I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 1073: Too rude.

The two sat down on the sofa in the study room by the window, and Judith Miller took out the notepad and the tape recorder from the bag while observing the opposite youth.

Compared with Western women who are generally prone to premature aging, most Western men are just the opposite. Many young people often have childish blush and freckles on their faces in their twenties.

However, although the youthful blond hair is kept, there is no trace of scorpion on the cheeks, but this angular face in front of the eyes does not give any sense of greenness. Instead, Judith Miller felt from Eric that he was mature and calm after the world's polishing.

Cindy quickly sent a pot of coffee in, carefully poured the two, and then quietly quit the study.

Cindy's appearance interrupted Judith Miller's observation of Eric, and noticed the faint smile on the man's face. Judith Miller realized that he had just looked at each other for a longer time. Sorry to smile, Judith Miller opened the recorder, took the notebook in his hand, and looked at the other side: "So, Mr. Williams, according to the latest statistics, with the listing of Yahoo, Your personal worth has reached $265 billion, even surpassing the latest gdp values ​​in the Russian Federation. Can you talk about your views on this wealth?"

Eric’s first reaction was that this was another topic of no nutrition like “how to be the richest man in the world”, but in the blink of an eye it was realized that the problem was not that simple.

What Judith Miller asked was obviously Eric's view of the meaning of this huge wealth itself, not his inner feelings at this time.

After hesitating for a moment, Eric smiled and shook his head. "Sorry, I don't know how to answer your question."

In fact, it is not that I don't know how to answer, but the question itself is too sensitive.

As Judith Miller said, $265 billion has exceeded Russia's current gross national product. Although the foundation of a superpower like Russia can never be measured by pure gdp numbers, the same, the $265 billion, and the larger social capital that this wealth has affected, has already touched the most of the country. The fundamental issue of control.

When the Rockefeller family's wealth was only 1.6% of the US gdp, it was already considered to control the entire United States. Eric has had wealth since then, and the proportion of gdp in the United States has far exceeded the Rockefeller family in its heyday.

Similarly, the Rockefeller family controlled the lifeline of the US energy industry after the second industrial revolution. Similarly, Erik's industry also involved the core electronic information field after the third technological revolution.

At this time, Yahoo, Cisco, Amazon, Qualcomm, Nokia and other firefly system core enterprises have all shown a rise, Eric also has great confidence to ensure that several of these companies will not repeat the mistakes. Then, in the next decade, after further solidifying the foundation and continuing to expand, these companies will not be overstated by the fact that the firefly system controls the lifeline of the US information industry.

On the other hand, in order to ensure that the overall interests of the firefly system will not be affected by the direction of US national policy in the future expansion, fireflies must also strengthen their influence in the political arena, and even try to control the highest power class in the United States. Replacement.

This is definitely not something that Eric can avoid when he is not interested in politics. If the fireflies don't do this, they will only face the strong pressure of competitors using political means without mercy. At the same time, Eric's own wealth is enough to support the expansion of the firefly system in the political arena.

Well, finally, plus the strong layout of Fireflies in Hollywood.


Political, economic and cultural.


These three words are stacked together, does it sound familiar? Usually, the capital of most countries is called the political, economic, and cultural center of a country.

If a consortium can show strong control over the political, economic, and cultural aspects of the country, then it is obvious that this consortium is equivalent to controlling the entire country.

Although all countries have a ruling class behind the scenes, it is clear that most ordinary people are not willing to face this topic directly. Therefore, Eric is absolutely impossible to talk about this issue in depth in front of Judith Miller. He does not want to be perfunctory, so he simply refuses.

At the same time, Eric also realized that the female reporter’s next question would not be too polite, so he secretly played the spirit.

Judith Miller didn't think that the first question he had carefully prepared was rejected by Eric directly, even without an ambiguous answer.

After a little squatting, she showed a polite understanding of the smile, looked down at the notebook and continued: "Mr. Williams, according to the stock price at the close of yesterday, Yahoo's price-earnings ratio has reached 530 times. What do you think? A serious bubble problem in Yahoo’s stock price?”

It’s really rude.

Eric sighed in a heart, and then said: "The stock price increase on the first day of Yahoo's listing actually exceeded our expectations, but I don't think there is a too serious bubble in this. From the last two years of continuous high growth revenue According to the data, Yahoo has gradually developed a very mature business profit model. All we need is time to fully inspire the commercial potential of the Internet media industry."

Judith Miller failed to pick out any problems from Eric's answer. She thought it was Eric's pre-prepared 'standard answer', so she pursued it: "How long do you think it will take? Can Yahoo’s annual profit match his current $90 billion valuation?”

Eric thought for a moment and said, "Five years."

Judith Miller said: "Even if you calculate the annual profit of $3 billion in five years according to the 30-fold P/E ratio, do you think it is possible?"

"In 1995, the number of Internet users worldwide was only about 40 million. In three years, this number has grown to 160 million. According to various data, in 2000, this number will increase to 300 million. In 2005, the world The number of Internet users will reach 1 billion. At the same time, these 1 billion Internet users are undoubtedly among the middle-class people with strong spending power," Eric stared at Judith Miller and asked: "So, Ms. Miller, what do you think is impossible in a huge market with a base of 1 billion best consumer users?"

Judith Miller felt the pressure contained in Eric's eyes when he asked himself, but he did not show it.

The entire New York Times is closely watching the interview. If she let this interview flow in a mediocre dialogue, even if she has deep qualifications and backstage within the New York Times, she may be forced to face The end of the resignation. We must know that the reason why she came to conduct this interview today is also the result of the fierce game between the various forces within the New York Times.

"Mr. Williams, the population of North America is only 300 million. So, Yahoo's future development will be the global market. But as far as I know, more than 70% of Yahoo's business is in North America, and overseas expansion is not smooth. What do you think about this problem?"

"Your problem description is not accurate. More than 70% of Yahoo's business is concentrated in North America. This is true, but this does not mean Yahoo's overseas expansion is defeated. Just because Yahoo has been trying to fight itself in North America over the years. The foundation of a large battalion market. If a company does not have an absolute leading position in its own country, its overseas expansion will not be discussed. Moreover, under such a corporate development strategy, Yahoo still easily achieved 30%. Overseas market share, which is enough to prove Yahoo's strong global expansion capability. After ipo, Yahoo's main development goals in the next few years will focus on the development of overseas markets. I believe that Yahoo's business scale in overseas markets will soon catch up and even go beyond North American native."

Judith Miller nodded slightly and seemed to agree with Eric's rhetoric. However, when Eric's voice fell, she immediately asked a sharp question: "Mr. Williams, I am just at you. In the speech, I heard the phrase “absolute leadership”. In fact, Yahoo has already achieved a monopoly in the field of Internet media. Have you considered the negative impact that this situation may have on the entire industry?”

"I understand your subtext, Judy. Once the industry has formed a monopoly market in every industry, there will often be a situation in which the leader enjoys its success and the latter is not blocked by innovation. But the Internet industry is different. This is a booming industry that is experiencing high-speed explosions. Moreover, due to the global nature of the Internet, it is destined that the best new technology companies in the future will be global giants. According to this standard, Yahoo is still only one. Toddler children, although we did learn to walk earlier than other babies, if we don't think ahead, it is destined to be eliminated in this new wave of technology. At the same time, I don't think the federal government should be new. When technology companies show their leading position in the market, they can't wait to limit them. As I just said, the future Internet industry will be global, which is different from any traditional industry. If the federal government can't be in this industry. The change has shown an open and inclusive attitude, and the federal government has just acquired the new technology field. Leading position in Europe and even Asia is likely to be the go-ahead, even in the future we have to meet in panic from the Internet giant to conquer new territories in Europe and North America. "

The New York Times did not communicate with the fireflies in detail about the specific details involved in this interview. Some of the problems just happened were played by Judith Miller on the spot, but the young people in front of her were in her series. The question did not show any incomprehensibility, and he did not care about it as well as other interviewees. Instead, he gave a very clear and convincing answer. Judith Miller has interviewed countless social elites. It is clear that the series of data and opinions that Eric has just revealed is not the result of doing homework in advance. It can only be that the other party has a long time for the entire Internet industry. Deep thinking.

If Eric’s impression of Judith Miller was only superficially mature and calm, but after a series of dialogues, Judith Miller had to show up for the young man. Bo Wen’s strong knowledge and foresight and conviction.

Judith Miller had a detailed understanding of Eric's personal background in advance, and she was even more curious at this time. This is just a young high school graduate, how to do it all today.

However, because of the prior agreement, Judith Miller did not ask the doubts in her heart, she also knew that Eric could not answer this kind of question.

After digesting Eric’s words, Judith Miller also changed a slightly more mitigating question. “Mr. Williams, Microsoft is also a new technology company. Everyone knows Yahoo and Microsoft. There are very close partnerships, such as the 30% forward equity transfer agreement and the Yahoo browser pre-installed on Windows. Microsoft has been accepting antitrust investigations by the Ministry of Justice for years, then, according to what you just said Is the federal government's investigation of Microsoft's series too harsh?"

Eric’s mouth faint smile, saying: “Although I know that Bill’s arrogant guy won’t appreciate it, my answer is yes. Microsoft is still at the most important stage of global expansion, if the federal government Microsoft's restrictions are too strict, and the United States is likely to lose a global corporate giant. Although North America is one of the largest markets in the world, it is unlikely to be compared to a larger global market. I think one is in the world. The enterprise giant with industry leadership should be in the fundamental interests of the federation. Of course, I also hope that Microsoft can show a more open corporate posture. I have enough confidence to use Yahoo to make an analogy. Yahoo is at its core. The technologies of web browsers, instant messaging software and e-mail are all very open and authoritative. Most of the technology is authorized by our direct competitors, such as AOL or Microsoft's msn portal. It has not affected Yahoo’s market position, but has inspired Yahoo itself to be more active. Scientific progress. "

Judith Miller nodded slightly, saying: "Speaking of AOL, Mr. Williams, although the firefly investment has already explained in detail the abandonment of AOL's large stakes, I am still very curious, just for you personally. In other words, I want to know, what is your consideration for giving up AOL shares?"

"You know, Firefly invests in a lot of new technology companies, and most of them are very successful, including AOL." Eric thought, slowly said: "I choose the company's guidelines That is, everyone can agree on the concept of corporate development so that I can invest in it with confidence, and I can safely hand over the management of the company to the original management."

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