I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 371: State of mind

Eric was the first time to give her a present, and Nicole looked up curiously: "What?"

"You will know when you wait," Eric laughed.

Nicole picked up her lips and gave Eric a look.

After a slow lunch, Eric took the girl to the study and took out a paper bag from the bookcase and handed it to the girl sitting on the sofa.

Nicole squeezed it and felt it for a moment before opening it. First, I found out a bunch of keys.

"Is this the key?" Nicole asked strangely.

“The apartment in the Upper East Side of Manhattan,” Eric explained. “There is also a check inside, which is the 8 million that borrowed you some time ago.”

Nicole was surprised to dump all the things in the bag, except for the check and apartment property documents, as well as a photo of the interior of the apartment. From the photo, this should be a duplex apartment of more than 200 square meters. Warm tones decorate the style.

"So, the rumors of this time are true?" The girl looked at the stack of photos and said.


Nicole said: "Many people say that you made a lot of money in this oil crisis."

“I really earned some,” Eric said vaguely.

Nicole raised the picture in her hand and raised her eyebrows and smiled: "There must be more than ‘some’. The duplex apartment in the Upper East Side is not much cheaper than the Beverly Peak Mansion. Does that...do other people have it?”

"I just wanted to raise more money as much as possible before I borrowed it from you. I didn't expect someone to suddenly give up, so I should take you to invest together. This house is still earned with your principal. Only you and Vicky have. It’s really bleak to say, only you and Vicky can give me money in women."

"From here you can see how unpopular you are," Nicole groaned and quickly asked: "Julia Roberts should be the richest one, she...a The enemy sleeps and takes 8 million pieces."

Eric shrugged: "When I went to her. Just happened to meet Liz. I heard that I borrowed money. They thought I was joking and drove me out."

Nicole squatted and laughed happily.

Eric also showed a helpless look, although later Julia knew that he was not joking. However, at that time, he had already received a large sum of money from the Seventh National Congress. The girl’s millions would be dispensable, and there would be no more.

"Since it was my own money, I took it," Nicole quickly said, taking back the contents of the coffee table and retracting it into the file bag.

"Right. What are you doing here for me?"

Just a lot of scattered Nico has become resentful again: "It’s really hard to see you now."

"Well, say business," Eric said quickly.

"Do you know Spielberg's recent movie?"

Eric thought about it and asked, "Captain Hawke?"

Nicole nodded. "I have already participated in the audition of the little fairy Ting Cobaer, but there are many people competing. Can you help me to get through?"

Eric recalled the news about Captain Hawke that he saw in the newspaper during this time. This film is the idea that Spielberg had since he was a child. He has been writing scripts over and over again. It has only recently been officially established under the newly established Sony Pictures. It can be said that the wealthy Japanese are another ambitious project, and the investment institutions are not always optimistic about the prospects of this film project. A very professional film magazine also analyzed that the film can at least get a profit of 200 million US dollars.

However, Eric knows that the final result of the film is not as bright as expected. The cost of making a declaration is more than 100 million US dollars, and the box office in North America is only over 100 million. It is a reluctance to return through overseas issuance. And the word of mouth of this movie is even more messy. Critics criticized the film for the illusion of expensive special effects.

"Nicco, although the film is invested by Sony. But the leader is Spielberg, I have nothing to do with him. And before he wants to get the right to adapt to Jurassic Park, it was also me. Refused..." Eric said, but found that the girl’s expression changed from loss to resentment, from resentment to grievance: "This, you..."

"So, you are not willing to help me."

"Actually, this movie is also..."

Nicole immediately interrupted Eric’s words: “You just don’t want to help me!”

"You listen to me, this movie won't be..."

"Enough," Nicole looked at Eric with grievances, and her eyes slowly overflowed with tears: "Why, why are you always so mean to me, where am I doing well enough? Why do you treat those women? So good, some time ago, you just had a comedy movie for that woman, and now many people know it. There is Julia Roberts, I am not as good as her, you prepared three box-offices for her. Billion's movie, do you know what it means to shoot three box-office movies in a row at a time? In Hollywood, she is no one, and Drew, Ha, a 15-year-old producer. And me? I have always listened to you. You asked me to change the agent. I changed it very quickly. You need money. I have loaned you the credit card. Do you know that they have their own house? Or you bought them, but I still live in the rented villa, you said, I am doing something wrong, I just let you say a few words for me, you have to push the three resistance four..."

The girl said and said, she even sobbed in the single sofa with her knees.

This situation was a little sudden, and Eric became confused. He didn't expect Nicole to have accumulated so much resentment against himself.

"Well, Nicole, don't cry, I'll call this, I will help you take this character down," Eric walked to Nicole's side and patted the girl's arm.

Nicole opened Eric's hand and buried her head on her legs and continued to sob, like a little girl who was angry: "I don't want it, don't, you bastard, you are a big bastard."

"Okay. I apologize. I used to be a bit too much. I always ignored your feelings." Eric took Nicole's little hand and said: "Actually, I thought you were so smart and capable. It should not be like them. Always make me worry."

"You are sophistry, you are eccentric," Nicole still condemned one sentence without looking up.

"Ok, I am not arguing, I am wrong," Eric quickly apologized.

"I don't want you to be pitiful. You bastard."

"Yes, I am a bastard."

For a moment, Eric calmed the girl and called out one by one in Nicole's face.

Although Captain Hawke will not bring any benefit to the girl's career, it will not bring any harm. After all, this is a film that has influence all over the world, and even if it is a failure, the responsibility can not be pushed to the heroine. Since Nicole wants to play, then I will fight for it.

After making a phone call, Eric put down the microphone: "I contacted Spielberg, just in Los Angeles. At noon tomorrow I invited him to the Sharp Corner Manor."

Nicole has recovered from her recent disappointment. Holding a few facial tissues in his hand, he cleaned up the makeup on his face and heard Eric’s words. Nicole just licked her mouth and kept shrinking on the sofa.

"Now, let's talk about it," Eric sat across from Nicole.

Nicole’s face suddenly showed a flustered look, like a suspect facing the trial: “I... I went to the bathroom.”

"Well," Eric nodded. Watching the girl stand up and flee into the bathroom, it took a while to get out of it again. The hairpin that had been shackled at this time had been scattered on the shoulders, and the eyes were slightly red. The whole person has a little more temperament.

When the girl sat down opposite, Eric asked very straightforwardly: "Nicole, you like me, right?"

"I...no," Nicole retorted immediately.

Eric, as if he didn't hear the girl, said: "In the past, I was always having difficulty determining this, but today I can be sure."

"That again... what about it, you don't like me, you... this bastard, you only play with me."

"Not so serious?"

Nicole pointed to the desk not far away: "There is a place where you put me on the ground and give you a sigh. After finishing, let me swallow those disgusting things. Have you forgotten?"

"Cough, this, only once."

"Two times, once in the villa in Beverly Hills," Nicole retorted immediately.

"Well, twice, I think we shouldn't talk about this topic right now."


Throughout the afternoon, the girl was like a resentful abandoned woman. Lin Lin always counted Eric’s previous ‘bad acts’ and went to bed at night. The girls were playing with little temper.

"I don't want to make love with you tonight, you don't want to cross the middle line," the girl wearing Eric's t-shirt as a pajamas reached out and stroked in the middle of the big bed, warning.

Eric had some helplessly turned off the lights and lay down on the other side, saying: "Do you know, Nicole, in fact, what you just said is a joke."

The girl in the dark snorted and responded.

Eric continued: "It is another pair of men and women dating, the two live in a hotel, the girl is more reserved, and a line is drawn in the middle of the bed before going to bed, saying that if the boy goes over, it is a beast."

Eric said here, deliberately stopped.

Nicole obviously didn't hear about the passages that were widely spread on the Internet in the past. After a while, I finally couldn't help but ask: "Where... later?"

"Then the boy didn't cross the line drawn by the girl all night."

"Oh," Nicole responded, as if he had turned over and complained: "Nothing."

Eric smiled and said: "I haven't finished yet. When I wake up, the girl sees the boy sleeping on the other side of the dividing line. There is no overstepping action all night. When she reaches out, she gives the boy a slap. Ramp: You are not even as good as animals."

Nicole squatted down, quickly ate and laughed a few times, stretched out her long legs and squatted on Eric: "Bastard, you just say ten cold jokes tonight."

Eric smiled: "Of course, this is just a very pure joke."

Nicole snorted again and said, "Sleep."

"Okay, sleep."

Both of them closed their eyes and slept unconsciously. When they woke up, Nicole found that she did not know when she had been held in her arms by Eric. She did not know when she was a pajamas t-shirt. However, there was only one small inner trousers left on the body, and the man’s big hand was still on her chest.

"You are a beast," I felt Eric woke up, and Nicole snorted at once. The more in the tone was the tenderness.

Eric took the girl into her arms, and the big hand slammed a few times on the girl's chest. She quickly slid down the smooth waist curve and explored the bud silk trousers. Fan, until the girl began to take the initiative to kiss, Eric pushed Nicole away and joked: "Oh, not too early, let's get up."

"Bastard, you play with me again," Nicole suddenly jumped like a little wild cat, holding Eric under his body.

Near noon, a Lincoln car drove into the sharp corner manor, and Eric, who had been waiting for a long time, soon greeted him. Spielberg got out of the car, as if he saw an old friend and hugged with Eric: "Ai Rick, I haven't seen you for a long time."

"Long time no see, how are you, Steven?"

"Alright," Spielberg and Eric sneered a few words before turning to Nicole, who was standing next to Eric: "This is the beautiful Miss Kidman. I have seen your audition. Video."

"Thank you, Mr. Spielberg," Nicole politely shook hands with Spielberg, and both sides chilled for a while, and Eric quickly took Spielberg into the villa.

It was already done by the specially invited chef before lunch. Spielberg was recently divorced and did not bring a female partner, so there were only three of them in the restaurant.

At first, the three people did not talk about the "Captain Hawke", just commented on the lunch, and talked a lot about the fun of the last Hollywood.

It wasn't until half an hour later that lunch was almost eaten. Eric tried to ask: "Steven, the heroine of Captain Hawke is not sure yet?"

Spielberg looked at Nicole, his eyes were a bit weird, nodded: "Yes, Eric."

"What do you think of Nicole?" Eric did not make a roundabout. Anyway, it must be owed to Spielberg today. From the attitude that Spielberg can personally come today, it is very important to take this role. easily.

"Miss Kidman's performance is excellent," Spielberg did see Nicole's audition video. To be honest, "Eric, there are some other issues, one of the current candidates. The actress is also very competitive."

Eric thought for a moment, and suddenly remembered another girl. (To be continued)

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