were watery, and he turned over the back of the sofa and threw himself into Eric's arms.

"Ah, you squeezed me, and moved away," saw Julia rushing into Eric's arms, and Elizabeth, who was squeezed to the inside of the sofa, had some snacks. The little girl complained and pushed her hand. A handful. Because of the backrest of the sofa, it was easy to borrow, and Elizabeth was only a little hard. Julia immediately fell to the floor, and by the way, she took her Eric with her mind.

"Hey, hey, hurt, so comfortable, Leeds, you are alone on the sofa, don't let it down."

Elizabeth leaned sideways and grabbed the pillows on the sofa and threw them on the floor: "I won't go down, I am not sick."

"Hey, Eric, Leeds, she said I was sick."

"Let her say, normal people generally suspect that they have some problems, only patients like to say that they are not ill."

"Oh, Eric, I am not sick."

"Well, but still have to check it out, come, I touch."

Elizabeth once again threw a pillow on the sofa and stretched it down two times. It looked like an unbearable look: "Wow, it’s disgusting, I really want to drive you both out."

"Normal people, or you go out, I am contagious."

"I am dying of you."

"Oh, the strength is really small."

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