I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 499: Referral

Eric raised his eyebrows in confusion and said with a smile: "Did I already have a 'predecessor', but how can I not remember this?"

Catherine heard from Eric's tone that the little man had to open his own mode of teasing, and simply held the glass in front of him and said nothing.

Looking at the woman's defensive posture, Eric did not re-export the next words, raised his wrist and looked at the watch, said: "It's still five minutes, Neil. Jordan hasn't come yet?"

"Is there still five minutes?" Catherine looked at her watch and said so.

"You didn't tell me on the phone last time, how did you know him?"

Katherine replied: "I went to the UK last month to save the big man Ryan. I was invited by a friend to participate in the premiere of a movie. It was shot by Neil and called "Crying Game". I think this The film was very good, and he talked to him at the reception after the premiere. Neil is a very talented person. When he talked about wanting to go to Hollywood, I think of you, you are now Holding a big movie company in hand, will definitely not refuse to sign a few talented directors?"

Eric nodded: "Of course I will not refuse, as long as he is really capable, he will definitely be able to find his place in Hollywood."

Directors and actors in European countries have developed to a certain extent in their own country, almost always want to develop towards Hollywood, and they do not have natural ethnic barriers like Asians. Many European directors are often able to enter Hollywood smoothly. If they can adapt to the rules of Hollywood, they will definitely live a lot of moisture.

but. Eric will not hear someone introduce a director, and he will easily meet with the other party. The reason why he agreed with Catherine Bigelow is mainly because Eric Jordan has some understanding of Neil Jordan. The most famous film from the director of Ireland is the "Vampire of the Night", and Catherine tells Eric on the phone. Neil Jordan is interested in a change in a vampire novel.

A few minutes later, a 40-year-old black-haired white man finally came to the manor. Seeing that Eric and Catherine are already waiting for themselves, there is some apology.

"Neil, this is Eric Williams, Eric. This is Neil Jordan," Catherine introduced to the two, Eric reached out and shook hands with each other, bringing the other side together Going inside the villa.

Stepping into the villa, Neil Jordan tried to suppress his thoughts, and talked with Eric with a smile.

Three people sat down at the small round table beside the glass curtain wall. Neil Jordan looked at the boundless sea level outside the window and finally said with amazement: "Mr. Williams, it is so gorgeous here. It is like a dream."

"Thank you, Neil, call me Eric." Eric said with a smile, the three talked about some of the recent movies, and unwittingly turned to the theme of vampires.

"I heard that "Freakish Four Hundred Years" was originally filmed as a TV series. The actress named Winona Ryder discovered the script and introduced it to Coppola. I didn't expect it. Recently The second screening, the film critics get a very high score. In this case, Coppola is almost able to make up for the deficit caused by his studio in the film in the past few years. "Year" has not yet been released, but the film's reputation and box office prospects are no doubt. I feel that taking advantage of the vampire craze caused by this movie, it is a good choice to make a vampire movie," Neil Jordan talks. Obviously did some homework.

After the success of "Crying Game", Neil Jordan has reached a bottleneck in the development of the European film circle. To get better development, it is undoubtedly the best choice to enter Hollywood.

Eric has heard from Catherine that the "Cry Game" has been well received in Europe. He has heard of this movie in his previous life, but he only knows some simple materials, and he did not read it as a film. Rick also did not feel surprised to hear that Neil Jordan said that the producer had sold the North American distribution rights to Miramax.

However, since invited to come, Neil Jordan certainly did not expect to be able to impress Eric with just one mouth, but took out the video of "Cry Game" from the carry-on bag, Eric also said this The film's highly praised film felt a bit curious and took the two to the projection room of the manor.

I was very interested in seeing Neil Jordan being videotaped and film copies in several lockers in the screening room. Eric also enthusiastically introduced to each other, Catherine took the initiative to pick up the video of "Cry Game" to the projection equipment. .

Debugging the videotape and pressing the play button, Catherine accidentally saw a few video cassettes piled up next to the video recorder, and picked it up and looked at it. Eric, who came over, said: "How do you think about this movie?"

Eric saw Catherine's hand in a box of the 1990 version of "Captain America" ​​and shook his head. "Don't mention it, these **** are almost hurting me."

These videotapes are the movie-changing works of the comics that Eric Jean Tina Fei has been looking for for themselves in the past few years. However, after seeing it, Eric has no idea of ​​even voicing, all of which cost only one or two hundred. Wan's b-level film, special effects... There is no special effect, and the action design is also terrible. In short, except for the comic hero who is surprised by the protagonist in the movie, the other ones are not half-pointed. In the memory style of Eric's memory, Eric also almost understands why Marvel Comics has so many superhero characters in the mid-1990s, but it has come to the brink of bankruptcy.

Catherine heard Eric's complaints, smiled, put down the videotape, got up and turned off the light in the screening room, sat next to Eric, humming the movie, and whispered: "You won't Is it Hot Warner's "Batman" and wants to participate in the movie?"

Eric deliberately whispered in a mysterious tone: "Yeah. Unfortunately, it is not yet time, but you should never reveal this, or you will be preempted by others."

"I am too lazy to take care of your business." Catherine returned, quieting down with the beginning of the movie on the screen.

Neil Jordan, who was sitting on the other side of Eric, looked at the screen, but he did not leave the conversation. He heard the tone of Catherine’s last sentence and couldn’t help but raise his eyebrows. Maybe I can't tell. But his onlookers can clearly see the difference between Catherine's tone of voice to Eric, a kind of relative that only appears between lovers.

Neil Jordan said that it seems that the 20-year-old Hollywood tycoon has a love relationship. However, he quickly converges his mind and subconsciously tells himself that it is best to rot this in his stomach.

Eric certainly didn't know the idea of ​​the Irish director next to him. If he knew it, he would definitely scream. I just wore this young skinny!

The story of "Crying Game" took place during the war between the Northern Ireland and the British. The British soldier Jody was kidnapped by Northern Ireland soldiers. The Northern Ireland Army wanted to exchange him for their captured companion, but the final exchange The prisoner’s incident was unsuccessful and the Northern Ireland Army decided to execute Jody.

The Northern Ireland soldier Foggs, who was responsible for guarding Jody, became a good friend with the other while guarding Jody. So in the end, Vogels did not kill Jody in private, but let the other party go. However, under the wrong time, Jody died under the British tank. Later, Vogels came to London to do undercover, relying on the tokens that Jody left for him. I saw Jydi’s ‘girlfriend’ Deere, who had been obsessed with his life.

Vogels fell in love with Deere at first sight, and the two soon fell in love, but in a small hotel in London, the moment before the two passions, Deere took off his clothes. Vogels was shocked to discover that Deere was originally a man.

This amazing big turn made Eric a bit surprised, and the movie was the last. Fergus was put in prison, but Deere did not leave.

Neil Jordan wants to express a lot of feelings in "Crying Game". In addition to unsuspecting complaints about war, more is still analyzing the contradictions and struggles of human nature. The film's plot twists and turns is bizarre, and there is no excessive spending on homosexuality.

However, after watching this movie, Eric was most impressed, but finally Ferguson did not say that he died, but was imprisoned, and Deere was waiting for Foggs to escape from prison. . This is a bitter hope in the bitter, contradictory, tangled, confused and struggling, but not desperate. In Eric’s view, this story is more smashing than the one who wants to tear all hopes apart. The movie is even better and more authentic.

Although there were only three people in the auditorium, Eric gently applauded after the film ended: "Neil, this is a great movie. I am sorry that the fireflies have not got the distribution rights."

"Thank you for your appreciation, Eric, I am very glad that you can recognize this film," Neil Jordan replied, "Crying Game" is the most satisfying piece of his work for more than ten years, I heard this young man. The Hollywood tycoon's affirmation, Neil Jordan also has a little more confidence in his entry into Hollywood.

Turning off the video recorder, Neil Jordan carefully collected the videotape and walked out of the auditorium with Eric and Catherine.

"So, are you going to shoot Anne Rice's "Vampire of the Night"?" Going back to the rest area next to the curtain wall and re-sitting, Eric turned the subject to the purpose of Neil Jordan's trip. .

"Yes, Eric, of course, I have done some understanding before. "Vampires at Night" is a best-selling novel that has been published since 1976. The rights to film adaptation are not in the hands of Anne Rice. It was at David Geffen's production company owned by Warner," Neil Jordan said, looking at Eric and looking forward to the reaction.

Although Neil Jordan's "Crying Game" has received a good response in Europe, this movie is more inclined to the literary film, otherwise it will not fall into the hands of the prize-winning Miramax, and Europe. The most indispensable is the talented director of the literary film.

Therefore, Neil Jordan is interested in "night visit vampires", but if he voluntarily recommends himself to Warner's donkey, the possibility of 99% is rejected, although this time he received the recommendation of Catherine. I was able to get an opportunity to meet with Eric, but Neil Jordan didn't have much expectations before, and the results have already made him happy.

Eric certainly knows what Neil Jordan said. After thinking for a while, he said: "Copyright is not a problem. If Firefly is interested, Warner will not cooperate with Firefly, but the most important thing is you. I need to come up with a production plan that can impress the production company. I think you should have seen the original work of this novel many times?"

"Of course," Neil Jordan heard Eric said, and quickly nodded: "I have thought about some ideas for a long time. If you need it, I can sort out the information tomorrow."

Eric put his hand and shook his head. "No, don't worry so much, you can take it slowly. As long as your plan is good enough, Firefly will definitely invest in this movie."

The trio had been talking until the evening, and Eric saw Druid Xiao Nizi slanting a small pink bag and came in from the outside. He reached out and stopped the girl: "Drew, let us prepare dinner for us." "After finishing this sentence, Eric looked at Neil Jordan and Catherine again: "Do you have anything to eat?"

"No, Eric, I still have things at night, I am afraid I can't stay for dinner," Neil Jordan quickly got up and said goodbye. Although the two sides talked very speculatively, Neil Jordan did not feel that he should take it. However, staying with the other party for dinner, if it is better outside the restaurant, but this occasion is too private.

Hearing Neil Jordan said, Catherine also stood up.

"Since you have something to do, then I will not retain you," Eric did not insist on retaining Neil Jordan, but looked at Catherine: "You should have nothing at night?"

"I have!" Catherine replied immediately, but her eyes were dodging.

Eric stared at the woman for a few seconds before he said, "That is no, stay and eat. Just talk about "Save the Ryan". You didn't say that you have some new ones last time. The idea?"

"You always do," Catherine subconsciously complained, but did not insist on leaving, but with Eric sent Neil Jordan out of the door. (To be continued)

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