I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 109: welfare

Eric listened to her words, did not say anything, bowed down to make a record on the document, this reaction made Gwyneth a little embarrassed, she felt that her answer should be very appropriate. But the opposite person did not give her time to think, and then after asking a few questions, she began to perform.

The staff member moved to a bench where two people could sit. One assistant explained: "Miss Patro, the scene you want to perform is this: on the bus, a strange man suddenly sat next to you, each other. Very handsome, let a woman look at it will produce a feeling of heart. But you saw a pistol in the open collar of the other side, the man held you, let you and his pretending couple mixed with the police, you dare not resist I have no choice but to act. Miss Paltrow, you have no lines, you can only rely on expressions and body language to express your emotions, you have a minute of preparation time."

There isn't a single line. This... It's too difficult. Gwyneth has the idea directly in his heart. However, she knew that she had no choice but to quickly adjust her mind to prepare for the performance.

A minute later, Gwyneth sat on the bench and said that he was ready. The assistant reminded her that after the phrase 'Music stopped, the performance ended,' the scoreboard was laid.

At the same time, another staff member pressed the player and a light piano piece rang.

The song is the pure music that reappears in the original bus. The name is "Lonely Love". The previous soundtrack was not able to be copied because of a pure music work by the Greek musician Fan Gillis in 1995. For the original soundtrack, Eric copied this piece of music at this time, and certainly will not be involved in copyright issues. In the future, he can also publish the original soundtrack with peace of mind.

Gwyneth sat quietly there, and a moment later a staff member sat down beside her. Gwyneth frowned slightly, turned his head and looked at the man next to him, his eyes falling into the open collar of the other side, where there was a gun, and Gwyneth’s face immediately showed a look of fear. The body showed an obvious movement to hide backwards.

Eric's frowning behind the audition table, Gwyneth's expression was too exaggerated, but he did not bother.

The two people in the performance continued, and the staff of the guest extras continued to stretch their arms around Gwyneth's shoulder as the music progressed. They said, "Don't say anything."

Gwyneth's body stiffened, his eyes staring straight ahead, and from Eric's vision, he could see the girl's hand on his knees twitching. The staff took off their glasses and gave them to the Gwyneth ribbon. The girl still had no reaction, like a puppet.

There should have been a movement of the headphones here, but it was omitted because it was a live performance.

"Let's come over," the staff member said, and Gwyneth leaned back on the man's shoulder.

A moment later, Eric made a gesture and someone immediately stopped the music.

Gwyneth knew that the performance was over, and he quickly straightened up and smiled and took off the sunglasses and gave it to the other party.

"Miss Patro, thank you for your audition, you can leave now, we will inform the audition results as soon as possible."

"Ah, that's it... is it over?" Gwyneth didn't hold back and asked.

Eric nodded and made a gesture of please. Gwyneth had to pick up the handbag and walked out of the audition room. The door of the audition room was closed. The girl immediately converges on the facial expression and walks indifferently through the crowd waiting for the audition.

In the audition room, several people quickly discussed it.

Alan Fisman, sitting next to Eric, asked: "Eric, what do you think?"

Eric painted a fork behind Gwyneth's name. He didn't feel anything about Gwyneth's beauty, but the other's acting was really not very good. He explained: "No, emotion. Single, expression floating on the surface, very artificial. Kurt, ready to shout the next one."

Next to Nickel Frank reached out and stopped the Kurt, who was about to be called: "Eric, will you change me?"

"Hey, I am obviously three good? Say good ten rounds." The man who just came into the extra actor immediately retorted.

Nickel revealed a sad expression: "Royce, I think you should stop playing, you are so embarrassed, just three girls have been affected by you and have not played well. This is a career for others." murder."

"If it was Audrey Hepburn's audition, even if she was sitting next to a gorilla, she could perform it."

"Royce, you finally admit that your long gorilla is not as good."

The looks are a bit rough, but Royce, who can't say ugly, is crazy: "Nikkor, you are so ironic about me, be careful that I will tell you about the scandal at the Brady Bar that night."

"you dare!"

Eric took a slap in the table and stopped the quarrel between the two. Nickel is the photographer of Eric. Royce is now the assistant director. The two men who belong to Jeffrey’s wife are very good friend. This kind of little noisy thing will happen in two days, so Eric is not worried that the two will really conflict. But it’s too noisy to be so noisy.

The cause of the quarrel was still the audition. Today, the audition is all beautiful, Eric did not find an extra actor, but all the men present to come and rob the role of Andy. It is a blessing for the crew members who have been working with them for so many days of audition work.

Unexpectedly, he underestimated the turmoil of this group of animals. At the beginning of the audition, there was a very **** Latin girl with a full body and a slanted back. When it came to a guest appearance, it was the turn of Eric Assistant Allen. In the case of Viessmann, Nickel directly squatted up, because there was an outsider present, and Allen could only blink.

"Don't make a noise, my head is big, Royce continues, the rules are the same. If I quarrel, I will find an extra actor, and no one will play."

Eric is still very prestigious, or the last threat has worked. Nikkor and Royce immediately closed their mouths, but they compared each other's middle finger. After Kurt got Eric's instructions, he went out and shouted the next auditor.


Gwyneth suddenly reacted until he walked out of the firefly's office building.

"Ah, I should have thought of it!" Gwyneth waved his hands in madness and kicked the trash can next to him with a hateful scream.

She finally reacted, and Eric asked the reason for the love at first sight. Combined with the performance just made, it was a scene of love at first sight after the encounter of two strangers.

It’s too stupid to say that I don’t believe in love at first sight. Moreover, when she was just performing, she only showed fear, and there was no emotion at first sight.

By the way, the staff seems to remind myself that the strange man is very handsome, and letting the woman take a look will give a feeling of heart.

They all blame the staff of the guest extras, obviously ugly, and have to play a handsome guy. If Eric Williams sits next to me, I will definitely feel a heart.

Gwyneth gnashed his teeth and thought, the ghost sent the disappointing anger to Drew, and blamed the little Bicchi. She lived in Eric Williams’s house and must have seen the script of "The Dark War". I also specifically asked her about the contents of the script. If Xiaobichi can reveal a little content, she will not be unprepared. Gwyneth angered and just passed a phone booth.

Yes, maybe you can contact Drew Barrymore to see if the other person can help him get another chance to audition. Next time... I will definitely be well prepared next time, and will not be as bad as this one. .

Gwyneth did not consider the time at all. Drew was in class under normal circumstances. He found the address book in the bag, stuffed a coin into the coin-operated phone, and dialed the Drew bedroom. number.

A few buzzing sounds, the phone turned on.

"Hey..." sounded a confused girl voice across the street, and it seemed that I was still not awake.

Gwyneth changed his face into a warm tone: "Hey, Drew, it's me, Gwyneth... Oh, it's ten o'clock now, you are still sleeping, I really envy you... Today, I participated in the audition, but I feel that I have not played my true strength. Can you help me with Mr. Williams and give me a chance to audition... well... good... I am waiting for your good news, have dinner together on the weekend, I know there is a great Italian restaurant on Sunset Boulevard... that's good... well, just like this, bye."

Smiling until Gwenisi took the microphone back, the tone was faintly scorned and stunned: "During the daytime, I will definitely go out and fool around last night, I wish you one day being Ereli. Ke Williams raps in the bed and sells it to the African kiln to see if you can keep the baby face that attracts men."

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