I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 1158: shameless

In the initial contact, Eric could feel that Robert Cromwell's identity was definitely not limited to the Special Police Department of the London Police Department. He probably worked in a more confidential intelligence agency such as the British Military Intelligence Agency.

During this time, Eric’s information in all aspects has basically proved this point.

Moreover, Robert Cromwell also admitted that he hopes to turn the firefighter security department into a security and intelligence collection agency. In this case, he is clearly the best person to monitor Thomas Jackson.

After all, if you look for an outside detective company, the most you can do with fireflies is to completely hide yourself, even if you accidentally get involved. But the outside detective companies are not their own. After all, if they really find some information that can bring huge benefits to themselves, it is difficult to ensure that these detective companies will not think about it.

After considering it for a moment, Eric asked the opposite Kelly and said, "You have more contact with Bob during this time. Do you think you can give this to him? You know, this is not a decent one. Things?"

Kelly thought about it and said with a serious attitude: "Bob can be regarded as a very pure person. He has his own set of rules of conduct. From some information about his past, he will not There is a moral sense of guilt. Moreover, Bob originally wanted the Firefly Security Company to be involved in intelligence gathering. So, this matter should be his responsibility."

"In this case," Eric once again weighed for a moment, saying: "You should first test his attitude. If you can, I will take the time to talk to him tomorrow."

Kelly nodded, and the two talked about something. The female assistant left and Eric returned to the post-production center and began to work on the final cut of Gravity.

When the day's work was over and just got off work, Kelly called and said that she had talked to Robert about the afternoon. The other party had promised it, and did not say anything special.

Kelly just hung up the phone, and Robert immediately called the phone to the Eric mobile phone. The two agreed to meet tomorrow morning in a few words.

The next morning, Eric came to Firefly Studios at nine o'clock, and Robert had arrived in advance. The two had just chilled a few words. The twins who didn't meet each other during this time also drove together.

After the embarrassing incident that night, Eve, who was very thin on the face, had been hiding from Eric, and even Natasha was embarrassed again in front of Eric.

It happened that Eric introduced them to Robert Cromwell as a student, so these two Nigers, in private, helped Eric to take care of the private affairs of Sharp Point Manor, and rarely appeared in front of him at other times. I also live in the Trausdale Manor on weekdays.

Looking at Eve's face with a reddish-eyed look, and with Robert's presence, Eric simply greeted the two women and took the three people to his office.

Sitting down in the office reception area, the twins took the initiative to run coffee. Eric was not eager to talk about the topic, but talked with Robert about the formation of the Firefly Safety Company.

After all, this matter is what he cares the most.

Since receiving the introduction of Olivia last month and receiving Eric's approval, Robert has quickly invested in the preparation of the firefighting system security department. With many years of work qualifications from the British Security Intelligence Service, Robert quickly took the lead in Eric and Kelly and Carter Moen.

In just one week, Robert submitted a detailed plan and started the specific project implementation without stopping.

Now, less than two months later, Firefly-Security-Inc., a member of the Firefly System, has quietly registered a 1,000-acre site near the Palm Valley in northern Los Angeles for construction companies. Training base.

While re-establishing security regulations for the entire firefly system and integrating the training of the bodyguards around Eric, Firefly Security has also begun a low-profile recruitment program.

In order to ensure that the team will not be infiltrated by external forces such as professional espionage, Firefly Security's recruitment plan is fully proactive.

The companies of the Firefly System first collect personnel information from North American universities, headhunting companies, and retired military organizations in the name of talent recruitment, and then select appropriate targets from them, and then Firefly Safety Company will send invitations to each other.

Firefighter Safety Company's compensation and benefits programs far exceed those of the US Secret Service. Therefore, although the selected targets are basically confused for their inexplicable invitation to receive a job, most people take the initiative to contact. The Firefly Safety Company hopes to accept further interviews.

Eric used to think that bodyguards should be selected from professional soldiers like special forces, but after Robert Cromwell's explanation, they realized that this is not the case.

Many ordinary people are even more suitable to be trained as bodyguards than professional soldiers who have been cured by the perennial military training behavior pattern.

Moreover, in the education system that attaches great importance to sports in North America, just as Eric has encountered Ala Beauty hosted by Laura Spencer, who has a resume of national diving athletes, many elites are often sports athletes. This also allows them to not lose to professional soldiers in physical fitness, enough to withstand strict security training.

"The main problem now is still the manpower. I want to support the training plan of 2,000 people in the Palm Valley training base. At least 100 teams are needed. In this respect, we can only dig people from the training centers of major security companies or government agencies. It takes three months. Of course, these three months can just be used for the preliminary review of background checks, physical examination, polygraph test and psychological test. The training period of my plan is one year, and finally from these 2,000 people. Pick out 200 qualified candidates. That is to say, Eric, you will probably be able to use the security team that belongs to the fireflies at the end of next year. As for the later plans, the original 200 people will continue to be the backbone. We must be very cautious about the selection of these people. You should also be patient. During this time, I will always pay attention to the status of the existing security team around you. Make sure that no problems will occur."

After listening to Robert's remarks, Eric said: "Bob, Firefly Security is not only responsible for my personal security, but also responsible for the maintenance of the entire firefly system. I don't seem to see your plan in this regard?"

"I am only responsible for nurturing the core team," Robert Cromwell said: "Eric, as long as you don't have problems, the entire firefly system will not be a problem. So, the peripheral team is responsible for Carter, I The expectation of the peripheral team is that they can make a cover for the core team, making the entire firefly security company look mediocre and not attracting too much attention."

Eric thought for a moment and nodded. "That's fine, then, Bob, about that yesterday?"

"It's just a small matter," Robert smiled and shook his head, looking at the twins sitting next to him quietly. "I don't ask too much. If you just listen to one person, let Nata and sisters come." ""

Eric frowned slightly: "They are both?"

"Eric, Nata and Eve are more talented than you think. Although they only stayed with me for more than a month, their learning ability has surprised me. I have now confirmed that I have succeeded."

"Of course I believe in the ability of Nata and Eve," Eric nodded and shook his head. He said to Robert: "Just, they are all my women. I don't want them to do these things that they can't do." ”

Eric said that the faces of the twins suddenly became red together.

Robert Cromwell didn't react much, just smiled teasingly, and turned to the tone and said seriously: "In this case, Eric, you should give them enough room to play, not like two small The maid is laying a bed for you all day long, which is aggrieved to them. Moreover, the secret monitoring of this kind of work just needs the most trusted people to do it. It is only such a small matter that I can help them to ensure that nothing is lost. What's more, even if it is discovered, it is no big deal. You have been monitoring for some time ago. Didn't you investigate some things? The result is not enough?"

Eric knew that Robert was right, so he looked at the twins: "Nata, Eve, are you willing to do it?"

Natasha nodded. "No problem, master."

"Eric, I have to give you advice on this point. I don't want my proud students to use this kind of title full of materialized meaning for one person all day, so they must change their name in the future. ""

Eric is embarrassed to say: "Well, after Nata and Eve directly call me Eric."

"So, for the time being," Robert nodded with satisfaction and got up and said: "The next thing, you can tell them both, I will wait to fly to Minnesota, where there is a veteran private with the Canadian border. The bodyguard training center, which belongs to Bucklin, I hope to dig a few powerful people from there."

Eric followed and got up, and together with the twins, sent Robert to the parking lot before returning to the office.

Taking Thomas Jackson's information from the safe and looking at the girl wearing shirt trousers and ponytails like two little squirts, Eric was hesitant: "Are you sure you can do it?"

Natasha nodded again: "Yes, Master."

Eric squinted at the door and shook his head. "You still have to change your name. It was discovered by Robert that you must count me again."


"So, this is the goal you need to monitor. He lives in Washington. What you have to do is pay close attention to this person's every move and record as much as possible in the next two weeks. "Eric said, and shouted: "And, the most important point, protect yourself, don't be found, it doesn't matter if you fail, as long as you are both fine."

Natasha took the file bag and did not open it immediately. She looked at her knees brightly and said, "So, Lord...man, is there anything else?"

Eric touched his nose and realized that it is difficult for the twins to change the title. They can only say: "There is only this for the time being."

Natasha stood up and said: "Then we went to work."

Eric got up and sent the twins to the door. I thought that these two Nizis might stay in Washington for the next two weeks. They went out and gently pulled Natasha in front, and took the initiative to be in the girl’s lips. I kissed it down.

Natasha’s face blushes on the spot and responds gently after a while. However, the girl quickly realizes that her sister is standing beside her, so she pushes Eric away and whispers: “Master, I will go first. Prepare something, Eve can stay."

With that said, Natasha has already taken off Eric's hug and walked outside the door.

Eric looked at Natasha's figure and quickly disappeared into the corridor. He turned to look at Eve, who once again turned into a trapped little beast. He kissed and kissed the girl's face and said: "This I will definitely not let you clip me anymore."

Eve’s often white face has turned into an intoxicating blush, whispering in a whisper: “Master, I didn’t mean it.”

Eric looked at the girl's seductive appearance and couldn't help it anymore. She reached out and picked up the Nizi and walked toward the lounge next to the office.

After some joy, it may be because of the daytime, Eve sneaked away when Eric took a bath, and Eric came out of the bathroom, leaving only a faint scent of the girl in the air.

Going back to the office and thinking about today's work schedule, I picked up the phone and asked the outside secretary. The response was that Paul Ebert had arrived and had been waiting outside for an hour, so he told the other party to come in.

Paul Ebert is a screenwriter from the United Kingdom. In his history, his most famous work was the TV series "Shameless", which was strongly influenced by both the English version and the US version.

Since taking down Showtime TV, Eric has been taking time to select a project script suitable for Showtime style.

The former "Shameless", the earlier English version was also started in 2004.

However, because this is the story written by Paul Albert according to his childhood experience, the script has already appeared. Paul Roland, who is nearly forty years old this year, is not a nameless **** in the writerial world. Eric is looking for it in a targeted way. Naturally, I quickly got the script of "Shameless".

With Eric notice, a gentle middle-aged man quickly walked into Eric's office.

He got up and shook hands with each other, simply whispered a few words, and told the secretary to prepare coffee for the two. Eric picked up the script of "Shameless" and sat down with Paul Ebert on the sofa in the meeting area.

The work schedule is very tight, and Eric has not talked with Paul Albert too much nonsense, directly to: "Paul, I have seen the script of "Shameless", the problem now is that you need to be in a month, The background of the story that happened in Manchester was changed in the United States, and the details could not be too big, so what's the problem?"

Paul Roland took the coffee from the secretary and politely thanked him. He said, "Mr. Williams, can I ask, which city in the United States do you intend to change the story?"

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