I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 496: MGM, which is about to be auctioned

Fifteen million is the limit of the current Hollywood star's pay, and the stars that can get this pay is not too much. Moreover, under normal circumstances, it is the price of blind money that foreign investors who are rich and powerful are blindly opening. The pay of Arnold Schwarzenegger, Stallone and others was lifted by European film investors led by German investors, because these actresses have an extraordinary reputation and box office appeal in Europe. In addition, mastering the Japanese consortiums in Colombia and around the world, the price of star pay is also becoming more and more bold. The local forces in Hollywood have hated this kind of 'blind price increase', but they are unable to stop this trend.

"The 15 million is too high. He is not worth much. Although the box office of "Disguised Geek" is good, this movie should be an exception. Although other films of Kim Kerry still have the overseas box office appeal, However, it is absolutely impossible to reach twice the level of overseas box office, so wait until after the release of "Detective Airplane Head", and you can't put all your energy on Kim. Kerry."

Drew nodded and agreed: "Well, I think so too. Anyway, he signed the option contract, and no one will ever redeem him. Besides, we have not treated him badly. If he does not know how to be good, Then go on the side."

The option contract signed by Kim Kerry is very interesting. The compensation for breach of contract of 100 million US dollars is not difficult for other big studios. It is the box office appeal of Kim Kerry. The first two films he worked with tg earned more than $100 million in profits for the company.

However, there is a problem that is difficult to solve here. If other film companies look at Kim’s box office appeal and want to redeem for him, then after the redemption, others will pay out 100 million US dollars. Kim Kerry has almost no choice but to sign with the gold master again. The option contract, and in order to earn back $100 million in damages. The conditions of the option contract will certainly not be much better than the one given by tg, otherwise it will be. Even the shareholders of those movie companies will not agree, as long as Kim Kerry’s brain is not sick, he will not choose this path.

Drew said something about himself and began to curiously ask about the situation in Eric France. After eating dinner, I talked very late, and the two talents slept.


The next day, when the sky was light, Eric woke up and gently removed the little Nizi wrapped around him. Eric gently dressed downstairs and left Los Angeles for a few months. Run around. Eric's biological clock became a little messy, and looked at the watch, only 5:40 in the morning. Get up a little earlier than before.

After running for half an hour in the manor in the morning, Eric returned to the villa, made a quick breakfast, left a copy for Xiao Nizi, and began to eat while reading the newspaper.

The entertainment layout of many newspapers is still concerned about the latest developments in Viacom and qvc competing for Paramount. Martin Davis also estimated that he probably couldn't keep Paramount and didn't want the company to fall into his original subordinates. So in early September, he signed a shareholding priority transfer agreement with Viacom, but qvc immediately filed a document with the Federal Trade Commission, suing the relevant contract signed by Paramount and Viacom for violating federal transactions. Law, the two sides have been arguing about this matter this month.

After flipping through a few newspapers, Eric quickly saw another interesting thing about one of the seven big MGM, the casino tycoon Kirk Kokorian’s property in MGM After the assets were sold out, they began to use MGM's intangible assets as a bargaining chip to play the capital game. Two years ago, Cork Kokorian sold MGM to the head of Giancarlo Paredi. The Italian consortium once again made a large sum of money, but recently Giancarlo was accused of fraudulently defrauding funds from investors to obtain control of MGM. From the analysis of the article, Giancarlo Pa The possibility of Reddy losing is very high.

Once Giancarlo loses, MGM will be auctioned by the bank in order to repay the creditors deceived by Giancarlo.

Eric stared at this report for a moment, but decided to make a wall view. Although MGM’s performance this year was terrible, the dead camel was bigger than Ma, and the MGM was able to make the firefly’s film library at least Doubled, but wanting to completely annex the company will definitely drain all the liquidity in hand. This is not a cost-effective thing. After all, there are more and more valuable opportunities to wait for yourself.

After breakfast, Eric did not rush to the company, still reading the newspaper slowly.

When I heard the doorbell ringing, Eric got up and walked to the living room.

Tina Fein held a stack of materials in her hand, wearing a neat black ol suit, with iconic black-framed eyes, stepping on the small high-heeled stand outside the door.

"Early, Tina," Eric had some surprises: "How come so early?"

Tina Fei saw Eric, I didn’t know what I thought of, and some of the bad words were slightly squinting, indicating the information in the next hand: “Drew said that he would not go to the company today, let me take the materials. Look here."

Eric put the girl sideways and said: "It doesn't have to be so early, it's just eight o'clock."

"I... I have nothing to do," Tina Fernane replied, seemingly awkward.

Eric also realized the girl's emotions and didn't ask again. She walked into the restaurant with Tina: "Have you had breakfast, did I do something?"

"Not yet," Tina. Fifi whispered, placing the documents in her hand on the table, watching Eric walk to the kitchen, looking at the man's back, and then remembering what it was like, hurriedly The past: "I will come by myself."

"Well, there are milk and juice in the fridge, you pick it yourself," Eric confessed, walking toward the restaurant.

Tina Fei walked over with a breakfast and sat down opposite Eric. The cat ate in a small mouth and chatted with Eric from time to time. Eric turned over the newspaper in his hand. Inadvertently seeing Tina Fe’s documents on one side, he asked, “What are these, can I see?”

"Of course. There are some scripts, there are others," Tina Fei nodded.

Eric turned the folder open and accidentally picked up his eyebrows because he saw a familiar name, "Buffy the Vampire Hunter."

After the opening, Eric discovered. This turned out to be a TV drama development plan, however. There is only a simple outline of five or six pages in the document. Eric has never seen many TV series of "Vampire Hunter Buffy", so I don't know the gap between this storyline and the original TV series. He was quite surprised. He just mentioned this with Elizabeth. The girl could think of this, and she also got the TV drama adaptation rights of the movie.

Think again, this incident is not too unexpected. The peripheral development value of a movie, in addition to remake, development sequel, is probably the development of the TV series, and the "Vampire Hunter Buffy" box office should not be too good. Therefore, the sequel is basically unnecessary, and the remake is even less valuable, and only the version of the TV series is left.

The original "Vampire Hunter Buffy" will not begin broadcasting until 1997. It’s five years ahead of time, plus how many originals are basically not available, and Eric has not made my TV show a success. However, there are many classic American TV dramas in my mind. Erik sees that several girls want to toss the "Vampire Hunter Buffy" and there is not much feeling.

Chao Tina Fei Yang raised the documents in her hands. Eric asked: "Are you going to do a TV show?"

Tina Fei nodded, and some unexpectedly asked: "Is this not your opinion?"

"No. I just said it casually. I didn't expect Liz to come here. What are you going to do?"

Tina Fei temporarily stopped eating and sorted out her thoughts: "We have discussed it and intend to adapt this film into a fantasy adventure film for young people."

Eric recalled the memory of the "Vampire Hunter Buffy" in his mind. The version starring Sarah Michelle Galla really dominates the youth market, so the ideas of several women are not wrong: "There is no problem with this idea." But it's best not to be too anxious, spend more time on the script, and the audience will eventually want to see a good story. I just read this outline and didn't feel anything special."

Tina Fei suddenly blushes and bows her head, because the outline was written by her. When I heard Eric said, the girl was inevitably hit by some small blows.

Eric saw Tina. Fei’s expression and immediately understood: “Is this story outline written by you?”

"Well, I just tried to write one."

"Oh, it doesn't matter. It's good to write such a story as your newbie. It's good to practice it later. In fact, I have a feeling that you will become a good screenwriter." Eric smiled Encourage.

"Thank you, Eric," Tina Fein certainly knows that Eric is encouraging herself, and some gratefully whispers.

I also briefly looked at the other materials brought by Tina Fe, and put forward some small suggestions. Eric got up and said: "I am going to work, Drew will get up, you will first Stay here, just right, there is a fax machine on the east side of the curtain wall. If there are documents coming over, you can help me to sort it out."

Tina Fei nodded quickly: "No problem."

When I saw Eric out of the restaurant, Tina Fein subconsciously put down the tableware in her hand and followed it out.

Eric returned to the study and took some documents, changed clothes, and when I left the villa, I saw Tina Fey, like a small woman at home, behind me, couldn’t help but hold the girl, kiss her lips. Kiss: "I am going to work, will you leave today?"

Tina Fein did not object to Eric's kiss. He heard the man ask, and shook his head shyly: "No, no, no."

"Oh, let's stay here tonight."

"Good... well," the girl replied in a mosquito.


It is about to enter October, and less than two months from the end of the holiday season. The main movies of the firefly at the end of the year, "Life and Death", "Detective Airplane" and Disney's cartoon "Aladdin" are basically Completed, entered the pre-announcement stage, and the "Smiths" in collaboration with Colombia is also in the final post-production stage.

Back in Los Angeles in the last few days, after participating in several high-level meetings of Firefly Films, Eric is basically busy with several movies, although the direct box office profits of the film account for the entire film industry chain. It's getting lower and lower, but the film is still in an important position on a locomotive. If the horsepower of the locomotive is not strong enough, then this huge machine will definitely be in operation, so any film company still puts the film on the most important. On the seat.

After handing the script of "The Speed ​​of Life and Death" to Jane Debonte, Eric did not intervene too much in this project. The script of "The Speed ​​of Life" was written by himself and handed over to the original time and space. In the hands of the director, plus this project, it is very important for Jane Debon to be able to transform from a photographer to a director. Eric believes that the other party will be very cautious about the film.

After participating in the test film "Life and Death", Eric has no doubts. Compared with the memory, the film's charm has not changed much. The story rhythm is also quite compact. The male protagonist is still Keanu. Weiss, in addition to the heroine changed people, did not change much, after the firefly high-level saw the film's sample, also consistently gave a positive evaluation, and opened the most gorgeous scale.

In contrast, "Smiths" has some minor problems. John Wu is from Hong Kong. Although he has produced a lot of movies, the shooting style is very different from Hollywood, and there is one more point. John. Wu started as a comedy film, so even if he has many classic gun battle films, the content is often mixed with too many comedy elements. Eric is busy with the late Jurassic Park. Personally involved in the "Smiths" editing, although the film is full of comedy plots, but the theme is still a film with a gun and a film coat to discuss the relationship between husband and wife.

However, one thing that makes Eric satisfied is that the Hong Kong action coaching team brought by John Wu has designed the "Smiths" movement to have a very elegant style of oriental kung fu movies. In Eric’s view, this one The action design of the movie even exceeds the original style. After all, although the original director is paying tribute to Hong Kong action movies, but after all, it is Westerners, and it is impossible to deeply understand the inner elements of Hong Kong movies. (To be continued)

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