I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 501: hat

The environment in Los Angeles is hard to feel the climate change. When Eric arrived in New York, the city had already drifted down the second snow of this year. It was located on the thick layer of East Hampton Township on Long Island. Covered with snow, coupled with the scarcity of people, it seems very deserted.

However, in addition to being cold, this environment is just right for two women. After all, whether it is Virginia or Joanna, they don't want to suddenly get up one day and see news of their pregnancy in the newspaper.

The two women are obviously boring, and they are very happy to see Eric coming to Thanksgiving with them. Although it is winter now, if you want to go out, you can just wrap yourself up. In the cold weather, this kind of dressing will not be too abrupt. However, in order to avoid the possibility of being discovered, the number of times the two women go out is still 寥寥There are few, fortunately, the mansion that is temporarily rented is not small, and people have enough space for activities.

Four days before Thanksgiving, and lunch at noon, Virginia was rigorously and with the help of an assistant who planned to go out for holiday purchases. Eric had planned to stay with him, but was left behind by the woman’s goal. Eric was helpless and could only take a closer look before letting the woman go out.

Although it was noon, the weather was still cold, and the gray clouds were low on the top of the head. It seemed to have signs of snow again. After Eric sent Viginia to leave, he walked with Joanna in the house for a while and breathed fresh. The air quickly entered the heated interior.

"Would you like to go to the study with me?" Eric asked Joanna to hang up her windbreaker and asked.

Although he left Los Angeles, Eric received some information from Los Angeles every afternoon because of the time difference. Los Angeles is still more than nine o'clock at this time, just in time for work.

Joanna nodded and smiled with a quiet smile: "Okay."

Eric took Joanna into the study, pulled a chair and asked Joanna to sit down at the desk and pour a cup of boiling water in front of her. Just go to your seat and take the information that was automatically received from the fax machine.

Joanna quietly watched Eric flip through the documents, listening to the slight rustling of the paper, with a touch of satisfaction in her expression, and occasionally seeing Eric looking up, she raised her lips and showed a nice smile. When I didn't work before. Joanna often spends her time doing housework and likes to clean all the rooms. But since pregnancy, even Virginia has often ‘condemned’ that she has become lazy, but only she knows how much she expects and values ​​the child, and does not want any gaps. This time. The only exercise she did was a walk. In addition, in the windy and sunny weather, people put a chair under the eaves, holding a book in their hands and watching quietly. All day.

After Eric’s arrival, her pastime became sitting next to him, quietly all day, and this kind of reliance made Virginia feel a little sly.

Today is just Monday. Firefly Films' two films, "The Speed ​​of Life" and the Disney Animation "Aladdin", which were released during Thanksgiving Day, have been released.

"The speed of life and death" in the first three days of the box office is 19 million US dollars, is expected to get 25 million to 28 million in the first week, although this result is not as good as the previous week's "Amazing Four Hundred Years" 38 million. However, Eric is not too disappointed.

The investment in "Life and Death" is only more than 30 million US dollars, which is 10 million less than "Freakish 400 Years", not to mention the "Smiths" who invested more than 60 million US dollars. According to the word of mouth, the movie’s box office decline in the next few weeks will not be too high, before another big blockbuster of Christmas. It’s definitely not a problem to get a box office with more than $80 million. The total box office will definitely break through 100 million. Although fireflies have repeatedly created a box office miracle with a small Boda, but Hollywood has not entered the era of billions of box office movies. In 1992, the box office was able to break through $100 million and remains a hallmark of a very successful film.

Turning over the next Aladdin data, Eric squinted slightly, and Aladdin’s first weekend box office was only 9 million, but Eric quickly relaxed, and he was already Aladdin. "There is no high expectation, and Disney's hand-drawn animated films have always been either silent or have been released for a long time, accumulating a jaw-dropping total box office. Last year's "Beauty and the Beast" was the same, "Beauty and the Beast" experienced nearly half a year of release, accumulated nearly $ 150 million in the box office, "Aladdin" film quality is no problem, Eric believes this movie Still able to get out of such a box office curve.

However, although the total box office has accumulated to a fairly high degree, Disney's share is often not too much, because the longer the release time, the lower the score that Disney gets from the theater, and sometimes the total score is only More than 30%, far below the 55% share of the average movie company's average from the theater. This is also the reason why many of Disney's hand-drawn animations choose not to take the cinema channel and directly release the videotape. A few years ago, the sequel to Disney's hand-drawn animation "Little Mermaid" was directly taken away from the video channel, and the original time and space, "Lion Although the box office in the world is as high as 900 million US dollars, in order to save the issuance costs, the sequel of "The Lion King" is still directly issued as a video tape, and has not entered the theater.

Looking at the various data of Aladdin in his hand, Eric once again thought of Pixar's 3D animation. The box office curve of "Toy Story" is no different from that of Hollywood blockbusters. According to the development trend of Hollywood film distribution rules, saturated distribution It will become more and more mainstream, and those who hope to build a box office by word of mouth will become smaller and smaller. Although it is impossible, Eric will not pin his hopes on these extremely small things. In this case, it is almost inevitable to cancel Disney's hand-drawn animation production and make 3D animations.

However, at present, Disney's hand-painted animation department is still producing "The Lion King". If next year, "The Lion King" will be sold at the box office as the original time and space. The resistance of Eric to cancel Disney's hand-drawn animation will increase greatly. Of course, because Disney is included in the company, this resistance will certainly not come from outside, and it is more likely to come from Disney management.

Eric is very harmonious with Kasenberg. However, he definitely does not think that Kasenberg will be very versatile. If he is only diligent and has no strong discretion, Kasenberg will not be able to come today.

It’s a headache!

Eric couldn't help but lick the forehead, and Joanna, who was sitting opposite, suddenly pointed out the window. Said: "Eric, look, it's snowing again."

"Yeah," Eric turned to look out the window and said, "Let's go outside and see it. The snow will not be too cold if it floats down."

"Okay," Joanna nodded and stood up.

Wearing thick clothes, the two came outside the villa, and the thin surface on the pavement that had been cleaned out in the yard had been raised, and the snow flakes like catkins fluttered in the air with impunity.

Joanna stretched out her hand with pink plush gloves and leaned out of the eaves to pick up a few snowflakes. Gently blowing and letting those little ice crystals float out.

Eric looked at the sky and thought about when Virginia would return. Joanna whispered, "Eric. Will you make a snowman?"

"No," Eric shook his head honestly. He lived in the South in his previous life. He had never seen a few snows since he was young, how could he make a snowman, though. Looking at the faint expectations of Joanna's slender scorpion, Eric immediately said: "But I can try."

Joanna snorted. Watching Eric walk to the hut where the tools are stored not far away.

After a while, Eric took a shovel out. A piece of land was picked on the lawn on the east side of the villa, and the snow that had not been cleaned up was shoveled.

Joanna asked the servant to move out the chair she often sat, took a blanket and put it on her body, laughing and sitting under the eaves, quietly watching Eric busy.

After more than half an hour, a somewhat ugly snowman stood up and Eric took the carrots and two cyan little oranges from the kitchen to set the eyes and nose for the snowman.

"There are hands and hands," Joanna pointed and whispered.

Eric looked around and folded two dead branches from the bushes not far away, plugged in the snowman and clap his hands: "Is this done?"

Joanna looked at her head and said to the little girl: "Hat, no hat."

"Oh, then wait," Eric said, walking into the room, and after a while he came out with a pink straw hat and buckled on the snowman's head.

"Oh, this hat is Vicky," Joanna said after a moment of careful examination.

Eric put down the tool, patted the snow on his body and walked over, squatting beside Joanna, taking a few mouthfuls of steaming water from the woman's hand and laughing: "Take him, a hat." Just, is the snowman beautiful?"

"Well," Joanna nodded and said, "Daddy often gave me a snowman in the winter, and it hasn't been for many years."

Eric listened to Joanna’s tone of nostalgia and took her hand and patted it: “When the children are born, you can go back to Poland for a while or take them over.”

"Mother and Dad won't come, they won't speak English," Joanna shook her head.

The two were chatting lowly. The Chevrolet business car that Virginia was out of when he was out of the yard, the old woman who had been through the car came down from the car and told the driver and assistant to move things out. Eric and Joanna waved: "How do you sit outside, not cold?"

"Eric has just piled up a snowman," Joanna pointed at the lawn.

Virginia followed Joanna's finger and suddenly looked like a cat that was stepped on the tail: "Oh, my hat, my Chanel limited edition, Eric, you bastard."

The little woman yelled and rushed to the ugly snowman.

The female assistant of Virginia was seeing the boss suddenly so excited, the subconscious was next to Virginia, stretching her arms and ready to help, Eric also stood up helplessly, afraid that the woman fell, and quickly stepped on The thick snow on the lawn went over.

"My hat, Chanel limited edition," Virginia was still groaning, taking the pink straw hat off the snowman's head, and slamming the little leather boots and smashing the snowman's foot. The body has already vacated in a blink of an eye.

Eric held the woman in her arms and carefully walked down to the eaves before she let go. She watched Virginia hold the hat in her arms and glared at herself. Eric reached out and smoked in the place where the woman had more meat. One note: "Is the hat important or the child important?"

"Hat..." Virginia was blurted out and took a half second to pick it up: "...just as important as a child."

Eric looked helpless and turned to tell the assistant of Virginia to move the house into the house, and the woman led the villa, and Joanna smiled and followed the two.

After rushing Virginia to get thick clothes, Eric vacated the space and helped the servants to sort out the piles of things that the woman bought.

Until the evening, Virginia's little temper was counted.

After a warm Thanksgiving with two women, Eric did not leave, although the Thanksgiving holiday soon passed, but Eric as the boss, but absolutely have the right to arrange their own holiday.

Of course, there are other things besides staying with two women.

After Thanksgiving, the IE browser that was developed for half a year was finally officially released, because the main carrier of software distribution in this era still relied on floppy disks. Although I originally determined the free strategy of IE, the company has spent so much money to develop software. Of course, it is not possible to post a free floppy disk. Therefore, the IE browser is still sold in the form of a floppy disk according to the mode of the fee-based software, but the price is very low. Although the company does not pay the money, it does not have any profit for the sale of the IE software.

At the same time, Yahoo's portal interface was also developed. Because of the full technical development time, Yahoo's website was launched with a very convenient search function. In order to facilitate the promotion of the website, Eric set all the homepages of the IE browser to the Yahoo! However, in order not to give people a monopoly, Eric did not bind IE to the Yahoo homepage. Anyway, there will be very few people who will modify the homepage in this era. (To be continued)

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