I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 497: You are not optimistic either.

"Smiths" as a large-scale production of 60 million US dollars, even more than the total cost of John Wu's filming all movies in Hong Kong for 20 years, therefore, Eric's final editing of the film, not only did not let John Wu feels offended and even has a feeling of relief. After all, the total investment of 60 million US dollars is close to 500 million Hong Kong dollars after the conversion. After John Wu took over the film, every time he thinks about this number, he will produce a kind of thin ice. The feeling, fortunately, after Eric saw the sample, he affirmed his shooting results. John Wu’s shackles for a few months finally dissipated.

Near work hours, Tina Fei stopped her car in the parking lot of Firefly Studios, looked at her watch, picked up the bag full of documents and hurried to the studio's post-production center, just to the production center. In addition, she saw Eric and an Asian male whispering and coming out from inside.

Eric left Allen in Paris, although he had his own assistant office at the Firefly headquarters, but he did not pick the temporary first assistant, because Xiao Nizi had no more after completing the "Detective Aircraft Head" with tg. Too much work for the reason, Tina. Fei temporarily pushed over, Eric did not object, put a familiar woman around is always more convenient than others.

Seeing Tina Fifi's figure, Eric nodded at her and talked to John Wu a few more before she came over to the girl. Looking at Tina Fe’s shoulders, it seemed to have a heavy shoulder bag, and Eric reached out and wanted to pick it up. It was escaped by Tina Fe.

"Thank you, Eric, I will come by myself." Tina Fei shook her head.

Eric didn't mind if the woman occasionally showed some small details. She said, "Let's go back and just get off work."

The two men came to the parking lot again. Tina Fei just got to drive her own car, but she was left by Eric Carat: "Have it here, and open it again tomorrow. We can talk about something in the car."

This time Tina. Fei did not object any more and nodded slightly. Followed by Eric's car.

When the driver started the car, Tina Fein put the bag on her lap and pulled out a few folders from it: "Eric, Mr. Hansen... Oh. It was Mr. Hansen of New York who sent you in the afternoon. The document, about the information of the Amazing Entertainment Group, he also called to say that he should hand it over to you as soon as possible."

Eric knew why Tina Fei would come over at this time and reach out and take a few thick documents from the woman's knee.

Compared to Eric and Chris in New York about simple information about Marvel Comics, this information is much more detailed, involving the business status, business structure, debt ratio, and comics copyright of the Amazing Entertainment Group, and even There is a document dedicated to the entanglement of the Amazing Entertainment Group and Ron Perelman's investment company.

Eric’s professional information on economics is just a glimpse of it, but instead focuses on the copyrights of Marvel Comics. At first glance, Eric found that the actual data was very different from the information in his memory. He originally thought that Marvel Comics was in the mid-to-late 1990s, in order to solve the financial crisis, he sold his popular comic characters to several major Hollywood studios. But actually, it started in the 1980s. Surprise has been selling movie rights for comic characters.

The data in the hands shows that the current hot-selling comic characters have buyers. The copyright of "Fantastic Four" is in the hands of Constantine Pictures in Germany. The copyright of "Spider-Man" is in the hands of Carlos Film Company, "Captain America" The copyright of "The Hulk" is in the hands of the 21st Century Film Company, and the copyright of "The Hulk" is also in the hands of the New World Film Company that Eric has not heard of. In other words, now the seven Hollywood players are not interested in the comic book adaptation rights. The popular character adaptation rights are basically in the hands of second- and third-line movie companies, and the rights to edit movies for second-line superheroes such as Iron Man Black Widow are even unattended.

Moreover, the copyright transfer agreement signed by these film companies is similar to the agreement signed by Eric's memory with several major film companies. If the works are not launched within a few years, the copyright will automatically return to the comic book. However, Although these second- and third-line movie companies bought copyright, it seems that the power to change into a movie is not too strong. Constantine has been on hold after the copyright of "Fantastic Four", but the film company’s top management suddenly suddenly When I found that the copyright I bought was about to expire, I was rushing to find someone to use a low-cost b-class "Fantastic Four" in less than a month, just to continue the copyright in my hands.

Other film companies with copyrights have only launched Warcraft's own adaptation of the movie after the successful launch of "Batman" by Warner, but they have not stirred up any splashes.

Tina Fei sat quietly beside Eric, and from time to time sneaked a sneak peek at the side of the man’s serious reading. Since Drew’s jokes a few months ago, Tina Fey has always told herself Don't think about it, but I can't help but think of some messy thoughts. When I get along with Eric again in a few months, I can't be as calm as I used to be.

When Drew pushed her to Eric, she told herself that she refused and refused for a hundred times, but she agreed to it unconsciously. From the bottom of her heart, although she did not want to admit it, from the bottom of her heart, She also always hopes to get along with Eric.

"Tina," Eric read a document and suddenly turned his head and opened his eyes. It was just like Tina Fey’s thief’s small eyes. Looking at the girl’s flustered eyes, Eric couldn’t help laughing. It’s up: “Hey, I’ve been thinking that you’ve become weird since I saw you last time. What happened?”

"No, nothing," Tina Fey quickly denied.

Eric thought about it and tried to say: "Is Drew talking to you?"

"Ah?" Tina. Fei opened her mouth but didn't answer.

Eric shrugged and thought he was right. Say: "Well, this is no secret. It doesn't matter to tell you. Anyway, in April next year, I will be a father."

When I heard this, Tina Feizi suddenly became very big: "When Dad, you... are you married?"

"Of course not," Eric looked at Tina. Fei’s expression: "You didn't know."

Tina Fein had a strong loss in her heart, but she nodded. "Drew. Drew didn't tell me this."

Speaking this sentence, the car was in a short silence.

after awhile. Tina Fein cautiously said: "Then, when the child is born, will you get married?"

"No," Eric shook his head. "But I will try to be a good father."

Tina Fe does not know how to continue this topic for a while. She was born into a very conservative American middle-class family. The concept of accepting from small to large made her unable to identify with Eric's practice, but at the same time, she couldn't afford too much resentment in her heart. Perhaps in the subconscious, the total It is more tolerant of the rules of society on those who have wealth and power.

"Are you finished?" Tina. Fi has been silent for a while before pointing to the documents in Eric's hands.

"Not yet, just watched some, I went back and continued to watch. Oh, what I just wanted to say is that tomorrow you take the time to help me collect the videotapes of these movies. I plan to take a look." Eric said, data I took it out and handed it to Tina Fe.

Tina Fey took out a memo and quickly recorded the name of the movie.

This episode seems to have passed, but then Eric found that the atmosphere when the two men got along changed from a strange to another strange.


Under the personal command of Kasenberg, after a month of rectification, the renamed Disneyland Paris was once again open to visitors. Because of the media influence brought about by the sudden closure of the business in less than ten days, and the sincere gesture that Disney has unabashedly apologized to the public and made great reforms. Within a week of reopening Disney, the number of visitors once again reached a peak, reaching 700,000. Although the price of the ticket and the price of the Disney theme hotel have been lowered, after the investigation, the tourists Satisfaction has risen to 70%, and the satisfaction of French tourists has reached 85 percent, because Disneyland not only has a considerable degree of content in the content of French culture, but even Use French as the working language of Disneyland Paris staff.

Although after the opening of this business, the average consumption quota of tourists has not improved due to the price cut, the management is quite optimistic about this situation. Just like a movie, if a much-anticipated movie only gets a high box office, but it has a very bad reputation, then the film's sequel production will certainly be very difficult. On the contrary, if a movie's word of mouth is bursting. Even if there is not much profit at the box office, the film company will be very keen to make a sequel. After reopening, Disneyland Paris, which has received good reviews from tourists, is like a movie that has won a good reputation. As long as it has gained a good reputation, the chances of visitors visiting Disneyland will increase greatly.

"If you can maintain the current momentum, perhaps the situation in Disneyland Paris will not be as bad as we expected," Eric looked at another report from Kasenberg, who returned to Los Angeles. .

"I think so too." I haven't seen it for a month. In addition to being more lean, Kasenberg has not changed much: "Fortunately, the timely compensation, although the closure of a whole month brings some unnecessary expenses. However, in the current situation, this loss is completely worthwhile. At least, this year Disneyland Paris should be able to maintain the balance of payments. Although the previous estimate of this project is too optimistic, one thing is true, then It is the potential tourist base in Europe that is definitely more than Japan and the United States. I think the biggest problem is that I don’t adapt to the local culture like Tokyo Disneyland. As long as I can do this, I want to achieve profitability. The problem."

"Well, don't mention responsibility again. After all, we all know that the responsibility for this matter is not on you or me," Eric said with a smile.

Disneyland Paris is personally controlled by Michael Eisner. Although Kasenberg is also a Disney executive at the time, with the character of Michael Eisner, Kasenberg is absolutely impossible to intervene in this project, so now With such a big leak, this black pot was unintentionally buckled on Michael Eisner's head, and it was absolutely not awkward.

Kasenberg has not entangled this topic, but said: "I will keep an eye on the situation there and make timely adjustments. There is still one thing. Giancarlo lost the case about MGM, I am When I got the news in Paris, the main source of Giancarlo’s fraud was the French consortium. The MGM shares in Giancarlo’s hands will be auctioned by French banks in mid-December to repay the investors’ debts. I think this is for fireflies. It should be a good opportunity to expand the library."

Eric shook his head. "But it costs a lot of money. Jeffrey, I have considered this. Even after getting the MGM library, the number of movies in Firefly will double. Above, but we have not translated these films into real economic benefits. We don't have enough videotape distribution resources or our own TV stations, and this is the two most important channels for turning early movies into real benefits. ”

Kasenberg knows that Eric is telling the truth, obviously it feels a pity, because if this opportunity is good, it is enough to completely swallow MGM's film library, and MGM currently has the most valuable things. It is a huge library of more than 10,000 movies and TV series that it has accumulated.

Thinking of this, Kasenberg asked: "So, Eric, should we consider building our own TV station?"

Eric put down the information in his hand and got up and poured two cups of coffee for himself and Kasenberg. He came over and sat down again. He said, "At least until next year, and if you want to buy a public TV station, We have to deal with the relationship with Fox TV. Maybe we have to give up the 10% stake in Fox TV, otherwise it will be troubled by the Federal Trade Commission."

"Sounds, you seem to have a goal?" Kasenberg noticed Eric's expression and asked curiously.

Eric smiled and nodded. "But, wait until Viacom and qvc compete for the results of Paramount."

When Kasenberger heard this sentence, he almost understood it and smiled. "It seems that you are not optimistic that Barry Diller can win Paramount." (To be continued)

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