I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 1079: Cover of Vanity Fair

Amy said this, Eric immediately understood.

As a peripheral derivative series of the special movie universe, the success of the box office of the "Speed ​​and Passion" first song, in the eyes of many people, represents whether MGM can get rid of the three series to continue the special agent movie universe.

If the attempt of "Speed ​​and Passion" ended in failure, there is no doubt that MGM's dependence on the three series will increase significantly. Kevin Costner also naturally believes that by the time, MGM will definitely not be as strong as the previous two in the next game of the "Mission Impossible" series.

"It seems that everyone still does not understand that Hollywood is not a decade ago."

Eric said this, his eyes crossed the guardrail in front of him and looked forward. Within the horizon of being divided into two by the coastline, half is the bright downtown Los Angeles, and half is the quiet and quiet sea, like two very different worlds, heaven, hell, and a line.

Amy felt Eric's focused gaze and looked at it with the potential.

Ten years ago in Hollywood, CAA founder Michael Ovitz reached the top of the Hollywood power list. With the overall recovery of the global movie market, it is also the era when Hollywood stars are in the limelight. The top superstars get more and more high pay, even a broker of the other party, they can go straight to the Hollywood studios executive office. , high-spirited and even condescending to talk about conditions with film companies.

Over the years, Hollywood has been attacking cities around the world and its market share has continued to increase.

However, although the star's pay has also been rising, in fact, due to the lack of star effect and even the rise of 3D animated film, and the three-legged Hollywood studio to intensify competition, the star's status in Hollywood is always In the reduction.

Amy's generation of Hollywood executives happened to have grown up in the era of CAA's most powerful power. Under the long-standing rules, in the face of Hollywood's top superstars, there is always a bit of guilty conscience and accommodation.

At this point, I once again felt Eric’s determination in a simple sentence. I remembered the words “We are the masters of Hollywood” after Alice’s release of “Charlie's Angel 3” a few months ago, Amy. My heart is even a little embarrassed.

Yes, with the power of the current Firefly system in Hollywood, if it can't win the initiative in front of the stars, it seems to have failed too much.

Eric finished the remaining drinks in the cup. He didn't hear Amy's response. He turned his head and looked at it. He could understand Amy's thoughts at this moment and nodded. "That's it. 20 million US dollars, or 10 million US dollars." Adding a 10% net profit share, this is the highest pay condition after the Firefly system. Even if Speed ​​and Passion fails, Kevin Costner has only two options, or he can choose and We broke, then we gathered the power of Firefly, Fox, MGM, and Columbia's four major studios to drive him out of Hollywood. Two years ago, the 007 series, I have already indicated an attitude, two years later, I don’t I would like to use another billion-level super blockbuster to show an attitude. From now on, the rules will be fixed."

Amy finally came back and nodded slightly: "Eric, I understand."

"That's it," Eric put the empty glass on the guardrail and said, "I will go back first, see you next time."

After that, Eric found Penelope in the crowd, took the Spanish girl and the other guests at the reception to say goodbye, and left the mansion under the personal touch of the Amy couple.

The black luxury car ran smoothly on the mountain road, feeling the girl like a cat, Eric took Penelope's charming face and kissed it, suddenly rising, said: "Call a call to Monica, we Go pick her up, and invite you to have breakfast tomorrow."

Penelope heard this sentence and his body was stiff.

When she first entered Hollywood, she did have some thoughts in order to gain a foothold. But now, with the "Jianjiaowa" series, she is already one of the top first-line actresses in Hollywood. In theory, she does not need to accommodate any person in Hollywood. In order to ensure her status in Hollywood, she even does not stop. I once thought about sending my sister back to Spain.

However, when she heard the request from the man around her, she found that it was difficult to give birth to too much resistance.

The top executives of Hollywood studios, even the top leaders of the seven companies, are actually just working for others. These people naturally need to be very polite and even respectful to her. But the man in front of him is almost the king of Hollywood. Can she refuse the king's request?


In a tone of pleading, he screamed and saw the man's expression persist. Penelope had to take out his mobile phone from Kun Bao and dial his sister's phone.

Wake up in the morning, the scene is a pair of Spanish sisters embracing and sleeping, the two women's thick hair looks a bit messy, exposed on the delicate neck outside the thin neck with a shallow impression, such as the same strain experienced violent showers After the tightly tied together, the singular rose, with a more tempting temptation.

I don't know if I felt Eric's gaze, and Monica Cruz woke up, just to the eyes of Eric. I noticed that I was holding my sister at this time, remembering the last night's things, the expression suddenly became a bit more shy, the girl did not know how to move, had to keep on the posture, and greeted the man softly: "Good morning, Eric ""

"Early," Eric put out his index finger and gently stroked Monica's delicate face, then restrained his desire to rise again, saying: "You can sleep for a while, I will prepare breakfast."

Monica now has no courage to get up with Eric, nodded lightly, and the bright voice stared at the man's clothes to get up.

With the week from November 27th to December 3rd, the Thanksgiving schedule has also come to an end.

Although the holiday atmosphere at the end of the year is still strong, most people still have to continue working until Christmas. In the next two weeks, the North American box office market will also experience a short-term cooling.

On the Nasdaq market, Yahoo's share price in the second week of listing has finally stopped rising rapidly, and it has begun to enter a stable adjustment state, and occasionally it will fall back. However, the market value has always remained above 100 billion US dollars. After AOL experienced another toss, the stock price gradually began to recover.

At the same time, the entire Nasdaq market continued to rise slowly, driving the overall rise in the entire technology stock market.

On the Hollywood side, with the first stage of the popular stage at the end of the year, a series of films released during Thanksgiving were basically settled.

"Mission Impossible 3" is a strong leader in the entire Thanksgiving season. "Teddy Bear" continues its own dark horse posture, such as "Star Trek: Uprising", "Terrorist University", "E-Love Letter", "Music Love", etc. The film, although each has its own gains, but in front of "Mission Impossible 3" and "Teddy Bear", it seems a bit bleak.

In the past, the film of Christmas season has also entered the final stage of sprint promotion. However, this year's Christmas season, in the eyes of many people, there is no suspense.

The forthcoming "Star Wars Episode 1: The Ghost of the Ghost" has attracted the attention of fans all over the United States and the world. Although the two films of the MGM movie universe are shining brightly this year, not many people will doubt it. "Star Wars Episode 1: Ghost Threat" will easily recapture all glory that belongs to you as long as it is released.

Of course, despite the pressure of the Star Wars series, like the films released before and after the "Mission Impossible 3" in the Thanksgiving season, Hollywood studios are not likely to hand over the entire schedule.

After all, the "Star Wars Episode 1: The Ghost Threat" released on December 18th, even if it received an annual box office of $100 million in the last two weeks of this year, it can only take away $200 million. But the entire December ticket size can reach at least $500 million, and other Hollywood films can also divide the remaining $300 million in box office.

Therefore, in the shadow of the Star Wars, in order to be able to gain more attention in order to seize more box office, everyone in the publicity can be said to have made all the stops.

In order to avoid the edge of the Star Wars series, the first track of Speed ​​and Passion is scheduled for January 1 next year. The statutory holidays at the end of the United States usually last until the week after New Year's Day. Moreover, the winter vacation time for the youth group is actually longer. Therefore, this is still within the holiday season at the end of the year.

Although the schedule is unhindered, there is also a halo blessing of the special movie universe. However, in terms of propaganda, "Speed ​​and Passion" does not dare to slack off.

December 4, early morning.

In the office of Firefly Studios Eric, Caroline’s foot injury has been cultivated almost. However, the girl was forcibly brought back to England by Rachel a few days ago. She plans to return after Christmas and Eric. Nature is omnipotent. Therefore, during this time, Meyer is still with him.

"Eric, the information you need to see today is here, and this is the interview invitation from the major media we received last week, as well as some party invitations. In addition, this is what you want, Well, the waiters at the in-house restaurant of the big ship applied for a resume. We picked up a total of 10 candidates,” Meyer said. The expression paused and continued: “If there is nothing else, I will go to work first. ""

Eric watched the female assistant leave with a cold face and shouted at her. The finger tapped on the front of the table and whispered, "Come here."

Meyer's footsteps hesitated, leaning against the edge of the opposite side of the desk, seeing Eric's gaze looking at himself unchanged, unwillingly moving the steps, bypassing the desk, but his eyes began to dodge, his mouth pleaded: "Eric, I, I still have work to do."

Eric turned the leather chair and reached out to hold the female assistant in the waist of the professional suit. He sneaked in front of him and whispered: "I have been very curious, what did Cindy do to you that night?"

Meyer stood in front of Eric and felt the man's breath. He was condescending. The girl had a feeling of being a little rabbit who was pressed by the tiger under the claws. Neh said: "No, nothing."

Eric did not easily let her go, and asked: "Do they kiss you?"

Meyer blinked and recalled some of the pictures in his memory. He shook his head and said: "Of course, of course not."

"Oh, the words are stuttering, and they say no," Eric laughed. "So, how come?"

"Really, no."

Meyer whispered, the body wanted to go back. However, Eric's hands are only very lightly placed on her waist, but the girl feels that she is weak and completely unable to break. She was actually telling the truth. Even though she saw a lot of intimate lily scenes that night, the Victorian angels did not extend her ‘claw’ to her Eric’s personal assistant.

"So, what the **** is going on?" Eric was still gentle, and made a small joke, saying: "Although the ice beauty feels good, but I don't want to have a kind of every day seems to forget to pay you. a feeling of."

"Eric, really, nothing, I just, just think," Meyer took a moment to make up his mind and said: "I just think that it is too far away from your world."

Eric understood it and smiled and shook his head. "How do you think about these messy things? This is not the savvy and ambitious Marisa Mayer I know."

Exuding his own thoughts, Mayer immediately regretted his heart, and at this time he stood in front of Eric more unscrupulously.

Looking at the girl's appearance, Eric's hands were slightly forced, and Meyer's originally soft body immediately fell over and fell into Eric's arms.

Bowing down on Meyer's lips for a moment, Eric just let go of her and looked at the girl with some disappointment in her arms. "Oh, now the distance between us is already zero, if you think Not enough. If we take the time, we can talk about negative distance contact."

Meyer only felt that his thoughts were awkward. When he heard Eric’s last words, he was not willing to twist his body, but he could not get up. He could only bury his face in the man’s chest and whispered: “Ai Rick, you are such a jerk."

"Hey, I am used to women to praise me," Eric chuckled and said: "So, do you feel better?"

Quiet for a moment, Meyer just sighed.

"Then, I won't do this in the future, or I will send you to play the Ice Queen."

"I, if I become a star, I won't be an assistant."

"This is not necessarily the case, even if you become a star, if I want to, you have to come back to be an assistant."

"would not."

The two were whispering so quietly that the office door was knocked a few times, and Meyer immediately bounced like a frightened bunny, quickly turned his desk and arranged some messy clothes on his body. .

"Mr. Williams," the secretary opened the door, just noticed the scene behind the desk, but looked as usual, and slightly blocked his sideways at the door, saying: "Miss Barrymore and Miss Paltrow are coming."

The outside **** felt that the secretary’s movement seemed strange, but she quickly circumvented her and walked into Eric’s office with Gwyneth Paltrow. I noticed that Meyer was standing on the side of Eric's desk and tidying up the documents. I didn't think much about it. In fact, even if I saw it, Shantou didn't care about it, but Gwyneth Paltrow looked at Meyer. A few eyes.

Eric turned back to sit and looked at the opposite girl and Gwyneth. "How come suddenly, is there anything?"

"Hey," Shantou took a magazine directly from the bag and pushed it to Eric. He smiled and said: "The new issue of Vanity Fair magazine, I want to show you the cover."

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