I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 606: IES

Steve Mitnick said: "Yes, but he said that this plan is too expensive, you will never agree. But I think the most important thing you should lack now is money?"

"There is no shortage of money," Eric said with a smile. Although the Firefly Group has just issued a huge bond of 8 billion US dollars, as long as Eric needs money, I believe that all banks in the United States will not refuse to provide Erick with huge loans. "But what we lack is time. The computer operating system has been developed for more than ten years. There are already many mature operating systems on the market. And, compared to developing a new operating system, bypassing our software. Patent development of a new web browser is obviously easier. Since we have achieved an unparalleled advantage in this field, it would be unwise to give up our advantage to switch to other industries."

In fact, the most important reason that Eric didn’t say that he couldn’t say it is that Microsoft will launch the epoch-making indos95 operating system next year. The release of in95 means that Microsoft will unify the operating system and then launch it. An additional operating system will definitely be a rib. If the time can be five years ahead of schedule, Eric will definitely not hesitate to agree to Steve Mitnick's solution, using the advantages of browser software to develop a network-based operating system. Netscape, which developed the first successful graphical interface browser in the original time and space, once proposed an operating system plan based on the Netscape browser, and this plan was also due to the rise of in95, and later Google I also planned to develop a free operating system based on Google Chrome, but after the news was released. The same is true of the following. Can be seen after in95. It is unlikely that you want to shake Microsoft's position in the era of P.

Steve Mitnick was disappointed and nodded. "It seems that what you said makes sense."

Eric smiled, although Steve Mitnick was a technical genius, but after all, it was some idealism, but such a person is more pure, like the two founders of Google in the original time, Irene Ke can conclude that at least Steve Mitnick will put more energy into technology research and development. And will not bother to calculate the money for the money. In fact, Eric feels that the more people who concentrate on one thing, the more they can get.

"In fact, you should be able to guess," Eric waited for a while, and said on his own initiative: "I am planning to integrate all three companies together and set up Yahoo! Online, and ie and hotmail will be officially renamed Yahoo! And Yahoo Mail, Steve, are you interested in being the eo of this company?"

"No, no. Eric," Steve Mitnick immediately slammed his head. "You let me sit on the computer screen for a lifetime. But if you want my company managers to sit every day." I will be crazy when dealing with the messy things in the office or in the conference room." After a pause, Steve Mitnick said: "You better let Ian come, he is obviously better at running the company. Maybe I can be Yahoo's to (CTO)."

Eric had some surprises and then smiled: "I always think that you are quite similar to another Steve I know, but now it seems that you two are completely two types of people."

Another Steve, of course, is Steve Jobs. Jobs is a very strong person who controls, and the guy in front of him is more inclined to a technical madman who doesn't know what's going on.

"You mean Steve Jobs?" Mitnick took the steering wheel over a white business car, followed by the front two cars, and recalled: "I bought it at Penn. After a maintosh, it was a great PC at that time, the graphical user platform, the first multimedia function, and the 8mhz processor speed, far beyond the ibm personal computer at the time, but after Steve Jobs left In the past few years, Apple has not released any good things."


After more than half an hour, three cars stopped in front of a white six-story office building near the Massachusetts Institute of Technology on the Charles River. After a conversation, Eric also almost cut off Steve Mitnick. Only the technical computer genius in my heart is in charge of Yahoo's mind. Although Steve Mitnick has a very high IQ, he has no intention of taking charge of a company's mind. If he insists on it, he can only be counterproductive.

In addition to the lowest level of office buildings, the top five floors are all occupied by three companies. Currently, the three companies have nearly 900 employees. Under the leadership of Steve Mitnick, three directors began to greet the open floor staff.

Walking into the second floor office area, although the space of this office building is very large, the average density of less than 200 employees per floor is not too large, but with a lot of office equipment, personal computers and other equipment, it seems to be cluttered and crowded. A lot. However, seeing Eric's behind-the-scenes boss appeared, all the employees were very interested. Some bold female employees also found a camera and excitedly took Eric to take a series of photos.

All the way to a lounge on the top floor, Eric sat down at the round table and smiled and said to the other people: "When I first went to Pixar Studio, all the employees of Pixar were gathered together. The building is very dilapidated and crowded, but now Pixar has its own 16-acre exclusive office park in Emoryville, San Francisco. I believe that the company you have in your hands will have far more achievements than Pixar, so it’s all It’s only temporary.”

The three companies have been burning money for a few years, and basically have little income. Steve Mitnick and others certainly dare not want a better office environment, and since they discovered the growing potential of the three companies. They are even less concerned about the trivial little things of the office environment.

Ian Gurney, who is responsible for browser development: "Eric, I think it's great. So, let's take a look at the development of ies. It's in my office. You put this up. The idea of ​​a browser literal translation language is really genius. Once the ies are released, I think no one can surpass the status of ie in the browser field."

Jeff Locke and Steve Mitnick heard Ian Gonier mentioning ies, and they all showed a eager expression.

Eric smiled and squinted at Tina Brown, shaking his head and smiling: "For the time being, I have been working for me for more than two years. I have to show it. You know where Boston can accommodate. Are 900 people starting the party together?"

This time it was the turn of the three big men to show a stunned look, and Tina Brown realized that she had not signed a contract for employment. Eric has deliberately opened up the topic that seems to involve company secrets, and does not mind. As the most famous Vanity Fair party planner after the Oscar ceremony, Tina Brown is obviously the most experienced in this kind of thing, laughing: "Eric, if you want to arrange a gathering of 900 people at a time, it is best to hold an open air. Party, location can only be selected in a nearby park. I just know the phone number of the biggest party company owner in Boston, they can contact the corresponding party place, but if you want tonight, contact the party place urgently. Facilities such as various drinks and foods need to be added."

Eric laughed: "Then please contact you, Tina."

Tina Brown smiled slightly. Road: "Well, as you wish, boss." Then I looked at Ian G. Neil. "Can you lend me a call?"

"Follow me, ma'am," Ian G. Neil voluntarily got up and walked into an office with Tina Brown.

Arranged for the evening staff meeting, used lunch together, Eric and Tina Brown came back to the reserved hotel.

In the afternoon, I found a coffee shop. Eric will prepare some documents for Tina Brown to look at one by one, including the long-term equity incentive contract.

After confirming that he had no doubts, Tina Brown finally signed an agreement to formally join Yahoo as the editor-in-chief of the content.


Through the glass windows of the hotel suite, you can connect to MIT and Harvard's Massachusetts Avenue. The two sides of the street are the heights of the obsessive-compulsive disorder and the extremely uneven buildings of the age. Compared with the previous memory, it is slightly different. Pay attention to the metropolis that has gathered tens of millions of people. In front of the entire Boston area, the total population of hundreds of kilometers is less than five million. The resident population of the urban area is only 600,000. Perhaps because of this, the municipal planning is only It seems so 'comfortable', revealing a thick chaos.

As the boss, last night's enthusiasm for the 900th on the other side of the Charles River across the Charles River, even if he was very careful, he was drunk and stunned back to the hotel.

The mind was still a little bloated, and Eric looked at the downtown area of ​​Cambridge in the morning sun in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows. He thought about stretching his body a little before he walked out of the room to the restaurant.

When I saw Eric walking into the restaurant, Tina Brown, who was sitting by the window seat, nodded at him. When Eric walked over, he signaled the breakfast he had almost finished, laughing: "Taste the stuffy boiled beans in Boston. This kind of food is rarely available in the restaurant. I didn't expect it to be there."

Boston has a nickname ten times more than New York's big apple, called Doudou, which originated from the dish in front of Tina Brown called Boston Stuffed Bean.

Eric is not a Westerner who is accustomed to sweets. He is not convinced of the food stuffed with syrup. He sat down opposite Tina Brown and just randomly placed a sandwich and a glass of juice.

Tina Brown asked the waiters to take down their cutlery, patiently sat across from reading a newspaper today, and waiting for Eric to finish breakfast, said: "Eric, I hope to take over Yahoo as soon as possible. The editorial team, in addition, the office locations of the three companies I saw yesterday were really scattered. It was difficult for me to concentrate on working in that environment. I called a real estate agent yesterday and I had an office building on the same street. The two floors were just vacant because the original company went bankrupt, and I hope I can rent it there."

Eric smiled and nodded. "I said, after you got into the job, these are things within your authority. But there are still a lot of things that you need to know together recently, so there is no need to worry so much. When I leave Boston, you You can let go of your hands and feet."

"A lot of things..." Tina Brown repeated, laughing: "For example, about the ies of yesterday?"

"Yeah, but this is only one of them," Eric said. "The so-called ies is a computer language code that the IE browser team combined with the other two companies since the end of last year. It is called ies day pt. This is a brand new scripting language that is different from traditional programming languages. In simple terms, such as IE browser software, this software is mainly written in language, but the language code written by the programmer cannot be recognized by the computer. It needs to be compiled by special software and converted into a language that the computer can recognize and execute. The new ies scripting language omits the compilation process, and the web programmer can directly write the language into the webpage code, and then the IE browser Direct translation."

The ies day pt scripting language is the design idea that Eric proposed to Ian Garnier according to the idea of ​​jauas day pt developed by Netscape browser company in memory, for Ian Gernier, Jeff. For the top computer technology talents, such as Locke and Steve Mitnick, Eric’s ambiguous dialing is enough for them to design a new ies scripting language.

Although Tina Brown didn't know much about computer knowledge, she still understood Eric's explanation, but she still had some doubts: "Eric, what is the role of this scripting language?"

"The main function of this scripting language is to make the static and dynamic web pages dynamically change. For a simple example, such as web advertising, the current Yahoo webpage can simply embed a fixed ad in various kinds. In the content of different pages, although you can manually adjust the advertising content of different pages, but in the face of millions of web pages in the future, it is unrealistic to achieve complete manual operation. But with the ies scripting language, we will It can more accurately deliver corresponding advertisements to webpages with different content. Through dynamic code recognition, movie information webpages can automatically deliver movie advertisements, and sports news webpages appear as sports goods advertisements." Here, Eric drinks A sip of juice, leaving Tina Brown a technology blind to think about time, continue: "Of course, these are not the most important, the most critical point, the ies scripting language will be free to web developers, this language For those who have a technical foundation, it is also very easy to learn. In one to two years, it is impossible for the same industry. There is another scripting language. This plan is in line with the $100 million that Yahoo Angel Fund I used to fund the development of content sites. The rapid promotion of two years is enough to establish the standard format of ies in web development. With the patents of ies and IE browsers, in the future, all websites designed with ies scripting language can only be recognized by IE browser. I think, you should be able to realize what this means?" Continued.)

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