I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 604: Suspected madman

ABC headquarters on 66th Street in Upper West Side, Manhattan.

In the multimedia screening room, Dr. Mark, played by Anthony Edwards, once again woken up at 6:30 in the morning, looked at the watch, and sat down from the narrow storage room. "The story of the emergency room." "Long Dalu. I have been studying the Yahoo website in recent days. I just have a lot of doubts and hope to get the answer from Mr. Williams. ”

When Eric made an appointment with the other party, he did not conceal the intention of inviting the other party to meet. He heard Tina Brown’s explanation and said, "Of course, no problem. If you have any questions, you can ask me, and, call. I am Eric, don't you mind if I call you Tina?"

"Of course not," Tina Brown nodded and was about to say something. Eric pointed to the notebook that showed Yahoo's homepage, saying: "Now this is not the latest homepage of Yahoo. Can you let me use it?"

Tina Brown pushed the notebook over and Eric randomly asked for a cup of coffee from the waiter who came over. Then I turned to the notebook and expertly entered a URL, and a new homepage appeared on the browser that was completely different from the Yahoo homepage layout.

The original Yahoo homepage was the simplest t-shaped layout, and the entire page was divided into three sections according to the t-shaped dividing line. The brand new homepage is a typical ‘same' glyph layout. Later, the classic portal website basically adopted this layout method, which can be said to be a successful mode after ‘time’ verification. This is also the solution that Eric has repeatedly discussed with the Yahoo team through emails. However, the new home page is still in the internal testing phase.

Compared to the portal homepage in memory that takes a long time to reach the bottom, the page at this time is designed to be as large as one monitor screen due to the speed limit. The top of the page is still Yahoo's web icon and search bar, and the left side is a series of links. The login interface, email address, Yahoo Forum and upcoming instant messaging tools were transferred to the right, and the middle of the ‘same’ is the recommended news content.

Above the original news content, Eric originally intended to add a website recommendation section as the URL navigation, but these 'super traffic portals' will definitely be able to charge according to the advertising effect in the future. According to Yahoo's expected traffic, these 'advertising' in the next few years. Bit 'will bring a lot of income to Yahoo every year, but now. It is undoubtedly a delusion to charge advertising fees to some websites. Since it does not receive money, Eric will prefer to temporarily cancel this section. After all, if the navigation panel is launched, it will only be free. As everyone knows, the Internet wants to be free. The change in the charging model is harder and harder.

Eric opened the internal test interface and turned the notebook screen to a position that both people could see. He pointed to the links on the left side of 'News', 'Finance', 'Entertainment' and the key news recommendations in the middle. Na. Brown said: "If you are willing to be the editor-in-chief of Yahoo. These content sections will be your future work. The key news recommendations in the middle are like the recommendations of each issue on the magazine cover, and each sub-section and magazine Each sub-section page is very similar," Eric said as he casually opened the entertainment section and briefly introduced it.

Tina Brown patiently listened to Eric's narrative. He looked up at him and said with a smile: "Eric, why do you think I can do the job?"

Eric shook his head and said: "I can't confirm this, Tina, this is a brand new industry that I have never had before, so I can only look for people who can take up this position from the traditional media industry. Someone just recommended it to me. After you have some understanding, I think you are indeed a good candidate. However, Yahoo does not have much time to adapt to the job, you can only get a one-year work contract, within one year, if you If the work is unsatisfactory, then you can only leave."

Tina Brown heard these harsh conditions and frowned slightly. As a woman in the magazine industry for nearly two decades, even the top executives of Vanity Fair, the parent company of Vanity Fair, would not use such an impersonal tone. Talk to her. However, thinking of Eric’s identity, Tina Brown swallowed back the words she wanted to refute. The young man’s position in the media industry now far exceeds any of Condé Nast’s executives. Not to mention that he still has such amazing wealth. In Western society, wealth represents real power.

After sorting out the mood, Tina Brown said: "Eric, it is rumored that you have invested hundreds of millions of dollars in browser software, Yahoo and online email services. I just want to know how you plan to recover these investments. Although you are rich, but for any industry, pure investment and no profit is absolutely impossible to last."

"Yahoo's user base is already very large. The company is developing a unique advertising system. These projects are currently in a state of confidentiality. The details are inside and require you to sign a contract with Yahoo before you can understand."

Yahoo and Mailbox have been testing simple banner ads and email ads on a small scale. Tina Brown also found these on the Yahoo website during the past few days, but she doesn't think these look unobtrusive. Advertising campaigns can pay for a huge amount of money on the site. However, since Eric is not willing to disclose the situation in advance, Tina Brown can only ask other questions: "The content, Eric, Yahoo is the way to reprint content from other websites, the original content is not Much, but I think that the content on the Internet is still very scarce. If it continues, Yahoo will soon fall into a development bottleneck."

"Of course I have taken this into consideration," Eric said with a faint confident smile. "Although this is in Yahoo's next development plan, it can be revealed to you in advance. From the second half of the year, Yahoo will Set up a special angel investment fund to support the development of potential websites. The initial investment scale is about 100 million US dollars. The money will be spent in one year, according to the average investment scale of 10,000 US dollars per website. Yahoo will support about a brand new website, and in the future, if you need it, I don't mind burning $100 million a year to do it. In addition to this, you also need to set up Netease's own content editing department, as long as Your idea is fully viable and I don't mind investing enough money."

Burn 100 million dollars a year to support the development of the website!

At the moment of hearing this data, Tina Brown’s first reaction was that the legendary youth must be crazy. Although hundreds of thousands of large and small websites have appeared on the Internet, it is not an overstatement to be truly profitable. Most websites are either introduction pages of some companies or some people. Small websites with interest creations, the number of formal business websites is still very rare.

Eric noticed Tina Brown's flashing expression and smiled: "When Columbus proposed a big sailing plan, many people thought he was crazy, but he still chose to travel, because of this, we are now I was able to sit on the same continent where he landed that year and discuss another crazy plan that was suspected of being a madman, isn’t it?” (To be continued.)

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