I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 370: There is something for you.

From the beginning of August, Eric stayed in New York for another half a month before returning to Los Angeles in a low-key manner. +◆

More than Eric’s 'going back' is the cash flow he took from his own companies. As hundreds of millions of dollars went back to companies such as fireflies, several companies that had panicked because of the sudden exhaustion of funds quickly The normal operation was resumed, and Firefly's chief financial officer, Carolyn Elliott, quietly retracted Citibank's loan application in early August.

At this point, it was a slower person and realized that Eric had won.

In the Middle East, after Saddam Hussein annexed Kuwait, he did not stop the offensive. After the 100,000 army rectified the internal resistance in Kuwait, it directly pressed to the Saudi Arabian border. If Kuwait was annexed, the Western countries were only shocked. The action of Dam at this time has already made most Western countries feel scared.

Because Saudi Arabia, with a land area of ​​more than 2 million square kilometers, has only 70,000 conventional troops, the average is worse than Kuwait, and the ability to resist Iraq’s invasion is not to mention.

Once Saddam re-invaded Saudi Arabia and defended the main channel of the Persian Gulf, the Western countries completely lost control of the Middle East.

The proven crude oil reserves of Iraq, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia account for 45% of the world's total reserves, while the remaining 55% are scattered throughout the world. Therefore, once Iraq annexes Saudi Arabia again, then Sada Mum is calling out the high price of $100 a barrel, and the Western countries can only save money.

In the face of such a threat of Iraq’s nakedness and nakedness, the Arab countries that did not want the West to intervene in the Middle East affairs quickly compromised and accepted the proposal of the United States to send troops.

Simultaneously. Western countries have quickly imposed large-scale sanctions on Iraq. Not only has it frozen hundreds of billions of dollars in assets overseas from Iraq and Kuwait. The most severe embargo has also been imposed on Iraq.

However, this did not prevent the soaring crude oil price, because the Iraqi army was eager to move to Saudi Arabia. In just one week, the price of crude oil soared to 29 dollars, or more than 40%, until August 7, 1990, the Pentagon announced The predecessor of the 82nd Airborne Division of the Federation has arrived in Saudi Arabia. The panic rise in crude oil prices slowed down.

When Eric returned to Los Angeles, the US military had more than 100,000 people in the Persian Gulf, forming a confrontation with the Iraqi army. The international crude oil price rate slowed down again, but in the face of a war that has just started, the rise in oil prices has not stopped. sign.

A black helicopter landed in Prea Vista, in the western suburbs of Los Angeles. Eric took a group of people from the helicopter and introduced them to the administrative districts who came to meet them. Eric followed suit. Stan Winston said: "Stan, what do you think of this place? The place less than a hundred meters ahead is the airport of Howard Hughes. Of course, it is now abandoned. I am planning to buy 100 here. About a hectare of land, build a shooting base that belongs to fireflies."

Stan Winston looked around and said: "I am just sure, you really made a lot of money this time."

Eric smiled a little and didn't pick up the topic.

Now many people who know that he has been speculating on oil futures are wondering how much he has earned. During this time, the temptations in the dark have never been broken.

But now the specific figures don't even know him, because it takes three months to finish in New York.

Noting Erik's expression, Stan Winston laughed too. He just just tweeted and quickly moved the topic to the front: "There is less than five kilometers from Venice. If you want to build a photography base here, the special effects studio in the digital field may also be moved here. The model of the Tyrannosaurus in the Jurassic Park is as high as 20 feet, which requires a lot of space to operate. ""

"I originally thought about this," Eric said. "I will not only build a regular studio here, but also create a special effects film base, Stan, if you want, this base can be your responsibility. ”

Stan Winston was slightly excited, but he said cautiously: "Eric, the geographical conditions here are really good, but there is a big drawback, it is too far from downtown Los Angeles, the traffic is very inconvenient, If you follow your plan, you need a lot of professionals."

"I have also considered this, I will pay to build a system-wide supporting infrastructure here, including residential areas, supermarkets, schools, etc.," Eric said quickly.

Stan Winston is only a little surprised, and the executives of Prea Vista, who are next to Eric, have already been excited. If Eric’s plan is reached, then the economic development of this administrative region will start. To a huge boost.

"Mr. Williams, are you really talking?" A tall, thin, middle-aged white man couldn't help but ask.

"Of course," Eric looked at the other side seriously. "But if you can fully cooperate, I guarantee that the plan will not be completed for more than three years, with a total investment of not less than $1 billion."

The executives of Prea Vista, who was next to Eric, suddenly whispered, and the big project of $1 billion, they didn't even think about it before, and they didn't expect to suddenly encounter such a good thing.

Eric took Stan Winston and others to move forward. The reason why this area was chosen was not Eric’s whim, but because of the memory, the dream factory created by former Spielberg and others. The selected shooting base is here. After many years, it has also developed into a famous Prea Vista community. Many famous movies have chosen to shoot here, such as the "Iron Man" series.

In the morning, Eric wandered around the area of ​​Prea Vista and discussed the preliminary plan with the executives. Near noon, a group of people stood on the edge of an artificial lake and pointed at the surrounding terrain. At the time, a suv drove to the road near the crowd, and several people came down quickly.

The current Prea Vista is also equivalent to the suburbs of Los Angeles. It’s no exaggeration to describe it with sparsely populated people. So the sudden appearance of the off-road vehicle has attracted everyone's attention. Many people realize that the people in the car must be related to their group.

Sure enough, as the people in the car walked down, Eric recognized the tall girl who was walking in front of her, and she was a little surprised, how could Nicole find it here.

In the distance, Nicole confessed to the accompanying bodyguard, and soon came with only a blonde woman of about 30 years old.

When Eric was four or five meters away, the tall girl had already revealed a faint resentment. And the eyes are undisguised, and they are directly locked in Eric.

Eric noticed the inconsistency and looked at his own eyes. Some helplessly welcomed the girl: "Nic, how do you know that I am here?"

"Yeah, it's not easy to find you," Nicole didn't answer the question, just whispered a word.

Eric did not ask again, just a few people who knew where they were going, and thought about where Nicole got the news. Eric turned to look at the blonde woman who was next to Nicole: "Is this?"

"Hello, Mr. Williams. I am sending. Kim Sally."

Eric looked at the woman up and down in amazement. He only remembered to talk to Nicole casually. I didn't expect this for a few months, Nicole has changed the agent.

With the other hand shook hands, Eric smiled and said: "Hello, Ms. Kingsley, that, Cruise is okay recently?"

"Very good, thank you for your concern," sent Jinsily politely, and also looked at the young people in front of him, although Eric had a cooperation with Cruise, but at that time, Cruise's agent People are still Paula Wagner, so this is the first time they have met.

After screaming with the other party, Eric looked at his watch and said to Nicole: "Nic, it’s unfortunate that you came, I just have to go back."

The girl’s gaze suddenly became very resentful: “Do you like to see me so much?”

When I heard the girl, she sent a little raise of eyebrows, and quickly retired a few steps to leave the communication space to the men and women.

Eric shook his head: "No, what I said is true."

"Then can I go to you as a guest?" the girl said again.

"Well, but I came by helicopter. Maybe you have to let your bodyguards go back."

The resentment on Nicole's face immediately vanished, and some little capers nodded. "I will go and tell them."

After a while, Eric and Nicole took the helicopter back to Malibu. As for Stan Winston and Pai Jinsi Li, they were not interested in making light bulbs.

Half an hour later, on the tarmac of Jianjiao Manor, the helicopter came down. Eric took the girl to the villa and asked casually: "When do you change the agent, why don't I know?"

"You haven't cared about me, how could you know, I... I still listened to your suggestion."

Eric coughed and quickly transferred the topic: "How do you feel about her?"

"Alright, Pat suggested that I take a low-key mysterious performance route and try to keep a distance from the public. Others, I haven't seen anything special about her."

Eric just nodded slightly and didn't make any comments. The predecessor. Jin Sili was able to take care of Tom Cruise's career. It seems to be the packaging route. The image of Cruise in more than ten years. The perfection has been maintained, and this route is very practical.

Pushing open the door and taking the girl into the hall, the villa looks empty.

Although Drew returned to Los Angeles with Eric, he only returned to Culver City after a day at the Sharp Corner Manor, and began to work with Elizabeth on the second film of Tg.

Connery has already entered the "Anti-Fighting Condor" crew and got Eric's affirmation. Fox has given a green light to the film. Now he has started shooting. Therefore, there is only one Eric in the villa. People, the servants of the estate usually do not come here.

From the bottom of my heart, Eric actually enjoys the feeling of being alone.

"You sit down first, I call the takeaway," Eric said to Nicole, and said a casual look.

"Or let me make lunch, what do you want to eat?"

Eric did not postpone it, saying: "I don't know, just do it."

The girl nodded and walked towards the kitchen. Although there were not many times to come to the sharp corner manor, Nicole was quite familiar with the villa.

After Eric went to the building to take a shower and changed clothes, Nicole had already put a simple lunch on the table.

Eric sat down at the table and watched the girl sit back opposite for her lunch. He said, "Yes, how is your movie?"

Nicole, who just picked up the knife and fork, got down and sipped a word: "flop".

"Amount, okay, let's eat first," Eric said quickly. He also realized that Nicole was here today. However, when he raised funds some time ago, Eric took 8 million from Nicole. The dollar, it is estimated that this is all the savings of the girl in the past year, and perhaps the movie that paid for the street. As for what the movie is, Eric turned his head but did not think about it.

And Nicole’s resentment against Eric is also here. The girl thinks her relationship with Eric should be more intimate than Julia Roberts.

But now, Julia has had three consecutive films, "Feng Yue Qiao Ren", "Steel Magnolia" and "Together with the Enemy" at the box office, but she only got a "Seattle Night Sleep", then Ai Rick no longer cares about her. The last movie was Nicole's original agent and she chose it. "Seattle Sleepless" just succeeded, and there was no Eric participation. The girl did not dare to change. Drama Road, the choice is still a romantic comedy, after the release in July, almost a month until now, only got more than 10 million US dollars at the box office. You know, because this movie belongs to the same romantic comedy, she took a reward of 5 million US dollars, the total cost reached 30 million US dollars, and at least 60 million at the box office will recover the cost. Now the situation is that this movie It is not bad that the total box office can exceed 20 million.

Because she became famous for her love comedy like "Seattle Sleepless", now she is on the top of her favorite subject. If she doesn't try to find a turnaround, she may soon become a box office poison.

To the annoyance, she contacted Eric several times during this time. The little **** in front of him was shirked for various reasons. Nicole couldn’t bear it. Today, she drove directly to the suburbs to gamble on Eric.

"Right, wait until I have something to give you, I hope you will like it," Eric ate ​​at lunch, feeling that the scene was a bit deserted, and soon found a topic. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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