I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 1110: One person, one band

At six o'clock in the afternoon, the award ceremony officially began.

The host of this session is still Billy Christo.

However, it may be that the highlights of this year's nominations are too few. Billy Christo is on the stage with a DV, claiming that he is planning to shoot a low-cost movie with zero budget, DV in his hand. The invoice has not been lost, and can be returned directly after the filming is completed.

This situation is naturally ridiculous in the "Witch Blair" that is creating the box office miracle, ‘smile fruit’ is really good.

However, the subsequent awards ceremony was really lacking.

Under the powerful public relations offensive of the Weinstein brothers, the "Malaysian", which has been controversial in the nomination stage, won several important awards such as Best Film and Best Director. Eric believes that in the next period of time, there will be a wave of discussions in the media that question the fairness of the Olympics. At the same time, the college wakes up, and Miramax will not be too good in the next few years.

As for the "Elizabeth" on the firefly side, the result was even more unexpected. Although I got a number of major nominations, I ended up with nothing.

Eric originally thought that Cate Blanchett might have the chance to win the Oscar for best actress at the first nomination, but he still underestimated the conservativeness of the Austrian judges. This time, the best actress finally fell on the British veteran actress Judy Danzi.

Just after the ceremony, Eric was stopped by the director of the award ceremony, Louis Horvitz, who also took him on the red carpet to see the hostess named Laura Spencer.

Robert Eiger’s phone call also came from New York.

There was something to do with it, and Eric first sent Nicole to the "Vanity Fair" party at the Hilton Hotel. He personally connected Robert Eiger in the background of the awards ceremony and took a resume from Luis Horwitz. The archives, looking at the contents, could not help but blink Luis Horwitz and Laura Spencer.

I just mentioned one sentence and sent the girl’s resume. What is the plan to do to prove that the woman is 18 years old?

Noticing Eric's eyes, Louis Horwitz also had some pain in his heart.

The awards ceremony was not over yet. Luis Horwitz received a call from a colleague at the ABC headquarters in New York. The ratings of the Oscar live broadcast were almost unbearable, and the minimum number of viewers dropped to 37 million. The average number of viewers is likely to be impossible. Breaking through 40 million.

As one of ABC's well-known producers, Louis Horwitz has directed the Oscars more than once, but tonight he has not even expected himself. You know, in the last ten years, the average number of viewers in Oscar has never been less than 40 million.

Although everyone knows that this is mainly because the Oscar-nominated film is really too lacking in highlights. However, the big boss shouted him before the awards ceremony, accusing him of the messy red carpet ceremony in front of him. The most important thing is to say, 'I hope that the next award ceremony will not be like red. The blanket is so messy.'

Now, the awards ceremony is not a mess in the mind of the big boss. Louis Horwitz is not clear, but the minimum number of viewers of 37 million is definitely a mess, which makes Louis Horwitz nervous. I had to rush to call New York, and Robert Eiger, who hoped to raise him with one hand, could help him say a few words.

Feel free to find a sofa to sit down, Eric also ignored Luis Horwitz and Laura Spencer, who stood next to him, tilted their legs and put Laura Spencer’s resume on his lap. While on the phone with Robert Eiger.

The staff who were finishing the awards ceremony noticed the situation here and they were far away from the fun.

Robert Eiger’s explanation made Eric laugh and cry.

This bad red carpet ceremony, in the final analysis, is still in this year's lacking film.

Due to the low popularity and popularity of Oscar-nominated films this year, which seriously affected the enthusiasm of advertisers, the price of advertising bidding at this award ceremony also hit a record low, usually around $1.2 million per 30 seconds. Only one million in the early days.

The advertising revenue dropped sharply, and the college cut the budget for the awards ceremony, and even shortened the Oscar red carpet, which is usually about 200 meters, to less than 150 meters. The Oscar red carpet has always been the most crowded of the major film ceremonies. This time, it suddenly shortened by a quarter, and the number of guests has not decreased.

Although Eric is dissatisfied with the college's trick to shorten the length of the red carpet, he is not too good at intervening. The firefly's edge in Hollywood is already too strong. It is very likely that the school will be unreasonably guessed by the accusation of the school. It is simply trying to find yourself uncomfortable.

After explaining Robert Eiger, he took the initiative to mention Laura Spencer.

Eric just opened the resume on his knee.

It turned out that last year, ABC’s news program "Good Morning America" ​​two ace anchors Joan Langdon and Charles Gibson left the company one after another. Before that, "Good Morning America" ​​has been the highest-rated program in the morning. This is closely related to the popularity of the two ace anchors.

After the two left, the ratings of "Good Morning America" ​​were hit hard. During this time, the ratings of this program have been firmly suppressed by the NBC "Today Show" for ten years. In order to revitalize the "Good Morning America" ​​ratings, ABC management is adjusting the program, and Laura Spencer is one of the national correspondents who have just been promoted.

Arranging Laura Spencer as the host of the Oscar red carpet is also to increase the popularity of the other party and to increase the attention of "Good Morning America" ​​in disguise.

After listening to Robert Eiger’s explanation, Eric was relieved.

The national correspondent, the name sounds very high, but in fact, it is definitely a very tedious job. Unlike the news anchors who only need to be stationed in the studio, ABC's national correspondent not only needs to attend some studio interviews, but also often needs guest frontline reporters to visit the scene.

You know, this is ABC's morning news between 7 and 9 o'clock.

Interviews in the studio are good. If you need to visit the scene, you may even go to your destination the day before. At least you have to get up early to prepare. In this respect, this can even be called a very hard job. .

Moreover, this resume in the hand also makes Eric completely unbiased against Laura Spencer.

This blonde, who seems to be in her early twenties, is already 30 years old this year.

In the resume, the other party is not only a recipient of the University of Pennsylvania scholarship, but also a national diving athlete. He has been working in the media for eight years since he graduated from the University of Pennsylvania. The work experience of this eight-year period is also brilliant, and it can be well handled for journalists, producers, photographers, editors, etc., and even got a 'a-one-man-band' evaluation, a-one-man- Band, one person, one band, a little understanding will know how high this is.

Eric has always admired women who are both beautiful and hardworking, because there are too few women who can do both.

After talking for more than ten minutes, Eric hangs up Robert Eiger’s phone, gets up and handed the resume to Luis Horwitz, and takes the initiative to reach out to Laura Spencer, saying frankly: “Okay, Laura, I apologize to you for my prejudice, you are really good."

"Oh, thank you, Mr. Williams."

Laura Spencer was somewhat flattered to hold Eric's hand. She was just a little embarrassed. She was worried that she would lose the job after she was promoted for a few days. Some even had Eric Williams. The boss is angry, isn't a pretty woman a vase?

However, as Eric reached out to herself, the dissatisfaction in her heart suddenly vanished. After all, she never expected the big boss to take the initiative to apologize to her.

"Then, you will continue to work," Eric and Laura Spencer said, retracting his hand and speaking to Louis Horwitz, intending to leave, noting that Laura Spencer is still the same. Beautiful pink wide shoulders and deep V dress, and said to the girl: "Laura, is it going to the Vanity Fair party, do you want to take a ride?"

Laura Spencer just relaxed, heard Eric's words, and immediately raised her heart, she immediately remembered that her boss is a famous playboy. She is still wearing a dress at this time, just because she heard the words of Luis Horwitz, she has been nervous until now, she has no intention of changing clothes, let alone going to any party, and her identity is not taken at all. Admission to the "Vanity Fair" party.

Eric noticed the change of Laura Spencer's expression and quickly realized what he was smiling. He said, "That's it, see you next time."

However, Eric just turned and came behind Laura Spencer’s voice: "No, Mr. Williams, I, I am willing."

Nicole's women are all at the Vanity Fair party, and Eric can't do anything else with her mind. It's just a casual mention. At this point, looking at Laura Spencer's face, she was so generous and righteous, she couldn't help but smile, but said, "Okay, let's go."

Looking at Laura Spencer and Eric out of the background, Louis Horwitz rolled up his resume and patted it in the palm of his hand. He smiled and smiled and said: "Beautiful woman."

Out of the Dorothy Chandler Hall, Eric and Laura Spencer got on the bus together.

The driver started the car and left the city center. Eric looked at the girl with a cautious look and smiled and asked, "Do you have a boyfriend?"

Laura Spencer succumbed. She has been focusing on her work for the past few years. She is a workaholic and she has no time to develop a stable relationship. The eyes flashed for a moment, and although she wanted to nod, she finally shook her head honestly: "No."

"Oh," Eric nodded, nodded. "If it's okay, maybe you can call him over, so you won't be like a vigilant hedgehog now."

Laura Spencer heard Eric say so straightforwardly, and relaxed a little bit, and boldly asked: "Mr. Williams, do you have a girlfriend?"

"Yes, they are all at the Vanity Fair party, and they will definitely keep an eye on me, so you can rest assured."

Laura Spencer heard Eric’s words and suddenly couldn’t hold back, laughed out, and caught some words in a sneak peek: “They?”

“Well,” Eric nodded. “They.”

"Mr. Williams, you are really frank."

"Actually, being too frank in front of pretty women is not a good thing."

Laura Spencer blinked and said: "This is not necessarily true. Some women like candid men. It is not good to be too eloquent."

Eric’s mouth was smiling, if he pointed out: “So, is this a beating?”

Laura Spencer unconsciously relaxed and replied in a small way: "Your words are definitely premeditated."

"You are a prejudice," Eric dismissed. "I just apologized to you for my own prejudice."

Laura Spencer smiled and said: "I have proof, Mr. Williams, you can't take it?"

"It seems that I can only use time to prove it. When you remember to owe me an apology."


“Speak up,” Eric changed a little, in order to make it easier to appreciate the girl next to Miaoman, and curiously said: “Why do you want to be a correspondent, isn’t this an easy job?”

"Because this position can be more over-provisioned to TV shows," Laura Spencer felt Eric's gaze, but did not reproduce any precautions. Instead, she said with confidence. "In fact, I think I can already I am qualified for the post of news anchor."

"The little woman has great ambitions," Eric said with a smile. "But I can't promise you now, young people should hone more."

Laura Spencer looked at the young man who was actually one year younger than himself. He said, "Mr. Williams, this sentence is really weird from your mouth."

Eric reacted and shrugged: "Well, I think so."

"Ha ha."

So chatting, I went to the Beverly Hilton Hotel without knowing it.

Get off at the parking lot, there are also a lot of guests who come to the party, and some people also greet Eric, and the eyes inevitably fall on Laura Spencer.

Looking forward to the first time attending the "Vanity Fair" party, Laura Spencer, who was inevitably bound again, Eric gave her an outstretched arm and smiled and said: "If you don't mind waiting for no male guest to dare to talk to you," ?"

Laura Spencer's face was reddish and she took the initiative to hold Eric's arm and whispered, "Thank you, Mr. Williams."

Eric took her to the Hilton Hotel and said: "In fact, I am also selfish. I have to know that I will never persuade pretty girls to make boyfriends. I hope they go to find a girlfriend."

Laura Spencer felt the gaze of the surrounding guests, whispered: "Mr. Williams, must you be so frank?"

"You can call me Eric."

This turning point is a bit puzzling, Laura Spencer wonders: "Is this sentence not supposed to be said when two people just met?"

"No, you don't want me to be frank with you, so I think maybe we can go to the next stage."

Laura Spencer suddenly wanted to take a look at the man beside him, just like the little trick Nicole Kidman did before the red carpet interview. However, she only dared to think about it and said, "Okay, I think I need to insist on calling you Mr. Williams."

The two came to the media area outside the "Vanity Fair" party hall. Eric took the initiative to let go of his own girl and said: "Right, come and look for me when I leave, I will send you back to the hotel."

Laura Spencer felt that Eric had loosened himself and suddenly lost some of it, but shook his head: "No, Mr. Williams, I can go back."

Eric did not insist on pushing the woman to the media wall and said: "Let's go, have fun."

Laura Spencer walked to the wall of the media, and the reporter's crazy flash fell on her. The woman's gaze couldn't help but bypass the interview area with the man's figure until the other party disappeared at the entrance to the party hall.

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