I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 603: Sell ​​it to me.

In the original time, Victoria’s secret once occupied more than 4% of the market share in the US market, and the annual net profit reached 100 million US dollars. This is a miracle for a traditionally demanding industry with a low market entry threshold. Victoria's secret annual big show, which is hugely profitable and costly to build, is not worth mentioning.

Emily was not impressed by Eric’s big cake. She simply calculated it and said: “According to what you said, if you want to make a sensation, this annual big show is estimated to be 15 to 2 Around 10,000 US dollars, the money is enough for the company to make a one-year advertisement on the TV station. I have just stabilized the company. If I suddenly launch such an adventurous publicity plan, it will definitely cause strong opposition from other shareholders and management."

Eric thought about it and said: "If you don't do this, Ltd will transfer the copyright of Victoria's secret annual big show to the fireflies. The production costs are all borne by me. You only need to help from the side. The annual big show didn't do what I said, and the loss was all borne by the fireflies. If it succeeds, if you want to continue making this program, you will need to pay the firefly copyright fee."

In memory, "Victoria's Secret Annual Show" has an annual audience rating of around 10 million person-times. Although it can only be done once a year, this program will broadcast the advertising cost and subsequent TV cable rights revenue in the future. As well as the distribution of video tapes and other peripherals, it is enough for the fireflies to recover all costs. If you win the copyright now, once the program is successful, then the company will certainly not give up this big show that has a great publicity role for Wei Mi. The annual copyright fee will make the firefly earn a sum of money.

Emily quickly thought of the key, saying: "That is, if the show is successful, then every year, if the company wants to continue making the annual show, will it cost money to get the firefly to agree?"

"Of course," Eric nodded, watching Emily's slightly frowning look. Laughing: "The risks and opportunities are always coexisting. If the company is not willing to take risks, then the fireflies can't spend a lot of money, and you can't get any benefit? But you can rest assured. Fireflies and Ltd come to me. It is the difference between the right and left hands, I certainly won’t open the lion."

Emily hesitated, but still did not immediately agree, said: "I will hold a high-level meeting tomorrow to discuss and give you news."

"No problem, I will be in New York lately. You can contact me at any time."

Emily was about to turn and leave, suddenly stopped and asked: "If we choose to invest in production, what is your cooperation plan here?"

Eric said: "It can be operated in accordance with the cooperation mode of TV movies. Ltd. is the investor and producer, the distribution of firefighter agent TV channels and video tape channels, and the parties agree on a suitable profit sharing ratio."


The hot birthday party lasted until ten o'clock in the evening, and as many people still needed work tomorrow, the guests began to leave.

Eric personally arranged the family of Virginia's brother to another manor in East Hampton and returned to the manor house in the sea. The guests have all left, and only a few servants are picking up the mess outside the villa.

Pushing the door into the villa hall, Eric saw two identical tall figures moving in the kitchen to pack the cutlery into the kitchen. Virginia was still excited on the sofa and Xiao Kewen, who was finally willing to open the mouth. Saying that the mother and the child can understand, Joanna holds a book in her hand and sits quietly next to Virginia. The baby on the single sofa is holding the remote control and changing the TV channel.

With two women greeted, Eric looked at the busy figure of the twins and asked, "Drew and summer?"

Joanna looked up: "In the summer and summer bedroom, Drew said that he wants to sleep in summer and summer."

"You are quite relieved of Drew," Eric laughed and sat down beside Joanna. The chin was on her shoulder, sniffing the woman's faint body fragrance, and looked at the Russian version of the book: "What book to read, you still speak Russian?"

"Anna Karenina." Joanna also leaned against Eric in a relative, saying: "When I was in school, the school had a mandatory Russian class. It was not difficult to learn. Slowly. Yes."

Eric sighed, but I remembered Joanna during school. Poland is also a member of the Soviet Union. It is not unexpected to be asked to study Russian. He still remembers that when he was in elementary school, the fat language teacher would also speak Russian. It is said that he studied when he was in good relations with the Soviet Union. Relatively speaking, the Polish language belongs to the Slavic language department. Joanna is definitely much simpler to learn Russian than the Orientals.

Eric sent Eva and twins to rest, and told the two women for a while, it was already eleven o'clock. I was planning to go to rest, only to find that I have never seen Xiaonizi: "You first Go upstairs, let me go and see, don’t fall asleep in the summer and summer room."

The two baby rooms were on the first floor, and Eric walked into the daughter's room before he saw Drew squatting on the small bed in Hawaii, holding a book in his hand and seeing Eric appearing and stopped immediately. Come down.

Eric didn’t notice Drew’s short-lived moment, and saw that her daughter seemed to be awake. She went to the crib and was about to make a few words before she found a pitiful little tearful look in Hawaii. Dad’s figure appeared and immediately yelled at Eric.

Eric quickly picked up her daughter and glanced at Xiao Nizi, who had already begun to spit her tongue. She remembered the situation and reached out and took the book that Drew seemed to inadvertently hide behind her. She looked at it, and it was Stephen. Kim’s thriller novel “The Witch Carrie”.

Curious and funny, throwing the book aside, Eric reached out and grabbed the little ears of the girl.

"Yeah, it hurts, Joan said that she likes to listen to people to read books before going to sleep in summer and summer. I only read it, and I don't necessarily understand it in summer and summer. I only read a few pages."

Eric put a little effort on his hand and smiled: "I am so scared and crying, you still can't understand. Did your mother read "Witch Carrie" when you were a child?"

"Where someone will give me a book to listen to, I was only taken by her to take an advertisement for money in six months. No one gave me a birthday. No one gave me a fairy tale before going to bed, and there was no comfortable single room. I am a child who no one hurts no one loves no childhood. Oh, I am so pitiful..."

Although I knew that this Nizi was ninety-nine, Eric still loosened his hand with some pity, and watched the moment stop the fake **** like a koala wrapped around himself. Eric patted her back helplessly: "Don't go to Xia Xia to read a horror novel in the future, it will scare her."

"Well, um..."

Virginia was asleep on her son, and heard the movement coming over here, leaning against the door and looking at Drew, who was screaming at Eric. Somewhat funnyly asked: "What are you doing?"

Xiao Nizi does not have any shy attributes to face outsiders. She still relies on Eric. Eric can only hand Hawaii to Virginia and smiles: "You look at the small, I am coming." of."

"Oh," Virginia said, taking a smile and taking over Hawaii. There was no sound that sounded scary in her ear. It was late at night, and Hawaii quickly narrowed her eyes on Virginia.

Eric vacated his hands and patted Xiao Nizi on his body: "Okay. Let me go, go to bed."

"You take me to the bedroom."

Eric grabbed the small body of Shantou and smirked. "You seem to have a lot of weight, I can't hold it."

"No, I am less than a pound now, don't believe you touch."

Virginia was careful to put Hawaii on the crib, checked the baby monitor, and smiled and said to the two people who were tired together: "Summer summer is asleep, don't make trouble here."

Eric was helpless and could only hold the hoe. Going out in a burst of laughter.


Emily called Eric on the afternoon of the next afternoon. First, she dropped a group of 'short-sighted' idiots on the board of directors. Then she said that the company finally chose the second option given by Eric. Sell ​​the copyright of Victoria's Secret Annual Show to Fireflies. Eric listened to Chris afterwards and said that Emily had a very quarrel with the board of directors. The ltd is basically Chris’s acquisition from shareholders such as Leslie Weisnay through a hostile takeover. Although Leslie Weschenai has left, many shareholders and management who originally preferred Leslie Weschenes are still in the company at this time. These people are the business pillar of the company, and then ensure that they can not cause Under the premise of turmoil, it is impossible for Emily to kick all these people off.

However, Eric believes that after the release of the Vimy annual show. With the increase in the value of the Vimy brand, Emily's status will be completely consolidated, and they can be completely in the hands of the company.

Since the choice was made by the company, the cooperation negotiations did not waste too much. After three days, Eric vacated the busy schedule for several hours. The two sides signed a cooperation agreement, and Eric will take the time to draft. A plan was handed over to the team composed of both the company and the fireflies to begin preparations.


On the abc side, after signing the M&A contract, in late April, the two parties finally completed the merger process such as equity swap, and on April 26, the new first meeting of the Firefly Group was held.

Although Eric still has more than the ceo until the end of next year, fortunately, Eric does not need to have a deep understanding of abc, you can find the right candidate for abc next ceo Robert Eiger, after all, Robert Eiger's personal The ability has been proven in previous lives. Eric personally talked with Robert Eiger several times and obtained the approval of Tom Murphy and others. This matter was confirmed inside abc.

In addition, Jeffrey, who finished his 60th birthday last year, also intends to retreat from the position of the company's president. The old man feels the hard experience when he was working with his wife to make a movie. After he left his job, he was running a small farm in Maryland. At the same time, he used his annual shareholding in Firefly Films to set up a film fund to fund some young directors to complete their movie dreams, although Eric felt that Jeffrey would do a lot of money, but Jeff It’s obvious that money has been very weak, and Chris has expressed support for his father’s behavior. Eric has not said anything more.

The final confirmed adjustment result is that after Tom Murphy and Michael Lynn will retreat, Kasenberg will be the ceo of the Firefly Group, responsible for the overall operation and development of the group. Robert Eiger is the president of the Firefly Group and abc TV. Net ceo, responsible for abc TV network affairs, Frank Wells served as the president of Firefly Group and Disney ceo, responsible for the affairs of the subsidiary Disney, three people formed the Big Three model of the Firefly Group, and at the same time, after the department adjustment, Firefly Group The heads of various departments will also make corresponding adjustments.

Although Eric is the main banquet of the board of directors, his main energy is still on the production of fireflies, unless Carsenberg and others make decisions that are completely contrary to the development trend of the film industry in the next decade. K does not intend to interfere with the day-to-day operations of the company. (To be continued.)

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