I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 1072: Interview

Perceived the movement around him, Linda, who was leaning on the man's arms, opened his eyes and saw Cindy leave the bedroom lightly.

The bright light coming in through the gaps of the curtains indicates that the time is not early. Due to the great success of Yahoo!, everyone was carnival late last night, and even Eric was drunk, and the sleeping man The body is still with a touch of alcohol.

Thinking of yesterday's business, Linda suddenly fell asleep, went to the man's cheek and licked her head, then gently opened the quilt and got up, only set a big t-shirt and began to wash. Although the outdoor in New York at the end of November is already cold, the apartment is warm and spring.

This is Cindy's apartment on the 75th Street next to Madison Avenue. Although it is not a retest structure, it occupies the entire upper floor of the 11-story apartment building.

For the first time, I saw that every detail of the decoration was elegant and exquisite. Linda began to secretly abandon her house in Greenwich Village, so she often came over and lived with Cindy. Let the real estate company secretly find out whether there are similar apartments for sale in the Upper East Side, but there is no result until now.

Walking through the corridor to the living room, Linda comfortably slammed on the soft double sofa, and the cat stretched out like a body, then lazily picked up the remote control from the coffee table next to open the TV.

It happened to be the morning news session, and most of the TV anchors were in tone or excitement or amazed or sharply telling about the popularity of Yahoo’s listing yesterday.

"... As of 4 pm yesterday, Yahoo's stock price was fixed at 72.56 US dollars, compared with the issue price surge of 119.88%, the market value finally reached 91 billion US dollars, creating the biggest ipo miracle since the outbreak of the new technology wave. It is reported that Yahoo this time In addition to the 150 million shares of the basic issuance of shares, an additional 22.5 million shares of green shoe options have been issued. According to the total number of issued shares of 172.5 million shares, Yahoo's IPO financing will reach US$5.625 billion... ”

"...All people are talking about the technology stock bubble, but it is difficult for everyone to resist the high return temptation of investment in technology stocks, yes, including myself. Really, I got off work yesterday afternoon, I dialed the first time. My stockbroker calls, then he tells me that the weekend is closed, okay, this is really a pity..."

"... According to Yahoo's equity distribution data submitted to sec, after ipo, the green shoe options to be cashed out, Yahoo's total share capital is 1.255 billion shares, of which firefly investment shares are 986 million shares, holding The proportion of shares is 78.56%; the number of shares held by management is 96.5 million shares, the shareholding ratio is 7.69%; the number of shares outstanding is 172.5 million shares..."

"...two billion-dollar super rich, six billionaires, twenty-six millionaires, two hundred and thirteen million millionaires, this is the miracle created by Yahoo ipo. As of yesterday's close, Yahoo Management The total value of the 96.5 million shares held by the company reached a staggering $7 billion. We have to feel the generosity of the boss, Eric Williams. However, relatively speaking, our world’s richest man’s net worth is even more It’s amazing. Compared to the $15 billion valuation that Forbes magazine gave to Yahoo at the beginning of the year, Yahoo’s listing yesterday directly caused Eric Williams’s net worth to rise by $57 billion...”

"... In fact, since the second half of the year, many Wall Street media have frequently made more than $50 billion in valuations for Yahoo. Moreover, according to some internal news, Yahoo’s early IPO plan, the proportion of new shares is far more than the actual 13.75%. Therefore, we have to admit that Yahoo has chosen a very sensible ipo strategy. According to the issue price of 33 US dollars, Yahoo’s valuation of itself in the ipo process is only 35.7 billion US dollars, far lower than the average estimate of Wall Street. Value, this has undoubtedly greatly stimulated the purchase of countless investors around the world, thus causing the miracle that Yahoo's stock price rose more than 100% on the first day of listing..."

"...I can imagine that if Yahoo implements ipo according to the data given by Wall Street, its stock trend curve will not be as good as it is now, or even because of the overvaluation, the first day of the break. And, from Yahoo! In terms of the additional 15% green shoe options, I think this is definitely not Yahoo's shareholders and management in order to obtain more ipo financing, otherwise they only need to raise the issue price to 37 US dollars, so Yahoo's valuation is still very low. The average data on Wall Street. Yahoo is doing this to minimize the risk of breaking the first day. Under the condition of falling stock prices, the underwriters can legally enter the market for the first time. If my inference is true, then Prove that the controller behind the firefly system, Eric Williams, is still a very clear-headed mind in the current wave of new technology. This sobriety is undoubtedly for a 28-year-old youth. It is very commendable. So, although Yahoo’s share price already has a very serious virtual high component, I still recommend investment. The right buy, because a corporate controller who can remain awake in the tide, can definitely lead the company to continue to create brilliant ..."

"... According to the latest statistics, Eric Williams' current net worth has reached $265 billion. Let's take a look at the Forbes Global Rich List at the beginning of the year. What did you find? That's right! $265 billion, more than The total wealth of all the other nine billionaires in the top ten list, from the list data, the total wealth of the nine billionaires from the second to the tenth is only $259.4 billion. Coming to the end, the net worth of other billionaires will grow with the recovery of the global economy next year, but the Nasdaq’s current crazy attitude and the investment of fireflies on the Nasdaq’s multi-star technology stocks. The high shareholding ratio, although only one month left, we have every reason to infer that this month, Eric Williams’s net worth is likely to hit a new high, breaking through an unprecedented $300 billion. ......"

"... At 4:20 pm, the reporters who stayed at the Nasdaq exchange were still unable to interview Eric Williams himself. It is said that he had already been with two at two o'clock in the afternoon. The girlfriend left the NASDAQ headquarters in advance. However, after a sigh, we were lucky enough to get a short interview with Firefly Investment President Chris Hansen. According to Chris Hansen, Yahoo completed this ipo. The next step will be to expand overseas business..."

In the past, I heard news about these stock prices, options, and ipo in the TV. Linda would definitely not want to change channels. But today, switching channels continuously, listening to the host of different TV stations to talk about the various information listed on Yahoo yesterday, although many details are not too understandable, but Linda still listened to the gusto, and even a little faint little pride.

However, when I heard the last cnbc host's broadcast, Linda suddenly stunned.

She seems to hear something strange.

Two girlfriends?

Are you and Cindy?

When did he and Cindy become his ‘two girlfriends’, and what is the situation that your host is so accustomed to?

Is this kind of thing very common now?

The little brain turned and turned for a while. Linda faintly felt that she seemed to understand something, but when she thought about it, she couldn’t grasp anything.

So she naturally climbed up and screamed on the back of the sofa and shouted to the kitchen: "Cindy, Cindy."

After a few moments, Cindy was impatiently peeping out of the kitchen: "What is it?"

Seeing the presence of Cindy, when Lin reached the mouth, I somehow swallowed it back and smelled the smell of the little cake that had just been baked in the air. Linda pitifully changed her voice: "Cindy baby, I am hungry. It is."

Cindy rolled her eyes and asked, "Is Eric getting up?"

"do not know."

"Go and call him to get up, have dinner."

"Hey, go, I don't want to, I am afraid."

"afraid of what?"

"When a man just got out of bed, his anger was very big. He was drunk and returned last night and did nothing. I am worried that I will be killed in the past."

"I want to kill you now, go!"

Although it is a weekend, however, just completed the listing yesterday, Yahoo management still has a lot of work to do today.

Eric has never been a manager who has to ask questions in detail. With the size of the firefly system, he can't do everything. Therefore, although everyone is working overtime, Eric has chosen to rest, and plans to stay in New York after Thanksgiving, it is a small vacation.

Giselle and Alexander decided to go back to Brazil to spend Christmas with their families this year. They have left New York and left Miranda. They were naturally returned to Australia by Eric.

So the time spent with the women has become very good, and they can stay in Manhattan with Cindy and Linda on weekends and next Tuesday, and occasionally pay attention to the follow-up of Yahoo's listing. After Wednesday, return to East Hampton on Thanksgiving weekend to spend time with women and children.

The two-time reality show "The National Supermodel Contest" and "Tianqiao Pride" are still continuing in an orderly manner. However, before the London Victoria Watch, Cindy and Linda have completed all the episodes before the winter break. At this time, it is also in the rest.

After breakfast, Linda took Eric and Cindy to discuss how to spend the next four days, and also listed a detailed schedule.

Then I went shopping together in the afternoon. It was not as fanciful as ordinary people, but booked the store in advance. Cindy and Linda directly picked it. At this time, the two women are already wealthy billionaires, but they still enjoy the face of the store's waiter's face madness to brush Eric's credit card. Linda is especially 'excessive', brushing off fifty a day. More than tens of thousands of dollars, and finally even used Eric's credit card to book a new BMW sports car, a pair seems to be stimulated to revenge the social momentum.

However, although the decision to rest, the work to do is still to be done.

It is not an important matter, but an exclusive interview with The New York Times.

A few days ago, Eric and everyone did a lot of work to avoid the comments made by Yahoo during the Yahoo! Although it controls the largest media force in North America, Eric can't let the four seas surrender as soon as he comes out, at least to owe some small people. The New York Times interview is promised in the process. .

For the reason of being too busy during the day, the interview was arranged in the evening, and finally it was scheduled to be in the apartment of Cindy.

Eric’s public interviews in the past few years have been pitiful, and even within the firefly system, it’s easy to get an opportunity to interview Eric. Therefore, the New York Times cherishes this opportunity very much. Any objection was raised during the interview time.

"Ms. Miller, I must reiterate that this interview is limited to topics related to Yahoo. It must not involve other people, especially Mr. Williams' private life. In addition, before the report is published, the content of the press release must be obtained from us. Only after the review can you publish it, in addition, you have an hour."

At eight o'clock in the evening, in the elevator of the apartment in 75th Street, Meyer took a blond-white woman of about 35 years old and solemnly recounted the request for this interview.

Judith Miller nodded and looked at the rising floor light, and saw the needle: "Miss Mayer, can I get a personal interview with you personally?"

Meyer held a stack of documents and shook his head. "Sorry, you must discuss this with the boss."

Judith Miller was a little disappointed, but still said: "Maybe, we can have dinner together in private, just talk."

Meyer continued to shake his head: "I am sorry, I have a lot of work to do."

When they came to the penthouse together, Cindy opened the door and warmly greeted the two. In the living room, Eric, who was originally pulled by Linda to look at a fashion magazine, stood up and smiled. A female reporter dressed in a decent professional suit at the age of 35 shook hands and said, "Hello, Ms. Miller."

"Mr. Williams, I am very happy to meet you," Judith Miller looked at the scene in the living room, her mood was a bit odd, but although she was one of the female reporters of the New York Times, she was not a feminist. The actor, therefore, did not have any objection to Eric's stay with the two supermodels. Even she, like many others, subconsciously took this for granted.

After all, this is Eric Williams.

Simply chilling a few words, Eric said: "Ms. Miller, let's go to the study, Cindy, take care of Mary."

After saying this, Eric came to a study room with Judith Miller. Eric began to wonder why there was a very formal study in Cindy’s apartment. However, when he found that a large desk with a pen holder full of pencils, there was no doubt about this problem. At least, Eric doesn't think that among the people Cindy knows, there is a second one who likes to use pencils when he is working.

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