I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 1078: Wait and see

In the affluent area of ​​the mountainous manor in the northern half of the city of Santa Monica, Eric’s car stopped outside a mansion and just got off, Amy Pascal and her husband Bernard Wilbur Welcomed together.

"Good evening, Amy, and Bernard," Eric and Amy Pascal gently embraced and shook hands with Bernard Winlaw, only to smile and explain to Amy. "Drew said that there are other things tonight, but it is coming, she should have greeted you?"

Amy Pascal nodded in understanding position and said, "Eric, let's go in."

Shantou originally came together with Eric, but the cocktail party is completely different from other entertainment-oriented parties, especially this business-style cocktail party tonight, no lively music, no dancing crowd, everyone is just A serious chat together, Shantou was originally very uninterested, just received the end of the carnival party invitation, so in the afternoon a few words on the phone directly put Eric's pigeons.

After running for a long time in London and New York for a long time, returning to Los Angeles, Eric can't avoid these things.

Today is November 30th, Monday.

MGM's blockbuster film "Mission Impossible 3" at the end of the year has just undergone a second weekend show.

After a few years of complete fermentation, and the MGM's elaborate production, "Mission Impossible 3" has once again succeeded without any suspense.

Seven days in the first week, "Mission Impossible 3" harvested $113.35 million in box office on more than 3,200 screens across the United States. Under the good word-of-mouth support of the media and the audience, although there were good new films released before and after, the "Dutch Mission Impossible 3" three-day box office decline continued to remain strong at 37%, and then received $47.23 million.

Ten days after the release, the total box office of Mission Impossible 3 has reached $162.58 million.

Eric and Amy entered their mansion together.

Impliedly complimented a few words about the New York Times interview, the topic quickly turned to the movie, Amy said: "The most amazing thing is "Teddy Bear", the data I saw this morning. The total box office is more than $160 million, only one million dollars less than "Mission Impossible 3". In the next period of time, there must be a lot of people in Hollywood to toss other children's toys."

In advance, "Teddy Bear" released "Teddy Bear" in the week, the first week of the box office reached 88.65 million US dollars, this animation and live-action film produced by motion capture technology, both content scale and box office data are shocked. Eyes in one place.

Under the super-high topic degree, although the second week faced the impact of "Mission Impossible 3", "Teddy Bear" box office still fell only 43%, and then received $49.19 million. In the past weekend, the box office decline of "Teddy Bear" narrowed again, only 31%, the three-day box office of 23.49 million US dollars, the cumulative box office of 163.33 million US dollars.

Although it was released for a week in advance, "Teddy Bear" was able to get the box office that was comparable to "Mission Impossible 3", which also made many people stunned.

After all, the production budget of "Teddy Bear" is only 50 million US dollars, just a $16 million North American box office account for two and a half weeks, which is enough for the fireflies to recover the full cost of production and declaration, the next North America and even the film. Overseas box office, as well as various peripheral distributions in the future, bring almost all net profits to fireflies.

Relatively speaking, the production cost of "Mission Impossible 3" is 150 million US dollars, and the two sides are whispering in the overall scale of the announcement.

Although comprehensively calculated, the profit scale of "Mission Impossible 3" will definitely be higher than "Teddy Bear" in the future, but count the entire invisible resources invested by MGM in "Mission Impossible 3", the film is definitely not Will earn as easily as Teddy Bear.

Three people walked through the villa to the backyard of the mansion. Eric smiled and said: "This kind of comparatively different subject matter, occasionally doing one or two is good. If there are too many, the audience will soon have a feeling of resentment. I am thinking about it now. Do not start the sequel to "Teddy Bear" in the short term."

Bernard Winlaub made a funny note: "This is an interesting film, and the audience is definitely looking forward to seeing the sequel as soon as possible."

With that said, the three have already arrived in the backyard.

The backyard, which covers an area of ​​more than 1,000 square meters, has bright lights and a quiet atmosphere. About forty or fifty guests are scattered all over the place, and they chat together in groups of three and five.

Although Erik's arrival has aroused everyone's attention, in this very formal reception, everyone did not come over and say hello, but some guests inevitably move their steps, hoping to appear in Eric's trajectory. On the way, take a look at the situation and talk a few words.

Entering the backyard, Bernard Winlaw and Eric whispered and left to entertain other guests.

Amy and Eric took two drinks together and began to introduce some guests to him.

"Eric, this is Kevin, Kevin Williamson," came to a middle-aged man in his thirties wearing a dark checkered suit. Amy eagerly introduced: "Kevin I just told him about his latest script idea, maybe you can listen."

Kevin Williamson is the screenwriter of the "Screaming Scream" series. Speaking of it, Williamson and Williams have similar surnames to Hansen and Hans. For many years, they have been used to various names, and Eric has become accustomed to it.

Although with the fame of "Screaming Scream" series, Kevin Williamson also understands the energy and status of the young people in Hollywood, respectfully and shook hands with Eric, and said something about himself. The latest script: "Mr. Williams, the story is this: An life in a deadly old town, her biggest wish is to get the full scholarship of the university, and then leave this place. Just, graduating soon At that time, she had to face the blame of her very strict history teacher. On an exam test, her history teacher, Ms. Tinger, suspected that she was cheating, so she clung to the matter. If she was cheated The hat of the person, Ann’s scholarship will undoubtedly be ruined, so she privately found Ms. Tinger’s attempt to seek reconciliation, but the contradictions in the exchanges between the two sides were even more intensified, and under the wrong circumstances, An’s mischievous kidnapped his own history. Teacher, so things got worse and worse, and for a while, Ann had to cover up as much as possible in front of family, friends, and police officers who came to ask. Thing ...... "

Eric patiently listened to Kevin Williamson after finishing the general script outline, and asked: "Kevin, what is your theme of the film?"

Kevin Williamson thought for a moment and said, "This is a horror suspense film with some teenage horror elements."

Eric showed a little smile on his face and said, "So, Kevin, you obviously know your strengths, but it seems to be a constraint on you. I have to admit that this is a very good idea. Unexpected kidnappings and hard-hitting cover. But think about it, such an idea is more suitable for making an absurd black comedy, just imagine some of these plots, full of drama conflicts that are ridiculous. ”

Seeing Kevin Williamson revealing his thoughts, Eric also clicked on it.

The ability to dial Kevin Williamson is also due to the fact that he brought the "Screaming Scream" series to MGM. As for whether the other party can change further, or if he is willing to go further, it is not in Ai Rui. Ke's consideration is within the scope.

After the "Screaming Scream" series, in addition to the previous summer box office, I was quite able to "I know what you did last summer", and Kevin Williamson has no representative works.

In the first two weeks and the "Teddy Bear" released in the same period of the "Teddy Bear", the production cost of 30 million US dollars is the mainstay of the Columbia Film Company at the end of the year, but until now, the box office was only more than 26 million US dollars, compared with The 160 million "Teddy Bear" is completely different.

Leaving Kevin Williamson several people, Amy slowed down and stopped at the pool. "Kevin just mentioned it to me. He hopes to be able to personally direct this movie."

"You should have seen it in "Desperate College"?" Eric shook his head slightly and said: "He can't find his direction now. If he can't settle down, let himself get rid of the influence of "Scream". After the popularity is exhausted, he will soon be eliminated by Hollywood."

Amy’s expression was hesitant, saying, “So, this movie?”

Eric smiled and said: "You decide for yourself. Such a small production will not affect anything. However, if Kevin has continued this way, there is no need to cooperate again in the future."

From Kevin Williamson's narrative, Eric understands that the cost of the film will not be too high, and it can still be easily controlled within 15 million US dollars. MGM can't put any of the previous Sony Pictures. The production budget for the low-cost horror film was turned to $30 million.

Coupled with the creation of the "Screaming Scream" series of Kevin Williamson personally directed the gimmick, the film is not likely to lose money, but if Kevin Williamson shoots according to the style of the script he just described, An alternative youth campus drama film that is neither horrible nor **** or funny, has almost zero chance of selling at the box office.

Amy nodded and said: "Right, Jenna is also here. We are discussing whether we are preparing for "New York's Wife" or "Manhattan Girl". You are here to help us."

Eric is about to go along with Amy to Chris Jenner, who is not far away. Penelope Cruz, who is wearing a burgundy low-cut dress, walks over: "Hey, Eric."

Both of them had their glasses in their hands. Eric just shook hands with Penelope and said, "Good evening, Penny, oh, is it only you who come alone?"

Penelope's eyes are a little resentful: "Kate and Charlize have their own things."

"You can misunderstand me, I mean," Eric smiled and raised his arm. "I happen to be alone."

Penelope immediately met, and the cat wraps around, holding Eric's arm intimately.

Amy met Eric and Penelope and chatted with Chris Jenna. He left and walked away.

The two continued to whisper and chatted by the pool, feeling the softness of the body around them. Eric suddenly remembered another thing and said, "Yes, what is your sister doing recently? I met in New York last year. She also talked a few words."

At a party at New York Fashion Week last year, Eric met Monica Cruz, who promised the girl to introduce her to several movies, but Eric quickly forgot. Suddenly thinking about it, there are still some embarrassment, I don’t know if the girl will be a villain in private.

Penelope heard Eric mentioning her sister, but apparently misunderstood something, the little expression became more resentful, but still said: "She got a resident role in the new season of "The End of the World". ”

Eric nodded and said, "Oh, the science fiction film produced by Jim, the ratings seem to be very good."

Penelope whispered and saw that Eric did not continue, only to let go of his heart.

After a few chats, Eric took Penelope to Amy and Chris Jenna, and talked about the development of a new series of real dramas in the two series of reality shows for a while, and then socialized in the crowd. In the circle, Eric only temporarily sent the Latin girl next to him, and Amy stood in the no-man's place to continue the original topic about "Mission Impossible 3".

"From the current situation, the North American box office potential of "Mission Impossible 3" should be between 260 million and 280 million US dollars, which is about 40 million US dollars lower than the summer file "Jiaojiao 3". Overseas, probably The box office potential will also be around $600-700 million, which is also lower than "Charlie's Angel 3" and last year's "Royal Casino of 007." The global box office will probably be fixed within $900 million."

Amy’s tone is somewhat regrettable, although if other Hollywood studio executives hear that Amy regrets that a global box office is close to 900 million movies, there will definitely be an impulse to cry. However, it is undeniable that the popular "Mission Impossible" series, which was originally the most popular among the three series, has already been overtaken by the 007 series and the "Jiaojiaowa" series.

Eric listened to Amy and said: "I have also seen the analysis report made by the issuing department. This sequel is the practice of Ethan Hunt and Bond. The audience’s joint reaction to the two top agents is obviously no men and women. The combination is so popular. We may be able to adjust in this regard, but I haven't seen Kevin Costner tonight, should he be in Los Angeles now?"

"Kevin flew to Sakamoto for publicity," Amy said. "However, he should be watching now, so he deliberately hides from us."

Eric has some doubts: "Watching?"

Amy nodded and said: "Kevin's agent has been delaying negotiations with us on the next sequel, and they should be waiting for the box office of Speed ​​and Passion."

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