I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 625: Natural habit

At 6:30 in the afternoon, Eric walked out of the studio where Wei Mi Daxiu Studio was located. He had too many busy things. If it was not agreed with Buffett and others, Eric might Work overtime until eight o'clock. ←,

Driver and new assistant Kelly Haynes had already waited outside, Eric and Kelly Haynes got into their car, and the driver consciously started the car to the appointed restaurant.

"Mr. Williams, this is the document you need, I have already copied four copies," Kelly Haynes handed the document to Eric again in the morning.

Eric said thank you, took over the folder and concentrated on it.

Although I have been an assistant to Eric for several weeks, it was Kelly Haynes’s first car with Eric. After a few minutes, the female assistant relaxed and inadvertently blinked. The young boss next to him suddenly got a little ecstasy.

After the "Lion King" box office was released, I heard that Eric was about to close the Disney hand-painted animation department. Kelly Haynes, like many people, felt that Eric was definitely crazy.

But in recent days, after Eric’s instructions, Kelly Haynes took the team and sorted out the document in Eric’s hand. She suddenly felt that if she was herself, she would definitely be Disney’s. The hand-drawn animation department was closed, because the persuasiveness of this document was too strong, and she could not find a reason for rebuttal.

At the same time, Kelly Haynes was shocked by the keen insight of her big boss. I know that many of the data in this document have little connection at first glance. But get together. But it formed a very strong chain of evidence.

Kelly Haynes couldn't help thinking. Perhaps it is this keen insight that allows him to produce one super-hot movie.

Eric read the documents in his hand, and there was a rich Chanel No. 5 perfume. He also felt that the female assistant with a good face and a good figure had stared at him for at least a minute. This made him feel uncomfortable. Eric was not narcissistic and felt that he had the charm of making a mature monk idiot.

Moreover, the problem in the heart of Kelly Haynes is nothing to Eric, if Eric is not a rebir. Then he is also difficult to see the decline trend of 2d animation, but with the memory of past life in his mind, the reverse inference based on the results, enough for him to find a series of 2d animated film will lead to decline.

After reading the finished documents for a long time, Eric finally couldn't help the woman's gaze, moved his body, turned his head and blinked Kelly Haynes's left hand, and found no wedding ring.

Eric's sudden movement also awakened Kelly Haynes, panicked his eyes and realized his behavior. Inexplicably some flustered.

Eric felt the panic of the woman, in order to avoid embarrassment. Putting your eyes on the file again, he said casually: "Kelly, ask a more abrupt question, are you married?"

Kelly Haynes’s face is reddish, and the subconscious wants to refute a sentence. You know that this is very abrupt and you have to ask, but the words have become other answers: “I’ve got it once, but I’m divorced, I’m now and The daughter lives together, she is Nina, seven years old this year."

"Sorry, I have delayed your time with your daughter for dinner."

Kelly Haynes shook her head and smiled. "It doesn't matter, Nina is very sensible and has a babysitter."

The simple dialogue resolved the slightly embarrassing atmosphere between the two people. Eric could feel the crampedness of the female assistant. In order to avoid the silence in the car, he asked: "Do you like Chanel No. 5?"

Kelly Haynes didn't expect Eric to directly name the perfume she used. I remembered some of the motivations in the subconscious when I first chose this perfume. The face was once again unnatural: "I, a good friend recommended, I have only recently tried, I feel, okay."

Kelly Haynes tried her best to make her tone look natural. Eric did not hear the same thing. "Chai Nai 5 is very suitable for your temperament, but this perfume is most suitable for use at parties. In daily work, in fact, the light perfume will look even better."

"I will consider your suggestion, Mr. Williams," Kelly Haynes whispered, and she was a bit shy and embarrassed. Since Eric knew this perfume, he must know this too. Some special effects of the perfume, such as ... Cui Qing.

Eric’s eyes never left the documents in his hands, just as casual chats, so he did not notice the strange flash of Kelly Haynes’s expression. He felt the voice of the female assistant turned lower and thought she was against her. Some suggestions are contradictory. I look up at her and say, "Sorry, I just said it casually. You don't have to care. If you like it, you can continue to use it."

"Of course not," Kelly Haynes shook her head. "I also think this perfume is too arrogant and I plan to change it recently."

Eric put together the last page of information and said, "Oh, that's fine. Actually, I prefer women's natural fragrance. This is the innate charm of women. Just like you, I think you Now I don’t need any perfume to be more...” Eric said inadvertently, this time I finally noticed that Kelly Haynes’s cheeky face turned, and quickly stopped the conversation, saying: “I’m sorry, I’m not harassing. You are only……"

Kelly Haynes saw Eric’s slightly embarrassed expression and suddenly became bold. Then Eric’s words ridiculed: “...just the natural habit of a **** and a woman?”

Eric smiled and nodded, and realized what he said. "It seems that I have been talking about a topic that is not very pleasing."

Kelly Hines smiled and said: "You finally realized that I thought it was the inherent emotional sin of genius."

"I am not a genius," Eric shook his head and was about to continue. The car stopped in front of an ordinary Italian restaurant. Eric looked at the restaurant outside the window and asked: " is it here?"

Kelly Haynes took out a memo and confirmed it. Road: "Yes. It's here." Noticing Eric's doubts, Kelly Haynes explained: "This should be chosen by Mr. Buffett. He has always been compared... frugal."

Eric knows that the word that Kelly Haynes really wants to use is ‘吝啬’, because the world is aware of Buffett’s embarrassing character.

Holding the document and getting out of the car, Eric looked at the female assistant who was still sitting in the car and suddenly asked, "Would you like to come together, if. You are not in a hurry to go home with your daughter?"

Kelly Haynes had some heartbeats, but looked at her serious professional suit and shook her head: "No, my dress is not suitable for dinner."

Eric pointed to the Italian restaurant behind the food stalls and said: "Do you think that the old man who can choose such a restaurant will care what the guests wear?"

Kelly Haynes smiled and walked out of the car.

When they walked into the restaurant, Eric looked around for a week. Fortunately, he didn't see Buffett in the lobby. It is time to eat, not to mention the confidentiality of the topic to be discussed next. Eric believes that if you dine in the lobby, the reporters will be watched by the reporters who can't finish the meal.

Speak a few words with the waiters who greeted them. The two were taken to a box.

Warren Buffett, Tom Murphy and David West saw the Eric coming in and stopped talking and stood up.

Eric shook hands with the three people and said, "I am sorry, everyone, I have been working too busy recently, so I have not been able to pick you up at the airport."

"It doesn't matter, work is the most important thing," Buffett said with a smile, and Tom Murphy and David West both nodded.

Eric introduced a few people to Kelly Haynes, and the five talents sat down.

The waiter didn't recognize Buffett's three old men and thought it was just an ordinary guest, but Eric could never have known him. He even remembered Buffett's identity and looked at the big people sitting in front of him. The waiters were a little excited, and at the same time they couldn't help but figure out how much tip they would get next. The tone was eager: "Gentlemen, are you ordering now?"

The three Buffett did not finish, and looked at Eric together.

Eric smiled at the waiter: "Sorry, can you order again after fifteen minutes? We still have something to talk about?"

"Of course, of course, no problem, Mr. Williams, you can do it at any time," the waiter was somewhat flattered by Eric's tone of discussion, giggling and nodding, and voluntarily withdrawing from the box.

After the waiter left, Eric took out the folder he was carrying with him. Kelly Haynes took the initiative to pick up the tableware on the table and sat quietly beside Eric.

Handing the copied documents to the three people separately, Eric said with a smile: "I can eat the cake for the next dinner. I think we still have to solve this problem first."

Among the three, the fifty-five-year-old David West is the youngest. As the president of a large foundation, he is also the most sociable, so the Eyre’s jokes are smiling, and the other two old men can’t wait. Read the document and Tom Murphy put on the reading glasses in a serious manner.

Eric looked at Buffett, who had already turned over the first page. He said: "I believe that after reading the information and data, you can definitely understand some things, but I will explain it personally, which is simpler and clearer."

Buffett has a quick reading and data mentality that transcends ordinary people. However, after reading the first "Wholesale Trends of Hollywood Movies" quickly, Buffett did not see any connection with Eric's upcoming closing of the Disney hand-drawn animation department. The factors, heard Eric's words, Buffett decisively stopped to continue to turn pages, looking at the well-behaved Eric, the other two also followed Buffett's action paused.

Eric sorted out the idea and said: "First of all, I want to make a statement that "The Lion King" is an "event movie" similar to "Star Wars", "et aliens" and "little master". "I feel that the three people have a doubtful expression on the term 'event movie'. Eric can only continue to explain: "The so-called event movie is the movie that the box office is far from the film company's previous predictions. Full of contingency, maybe ten or twenty years may not be able to meet one. Strictly speaking, even my last Jurassic Park was not an event film, Jurassic Park. The success of the global box office market can only be regarded as the inevitable development trend of the expansion of the global box office market and the large-scale production of special effects films. In the next few years, there will surely be a g-effect film with a global box office of more than 1 billion US dollars."

David West asked: "Eric, since you said that "Jurassic Park" is an inevitable trend in market development, why isn't "Lion King" a normal performance of the demand for animated films?"

"Because before Jurassic Park, we have seen the box office market reaction of "Terminator 2" and "Tornado" special effects films. The global box office of Terminator 2 is 500 million US dollars. The global total of tornadoes should be close to $700 million?” Eric’s last sentence was to look at Kelly Haynes.

Kelly Haynes had a slight gaze on Eric’s slyness and saw that he suddenly turned to himself, inexplicably remembering Eric’s morning phrase “I like women who are sensitive to numbers”. Feeling a lot of heartbeat, but the female assistant did not hesitate to report a number: "According to the final statistics, "Tornado" global box office totaled 688 million US dollars, a difference of 12 million less than 700 million."

Eric nodded and turned to the opposite three, saying: "Terminator 2" 500 million globally, "Tornado" global 700 million, and then, "Jurassic Park" global 1 billion, these data should be able to prove the market Development trend, but in the 2d animated film, I have not seen this trend at all. There is a corresponding analysis in this document, and everyone can see it."

Although David West, who asked the question, was somewhat reluctant, he found that he could not refute. Warren Buffett nodded slightly and gestured to Eric: "Eric, please continue."

"So, confirm that Lion King is a movie that is difficult to replicate. Let's first look at an important change in the Hollywood film distribution model in recent years."

Eric said, turning the file in his hand, said: "After the first saturated release model of "Jaws" in 1975, it took twenty years. Although this distribution model has been recognized by Hollywood, Before the 1990s, the pattern of saturated distribution and long-term distribution still coexisted in commercial movies, which can be seen in the data statistics table in the document."

A few people left some time to look through the data, Eric continued: "But with the arrival of the 1990s, the upgraded version of the saturated release strategy has risen rapidly, and in recent years there have been a full release of proprietary nouns. This kind of issuance mode is more radical than the traditional saturated issuance. The film company has invested a large amount of funds in the early stage to carry out large-scale advertising campaigns. After accumulating enough influence, it will immediately spread 2,000 to 3,000 theaters. In general, through eight weeks. The screening of the time harvested 80% to 90% of the box office share of the box office. Ten years ago, taking Universal's "Back to the Future" as an example, the film's eight-week cumulative box office was only 57% of the total box office, even if it was Because of the accumulation of word-of-mouth in the first part, in the second part, the "Raiders of the Lost Ark 2", which is similar to the full-issuance mode, was only 77% in the eight-week box office. The showtimes of "Back to the Future" and "Raiders of the Lost Ark 2" are also A very interesting number, "Back to the Future" played for a total of 37 weeks, and "Raiders of the Lost Ark 2" was only shown for 20 weeks. We can see from the file that in recent years, a full-release film was shown. Time has been significantly reduced compared to the 1980s. The greatly shortened show time means that the theater can free up more time and canvas, arrange more movies, and Hollywood’s box office has risen rapidly in recent years. The popularity of the model has a lot to do with it. Therefore, full release will be an inevitable trend in Hollywood's future film distribution model." (To be continued.)

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