I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 1157: Very simple work

"The share subscription contract will not cause any trouble for Yahoo," Eric shook his head and said: "I am more worried that Microsoft's next reaction will affect Yahoo's stock price, and even the entire Nasdaq stock market. ”

Although Eric only said half of it, Frank Wells immediately met.

In recent days, the Nasdaq index has rushed to a high of 4,700 points. The severely bubbled tech stock market may trigger a collapse of the entire Nasdaq stock market as long as it is slightly stimulated.

Although the new technology companies under Firefly Investment are already prepared for the bubble burst, the Shamrock Fund holds technology stocks, but it will take at least two weeks to clear the position.

According to the current stock price, the total value of the last batch of technology stocks exceeds $6 billion. Even though the Shamrock Fund has successfully cashed in most of the stock, Eric never wants the last big money to evaporate because of the early collapse of the Nasdaq.

Due to Eric’s strict confidentiality measures, Frank Wells is not aware of the specific conditions of the Clover Fund, but he understands that the longer the Nasdaq index is supported, the better the reduction of the Clover Fund.

Although like many people are very curious about the operation of the clover fund, Frank Wells still refuses to ask, but says: "In this case, Eric, you just have no need to argue with Gates, even if he perfuse him. It’s been good for a while.”

"I was originally this kind of plan," Eric shrugged. "But, Microsoft's development in the past few years has been a big loss in Yahoo. The depression in Gates is estimated to have accumulated for a long time, just The requirements put forward have not been met, and there is no way to break out."

Frank Wells thought for a moment and said, "I think that Microsoft should also not want to see the Nasdaq crash, and it is estimated that it will not react too strongly."

Eric nodded and acknowledged: "Gates is a very smart person. I have just given him a feeling that Yahoo is very eager to continue to cooperate. He calms down and will not be willing to give up without any gain." That share subscription agreement. So, I will definitely continue to delay for a while."

Amy will give another lunch to Eric. Frank Wells took the coffee cup and waited for a moment. When Amy walked away, he continued: "Eric, according to the current trend, you think the Nasdaq Where should the limits be?"

“The Nasdaq has reached the limit,” Eric picked up the tableware and said: “What is missing now is just a fuse that will puncture the tech bubble.”

After that, Eric’s action suddenly stopped.

If Yahoo and Microsoft can't reach a further cooperation agreement, they can't reach an agreement at all. Then, once the two sides part ways, Yahoo! browser loses the status of Windows system default browser, which is undoubtedly a big bad for Yahoo. Stimulated Yahoo's share price fell, as the leading stock in the new technology sector, Yahoo's share price fell, it is easy to lead to a chain reaction of the overall decline of technology stocks.

This is one of the potential fuses that Eric wants to avoid as much as possible today.

In addition, in the next seven or eight months, if the new technology company announced a large loss in the second quarter earnings report, then this is likely to become another trigger for the Nasdaq crash.

Eric is also prepared for this. Yahoo will be the first to report the second quarter earnings of most new technology companies before July 15. With Yahoo's excellent financial data support, the losses of other technology companies will no longer become So conspicuous.

However, just now, Eric suddenly remembered one of the most important fuses that could lead to the Nasdaq crash, Microsoft’s antitrust case.

In the past two years, the US Federal Department of Justice has been conducting antitrust investigations against Microsoft.

At this point, the Justice Department has listed several major crimes of Microsoft: illegally set up barriers to prevent other competitors from entering the market; linking Microsoft Windows systems to other Microsoft software; forcing computer manufacturers to sign exclusive agreements.

Just recently, a lover of Bill Gates, Stefani Zeh, suddenly appeared, accusing Microsoft of excluding corporate competitors from paying ‘reverse bounty’. The so-called 'reverse bounty', a good name is called a kickback, it is hard to listen to, in fact, it is a bribe.

Moreover, the reason why Stephanie Zhou Huer was able to stand up was because Gates took the initiative to take her to participate in Microsoft's very confidential reverse bounty meeting. Although there are also many women around, Eric has always placed the girls in the vases where they should be, and never let them touch the core secrets of the firefly system.

Therefore, when I heard the news, Eric really didn't know whether the evaluation classmates were arrogant or stupid. The recent North American media has once again pulled Clinton out and Gates, ridiculing them as the 'two unlucky Bills' planted on the lover.

Stefani's proactive testimony undoubtedly made the Ministry of Justice's investigation of Microsoft a big step forward.

So sorting out the memories in my mind, Eric gradually remembered.

One of the most critical fuses in the original Nasdaq crash was the federal judge Thomas Jackson, who was in charge of Microsoft’s antitrust case trial, suddenly announced that he had mastered the key evidence of Microsoft’s monopoly. A final ruling will be made to Microsoft soon.

Thus, at a sensitive moment when the Nasdaq index had broken through 5,000 points, Thomas Jackson’s statement became the last straw to crush the camel.

After Thomas Jackson’s statement, Microsoft’s share price immediately fell, triggering a total collapse of the Nasdaq stock market. Then, as the annual financial report of a series of huge losses of new technology companies was announced, the Nasdaq index continued to fall in the following year, and even fell back to the 1000-point low.

Due to the adverse effects on the entire Nasdaq market, Thomas Jackson was subsequently dismissed. The federal government finally announced a settlement with Microsoft for the overall situation, and canceled the anti-monopoly investigation. Microsoft also escaped the fate of being split. .

At this time, in the game, Eric gradually realized a lot of embarrassment.

Thomas Jackson knew that the violation of the judicial process may even terminate his entire career, but he still suddenly revealed the inside story of the Microsoft antitrust case to the media. Then, Microsoft's stock price began to fall, which led to the overall Nasdaq index. Crash.

This incident seems to be accidental, but it seems too coincident.

You know, even if the federal court made a decision to split Microsoft, Microsoft can still appeal.

Therefore, in order to destroy the entire Nasdaq index, when Thomas Jackson announced the bad news of Microsoft, it is sure to need a large number of stock throw orders to suppress Microsoft stock price, in order to achieve the ultimate goal.

Now, with the Nasdaq index approaching the 5,000-point high, although many investors who originally looked at the decline index began to turn to buy technology stocks, but also more short-selling funds continue to enter the market, trying to gain profits after the Nasdaq crash.

In accordance with the nature of capital gains, in the face of the huge profits that can be expected to be tens of billions of dollars, it is enough for many people to take some initiative to destroy the Nasdaq index.

With this in mind, the appearance of Stephanie Zhou Huer, like the Lewinsky scandal, is obviously not an accident.

After all, even if there is no love between them, a small staff member has to jump out to prove that his former boss, in the absence of any behind-the-scenes promotion or profit-driven situation, it is difficult for the average person to make such a possible impact on his life. Choose.

Stefani’s testimony did indeed cause a drop in Microsoft’s stock price, but it did not trigger the results some people wanted.

So what's next?

Quickly thinking about it, and eating lunch casually, Eric called Kelly Haynes to let her sort out the relevant information about the Microsoft antitrust case and get to the Firefly Studios as soon as possible.

A few hours later, Eric was discussing with the soundtracker of the Gravity, John Williams, the details of the soundtrack adjustments of some of the films, the studio door was knocked, and the Kelly probe in a light gray professional suit. Come in and greet Eric greeted softly.

Eric nodded in response and discussed with John Williams for a moment before he left the studio.

Just out, Kelly, who was sitting on the outside sofa, got up and handed over a folder to Eric. "Eric, time is a little hasty, I don't know if this is enough?"

Eric took the folder in his hand and said, "Go to my office and talk."

Kelly nodded and left the post-production center with Eric to his office in the administrative district.

When he walked into the office, Eric gestured to Kelly at random, and then he came to the desk and sat down to open the information in his hand.

Kelly didn't care about Eric's casual attitude. On the contrary, she liked it a bit. She knew that Eric would only behave like the person closest to her.

After the first few days of joy, these two years have maintained a very special relationship between the two. Moreover, because of the shadow of her previous marriage, Kelly did not find any partner's mind, and unconsciously always pinned some emotions on the man in front of her.

He rushed a cup of coffee and put a cup of coffee quietly on the side of Eric, who was focused on his face. Kelly sat down at the desk and quietly looked at Eric reading materials.

Kelly did not collect much information in a short period of time, but it was enough for Eric to get all the information she wanted.

History has not changed much. The judge in charge of the Microsoft antitrust case is still Thomas Jackson. The other party is a very qualified federal judge. Moreover, from the information in hand, the other party cannot be regarded as a firm split of Microsoft. Hardline.

Well, this information will undoubtedly prove some of Eric’s speculation.

After turning the last page of information, Eric looked up and noticed that Kelly stared at her own eyes, and smiled: "Is it handsome again?"

The little man who peeked in front of him was caught. Kelly’s face was reddish and said: “I just thought that you must have forgotten to shave these days.”

Eric touched it with a layer of chin on his chin and smiled. "No way, the life of a bachelor is always so bleak, you don't care about me."

"Where is the wheel to get me," Kelly glanced at Eric, and said: "Eric, what do you suddenly want to do with this information?"

Eric picked out Thomas Jackson's information and handed it to Kelly. "Do you notice the recent thing about Stefani Zehr?"

"Know, I think this thing should be similar to the Lewinsky incident," Kelly took over a few pages of information that Eric handed over, and then said it again, with a tone of enthusiasm and exhortation: "So, Eric, you should be careful during the week."

"Of course, I am definitely not going to make the stupid thing about Gates."

"Who knows, you man," said Kelly, saying that she raised the information in her hand and turned to the question: "Is there any problem with this person?"

"I don't know," Eric shook his head and said: "This is also the reason why I am looking for you. I want to check if this person has any problems, or if he will have problems."

Kelly realized Eric's intentions, but she was somewhat confused: "Eric, I have been paying attention to the investigation of the fireflies system by the Ministry of Justice and the SEC. There is no special situation for the time being. Microsoft's case, we do not seem necessary Let's get involved?"

"Of course we won't intervene in Microsoft's case," Eric nodded. "I'm just worried that Thomas Jackson will be a Stefani Zehr. You imagine, if in the recent sensitive period." Thomas Jackson suddenly released some comments that were unfavorable to Microsoft, and what kind of results would result from the secret cooperation of some people?"

Kelly's thoughts turned and blurted out and said: "Nasdaq crash?"

"Yes, those people who brought Stefani Zehell out, did not achieve their goals, will definitely shoot again, I think, this breakthrough point is definitely in the Microsoft antitrust case, Thomas Jackson happens to be "This is the key figure." Eric explained, no longer cover up, bluntly said: "So, I hope you can arrange, comprehensive monitoring of Thomas Jackson, if you can get something useful, Not only can it prevent the Nasdaq from collapsing prematurely, it will damage the interests of the Firefly system, and we can also have a bargaining chip with Microsoft. I still hope that Yahoo! browser will continue to maintain the Windows default browser status."

"Eric is very sensitive to monitoring such a government official. To be foolproof, it takes at least a week to prepare. According to you, we may not have been that long."

Eric felt something in Kelly’s words and said, "So?"

Kelly said: "Cromwell has just purchased a number of monitoring and anti-monitoring devices recently. You should have seen the purchase list. So if you trust him enough, this thing should be for him. A very simple job."

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