I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 424: accidents

Near midnight, the window was still raining, but the rain did not disturb Eric at this time.

On the big bed in the bedroom, the woman who was already at the end of the strong hurriedly gasped a few times, and the small hand on the chest of Eric was soft, and the whole person was on Eric.

The temperature in the rainy night became cooler, the windows were not closed, and the cool breeze came in from time to time. Eric thoughtfully pulled the quilt over to cover the two, then wrapped around Virginia's soft waist and felt a pair of plumpness on his chest.

Vegginia slowed down for a while, opened his mouth and slammed it a few times on Eric's neck, and stretched out the hot, hot tongue, screaming, and the voice was hoarsely for a long time: "If It would be great to be able to do this forever."

Eric took a picture on the woman's buttocks and said, "It's not a teenage girl. How come these messy thoughts."

"Oh... hate, you are only twenty years old, can't you say that your hairy boy of this age should say sweet words?"

"It’s all so cooked, saying that this kind of words is numb."

Vignia seemed to be interested, holding up his body and looking at Eric, staring at Eric and staring at him: "Dear, say something, I want to listen."

"Stop, don't talk in this tone, my hair is erected. Ok, okay, I'm brewing, brewing..."

In the eyes that Virginia was looking forward to, Eric ponded for a while before he stuttered: "Small... little baby..."

Listening to Eric's incomprehensible tone, Virginia was screaming and laughing, and the whole person softened again on Eric, learning Eric's tone and imitating: "Little baby... small... Baby."

Eric also laughed with his voice. Said: "Well, don't laugh, mainly because you are too familiar with me, I can't play it out. Let's find a nightclub and let you see my ability to pick up a girl."

Virginia continued to laugh a few times. Only said: "Bragging."

"How could it be, last time I went to New York, I was in a nightclub but I caught two sisters directly. But who told me to stick to the principle, and finally I went back to the hotel alone."

Vignia asked in a crucial way: "Do they recognize you?"

"Amount, this..."

Vegniya laughed again and again.

Eric did not mean to defend the girl from her own. Let Verginia be unable to support for a while, then she said: "Sleep, I have to get up early tomorrow."

Virginia was also quiet very quickly. The little hand stroked Eric's strong chest and whispered, "Eric. You can't even tell the truth, then am I still your love?" ”

"Of course, but I hope that the feelings between us can be biased towards more affection."

"I haven't experienced the taste of love yet, and I have become affectionate. I am so reconciled."

Eric turned his head and kissed him on the face of Virginia. He said, "I am not willing to do this. Little beauty, do you think you still ran?"

Virginia was stunned on Eric. Muttered: "I haven't worn a wedding dress yet, I haven't worn a ring yet."

Eric took the girl's little hand: "Buy a diamond ring for you, the size of the pigeon. How?"

Virginia was laughing: "Does this seem too exaggerated?"

"What do you want to say?"

Vignia thought about it and said, "I want you to design a ring yourself, you have to be unique."

"No problem," Eric agreed without hesitation.

Vignia got the promise and soon settled into a dream, and Eric felt that the wind outside the window seemed to be bigger. Get up and close the window and take a shower. I only slept.

I don’t know how long it was in the mist, and Eric suddenly heard a quick knock on the door. Open your eyes, the sky outside the window is still dark as ink, open the bedside lamp to look at the table, three in the morning.

Feeling Eric's movements, plus the knocking on the door, Virginia woke up and saw Eric hurriedly put on his trousers and went out. He also sat up and found clothes to wear. Up, the crew of the crew couldn't have known that she would be in Eric's room tonight. At this time, I still knocked on the door. It must have been a big deal.

When Virginia was dressed and just walked into the living room, she saw Eric’s face coming back seriously.

"Eric, what happened?"

Eric returned to the bedroom to find his shirt and jacket to wear, saw Virginia's worried look, and shook his head: "Nothing, I want to go out, you are waiting here, don't run around."

When Virginia saw Eric staring at himself, he was even more worried: "What happened, tell me, okay?"

Eric sank a bit and finally said: "At 2 o'clock in the morning, there was a tornado in the northwest of Punk City. It just swept the street set built by the crew, and the staff responsible for the guards were injured. Jeffrey and I are going to hurry now. past."

Eric hurriedly finished and walked out, but felt that Virginia had left the room behind him. At this point, many of the doors in the hallway were opened, and the crew members inquired about what had happened, and no one cares about what happened to Virginia from Eric's room.

The door on the right side of the Eric room was also opened at this time. Joanna, wearing a pajamas, saw the turmoil in the corridor. The confused head was sobered up. After asking the matter, I learned that Eric is going to Going to the scene, I also showed a worried look. The crew filmed "Tornado". Joanna, who has read a lot of information, certainly knows the seriousness of the matter.

Looking at Eric to leave, Joanna stepped forward and pulled Eric's sleeve: "Eric, would you like me to go with you?"

Virginia, who has been with Eric, immediately said: "I will go too."

"When you go back to the room, this hotel is a reinforced concrete building. The weather forecast says there won't be too much storm, so it's safe," Eric said, his voice was very light, and his expression was unquestionable.

Knowing that you are going is not going to help you. Joanna pulled Raviginia and the two women returned to Joanna's room. Eric and Jeffrey also left the hotel with a group of people, and the roar of the engine of the car sounded on the street.

The two women did not have the heart to rest, sitting down on the small sofa in Joanna's room, and Virginia took over the coffee that Joanna handed over. I couldn't help but look at the bright lights outside the window and said, "I said in the afternoon that there might be a tornado. Eric also told me not to crow the mouth, I can't think of it... I really shouldn't say that."

Joanna also poured herself a cup of coffee, sat down on the sofa, and advised: "It's okay. It has something to do with you. Because of this film, I paid more attention to the tornado. During this time I I have seen several tornadoes in the newspapers, which is normal in the Central Plains."

Vignia sighed again, and heard the wind coming from time to time outside the window. Can't help but say: "I hope Eric will have nothing to do."

Joanna licked her slender scorpion and immediately said, "Don't tell me."

Virginia was stunned and immediately caught his little mouth.

On the outskirts about seven kilometers northwest of Punk City, a street scene in the town where the heroine’s aunt’s home is located is now slantingly swayed by some kind of monster, except for the obvious southeast ruins, because of the temporary setting. It is not strong at all, so other buildings are also broken by the wind and can no longer be used.

The lights of several off-road vehicles are shining. An assistant director is telling the senior staff of Eric and other crews: "The seven employees responsible for the guards have hid in the abandoned basement in the south in time, except for one because of a rush, the leg bones may be cracked. Others People are simply skin abrasions, but seven people have been taken to the Punk City Hospital by an ambulance for inspection."

Jeffrey didn't bother to ask: "Is it confirmed that there are seven people, are there any omissions?"

The deputy director nodded: "I personally arranged that the workers responsible for the scenery were all in the nearby towns and went home at night. There are only seven people here."

Eric and Jeffrey have just relaxed. As long as the crew is okay, there is not much problem. Otherwise, it must be entangled with the trade unions.

Because this movie involves too many thrilling scenes. Several major trade unions are stationed here, and it is necessary to slap on their feet.

Eric now understands why so many crews are keen to go to Canada and other places to shoot, low labor costs and high tax rebates are on the one hand, but the most important thing is that they will not be constrained by various unions in the United States. The trade unions are extremely difficult, and if you say something, you still have to listen, you can't harden it, otherwise you will withdraw all of their members in minutes and let your crew stop working.

It seems that he did not notice the relaxed look of Eric and others. The assistant director then said: "However, the town of Rich in the southeast has just been swept by the tornado. I heard that two people have been taken away, not yet. Found, many people were injured."

Eric and Jeffrey looked at each other and didn't know what to say. In this case, no one could say anything like this.

The deputy director also felt that he suddenly mentioned that this incident was somewhat out of date and had to turn to the right thing: "So, Mr. Williams, what to do here, do you want to rebuild?"

Eric looked at the ruins of several lights and shook his head: "Since it was destroyed by a tornado, it is more real than the ruins we made in the later period, so we directly photographed the tornado after crossing. Let's go to the scene, and find a similar town as soon as possible, shooting the scene at the aunt's aunt's house."

A group of people discussed some details. When they returned to Punk City, the sky was already bright. Perhaps because of the gust of wind last night, the clouds in the sky disappeared, and the orange sun slowly explored the horizon.

Back at the hotel, Virginia and Joanna greeted them and saw that Eric was safe and sound.

Although only one of the seven people who guarded the set was slightly injured, during the day, the crew still encountered some entanglement from the trade unionists.

Moreover, the news of the tornado that the crew encountered was also passed down by reporters who stayed in Punk City. They went to the newspaper the next day. The well-known newspapers were able to report truthfully. Those tabloids that feared the world were not scolded. I took the eyeballs and reported that I had tried to go to a serious place and even put the casualties of the town near the sett on the head of the crew.

In just a few days, Punk City has once again flocked to a large group of reporters. Seeing that there is an expanding trend, the fireflies have to make a formal statement in the Los Angeles Times and a joint statement from the relevant trade unions. The storm has subsided.

I don't know if this sudden tornado has blown away the good luck of the crew. The next shooting began to appear in large and small situations, and even a car accident. Eric had to set up a special security team. Because of the delays caused by these conditions, the shooting plan that ended at the end of June may have to be delayed for at least one week. That is to say, Eric will not only miss the premiere of "Toy Story", when "Terminator 2" is released, he It may also be impossible to go back.

The quality of the two films is there, and the work of the declaration is also being carried out in an orderly manner, so that he does not appear, and will not have much impact on the box office of the two films. However, Eric’s concern is the “cut-throat island” that Disney placed between the two films. In early May, the tidbits of “cut-throat island” began to be broadcast on TV. According to intelligence, this The film will be post-production in mid-June and there will be no postponement.

Of course, Eric does not want to postpone the "cut throat". Disney is slamming "Toy Story" and "Terminator 2" for the purpose of inserting "cut throat" between the two films. However, Eric knew that the final attack was definitely "cutting the throat", and he only hoped that the "cut throat" was slammed as bad as possible. Chris will also hear from time to time, now Firefly Investment has used several shell companies in hand to disperse Disney's 7% stocks, if "cutting the throat" can re-enact the original situation in the air, then with The resulting Disney stock price fell, Firefly Investment Company can take the opportunity to absorb more shares.

Because of his full commitment to the production of Tornado, Eric has not left Oklahoma for a few months. After Virginia, Jennifer Connelly, Elizabeth and Drew have come to the crew. Exploring the class, at the beginning of June, Famik Jensen, who finished the film "The End of the Road", also appeared in the crew, but the tall girl only stayed for two days, and had to rush back, the new season "x file" It will also begin to be produced.

After Famik Jensen left, the crew soon ushered in a pink little loli. Eric spent $100 with Ivanka Trump to make a guest appearance in five movies. There are two scenes in the script that can be handed over to Lolita, one of course the heroine 裘. Harding’s childhood, and the other one is to take a ride to the aunt’s house that was destroyed by a tornado. A family of three memories of childhood memories, there is also a little girl in the lens.

Ivanka certainly has no decision. Eric faxed the scripts of the two plays to Donald Trump of New York. The real estate tycoon who has already emerged from the economic crisis finally chose the one with more plays for her daughter. (To be continued)

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