I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 108: Do you believe in love at first sight

"Motorola promised to pay $3 million in sponsorship fees, but only if the actor must be the previously revealed Tom Cruise and Tom Hanks."

“The sponsored offer of Lamborghini is a one-time payment of $800,000. The other side is smart and no longer accepts the rules of floating sponsorship fees at the box office.”

"As for the rest, Ray-Ban sunglasses offer $500,000, requiring a five-second lens close-up of the Ray-Ban glasses trademark in the movie. Hershey's chocolate candy company also bids $500,000 to buy out the boxed bomb. ......"

In the conference room, Jeffrey was excited and asked one by one to quote the sponsors who were interested in buying the implanted advertisement.

In fact, Eric has the same document in his hand. However, Jeffrey can't help but read it. He is so happy. If the quotation on the document is finally finalized, it means that the movie has not yet started shooting, and the fireflies are on fire. Earned more than $6 million in profits.

In this era, Hollywood has more than 500 movies on the cinema screen every year, but even if it counts the peripheral profit of the video tape broadcasting rights, the profit will reach 60 million US dollars, and it will not exceed 50.

Eric reviewed their opinions one by one after the advertisements, and then put them on the folder and handed them to Jeffrey: "Well, Jeffrey, only sponsored by more than 6 million US dollars, will you be like this?" ”

"Just more than $6 million," Jeffrey raised his head dissatisfiedly, repeating Eric’s words and retorting: "Eric, you have the ability to find another movie that I can get for $6 million. Come?"

"Now, it doesn't mean it won't be in the future," Eric spreads. "Maybe after another decade or two, the film can recover most of the cost by simply placing an advertisement."

“It’s not necessary to wait for ten or twenty years,” Jeffrey said with some emotions: “If it’s the last “Wind Beauty”, if we get so many sponsorship fees, it’s already a cost recovery.”

"This assumption has no objections at all," Eric suddenly remembered another very important thing: "Are you telling the secrets of these sponsors before the movie was released?"

"Of course I will not forget," Jeffrey replied: "I have explained the benefits to them. The sponsors will not reveal half a word before the film is released."

Eric nodded in relief and stood up and asked, "That's good. Today's audition is about to start again. Are you coming yet?"

"Forget it, it's too tormenting, I won't go." Jeffrey hurriedly refused. He originally enjoyed the producer's murder of the actor and took the power. Unfortunately, he sat in the back of the audition table for several days. Asked, watching the performance of the audition actor over and over again, slowly, the previous sense of superiority completely disappeared, leaving only boring and exhausted.

These days, the audition of the actors also made Eric dizzy, which is mainly the audition of the "Dark War" character. Each character, there are hundreds of actors who have obtained the audition qualification, or have gone through a lot of The result of the screening. In addition, some of the actor who has been eliminated from time to time through a variety of ways to get the opportunity for a second audition, in short, disturbing people.

Eric has decided to hand over the auditions of "The Sound of the Isles" and "Sensing the Woman" to Jonathan Demi and Martin Brest, who intend to have the two directors first select If you choose an actor who is less than ten, you will have a third round of audition, which will be a lot easier.

The only thing better than auditioning the various villains in the past few days is that today's audition is the role of Andy's girl Yoyo on the bus, that is, the friend of the base or the pseudo-base friends sneak into the Andy and Sean Purity. A third party with good feelings.

Of course, this is just a joke. Although the two protagonists in "The Dark War" are full of coolness, they are generally a tragic and cold story. If the chief inspector of the Crime Squad, Huang Qiu, is the one in the story, Yoyo That is the warm color. A story, like joy and sorrow, is like life.

Eric’s previous standard for this role was 18 to 30 years old, with gorgeous women in the workplace. Therefore, today's audition process is definitely very eye-catching.


A girl walked out of the audition room and gently pulled the door. After turning around, the expression on her face quickly closed up, ignoring the various gaze in the corridor, and carrying the bag to the broker waiting for not far away, the two whispered. A few words before I walked out.

The staff came out and read another name. Another girl was called in. The next one was herself. Gwyneth Paltrow took out the makeup mirror in the bag and checked her makeup again.

She was born in 1972 and was only 17 years old this year. According to the standards set by Eric, Gwyneth could not even get a chance to audition. But this did not stump her because she knew Drew, who had a close relationship with Eric Williams, and the godfathers of both were Steven Spielberg.

The little Bicchi, said to have been raised by Eric Williams, is getting less and less.

Gwyneth's father is a producer, his mother is a well-known film and television actor, his family condition is a hundred times stronger than Drew. She has never looked down on a cute Drew with a baby face. Even at the Spielberg's house, Gwyneth rarely greets Drew. She prefers to get along with her peers who are similar to her family's conditions, so that she can help her future development.

However, when it was learned that there was a chance to cooperate with the big names such as Eric Williams, Tom Cruise and Tom Hanks, Gwyneth, who was preparing to enter Hollywood, immediately felt heart.

If she can get this role, her starting career in Hollywood will be higher than the little actors who have struggled for many years. So without hesitation, Gwyneth immediately contacted Drew, hoping that the other party could help him get a chance to audition.

Although her previous relationship with Drew was not close, there was no festival for the two. The little Bichi was promised by a few words of his own, and it was so foolish that it was no wonder that it was now dumped to the point of being supported. Gwyneth thought so contemptuously that it took less than five minutes, and the girl who had just entered did not fall out of the way.

All the waiting actresses in the hallway lit up and lost one competitor.

"Next, Miss Gwyneth Paltrow."

Gwyneth quickly got up and took a deep breath to adjust his state. He walked into the audition room with a faint smile and sat down on the chair. Looking confidently at the front, looking at the blond youth who is sitting in the middle of the bow, that is Eric Williams, really handsome.

Gwyneth's heartbeat speeded up a bit, and couldn't help but wonder if the other party would invite himself to dinner. Perhaps, he should first reject the other person once, and express his restraint. Men are too easy to get and will never cherish. She is quite confident about her appearance.

After more than ten seconds, the opposite youth raised her head with a smile on her face: "Hello, Miss Patro, let me introduce myself first."

In the short-sighted communication with the other party, Gwyneth saw that Eric Williams must have known herself, which made her feel a little excited. It seems that the little Bicchi still played a role, at least the other party did not act as a self. It is a stranger.

"Hello everyone, my name is Gwyneth Paltrow, I am 17 years old and graduated..."

After a brief self-introduction, Eric asked: "Miss Patro, the information shows that you have not had any experience in filming before. How do you feel that you can get this role?"

Gwyneth still had a smile on her face. She just made some preparations for this question and replied without hesitation: "Because I was born into a performing family, my mother is an actor, and I am still very small. At that time, I began to help my mother to speak on the lines. In this kind of deafness, I have always maintained a strong interest in performances. Since the middle school, I have been the backbone of the school drama community, and participated in many famous The stage drama has accumulated a wealth of performing arts experience."

After Gwyneth finished, he saw several judges on the opposite side and nodded at the same time.

"Miss Patro, do you believe in love at first sight?" Another problem was thrown on the opposite side.

Gwyneth stunned, completely ignorant of the other party's intention to ask this question. As a Westerner who could easily wipe out the hormonal sparks in the bones, Gwyneth still believed in love at first sight, but she felt that if she answered it, Will it seem to be very rash?

There was no urging on the opposite side. Gwyneth thought for more than half a minute and said: "No, I don't believe in love at first sight. In comparison, I am more willing to accept the sincere feelings that have been cultivated for a long time."

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