I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 425: Internal test piece

Donald Trump has always been a very popular person, which is evident from his constant enthusiasm for running in Hollywood movies.

After Ivanka chose the heroine's childhood scene, Donald even wanted to personally starred in the heroine's father, but Donald Trump's image of pampering was not related to the Oklahoma farmer. Rick strongly rejected the request of the other party. However, Donald Trump personally took Ivanka, who had just taken a summer vacation, to Punk City in Oklahoma.

At eight o'clock in the evening, on a small farm on the outskirts of Punk City, the crew was busy setting up the shooting scene. Eric was sitting in the director's chair, holding a cup of coffee in his hand, and sitting next to Donald Trump. Chatting with the sky, Ivanka teased a poodle not far away, waiting for the little guy to participate in the filming.

Donald looked at the daughter not far away, and casually said: "Eric, I heard that the filming during this time was not very smooth?"

Eric remembered the shooting experience of the previous two months and said: "There are some people who are really worried. Fortunately, the big scenes are almost finished. The next shooting will be much simpler. How about the recent business?"

Donald Trump said: "I plan to build a high-rise apartment in Manhattan and I am financing. Eric, you have no property in New York?"

Eric thought that Donald should be talking about the famous Trump building near the UN headquarters. He didn't know when the building was built, but it should not be so early. It seems that his appearance has affected Less things.

Because of some experiences of past lives, Eric is not interested in high-rise apartments. There are even some annoyances, he prefers single-family buildings. However, when I heard Donald Trump's sales, Eric did not refuse. It is also a good choice to buy such a high-rise apartment.

"When I am done, I will go see it."

Donald Trump just said casually. Eric’s answer is almost the same as promised, and he has not continued this topic.

Two people were chatting, Ivanka ran over with the puppy, kneeling on the ground and holding the little guy in his arms, looking forward to Donald Trump: "Dad, wave Ke is good. Can I take it home?"

Donald knew that the puppy was a specially bred animal actor and said, "Iny, Polk still has to stay and film, can't go home with you."

Ivanka didn't quite understand what Donald said, and heard his father's answer. Suddenly a little unhappy.

Eric also said with excitement at this time: "Ini, this puppy also has a master. I want to take it home for at least $1,000. Do you have that much money?"

Eric didn't know how much the animal actor was worth. He just remembered the performance of Xiao Loli's financial fans last year. He casually said a number and wanted to see how she would react.

Sure enough, Eric finished this sentence. Ivanka suddenly showed a disappointing look, his thin lips groaning, thinking of $1,000. That is 1000 dollars, she can't get it now. The puppy in his arms seemed to feel the loss of Ivanka, and his tongue was very popular and he snorted in Ivanka’s hand.

Eric felt Ivanka's love for the puppy and said: "But, Ini, if you do well, I can buy Polk for you."

Ivanka was a happy first, but he quickly swayed his small head: "I don't want it."

Eric has some surprises: "Why?"

"Because my mother told me before. The boy sent something to the girl, it must be a bad idea. I don't want to accept your gift."

Looking at Ivanka obviously does not understand the meaning of this sentence, but a serious look, Eric and Donald looked at each other, could not help but laughed.

Ivanka saw the two people suddenly burst into laughter and suddenly showed a sullen expression: "You are all bad guys, ignore you."

When this sentence is finished, Ivanka screams the name of the puppy and ran away.

An assistant director soon came over to inform Eric that the scene was set up. After three or two drinks of the coffee in his hand, Eric got up and started working. The clip was taken out for about three minutes, and today it was definitely one night. Fortunately, Xiao Loli is on vacation, so don't hurry.

However, at the time of shooting, Eric had a small dispute with Ivanka.

Looking at the bear doll in his hand, Ivanka complained to Eric: "Why are you holding this, I am ten years old."

Of course, Eric can't say that this is his own bad taste. After Ivanka appeared in "The Ghosts Are Not Ghosted", Eric intends to let the girl appear in the image of the little girl holding the puppet. In the movie that came down, it was like an old man who was always in a superhero movie.

"Ini, this is a movie prop, you see, that's what you wrote in the script," Eric swayed the script in front of Ivanka.

Apparently, Xiao Loli didn’t know that the script could be changed. Seeing the script’s unclear and savvy stuff, she wrote a bear puppet in her arms, and she had to obey.

After the scene was turned on, the shooting was exceptionally smooth. Although Xiao Loli occasionally appeared stupid, it was only limited to the limitations of age. It was very aura, even more than playing her parents. The adult actor has made fewer mistakes and only spent two nights. The filming of the childhood experience was completed.

When I left, Ivanka took the puppy away. The actor often took it because of the feelings of the animal actor.

After Ivanka left, the filming of the crew continued to be carried out in an orderly manner, as most of the thrilling scenes had already been filmed, and the subsequent shootings did not appear too big.

In the second week of June, the Disney Headquarters in Los Angeles, an internal filming that was very much noticed by many people, was held here. Michael Eisner, Robert Shea, and Disney’s top executives all appeared in the screening room. in.

Although the first movie with a investment of over 100 million has been taken away by Terminator 2, "cut throat" is still in the morning than "Terminator 2", so this budget has also been increased to 100 million US dollars. The attention of the media and fans is not at all lower than that of Terminator 2.

Screening room. After the short title, Gina Davis played the heroine Morgan Adams first through a simple small reversal, and then the aerial picture of the huge pirate ship, the magnificent sea sunset, the huge pirate ship moored on the sea The picture is very beautiful. Next, the heroine boarded the pirate ship and successfully took over the role of the father's captain through a series of confrontations with the pirates on board, and led the pirates to begin the treasure hunt.

If Eric is on the scene, he will surely find that the section of the film that the city is chasing is very similar to the "Pirates of the Caribbean" in memory. Even the costumes, sets, and so on in the movie are in the same vein as Pirates of the Caribbean.

However, the biggest difference between the two films is that there is no special effect scene in "cut throat". Even if the last two warships bombard each other, they do not use too many special effects, which is completely real shooting.

But it is precisely because there is no special effect. This big-produced pirate film also showed no highlights, and the plot of the whole two hours from beginning to end seemed to be a bit sloppy.

Perhaps because the expectation was too high, after the two-hour movie was finished, the people in the screening room didn't even have many people applauding. Many people looked at each other instead, because after watching a movie, they didn't feel it at all. The film has anything special, even if it was the scene of the last two ships shelling each other. For those who have experienced the visual baptism of many war films, there is no feeling of enthusiasm. Moreover, the process of the heroine's treasure hunt is too dull. There is no suspense.

After the projector room lights up, Michael Eisner looks a bit gloomy. So far, he has not produced this is the big pit that Eric dug. But it was very dull, and there was no cool movie to play. He naturally took the mistakes on Rennie Haring’s head.

At this time, Renee Harling is the director of the film. Instead of sitting in the first row, he sat in the second row with Gina Davis. However, it was arranged behind Michael Eisner and Robert Shea.

After seeing the reaction of everyone in the screening room after the movie was finished, Renee Harling also apparently had a bad feeling.

He also realized that the film was too bright. but. Renee Harling didn't think it had much to do with himself. Because he is the director of this film, but as an investment is hard to get a hundred million dollars in the blockbuster, even if he is the director, there is not much authority, although involved in the editing of the film, but the final final editing The power is not in his hands.

Moreover, Rennie Haring originally proposed to make the film a r-rated film. In that case, many scenes can be played more freely. But because of the cost, neither Disney nor Robert Shay agreed with his suggestion, and the film was set at pg-13, which means that there should be no intense and **** scenes in the movie, so it looks like now The fight between the pirates is a bit of a play.

Michael Eisner was very eager to vomit at this time what the garbage was, but so many people here, he could not say such a thing. What's more, this film is fully supported by him. If Michael Eisner really said this, it would be like playing his own face.

After more than a decade of filming, Robert Shea’s vision in the film is also very good. At least, he still has a considerable appreciation for the film, so after reading it, Robert Shea’s heart also produced A bad premonition.

"So, everyone can talk about how the movie is, where... where needs to be modified?"

After everyone moved to the conference room, Michael Eisner took the lead.

More than a dozen people in the conference room face each other and climb to the high-level seats. The judgement of the movie box office prospects will not be too bad. After watching the films, the executives basically made movies without too much. Highlights, conflicts are not intense enough to judge, at this time, no one is willing to speak first, if anything is wrong, if the film fails, it is likely to be black in the future.

The scene was silent for a minute, and Michael Eisner frowned slightly, directly to Renee Harling, who was sitting on his right side: "Mr. Harlem, let me talk about it?"

Michael Eisner has been affectionately calling her own Renee. He heard that even the title has changed. Renee Harling is also very depressed, but Michael Eisner directly nicknames, and he is not very well equipped. Dumb: "Mr. Eisner, I don't think I have to make any changes. This final cut is not bad."

Renee Harling specifically bite the word about the 'final clip version', just want to remind everyone that this version has nothing to do with himself, because his shooting concept has not been fully reflected.

The presence of people is fine, how can't hear the meaning of Renee Hani's words, a few people have revealed a less obvious sneer, now say what is the use of this, if this film costing 100 million US dollars failed, Renee Harlem, the director, don’t want to mix in Hollywood.

Noticing the expression of some people, Renee Harling also realized this, and her face became a little hard to look at.

The film plus Xuanfa, Robert Shay only out of 50 million US dollars, at this time he was somewhat fortunate that he only got 40% of the investment.

However, Robert Shea also did not want to see her own $50 million. Moreover, as an outsider, he did not have much scruples. When Renee Harlem finished, Robert Shea said: "Or, postponed?"

Upon hearing this, the atmosphere in the conference room was once again chilled.

Without being willing to talk, Michael Eisner had to open his head and said: "When is the extension, when is it, at the end, or next year?"

The original release date of Cut-Throat Island is June 28th. The summer file has started a little while. At this time, it is not possible to post it in August at the end of the summer season. What's more, Disney has signed with the theater. The scale of the premiere of 2,500 theaters, because of the Gulf War at the beginning of the year, the major studios have reduced the scale of production. If the "cut throat" is postponed, Disney can't even get a substitute film, only paying a high amount. Liquidated damages.

Moreover, the extension of the film will certainly make outsiders doubt the quality of the "cut throat". Don't look at the reasons why many film companies change the film schedule is always so grand, but in fact most people in the circle know that if a production The finished movie suddenly changed the schedule, which is definitely a big problem with the quality of the movie.

In the end, Michael Eisner’s deputy, Disney’s president, Frank Wells, said: “The risk of film extensions will be even greater, so it’s best to release them as planned.”

Michael Eisner looked at the executives of the issuing department and said: "In this case, the distribution plan is definitely going to change, Clark, let me talk about it."

According to the plan, after the internal test film, the next screening of the film-cutting people of the "cut-throat island" will be arranged and the audience will be screened, and the final premiere.

But now everyone has no confidence in the quality of the film. In order to prevent the film from being released yet, there will be a one-sided bad reputation review. The large-scale screening and the screening will definitely not be carried out. (To be continued)

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