I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 500: Days related to vampires

In the kitchen, Eric sent the manor of the manor to leave, and personally put the last corn sweet soup into the big porcelain bowl and went to the restaurant. Catherine was sitting at the table with some restraint and restraint. Eric put down the sweet soup and just opened the sentence. Joke, only to find that Xiao Nizi also leaned back, thin lips scorned a pair of eyes without squinting, apparently imitating Catherine.

Seeing this scene, Eric held up his hand and slammed his hand on the shackle, and warned in the call of Xiao Nizi immediately: "Drew, don't be funny, be careful that I will drive you out."

"And... ah, let go, this is the sentence, can you not change a fresh threat?" Drew squinted to open Eric's hand, but no longer imitated Catherine's appearance.

Eric sat down on the other side of the long table, no longer paying attention to the girl, and said to the woman opposite: "Sorry, Catherine, Drew likes to make a fuss, don't mind."

"It doesn't matter," Catherine shook her head.

Eric looked at the two women, and slightly regretted leaving Catherine, Drew and Catherine's character is simply two extremes, an unscrupulous, a restrained rigor. Eric can imagine that if other women are sitting here, Xiao Nizi will imitate like that, and the result will never be a cold spot.

Because Xiao Nizi is a special big light bulb, Eric can only talk to Catherine about the movie in a serious way. After dinner, she sent the woman to the car very gentlely. The atmosphere did not develop in the direction of the hustle and bustle. This atmosphere obviously makes Catherine feel relaxed. With Eric pressed, Xiao Nizi did not do anything special.

"Like a piece of wood," looked at Catherine's car and drove out of the manor. Drew, who was suppressed for one night, finally came up with a sentence.

Eric blinked at the small waist of Drew's light blue slim trench coat and lowered his voice 'intimidating': "Catherine's lifestyle is the healthiest, if you continue according to your current lifestyle, you can't At the age of 30, you will start to gain weight and gain weight to 150 pounds. The headline and the decree will soon reach your face. The hair is tarnished and the eye bags are hanging all day..."

"Ah ~ ~ ~" Eric has not finished. Shantou had already screamed and slammed on him, and stretched out his hand to slap Eric’s mouth: "You are not so scary, I will not change as much as you said."

Eric smiled and patted Dru's back to let the girl release himself. I said, "Well, it is really scaring you. I just said that those stars who are addicted to drug addiction are the most serious things that are devastating to health."

"I haven't touched those things for a few years..." The girl slammed Eric's arm and asked for coquetry.

Eric remembered some Hollywood stars in the original time and space, of course, including the gimmicks around him. Because of the drug addiction, although he finally succeeded in getting rid of those things, he hurt the root of the body, or he was skinny and fat. Get up (Juli is definitely not hungry...). Either the body is out of shape and wants to be thin and thin (you can only draw the abdominal muscles if you can't go down...).


For a period of time before Thanksgiving, Eric had an illusion that his life was inexplicably involved with the vampire.

First, Neil Jordan, the director of "Visit Vampire", appeared. A week later, Neil Jordan handed Eric a production plan, accompanied by a script he personally wrote. After Eric simply read it, he made some changes to the memory and gave it to the firefly. The production department evaluates the budget of the film. And contact with Geffen Films Inc., which holds "Vampires at Night".

Subsequently, Eric was invited by Francis Coppola. He attended the premiere of "Freakish Four Hundred Years".

"Freakish Four Hundred Years" was produced in Colombia, because the first few movies of Coppola were not very successful. When Colombia formulated the release plan, the prospect of the film was not too optimistic, so it would be "stunned for four hundred years." The release period was placed on November 13th, which is one week away from the Thanksgiving holiday.

But what surprised Colombia was that because "Freakish Four Hundred Years" accumulated a very good reputation in the early screening, the first week of the movie got a box office of $38 million, which was a good start for Thanksgiving-Christmas.

Eric was not too interested in this film. After all, he was an oriental in his heart. There was no cultural accumulation in the eyes, but because of the preparation of the TV series "Buffy the Vampire Slayer", Drew and Elizabeth agreed to Ai. Rick took them to the premiere.

The film is not too different from the plot in Eric's memory. However, Keanu Reeves did not play the role of Jonathan Huck because of his participation in "The Speed ​​of Life and Death", and Monica. Bellucci’s Hollywood show was gone, and it was replaced by another unknown actress. As for the Italian stunner, Eric didn’t know. In the past few years, some Hollywood stars who should have appeared at this time have not yet appeared.

After attending "Amazing Four Hundred Years", followed by "Buffy the Vampire Hunter Buffy", although Eric's past life is not a fan of American drama, there are still dozens of classic American dramas in memory, so "Buffy the Vampire Hunter" was Tg three women took the turn, Eric did not feel too pity, anyway, it is also fat and water did not flow outside the field.

However, during this time, Elizabeth and Drew invited several screenwriters to write the outline of the story. Even Tina Fey, who served as the assistant of Drew, tried to write a version. The results were all unsatisfactory, and they took a few turns and went back. I am here at Eric.

"I want to be a producer, I am very expensive?" He looked up from behind the desk full of documents, and Eric heard Elizabeth's intentions and said with a smile.

Elizabeth sorted out a small space on Eric's desk and pulled a stack of scripts from the bag and handed it to Eric: "This is the original script of Jos Verden, the vampire of Buffy the Vampire Hunter. It's wonderful. It’s just that when I was filming, it’s changed beyond recognition. I feel that if I follow the script, the film’s performance is definitely not so bad. For this reason, when I asked Jos Weiden to write a script for the TV series, he Refused, other writers wrote nothing. I contacted him today, and he said that if he wants him to write a script, unless you personally act as the producer of the TV series."

Eric took the time to read the movie version of "The Vampire Hunter Buffy", but it was quite disappointing. The film version could not be overstated, especially the last time the vampire attacked the school party. It’s like playing with it. The vampire attacked humans, but the result was that even a drop of blood did not flow. Eric certainly knows that this is to adapt to the film grading rules. However, the director has obviously done too much.

At this time, reading the script in his hand, Eric felt like he was watching another completely different story. Indeed, as Elizabeth said, the original script is much more exciting than the movie. Jos Weiden is also a talented director and screenwriter in Hollywood. However, before being the director of Marvel's "Avengers" series, Jos Verden's several films ended in failure, most of the time in the mix of TV series, but because of the wonderful sci-fi and fantasy in his story. Element, Jos Weiden is highly sought after in the geek group.

Eric quickly browsed the script and looked at the girl sitting opposite him. He said, "I just have a little curiosity. You made your own TV series. It is certainly not possible to play it on the Disney Children's Channel. Besides, I have never seen Jos Verden. No matter what, this matter has nothing to do with me, how can he think of asking me to be a producer?"

"Of course I hope that the quality of this TV series can be guaranteed," Elizabeth said quickly.

Eric Momo squinted at the script, and a faint smile hangs in his mouth: "Drew is coming with you, right, she must be downstairs now. Do you know why Xiaonizi is not willing to come with you?"

Elizabeth’s subconscious mind is not self-inflicted: “Why?”

"Because the **** is lying, I can basically tell it. She knows this too, so she doesn't want to come over with you, afraid of the stuffing," Eric said, pointing to Elizabeth, the smile on his lips. Concentration: "But actually you are the same, Liz, when you lie, you will unconsciously speed up the speech. Of course, there are some other small details, so I can't tell you, lest you change it. I can't tell if I lie."

Elizabeth smashed Eric for a moment and finally vented: "Well, it’s a man who cares about it. Jos Verden originally wanted to be the director himself, but this guy didn’t have any shooting experience at all, of course. Don't worry, so he bargained with him."

Eric stared at Elizabeth and said in her tone: "Then I pressed it out, right?"

Hollywood is also very valued. If Jos Weiden can cooperate with Eric, even if this cooperation is only indirect, Eric's current position in Hollywood can still be the resume of Jos Weiden. Add a very beautiful stroke.

Elizabeth’s pressure on Eric’s eyes was always more sensitive than others, and she habitually bounced back, her chin raised slightly, and said with imposing manner: “Yes, it’s just to let you hang a name, no need to chase it. Let's go?"

Eric felt that Elizabeth had a tendency to fry again, and handed the coffee cup next to it: "Okay, let me help you with a cup of coffee, and call Drew by the way."

Elizabeth conditionedly placed the delicate bone china cup in her hand. After standing up, she reacted. She glanced at Eric, but she seemed to have won the cup with some victory. .

A few minutes later, Drew pushed the door of Eric’s office and first smiled through the baby’s face and smiled. The whole body came in, Elizabeth followed, and Tina Fei took a cup of coffee and finally left. Come in.

Since he decided to promise to be the producer of "The Vampire Hunter Buffy", Eric certainly wouldn't simply name it. Obviously the two Nizis in front of him did not intend to let him go so easily.

However, Eric found another thing. Once tg is involved in the production of TV dramas, the development plan he originally made for tg will definitely not be tried again. In fact, this is also an inevitable trend of people going to the heights, just like the original Miramax, Disney's acquisition of Miramax is to hope that the Weinstein brothers specialize in literary films, and to attack the city in Oscar for Disney, but after the development of Miramax, he began to invest in big films, ultimately because All kinds of differences and Disney parted ways.

Tg's box office results in the past two years are obvious to all of Hollywood. Elizabeth and Drew are not equals. I want to make tg even further. There are two big movie companies, Firefly and Fox. Eric is not. Worried about the increase in the number of tg productions that the issuing company could not digest.

"The heroine picks a sweet look, has the temperament of the girl next door, the movie version of Christina Swanson, even after finding the actor, first a period of physical training, you can contact John. Wu, the martial arts coaching team in his hand should have not returned to Hong Kong," Eric said, and Tina Fey sat on the opposite side and took notes quickly.

However, when I heard this, Elizabeth interrupted: "Eric, this is a vampire movie. Is it strange to add kung fu elements?"

Eric listened to Elizabeth’s weird 'Kung Fu' pronunciation and smiled: “Enabling Hong Kong’s action guidance does not necessarily mean adding kung fu elements. The main thing is that they can design some cool moves to attract Audience. There will be a lot of action scenes between Buffy and the vampires in the TV series. If you still keep the scenes of the fight in the movie version, I don’t think this TV series will be filmed."

Elizabeth and Drew listened to Eric halfway and nodded, and told Tina Fei to write it down.

Then I talked about some details. I thought about where to talk about it for an hour. Eric then rushed to the crowd: "Just like this, the other ones will tell you when I think about it."

The three women left with satisfaction, and in the following days, tg soon began to choose the "Vampire Hunter Buffy".

After the most busy period before Thanksgiving, although the firefighting industry's publicity department has to make a busy turn for the two popular schedules at the end of the year, Eric's one-year work has been basically completed, November 19, After attending the premiere of "The Speed ​​of Life and Death", there was no time to wait for the first day of the film's box office information. Eric flew to New York to spend the Thanksgiving with two women who had a baby in East Hampton. (To be continued)

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