I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 489: Mickey Mouse wearing a kimono

Seeing Allen’s expression, Eric realized that the results of the survey were not optimistic. Although he was already prepared for this, after returning to the hotel room, Eric unpacked Allen’s portfolio and watched it. To the statistics, I still frowned.

The questionnaire was not written by Eric out of thin air, but was based on some forward-looking data from Disney's original project plan. Putting the information aside for a while, Eric once again opened his own Apple K laptop, and found the original data he extracted from the data that night, compared with the actual data in the questionnaire.

Usually, Eric always sleeps easily after drinking alcohol, but after reading the two relative data, Eric is not sleepy, and even the original slight scent of wine disappears.

After a moment in the study, Eric picked up the phone and tried to call Kasenberg, who had already returned to Los Angeles. But thinking about it, Eric put down the microphone and picked up the stack of information and walked out of the room. Find the fax machine in the hotel manager's office and pass all the information to the Kasenberg office.

Although Paris is late at night, Los Angeles is only three o'clock in the afternoon. It is still working time. With Kasenberg's workaholic character, even if he is no longer in the office, his assistant will send the information to Carson in the shortest time. In the hands of Berg.

After all the data was transferred, Eric returned to his suite and sat at the desk to read the results again. I tapped on the laptop's documentation for a while, until I was at one o'clock in the morning, and finally couldn't help but plan to go to rest.

He is just about to wash. The phone ringing in the room has already ringed.

Eric picked up the phone.

"Eric is me," although the transoceanic phone made Kasenberg's voice look a little distorted, but Eric still heard the dignity in his tone: "I have seen what you have passed, I I will arrive in Paris tomorrow."


The opening of Euro Disneyland for a week not only exceeded 100,000 visitors on the first day, but also exceeded 500,000 in the first week. Although the management of Euro Disney knows that this is because the park has just opened, they are very optimistic that they will be estimated in the next four months in 1992. The total number of visitors to the park exceeded 10 million.

At least, Patrick Schneider, who is the ceo of the European Disneyland, thinks so, and the French investors who participated in the investment in building the European Disneyland are also confident. After the busy start, Patrick Schneider has been attending various commercial or private parties recently. Enjoy the compliments and touts of investors who are looking forward to working with Disneyland on projects.

Adjacent to the Champs Elysées, the Paris Hilton Ballroom is another guest gathering, Patrick Schneider is talking to an executive at the Vivendi Group, his assistant rushing through the crowd to come to him. The face was anxiously making a few gestures towards Patrick Schneider.

Patrick Schneider was a bit unhappy, but he noticed the expression of his assistant, but he still had to be a middle-aged man in front of him: "Sorry, Mr. Melson, I may have to leave. About the cooperation between Euro Disneyland and canal+ TV, I Will be carefully considered."

The middle-aged man named Melson also noticed the action of Patrick Schneider's assistant, and walked away with great interest.

Patrick Schneider gave a toast to the other party after leaving. I turned to the assistant: "Karl, is there anything that I have to say at this time?"

"Mr. Schneider, Mr. Kasenberg has come," said the young assistant named Carl.

Patrick Schneider raised an eyebrow: "Mr. Kasenberg, did he just return to Los Angeles three days ago?"

Carl shook his head and gestured in a panic. Continued: "Mr. Schneider, I don't know the specific things. However, I just received a call from Mr. Kasenberg, who is already at the Disneyland headquarters. He also said that let you Go back in an hour and a half, otherwise... otherwise you won't have to go back."

Patrick Schneider opened his mouth in surprise and stared suspiciously at the assistant's gaze. He seemed to want to determine if the other person was joking with himself, but after a few seconds, Patrick Schneider rushed out of the banquet hall and even forgot. Put down the goblet in your hand.


Because of the agreement signed with France, the European Disneyland was fully handed over to Disney. Therefore, the executives of European Disney who are responsible for the managerial level of each department are almost all Americans. The French partners can only get some symbolic. Insignificant seats.

Patrick Schneider rushed into the conference room almost at the time given by Kasenberg, and saw that he came in, and everyone in the conference room full of people looked at him.

Kasenberger was sitting on the large conference table with Eric and whispering something. Patrick Schneider came in, and Kasenberg just glanced at him and pointed his finger at a vacancy. Then I went back to talk with Eric.

Although just a glimpse, Patrick Schneider saw the obvious eye bags behind the Kasenberg glasses.

In addition to the two big bosses whispering whispers, the other executives in the conference room were sitting tightly and quietly in their seats. Patrick felt the atmosphere and felt a little uneasy, sitting down in his position. Afterwards, even the sweat on the forehead did not dare to reach out and wiped it. It was just that the director of operations sitting across from him had cast a questioning look, but the harvest was just a look of disappointment.

"Well, everyone is here, then let's get started," Kasenberger whispered a few words with Eric, only to clap his hands and say, after Kasenberg's opening, he originally sat. The nearby administrative secretary distributed the information that had been prepared long ago.

Eric just sat quietly. Playing with a pencil in his hand, quietly watching everything around him. Now that he has figured out the problem, it is the best choice to hand over to Kasenberg, who is more adept at the company. Eric has always been very clear about his strength. Although he has an innate advantage in making movies, running a large film company is beyond his ability. Moreover, he does not have enough energy to do this. Professional matters are left to professional people to deal with. It is the best choice, the heart of the two worlds. It also makes him not angry because his subordinates are superior to themselves.

With the page turning of the paper, the atmosphere in the conference room was barely slack. It also rang the whispers of everyone. But this whispered conversation lasted only less than two minutes, and as everyone looked at the data in hand, the conference room became quiet again.

Kasenberg scanned the dozens of executives in the room and waited patiently for more than ten minutes. Until I was sure that everyone had finished reading, I said: "Okay, now everyone is watching what is in their hands. With your professionalism, I think you will definitely be aware of the seriousness of the matter. If not, then now You can leave this room and the company will pay you two years' salary as compensation for your departure."

No one is open, of course, no one will choose to leave.

As the person with the highest position in the conference room except for the two bosses. Patrick Schneider was even more guilty of a big disaster. He sneaked at Eric, who had never opened his mouth, and hurriedly collected it before he noticed himself. Patrick Schneider knew that the results of the investigation were made entirely under the personal command of Eric. European Disneyland is part of Disney, and of course the industry of Firefly. Patrick Schneider certainly does not believe that Eric will falsify on these data.


Looking down at the data in front of him, Patrick Schneider tried again to feel a faint collapse. One of the most important questions in the questionnaire is of course the satisfaction of visitors to Disneyland. This topic was divided into five grades according to the convention, which were very satisfied, satisfied, average, dissatisfied and very dissatisfied. About 10,000 people in the questionnaire. The number of people who are very satisfied with the selection is only over 900 people, and the number of tourists who are very dissatisfied is as high as 3,400. The number of people in the middle three is also the most dissatisfied and the least satisfied. If you convert by a full score, the data will be far below the six-point pass.

Those who can come and play in the first few days of the opening are definitely the most desirable and highly anticipated guests of Disneyland. Most of them are probably fans of Disney movies. The impressions of these tourists are so bad. I would like to see how the subsequent visitors will feel about the European Disneyland.

“23% of tourists chose to have satisfactory results, 76% of tourists chose not to visit again, 90% of tourists said that the fees for the park were very unreasonable, and there was a lot of free communication, such as language exchange. Commodity prices and even parking spaces are very detailed and can't be ignored. If you don't have this questionnaire, maybe we will go to the quarterly summary to find out that there are such serious problems in the European Disneyland. I think that time, All the tourists who are looking forward to the European Disneyland have already left with disappointment. Once the word-of-mouth is spread out, it will be a long and difficult project to turn it around again."

After finishing the words, Kasenberger was silent for a while before continuing to say: "At the same time, I also asked the operation department to make a rough statistics on the per capita consumption of tourists. The average expected consumption of visitors to the park was about 300. The dollar is around, and the actual figure is only $120, which is still the data obtained by a large number of tourists who feel that the ticket is too high. The occupancy rate of the seven theme hotels is only 37%, far lower than the original estimate of 75%, that is, Say, even if the current situation is relatively good, the turnover of Euro Disney will only be 40%. If you don’t care about this situation, then you can be sure that this new Disneyland will not be like Tokyo. Disney is as profitable as it will bring in more than $500 million in losses."

After Carlsenberg finished these words, the management of the European Disneyland sitting at the start was already awkward. Everyone could hear the anger from Kasenberg's tone. This is an anger that feels deceived. Senberg is also very angry. Since taking over Disney at the beginning of the year, in addition to the Disney headquarters business, Kasenberg is undoubtedly the European Disneyland project. In the past six months, he has personally flew to Paris to inspect the preparations for Disneyland. But in the past six months, he has not found any problems in the information submitted by the management of the European Disneyland. From the reaction of these people in front of him, Kasenberg knows that it is unlikely that it will be concealed. It is more likely that these people Because of the blind confidence in the project, many problems are ignored.

I saw Eric next to my eyes. The anger in Kasenberg's heart dissipated and his lips moved. Kasenberg said: "In the current situation, I also need to take some responsibility, but you can't run one. Because I have a submission from the French local staff in the park, which lists a lot. The questions mentioned by the tourists in the survey report indicate that these problems existed from the beginning, but they were ignored by you. Therefore, as a punishment, everyone present is halved in the next four months of this year, of course. I personally will accompany you to this punishment. If someone disagrees, my promise is still valid. You can leave this office now."

In the conference room, a number of executives face each other. Although many people secretly smashed Eric, no one dared to point out the language of the other party in the case of Kasenberg’s anger, and no one objected to the punishment. .

"Well, if that's the case, let's move on to the next topic. Discuss how to solve the current situation, Pat. Start with you," Kasenberg bluntly pointed to Patrick Schneider, leaving no face to each other. the meaning of.

Patrick Schneider adjusted his mood and said: "I think, first of all, you should make appropriate adjustments to the park tickets and the price of the theme hotel..."


From ten o'clock in the evening, this long meeting has been open until 4:30 in the morning. The big project with a total investment of 5 billion US dollars has such a serious problem, and no one in the venue dares to raise an objection.

Until the daylight was light, the administrative secretary in charge of the record wrote a thick stack of minutes, and the meeting came to an end.

After completing his final speech, Kasenberg made a speech to the whole night, Eric said: "Eric, do you have anything to say?"

Eric still held the pencil in his hand and heard Kasenberg's words and nodded: "I have a photo here, I can show it to everyone."

He said, he took a roll of paper that had been placed at his feet and took it to the administrative secretary behind him, indicating that he was hanging on the board of the conference room.

Everyone looked at the tablet with strong curiosity.

The enlarged photo was opened by the administrative secretary. The executives at the scene discovered that it was a picture of Mickey Mouse, but the difference was that it was a Mickey Mouse wearing a kimono.

"I think everyone knows the clothes on this Mickey Mouse. That's right. This is a photo of Tokyo Disneyland. The reason why Tokyo Disneyland has been a huge success is because of Tokyo Disneyland. The management knows how to adapt to the local culture of Japan. In order to attract consumers, they can let Mickey Mouse wear a kimono, and can hold adult ceremonies for Japanese youth in Disneyland. Disney culture is certainly Disney's pride, but everyone should remember Disney is a for-profit business company. We don't undertake tasks such as cultural aggression. What we care about should be whether the company can make a profit. This is the ultimate philosophy that a business company should uphold. I think it’s too utilitarian to say this, but you can also think about movies. The reason why Hollywood movies can expand around the world, the most important thing is that we can give everyone what they see, and the European film. So the decline is that they have been holding their own stubborn Art ideas do change, I would say that a trend of decline thing, whether it is a company, or a culture, have no pride at all. Made to do this, we have a good think about it. "

After a moment of silence, under the leadership of some people, applause sounded in the conference room.

Kasenberger gambled back and stared at the picture of the Mickey Mouse wearing a kimono. When everyone calmed down, he said to Eric: "Eric, you are right. Is there a photo of this photo? I am going to put one on my desk."

After Eric smiled and nodded, Kasenberger looked at the people present: "I also suggest that you copy one and put it on your desk. It is a kind of spur. Of course, this is just my personal suggestion. I don't want to, I hope that everyone can remember the concept represented by this photo." (To be continued)

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