I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 488: Or do you see it yourself?

Eric had eaten breakfast and, under the arrangement of the staff, began to meet with the guests who attended the opening ceremony.

At nine o'clock, the opening ceremony officially began. Eric and Jeffrey Kasenberg joined the management of the new paradise on the makeshift stage, and after a brief interaction with the media participating in the opening ceremony, Carson Berg went to the microphone as Disney's ceo and began to make regular speeches.

“Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the European Disneyland. This is an exciting time...”

Eric has been watching all the surrounding with a smile. In addition to the guests and a large number of reporters, there are countless tourists gathered in the square of the new paradise. Moreover, Eric also knows various performance activities inside the park. They are all ready, and everything seems to be developing according to the expectations of many people.

With the warm applause on the square, Kasenberger ended his speech and officially announced the opening of the European Disneyland.

In the sound of music and salute, countless tourists began to flow in the direction of the gate.

Eric also joined Kasenberg with the guests attending the ceremony to enter Disneyland.

After more than an hour of entertainment, it was because of the opening of the first day of the park. The management, including Kasenberg, always had to pay attention to the operation situation in order to deal with the unexpected situation, so it was quickly dispersed. In their respective positions.

Eric and Kasenberg have said goodbye and are planning to go back to the hotel to rest, for the overnight night, and Patrick Schneider’s voice came from behind: "Mr. Williams. Please wait."

"Pat, is there anything?" Eric stood at the roadside and stopped and asked.

Patrick Schneider took out a floppy disk from his pocket: "This is the case. Mr. Williams, I don't think there is much need for the survey of tourists you said. We have done a lot of research work beforehand. Moreover, it has only just opened today. According to the current situation, the number of tourists on the first day will definitely exceed 100,000. Everyone must be crazy and have no time..."

Eric took the floppy disk over. He also noticed the disapproval of Patrick Schneider's face, but Eric did not have much feeling in his heart, the current situation of European Disneyland. Responsibility is not just on the management side of Disney. All the people involved in this project are too optimistic and blind, which has caused the current situation. Everyone feels that the European Disneyland cannot fail, so there are some small details. It’s also awkward to be slow.

"Since you are too busy, forget it," Eric Moss slammed the floppy disk in his hand and continued: "But I just happen to be a idler. You can give me fifty people. I personally do it. There are tens of thousands of employees in the park. Fifty people should not be a problem?"

Patrick Schneider’s just relaxed look stretched out. Although this young man is twenty years younger than himself, everyone knows his identity. Eric said that he is understatement, but he dares to let the big boss personally do the questionnaire.

Patrick has been in middle age and is able to climb to the top of Disney's high-level position. He soon felt that Eric’s reason for wanting to do this so-called questionnaire was just a means of declaring his power. Just rejected by myself, it caused the big boss to rebound.

"Mr. Williams," Patrick Schneider hesitated for a few seconds and quickly made a decision. He reached out to Eric and seemed to want to get the floppy disk back: "In this case, let me arrange it, I will be Submit the results to you within a week."

Eric smiled. In the face of this very well-thought-out executive, the disappointment in the bottom of my heart also dissipated. His age has always been his own weakness. It is not the first time to be despised: "Pat You still do your own thing, give me fifty people, I will let my assistant do it."

Patrick Schneider knew that Eric was giving himself a step and nodded quickly.

Eric handed the floppy disk over again, watching Patrick Schneider leave, Eric suddenly couldn't help but scream at each other and asked, "Pat, do you really think there is no problem with European Disneyland?" ?"

Patrick Schneider certainly won't say anything, thinking: "Mr. Williams, there will definitely be some problems, but this new paradise is built according to the specifications of our Native American Disneyland, even if there are some flaws. But there will never be a big leak."

Eric produces a kind of impulse, and he almost realized that it is built according to the specifications of Native American Disneyland. This is the biggest problem in Disneyland Paris!

"Okay, go ahead, I will let Allen contact you."

Patrick Schneider had some doubts about Eric's expression, but did not ask, and promised to leave.

Eric originally planned to attend the opening ceremony and return to Los Angeles with a little rest. After all, the post-production work of Jurassic Park is going on intensely. It is not wise to leave for a long time, but realize that Disney in Europe After the issue of the park, Eric had to extend his stay time.

In the next week, Eric was basically spent in various kinds of entertainment parties waiting for the results of the questionnaire to be released. In addition to the official party in the French capital to celebrate the opening of the European Disneyland, there are various Various private party invitations.

It was another night's entertainment. Eric walked out of a mansion in the 16th district of Paris, and eagerly said goodbye to the owner.

This is a family party hosted by the chairman of Gaomeng, Nicholas Sedu. The invitations are also famous French filmmakers. Eric is not very fluent about French movies, both in past lives and in this life, but he is against this family. The film produced by the high-Movie film company is very interested, and some of the French filmmakers that Eric is interested in have also cooperated with Gao Meng Film Company, so they are happy to participate in this party. However, perhaps it is bad luck. In the filmmakers who attended the party tonight, there is no object that Eric knows.

The driver drove the car over, and Eric finally shook hands with Nicholas Saidu: "Mr. Saidu, thank you for your invitation, and the next time you come to Los Angeles, don't forget to visit the Sharp Corner Estate."

Nicholas Cedou smiled and nodded: "I will, Eric."

All the way back to the Disneyland Hotel on the outskirts of the city, Eric just walked into the hotel lobby and saw Allen, who seemed to have been waiting for a long time, approached himself.

"Eric, the results of the questionnaire have been fully completed, a total of 10,700 copies," Allen said a few words, and finally he handed his thick paper bag to Ai. Rick: "I think, let's see it for yourself." (To be continued)

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