I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 1109: You villain

early morning. .

When he woke up, he found Meyer holding his pillow on his chin and looking at himself with his arms on his side. Eric smiled and reached for the girl’s body and put it on himself. Looking at her waist, asked: "What are you thinking?"

The body is closely attached to Eric, especially the man’s desire to get up early in the morning. Meyer’s face is reddish, and he earns his body and earns his body. When he can’t get away, he has to give up and whisper: “Ai Rick, I want to enter the firefly electronics work early next year."

Eric originally stopped in the woman's arms and said: "Some early, and, I hope you go to Nokia?"

"I know," Mayer said. "But I went directly to Nokia to lead a mobile phone R&D department. I am worried that I can't do it well, so I want to get into the firefly electronics to gain some experience. I found out what you are thinking about in your smartphone. Most of the core technology is in firefly electronics."

"If this is your expectation, of course, no problem," Eric nodded slightly. "But I suddenly felt that you wanted to escape from me, so I was very upset."

"I just want to escape from you," Meyer held up his body slightly against Eric's chest and stared at his gaze. "If not, I am afraid that I will be like them one day. You It is a very good lover, and it is also a terrible lover, which will make women want to escape and escape."

"It's not like this," Eric gently applied to the woman's body and said: "You know, many women have escaped from me."

"That's because you don't care about them at all, even if you give them a lot of money, even if you are very gentle and considerate, even if you hold them into big stars, but you really don't care about them, they simply don't escape from you, they It was abandoned by you," Meyer's fingers gently circled Eric's heart and said: "You guy, sometimes it's really cold and scary. So, I plan to escape from you in advance, so I will not be as pitiful as the girls who were suddenly abandoned by you."

"Suddenly I feel like a villain, it seems that I need to regret it."

"You were a villain."

"I just show a little bit of my humility, don't be so serious."

"You are a villain."

"Oh, I understand, this should be a provocation," Eric tightened Mayer's waist and turned over to push the girl underneath. "Provocative, accept punishment."

Meyer chuckled, his long legs squatting around Eric's waist, feeling the man's abruptly stiff movements, with a little smug on his face, and came over and kissed gently on the man's lips, whispering. "But, Eric, we have a plane at nine o'clock."

"That is ten o'clock," Eric reached out and pressed the girl's legs down, relaxed, and added again in a bad voice: "No, I am angry now, so, eleven o'clock."

After lunch with Palo Alto and the female assistant, Eric flew back to Los Angeles.

When I learned that Eric had decided to participate in the Oscar tonight, Nicole called early. She will also attend the awards ceremony tonight, with the same purpose as Eric. The "Mummy 3" will be released in June, although this may be the last "Mummy" series of movies that Nicole participated in, and the girl is still performing her duties with due diligence. Relevant publicity obligations.

As for other women, they may participate in the "Vanity Fair" party after Oscar, but they did not attend the award ceremony.

Julia has had works last year and this year. This year's "Never Compromise" is still a rushing film. It is reasonable to say that it should also be revealed below the Oscar. But this woman does not care about these things than Eric. In memory, Julia has long been qualified, but she has been too lazy to leave her own stars on the Avenue of Stars.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, Nicole and Eric rushed to the Dorothy Chandler Theatre in downtown Los Angeles.

From Nicole’s residence in Beverly Hills, the time was approaching 5:30, and the two cars were mixed in with more than a dozen extended courtesy cars, slowly outside the Dorothy Chandler Theatre. The red carpet entrance marches.

After a few minutes, the courtesy car finally stopped at the entrance to the red carpet.

The door was opened by the driver, but Nicole pulled Eric again and carefully checked him for a while before letting the man get off. Today is her rare appearance with Eric, and the girl does not want to make a mistake.

After Eric got off the bus, he went to the other side and was very gentleman holding a Nicole in a white dress and walked toward the red carpet.

Just, embarking on today's red carpet, Eric couldn't help but frown.

The Oscar red carpet has always been the most crowded red carpet in major film festivals or awards ceremonies, but today the scene on the red carpet is more chaotic than he imagined, not just crowds huddled together, guest seats on both sides It also looks messy.

Ab TV has always been a fixed partner of the Oscars. Although the ceremony was mainly organized by the Film Academy, Eric decided to ask Kasenberg to ask the executives who coordinated with the Academy in charge of the ceremony after the award ceremony. what is the problem.

Nicole originally held Eric's arm in the face of a smile, and also intended to wave to the auditorium on both sides.

However, when she noticed that Eric’s bodyguard Carter Moen was also following the two men, there were several bodyguards on both sides of the red carpet. As they moved forward synchronously, they could not help but pull the man’s arm. : "Eric, must Carter follow this?"

"The recent assessment by the security team is that I am more likely to be attacked in public than John Lennon and John F. Kennedy. You wouldn't think everyone in this world is friendly to me?"

Although Eric has not been attacked since the last time he happened at the Long Island Racecourse, he has never relaxed his security.

Eric is very clear about his situation. The power and wealth he has now is enough to cause too many people to be vigilant and embarrassed. At the same time, because of his rise too fast, he did not have time to lay a solid foundation for himself to support his current wealth, even a successor that would continue his current wealth empire, once he personally happened Unexpectedly, the situation will definitely become very bad.

Nicole couldn't figure out so many things for a while, just heard the names of John Lennon and John F. Kennedy. The girl subconsciously swept around, quite nervous, but she quickly got on Eric's arm. I sighed softly and said: "I think, you are worried that there are girls who will jump out of the crowd and bite you."

Nicole said this, Eric remembered the call from Paul Roland yesterday, and looked at Carter Moen behind him. He wanted to say something and realized that the situation was wrong now, so he had to temporarily put away his thoughts.

This time the red carpet is really too chaotic, but also to deal with the guests who come together to say hello from time to time, Eric and Nicole are all squeezed a little impatient, regardless of the media reporters on both sides frantically retaining, speeding up the pace soon came At the end of the red carpet.

Seeing Eric and Nicole appear, Nicole's agent sent Jin Sili and ab with a headphone guide to greet them together, and Nicole had already agreed on a red carpet interview in advance.

The front is the last interview point at the end of the red carpet. It is also the only official interview point that Eric saw today. According to the usual practice, the Oscar red carpet should have three interview points, which are set at the entrance, middle and end, but Eric did not notice where the first two interview points are. This is also the place he is very dissatisfied with this red carpet ceremony. .

Although not too concerned about these things, but some of the common hosts in Oscar, such as the old abbot Robin Roberts and others, Eric remembers the name, but at this time the interview platform is a tall blond woman. Hosted, very young, sweet-faced pretty face, wearing a pink wide-shoulder low-cut dress, even more than the majority of actresses on the red carpet.

However, Eric did not appreciate the beauty of the woman at this time, but his expression was somewhat depressed.

Sending Jinsi Li nodded to Eric, and whispered a few words with Nicole, and let it go aside. The ab's director signaled to both of them: "Mr. Williams, Miss Kidman, please Here, you can go up."

Eric took Nicole's hand and let her board the interview desk. He turned to the guide: "Who is the director of the award ceremony, let him come and see me."

The director of the Oscars is usually the head of the ab.

After saying this, Eric set foot on the interview desk.

The director had just noticed the cold face of the big boss. He had a cautious look. At this time, he heard this sentence and quickly passed Eric’s instructions back to the control room through the microphone.

"Mr. Williams, Miss Kidman, hello, I am Laura Spencer," the live footage is still in other places, on the interview desk, the beautiful blonde host is respectfully doing self-introduction.

Although it was the first time to be responsible for the Oscar red carpet interview, but Lauras Bence is not a slap in the face, if it is other guests, she may take the initiative to make a few jokes. However, she also noticed that the big boss’s interest was obviously not that high.

Nicole is more likely than the outsiders to feel the emotional changes of the man beside him, skillfully chilling with the female reporter in front of him, and the girl sneaked out one hand and took a hand on Eric's waist.

Eric pulled his lips and reluctantly squeezed a smile.

The guide under the stage indicated that this can be started. The three adjusted the next position and started a serious interview.

According to the usual practice, I talked about Nicole's dress makeup today, and the movie "Mummy 3", which is about to be released in the summer of the girl's summer. Lauras Bence is obviously a little embarrassed, and until the end, she politely said a few blessings. If Rick is lucky tonight, Eric will only nod to deal with two sentences. The interviews are arranged in advance. He decided to attend the awards ceremony yesterday, but he did not dissatisfy himself.

After the interview, the director of the award ceremony, Louis Horwitz, has been waiting.

There are photographic lenses everywhere, and Eric naturally can't make a fuss on the spot. He just pointed at the red carpet outside and said to Luke Horwitz in a cold tone: "Look, like a group of lost sardines, I hope that the next awards ceremony will not be as messy as the red carpet, and there is," Eric once again gestured to the female host on the stage, saying: "How old is she, is she 18?"

After Eric said these words, he was too lazy to look at Louis Horwitz’s reaction and took Nicole forward. Since he spoke, Eric believed that at least Robert Eger had given him an account.

"I think this red carpet is not bad," Nicole took Eric's arm and hesitated. He whispered, but this sentence is obviously lacking.

Eric knew that Nicole was persuading himself, smiled and shook his head and said, "Okay, it seems that I am too harsh."

"No, you are the boss, saying that everything is right," Nicole immediately changed her attitude, a very unsports look.

"You are not Julia wearing a Nicole mask?"

Nicole smiled and asked: "Do you want us to be like Julia?"

"Do not want to."

In the media wall, I took a few photos, and Eric and Nicole entered the hall together.

At this time, the exterior hall of the Dorothy Chandler Theatre was equally overcrowded, and there was still a moment before the award ceremony. Everyone did not sit in advance.

"Hey, Eric, good afternoon."

Eric has just appeared, Harvey walked with the "Malaysian" crew, and Robert Redford’s expression when he saw Eric was very exciting: "Eric is incredible, 60,000. The US dollar is now $80 million at the box office. How did you do it?"

"This is definitely a secret," Eric naturally knows that Robert Redford is referring to "Witch Blair" still in release, saying: "But I can be sure that next year's Sundance Film Festival, Park City will definitely Will be smashed."

When Robert Redford heard this, he smiled and said: "I think so too, just, I really don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing for Sundance."

The Sundance Film Festival has always been flaunted to support newcomers and independent films. The appearance of the black box of "Witch Blair" will certainly attract more mainstream Hollywood film companies to Park City. It is not difficult to imagine that this film festival will definitely be more in the future. Come to commercialization.

And the guests in the hall chilled for a while, Eric finally took the time to vacate, and Nicole was chatting with Meryl Streep, yelling at Carter Moen, whispering, "You call Paul Roland, Ask where Carmenkes is now, don't let her go to the Vanity Fair party, um, send someone to pick it up at the sharp corner manor."

Although there is only one Nicole at the awards ceremony, the Shantou people are likely to come together for the fun of the Vanity Fair party. Although the attitude of Eric is bitten, the attitude of women is basically gloating, but it is hard to imagine Carmen. Kathy appeared at the Vanity Fair party and what would happen.

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