I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 627: Psychological shadow area

Eric looked at the female assistant and got a look of eyesight. He continued to talk: "The income forms around animation are mainly divided into toy production, image authorization, amusement park theme, original soundtrack, stage play, etc., because of innate The 3D stereoscopic advantage, whether it is the variety of toys that can be developed or the popularity, 3d animation is far more than 2d animation. ∷,"

"These people can see from the table in their hands. For example, "Toy Story", there are more than 100 kinds of toys around this 3D animation, and the number of surrounding images is more than 300. And "Beauty and the Beast" There are only 60 kinds of toys in the same category as Aladdin, and the sales are far less than the 3D animation. The number of peripheral licenses is also less than 3D animation."

"Other peripheral categories, according to this data, the surrounding income of 3d animation basically exceeds 2d animation, and the only 2d animation is ahead of the 3d animation. The animation is the stage play box office income, mainly because of the 2d animation. The story theme is relatively easy to adapt. But this part of the income is insignificant in all the surrounding."

In the end, Eric concluded: "So, in the case of cost, box office and the surrounding three aspects will have no advantage, I can not think of continuing to maintain the 2d animation department."

Noticing the expression of the three old guys at the same time, Eric smiled, but did not intend to stop, open a new page, said: "So, next, is the difference in the production cycle of the two animated films."

Ignore the obvious bitter smile of the three people, Eric said from his own eyes: "In the Disney era, from Michael Eisner in 1984, he took over Disney and adjusted the animation department. To the first big success "Little The mermaid was released. It took five years to complete. The subsequent animated films such as "Beauty and the Beast" and "Aladdin" were basically started in the years when Michael Ace was in office."

“I have done simple statistics. The average production cycle of hand-drawn animated movies is 5 years, because hand-drawn animation has a very big disadvantage compared to computer animation. After the computer animation is imaged by computer for 3D modeling, many materials are Can be used repeatedly, which saves a lot of manpower and time costs, so Pixar made "Toy Story" and "Bug Crisis" for only two years."

“And every frame of the hand-drawn animation must be hand-drawn by the animator. In addition, in order to ensure that the production process does not do much useless work, it takes a long time before a hand-drawn animation project starts. During the incubation period, determining every detail of an animated film will seriously delay the production of a hand-drawn animation."

Notice that David West's mouth moved, Eric laughed. "I think David you must want to ask, why not hire some people?"

"Well," David West reluctantly spread his hand. Very ‘fitted’ to imitate Eric’s tone: “Why don’t you hire more people?”

In the box, several other people laughed, and Eric explained with a smile: "This is back to the topic I just said. After the 3D animation is modeled by computer, the image of the animated character is fixed. There are many people who can be responsible for a project. Of course, this number is absolutely impossible to expand indefinitely."

"But the hand-drawn animations are different, because different animators have their own painting styles. The number of animators in a project is limited to a certain range, and the style of the entire animation can be kept uniform, but if the number of projects is too large, unless The producers and directors have superb co-ordination skills. Otherwise, the audience is likely to find differences in the image of the film before and after the film and even the characters in the process of watching movies. I think no matter who is in the process of watching the film, this situation is encountered. The mood will be very bad, right?"

After Buffett’s three people were forced to nod, Eric said: “In fact, the long production cycle is not a big deal. As long as it can bring great works and rich profits, I think time is not a problem. The problem is here. Compared to 3D animation, the production cycle of 2d animation is not only long, but also has another very important disadvantage. Do you know what it is?"

Buffett shook his head with a smile, and David West and Tom Murphy unabashedly opened another page of information.

Sitting next to Eric, Kelly Haynes certainly knew the answer, but she didn’t answer Eric’s question. She just looked at the young boss next to her, and unconsciously raised her chin. Looked with his own admiration of not knowing.

Eric and others all opened up the following information before continuing to say: "Everyone knows that Hollywood sequel films are often the most stable and profitable, but whether it is "Little Mermaid" or "Aladdin" or "Beauty and the Beast", these hand-drawn animated films have no public release sequel, but plan to release the video tape directly. The main reason for this is because the production cycle of 2d hand-drawn animation film is too long, if the script in the sequel There is a tangled entanglement that may exceed the average five-year period of six years and seven years or even longer."

“And I just said that the younger audience of 2d animated films will be replaced every seven years. Maybe after the sequel to these films is finished, the children’s audience who have occupied more than 40% of the audience will have grown up to no longer have 2d animations. In the adolescents of interest, the sequel has no basis for popularity in the new low-age audience."

"So, after a hot hand-drawn animation, Disney's consistent strategy is to directly produce a sequel to the release of the videotape, which is a small screen, no matter the plot or quality requirements, this is not high, this It also has the advantage of rapid production and low cost. The film version of Aladdin is more than 20 million US dollars, the production cycle is four and a half years, and the sequel of direct release video tape is only 5 million US dollars, and the production process It took only two years. Although it earned huge profits, this kind of shoddy videotape, which is only for the pursuit of profit maximization, is actually an excessive consumption of the Disney brand. In this respect, 3D animated film is in The age distribution of the audience group, or the production cycle. They all have absolute advantages. As long as the 3D animation works are popular enough, not only can the sequel be produced in two to three years, but even after seven years or even longer, because The popularity of all ages can still initiate a sequel."

Having said that, the three old men have not continued to open the next information, Buffett took the lead to express: "Eric. If you need, I can openly support your decision in the newspaper tomorrow, I think Tom and David doesn't mind doing this. However, I still have one last question. You can choose not to answer. I will not change my decision."

Eric nodded.

Buffett asked: "With the current strength of fireflies, it is not a big problem to continue to maintain the more flexible transformation of Disney's hand-drawn animation department for several years, and I think this sector will still bring enough profit to Disney in the short term. In the case of the "Lion King" box office, why do you insist on such a radical measure?"

Eric replied: "This reminds me of a little story in an article about your life."

Buffett smiled and said Eric said, and Tom Murphy also showed a curious expression.

Eric said: "I remember that article about the Berkshire Hathaway textile mill. In 1985, the Hathaway textile mill was completely shut down, and all the equipment in the plant was sold at almost the price of scrap iron. Just $160,000. The article specifically proposed to mention that in 1981, the Hasawe textile mill replaced 200 sets of certain textile equipment, the unit price was 5,000 US dollars, and just four years later, the equipment processing price averaged down. With only $16 left, if you choose to close the profitable textile business in 1981, you will not only be able to avoid the loss of millions of dollars in equipment spending, but also bring millions of Hathaway through the sale of textile business. The dollar has extra income, but just four years later, the value of all this has slipped to $160,000."

Buffett did not refute, and nodded frankly, saying: "This is indeed a personal business mistake. At that time, the manager of the Hathaway Textile Factory, Ken Zeiss, always advised me to pack the textile business, but I did not. ”

Eric took the topic back to Buffett’s question and said: “In fact, the measures I have taken are not intense. Two years ago, I have revealed the intention to turn the animation department into 3D production, but most people seem to They are not too serious, they may think that hand-drawn animation is indispensable for Disney. Six months ago, I officially announced the detailed reform plan to the Disney Animation Department, but still did not attract enough attention, and now..." Rick's spreader: "Perhaps even the members of the Disney animation department who originally supported the digital reform will definitely change their minds. Disney's hand-painted animation department has more than 700 animators, and other support staff add up to more than 1,000 people, whether it is out In terms of social influence or labor law constraints, I never thought that these people would be directly unemployed. I gave them enough time to make changes, but they did not cherish it. This time is just a good opportunity to take "Lion King" The influence, even if they leave Disney, I think there will be no risk of unemployment, so this is a The best time to throw off the burden, perhaps fireflies can also derive an extra income. 2d animation film fading future, then you need to worry about these livelihoods, and will no longer be a firefly. "

Buffett listened carefully to Eric’s words and asked, “What do you mean by saying, are you going to sell Disney’s hand-painted animation department as a whole?”

"The first choice in my heart is still to make the hand-drawn animation department digitally transform. Disney's hand-drawn animation department has very good production and director talents. If you can successfully transform 3D animation, Disney will not have to re-cultivate," Ke said, some regretfully shook his head and said: "But now, this possibility is already very low. If the two sides can not reach an agreement, I will package the entire hand-painted animation department."

"This kind of solution doesn't seem to work," said Tom Murphy. "The most important thing in the animation department is the hand-painted animators, not the valuable assets such as real estate, patents or copyright. If you can't agree in the end, I think they are even less likely to let themselves be sold as chips."

“It’s nothing more than a profit,” Eric said. “As long as they agree. Fireflies can compensate some of the money sold in the animation department. They are returned. And I think the buyer definitely wants to get a complete animation department. Fireflies can also sell part of the 2d animated film copyright to increase the success rate of the transaction. At the same time, the overall sales, animation department staff can also get a higher salary from the buyer. Then, the interests of the three aspects are completely consistent. I can't think of any reason for their refusal."

David West couldn't help but say: "Eric, I really want to know. You haven't considered anything else."

Eric just wanted to answer, but Buffett has already said: "There are still long-term bonds that are being issued, Eric. I have consulted the bond issue before, and Morgan Stanley and Deutsche Bank have sold a total of 4.9 billion US dollars. The firefly long-term bond has a remaining share of $3.1 billion. If you insist on closing the hand-painted animation department, it will definitely affect the firefly's current bond issue. Have you considered it?"

“Of course,” Eric nodded. “The current paper-based assets that fireflies have been stripped for and the hand-drawn animation department that is likely to be sold are at least $2 billion in free cash flow for fireflies. It is enough to make up for any possible impact of the unfavorable bond issuance. Moreover, I believe that after the firefly released the first half of the financial report in July, the possibility of bond sales being almost blocked is zero, investors can see a hand-painted as long as they are not stupid. The animation department does not have much impact on the profitability of the Firefly Group."

"So, I have no problems here," Buffett said at the end: "Eric, if you need our help in this matter, can you speak out?"

Eric knocked on several documents on the desktop and said: "With regard to the contents of this document, I hope that everyone can keep it confidential. Once leaked, those potential buyers will definitely change their minds."

Buffett has already recorded the whole document in his extraordinary memory. He also hoped to leave this document to taste it, but Eric said that Buffett took the information and handed it over. , smiled: "In this case, perhaps you bring this document back to the most insured."

Tom Murphy and David West followed and handed the documents back to Eric.

Eric did not refuse, collected several documents, and said: "In addition, as far as this is concerned, as long as everyone can cooperate and help persuade other shareholders to remain silent, then wait for the final result."

Buffett said: "No problem, I will call a few calls after dinner."

Tom Murphy and David West gave the same promise, and the three men represented the interests of some of the original ab shareholders. As long as they came out to lobby, there would be no more trouble inside the fireflies.

After the disagreement was resolved, the next dinner was very pleasant. The three Buffett were the elites who had been in the business for decades. Although Eric was too young in the eyes of several people, the complete memory of the previous life also made him face three. Any topic of the old man did not fall, which made the Buffett three people look at each other again.

The end of the dinner is already at eleven o'clock midnight, because it is a civilian-level restaurant, and the total consumption of five people is only $220. This invitation was issued by Buffett, but there was no scene of common squabbling in Eric’s memory.

However, when Buffett calculated a serious $33 tip to the waiter who had been expecting a night, except for Tom Murphy, an old friend who had been with Buffett for many years, turned a blind eye. In addition, Eric, David West and even Kelly Haynes have an urge to pretend to be passers-by.

Until the Buffett three people left by car, Eric could also feel the female assistant beside her face forced to suppress some impulses.

Eric also no longer disguised the smile that had just been patient, and said to Kelly: "Is it calculating the psychological shadow area of ​​the waiter?"

Kelly Haynes heard the completely unfamiliar phrase of 'Psychological Shadow Area' and succumbed to it, but soon realized the humor and ridicule, and the depressed smile instantly burst into the air, saying: "I think this time. After that, the waiter will never have any expectations for the billionaire again."

Chatting casually, the two walked towards the parking lot next to them, and the driver had already waiting for the car.

The Italian restaurant for dining just shared the parking lot with a movie theater next door, which happened to be the end of a film. The audience crowded out of the cinema. Coming to Eric and Kelly. It is already late at night. Adults and children are few in appearance, and most of them come out are teenagers with rich nightlife, and of course, a couple of lovers.

In order to avoid being recognized, Eric took out his sunglasses and noticed that the female assistant's gaze on his side happened to fall on a couple who were almost glued together. He joked: "I also have free arms for rent here. ,free."

Kelly Haynes felt her heart **** and jumped, but she calmly squinted Eric: "Boss. You are really harassing."

Eric thought that Kelly Haynes was angry and was apologizing. The two men greeted the crowds. In the collision, Kelly Haynes subconsciously reached out and grabbed the man's arm next to him. Immediately, the two men's footsteps were unreasonable.

Eric looked puzzled at the female assistant who looked down. Although the sunglasses affected her eyesight, he still found that the woman’s original face was stained with a layer of blush.

After the flow of people and Eric met, they quickly turned to the parking lot next to them. Eric saw that the woman did not let go of her own meaning, and tried to reach out and hold the other's waist. Follow the crowd and walk towards the parking lot.

Carter Moen saw the two men coming, quietly pulling the door open, and looking at the innocent look, he did not blame it.

But Kelly Haynes has been ashamed to almost flee, and her mind quickly drifted through a series of thoughts: What happened to me, I just did not deliberately... I am ten years older than him, he will What do you think... It seems that he always likes to mature and swear... Hey, I am thinking about it, I don’t know how to be shameful... This is my boss... He will think that I am casual... No, I He must be let go of him...but he is glaring at me, how can I let go... It’s over, the job must be lost...

Eric gently put the woman into the carriage and sat in it. Carter Moen got on the bus and waited quietly for the boss's instructions. According to experience, it should not be a return to the sharp corner manor.

After a few minutes of silence, Eric glanced at some female assistants who were unsettled, remembered the movie theater just now, and tried to say: "Would you like to go to see a midnight movie?"

Kelly Haynes finally woke up and shook her head quickly. "It's already late, I have to go to work tomorrow."

Eric tried to make a joke to ease the atmosphere and said: "Don't forget, your boss is there."

"But Mr. Kasenberg is not so good to talk. If I am late for the regular meeting tomorrow morning, he... he will definitely be furious."

Eric will not interfere with the authority of the management because of these trivial things, saying: "So, I will send you back, where is your home?"

Kelly Haynes heard this question and her mind was flustered again, but she still said her address.

Eric gestured to Carter Moen and the car quickly started.

Forty minutes later, the limousine stopped outside a villa in the affluent area of ​​northern Santa Monica.

Because of the previous contact, there was not a few exchanges between the two on the way. After Kelly Haynes got off the bus, Eric went out of the car with courtesy.

"So, see you tomorrow," Eric said, feeling the atmosphere was a bit strange. He subconsciously wanted to put his hands in his pocket, but he now wears a suit instead of a casual outfit. It would look weird to do so. There is no action.

Kelly Haynes whispered low and still didn't dare to look at Eric's eyes: "Good night, old... boss."

Eric can feel that the woman is careful to use this more formal name to draw a line with her own mind, and echoes: "Good night, Miss Haines."

The female assistant just just subconsciously wants to remind herself and Eric with the name 'boss', but when I hear Eric’s similarly alienated title, my heart is picking up, and it’s a moment, saying: “Or, Don't come in for a cup of coffee."

Eric always felt that he was a pity and a jealous person. He felt the suffering of the woman in front of him. He was so annoyed that he suddenly lost patience. Turned and knocked on the window next to it, when Carter Moen lowered the glass window and said, "I am going to Kelly's house for a cup of coffee. You will pick me up tomorrow morning.

The bodyguard was also simply, nodded, and then started the car.

Kelly Haynes stared blankly at everything that happened in front of her, and her face became red again. "I, I don't mean anything else, I just want it, I want you to have a cup of coffee..."

In the end, the voice of the female assistant was already inaudible, and she realized that it was almost twelve o'clock now, what coffee to drink.

Eric smugly smothered the body in front of her, and under the weak resistance of the woman, said: "I don't mean anything else. I haven't run a marathon for a long time. I just have a cup of coffee to mention and then run back. Malibu, I am sure I can get home before dawn."

Kelly Hines snorted and laughed. The last tangled tangled and inexplicable vanished, whispered: "You are really a rogue."

With that said, the woman did not resist anything. When they walked into the villa together, they couldn’t wait to turn on the lights. The two figures in the dim light had already been posted together. The servant kissed for a long time and felt Eric’s more and more arrogant movements. What the female assistant is about to say, a voice that is somewhat doubtful has already rang in advance: "Ms. Haines, is that you?"

Kelly Haynes bounced off Eric from the electric shock and trembled and replied: "Jane, it's me, you... you can continue to sleep."

The voice paused and quickly replied: "Okay, Ms. Haines."

Listening to the ear for a while, to determine the other party did not mean to go out of the room, Kelly just let go, feel Eric once again wrapped around, she quickly pushed the man, whispered: "I went to see Nina."

Eric sighed and felt the woman in the glimmer walking toward a room next to him, and also subconsciously followed.

When he came to the door, Kelly Haynes realized that Eric, behind him, thought about what would happen next. The woman couldn’t help but be ashamed and shouted: "You, don't follow me."

Eric thought that Kelly was going to her daughter's bedroom and stopped.

After a few minutes, the female assistant came out again and again, Eric no longer continued to endure, and some of the rough women picked up, the voice hoarsely asked: "Where is the bedroom?"

The woman's body trembled in one direction, and the two figures quickly disappeared into a house.

What they didn't know was that in the nanny room, another girl named Jennifer stood behind a cracked door, widened her eyes, licked her mouth with one hand, and stood for a few minutes, and then it was Let her sleep all night.

I remembered the Hollywood big man who had been curiously prying out, and the thoughts in his mind turned around for a whole night. (To be continued.)

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