I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 605: Good idea

A few years later, when the Internet industry began to erupt, watching countless companies burn hundreds of billions of dollars a year, but still can not shake the Internet empire established between the young and the younger than 25 years old, Na. Brown realized how much Eric’s decision was full of vision.

But now, in a fine coffee shop in Manhattan, Tina Brown first heard of Eric's crazy plan, but more of it was just hesitation.

Tina Brown's status and reputation in the media industry has reached her personal peak. If she accepts the invitation of the Condé Nast Group to be in charge of the New Yorker, she has accumulated nearly 20 years of experience in the operation of the magazine. Ten's grasp reinvigorated this already declining magazine. But if you turn to a completely strange field, even if it is only one year, if she fails to make a dazzling achievement in this field, then it will not be easy to re-enter the original circle after one year. It’s a thing, she’s only forty years old, and she doesn’t want to ruin her original career because of an adventure.

When I heard Eric mention Columbus and the big voyage, Tina Brown did not produce too much emotion, just smiled faintly, it was an attachment. People only remember the glory of the great voyage era, but no one has explored how many adventurers have been buried in the sea for hundreds of years because of storms, pirates and diseases.

Tina Brown thought that Eric would continue to persuade her to join Yahoo, or to develop favorable conditions that made her difficult to refuse. She felt that he would certainly do so with his brilliant qualifications accumulated in the media industry for more than 20 years. A truly successful superior. Often they will spare no effort to get talented for their own use. But Eric finished the last sentence. Instead, he calmed down and held the coffee in front of him comfortably on the back of the chair, patiently waiting for her decision.

Eric's unexpected reaction, but calmed down Tina Brown, who had suffered.

The two quietly watched the traffic coming and going outside the glass window for a while. Tina Brown finally made up her mind and asked: "Eric, if I join Yahoo, what can I get?"

Eric replied: "I will not give you a too high annual salary. Your personal salary will probably be the same as during Vanity Fair. However, at the beginning of Yahoo's establishment, the company has drawn up an equity award contract. Before listing, Yahoo will reward up to 20% of the equity as a reward to the management and some important employees. If you join Yahoo and can meet my requirements in a year, then you also Will be listed in this rewards program."

Tina Brown shook her head in confusion: "Eric, you said it is too general, I don't know if you will honor this in the future, if Yahoo can really grow and develop. 20% of the shares are not a small number. And, you didn't give any standards. I don't know how to get what you said?"

Eric laughed: "You don't need to worry about this. The contract for the equity award plan before the listing was personally developed by a good friend and partner. It has dozens of pages and is recognized by everyone. After you join Yahoo, you can sign this contract."

For the firefly, a media giant that has already established its position in the industry, the Group's operating system has been quite perfect. Although the excellent management can bring more benefits to the company, it will not be able to determine the survival of the company. Therefore, shareholders do not need to make too many equity incentives for management. In the past few years, although the profitability of fireflies was very rich, Eric’s shareholding used to reward management was less than 1% of the total share capital.

But for the Internet industry that is rapidly emerging, high-level technology and management talents that have accumulated a lot of industry experience are crucial to the company's development. In the case of rapid development of the company, in order to prevent management from leaving the company alone or being chased by competitors, this kind of rewarding measures is very necessary. Because once these talents, which are vital to the development of Internet technology companies, leave, it may be like a train that is driving at a high speed suddenly finds that the rails in front of it have been demolished, and the catastrophic consequences can be imagined. The reason why the Internet industry was able to produce so many young billionaires in the early days was because most investors understood this truth, instead of innocently pinning their hopes on their blood and loyalty. However, after more than a decade, the oligarchy of the Internet industry will take shape, and the door to wealth that will make people rich overnight will be closed. Except for a few lucky ones, most of the Internet companies that can toss out some new ideas are Can only accept the oligarchs' Zhaoan.

Explaining Tina Brown's first concern, Eric pointed to the ibm notebook that still shows the Yahoo portal homepage, saying: "In addition, about your personal work, in fact, there is no standard of judgment, for example, Yahoo! The server background has a detailed record of the user's access data. There is a very important pv value, which means the user's page-vie. This data is the best embodiment of the user's recognition of Yahoo's content. The ratio of the pv value to the number of users is the average page visits per user. This ratio will represent your personal work to a certain extent. The higher the ratio, the better your work."

After listening to Eric's patience, Tina Brown suddenly smiled: "I suddenly found myself unable to find a reason to reject the job. At least, you are more honest than my original boss."

Eric knew that Tina Brown said that it was equivalent to agreeing with it, and he smiled and said: "In this case, I still need to be honest with you. Compared with being the editor-in-chief of Vanity Fair, you are Yahoo's workload will increase exponentially, because Vanity Fair only needs to do one monthly, but Yahoo's information needs to be updated daily or even every hour, and each content section and a larger number of sub-sections. All need you to co-ordinate."

Tina Brown squatted and asked: "How many people can I have in my hand?"

"Yahoo has spent most of its energy in website technology research and development for the past two years. There is only one simple 50-person editorial team. The original editor-in-chief was once the editor of a regular newspaper in Boston. I am very dissatisfied with his work. I invite you," Eric said, looking at ibm's Yahoo homepage, counting down and saying, "You have a total of eight content sections that you will be responsible for in the future. After you join the job, you can follow the popularity of these content sections. To adjust the degree, as far as I am concerned, according to the average of five sub-sections in each section. If you edit five sub-sections in each section, you can expand the editing team to 200. Yahoo must do its own news content, this is Need a team of reporters, as well as logistical support and other departments, this is also a group of people. Of course, these are things you need to consider after you join the job, if you feel the need to expand the editing team to 500 people, just give I can approve your plan for the reasons that I am convinced."

Tina Brown subconsciously felt that the five editors in each sub-section were too few. However, she has not officially entered the job and is not clear about the specific situation. So there is no immediate request.

"The last question," Tina Brown said: "The Firefly Group is now the largest media group in North America, with a wealth of information content. I want to know how much support Yahoo can get from fireflies?"

Eric smiled: "You can think of support, I can give you, the highest priority movie and TV information, star interview, espn sports news, the latest trends in Hollywood, etc., but only if you need to let the firefly The department feels that you have the qualification to work with them. When they heard the news of cooperation with Yahoo, the first reaction is best to 'oh, Yahoo, that is a great website', instead of asking questions in a doubtful way, Yahoo! What is it?'"

"There is an infinite loop in your logic," Tina Brown said with a smile. "If Yahoo can't get enough support first, how can I let others treat the site differently?"

Eric said: "Although you have some concept of stealing, but well, I have a good chance here, and it is the same as when you caught the Reagan couple’s foxtrot dance and let Vanity Fair come back to life. It is another big event that may cause a sensation. If it works properly, the popularity of Yahoo! Information will be greatly improved again."

Tina Brown remembered the box office hegemony of Jurassic Park, which was sensational in the world last year. He was curious: "Is your new movie?"

“No,” Eric shook his head and said, “But it’s also another show I personally directed, a grand fashion show.”

Tina Brown also asked, Eric just smiled and shook his head: "This will be the end of the year, and many things are not convenient to disclose in advance. But believe me, this fashion show brings enough news to Yahoo! Months, and I will try to provide you with all the first-hand information."

"Then I can only wait and see," Tina Brown smiled and reached out to Eric through the coffee table.

Eric shook hands with the other side and said, "I am flying the next morning, go to Boston to see where you will be working in the future?"

"Of course, no problem." Tina Brown said: "Even if you don't invite, I will go there in person before I join the job."


In Eric’s plan, this trip to Boston was crucial to his layout in the Internet industry. He had hoped that Chris would travel to Boston together, but Chris needed to fly to Finland to attend the board meeting of Nokia. Eric's investment agent, Chris also serves as a director of a number of companies including Nokia, Cisco and AOL. Eric's personal work schedule is also very compact, time can not be arranged, the plan of the peer can only In the end, Eric just took two entourage and Tina Brown to board the plane to Boston.

Before the departure, Eric also personally called to invite two other people, Cisco Group eo John Chambers and AOL Steve Case, the United States, the other party also readily agreed.

The small Gulfstream business jet of the Firefly Group slowly slipped down at General Edward's International Airport in Boston. Eric and Tina Brown set off the plane and walked out of the airport. They saw three men of different ages coming towards them. The three people are the head of the browser company, Ian Gnell, the head of Yahoo's website, Jeff Locke, and the head of the online mailbox company, Steve Mitter, who occasionally chats with Eric on the Internet. Nick.

Ian Gernier was originally a product development manager at database software giant Oracle. In his early forties, he was tall, but somewhat bald and dressed in a neat gray suit.

Jeff Locke was recommended by Tim Berners Lee as the head of the Yahoo! portal. He is a 30-year-old with a master's degree in computer science from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and has worked in Sun Software for two years.

The last Steward Mitnick, who was responsible for the online e-mail service, was a classmate of Chris at the University of Pennsylvania. Although he was arranged by his parents, he read the financial profession like Chris, but he was very computer-oriented. Obsessed, the final financial degree was not available, but the research on computer and information technology reached the point where the professors of the Penn University Department of Computer were amazed. The professor at Penn also wanted to make Steve Mitnick. His own student, but he refused this suggestion because he had nothing to teach himself. According to Chris, Steve Mitnick had been in a small company run by his father in his hometown of Dallas. He heard that Chris said that someone would burn a lot of money to study the computer technology he was interested in, and immediately put everything away. Go to Boston.

A group of people introduced each other. When they left, Steve Mitnick was very familiar with Eric Carat in his inconspicuous black Buick. Tina Brown also seemed to want to talk to Yahoo’s head immediately, so she went to Jeff Locke’s car, and Carter Moen and Eric’s other bodyguards sat in Ian G. Mercedes.

"Eric, I have a good idea recently, and you will definitely be very interested," Buick had just entered the airport, and Steve Mitnick couldn't wait to say: "Now, in order to adapt to indos The operating systems of personal computers such as uni, linu, and apples have to develop several different versions at the same time. I think why don't we develop an Internet operating system based on ie, relying on the advantages of our browser software. I may be able to surpass Microsoft in the future, and I have recently written a simple system kernel. As long as you agree with this plan, I promise two years, oh no, one and a half years to come up with a brand new system. ”

Eric took his eyes from the red building of the Hilton Hotel near the Airport Expressway and looked at Steve Mitnick’s obviously unsuitable suit. He smiled and said: "You should have discussed this plan with Ian. What?" (To be continued.)

Ps: [From today, the daily update time is fixed at 8:30]

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